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P A G E 4
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
<vJgW Saturday n.onth at 8:00 nights each
\ p. m.
All qualified Masons invited.
There will be sold before the
Court House door in said State
and County, between the legal
hours of sale on the first Tues¬
day in October, 1958 the follow¬
ing property ;-
lYz acres, more or less of Lot 144
in the 11th district and 4th sec¬
tion of Dade County. Georgia,
beginning at a rock corner on
the west line of Scenic Highway
675 feet south of the north line
of said lot; thence west parellel
to the north lot line 350 feet to
west brow of Lookout Mountain;
thence southerly along said
brow 200 feet to a rock corner;
thence eastwardly 350 feet to
Scenic Highway; thence north¬
wardly 200 feet along the high¬
way to the beginning point.
Reference is made to Deed Book
32 , page 115 for further
Said property will be sold to
satisfy State and County tax fi.
fas. for the years 1954, 1955, 1956
and 1957, issued by John W.
Murphy, Tax Commissioner,
against John Bartlett. Said pro¬
perty levied on as the property
of John Bartlett, defendant
named in said tax fi. fa.
This September 4, 1958.
Allison Blevins
Sheriff of Dade County, Ga.
WHEREAS, on March 8th, 1956
Otho Foster executed and de¬
livered to Bank of Dade, a se¬
curity deed conveying the pro¬
perty hereinafter described to
secure an indebtedness therein
described, which security deed is
of record in Book 48. pages 381,
et seq., of Dade County Deed
Records, reference to same being
made for its terms and pro¬
visions. And
WHEREAS, b y instrument
dated October 11, 1957, Bank of
Dade transferred and assigned
unto Mrs. Gertrude Foster the
aforesaid security deed, the debt
secured therein thereby, the property
described and all rights
and powers therein granted,
which assignment is of record in
Book 48, page 383 of Dade
County Deed Records, to which
reference is here made. And
WHEREAS, the said Otho Fos¬
ter has defaulted in the pay¬
ment of the debt secured by said
security deed and all of the un¬
paid part thereof is now past
due and unpaid.
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant
to the power and authority
granted in said security deed,
the undersigned Mrs. Gertrude
Foster will on Tuesday the 7th
day of October, 1958. within the
legal hours of sale, at the Court
House door in Dade County,
Georgia, expose to sale and will
sell to the best and
bidder for cash the property
described in said security
which is described as follows:-
A certain tract or parcel of
lying and being in Land Lot
292 in the 10th district and
section of Dade County,
described as follows:- BEGIN¬
NING at a point on the
line of said lot where the
line of the Gulf road is
sected by a road which
northwardly to what is
as the Wade property;
running north along the
side of the last named road
feet, more or less, to the
line of what is known as
Wade lands; thence
along the south line of what
known as the Wade land,
'feet, more or less, to a
c o r n e r;i thence
along the line between this
and a tract formerly owned
Luther Taylor, 480 feet, more
less, to the north side of
road; thence eastwardly
said road, 180 feet, more or
to the beginning point.
tract contains 2 acres, more
less, and is the property
which Otho Foster now
Pursuant to the power
authority contained in said
curity deed, the
Mrs. Gertrude Foster will
ecute and deliver to the pur
chaser a conveyance of
property in fee simple,
divesting out of the said
Foster and all persons
under him all right, title
interest they have in and to
property and vesting the
in the purchaser.
This 5th day of
Mrs. Gertrude Foster
By: Maddox J. Hale
Friends in the Court House
gave Miss Naomi Hubble a
“coffee break” party and en¬
gagement gift on Monday morn¬
ing in honor of her approaching
marriage. The date set for
marriage to ]Mr. Harold Lyda,
from the Deer Head Cove Com¬
munity, is for Friday, Oct. 24
As Mr. Lyda works in Chatt¬
anooga and as Miss Hubble is
planning to continue her work
as Home Demonstration Agent,
they are planning to make their
home in Trenton.
COURT . . .
(Continued From Page 1)
Residence. Found guilty by jury.
Sentenced to 12 months in Pub¬
lic Works Camp.
Jerry Ault, Possessing Liquor.
Charles Bell, Malicious Mischief.
Sammie Bell, Malicious Mis¬
chief. Alvin Melton, Possessing
Liquor. Sammie Bell, Public
Drunkenness. Lester Daniel,
Drunk at Private Residence.
Joseph W. Puree, Possessing
Distilling Apparatus. Dennis
Daniel, Possessing Liquor. Earn-
iest Haney, Drunk at Private
Residence. Don Conner, Lar¬
ceny. Junior Wimberly, Larceny.
Ott Buckles, Public Drunken¬
A daughter of Will West came
to this office and stated that
the car driven by her father was
not weaving across the road and
that Brenda Stewart was not in
her yard but on the side of the
toad between a neighbors and
her home.
We invite your inspection and
suggestions. Avakian’s
We have invested a sizeable
sum of money to give you a
clean, confortable and pleasant
place to eat. Avakian's.
You Will Find
What You Need For
Your Home & Auto
A uto
Owner & Manager
As required by law, I
herewith statement of
Incurred in my campaign
the office of
Dade County, in the
held Sept. 10, 1958. for
County, Georgia.
Entrance Fee ......
Advertising & Printing____
Automobile expenses......
Cigars, refreshments, etc.
Personally appeared W.
Gross, before the
authority duly authorized
administer oaths, and
first duly sworn on oath
that the within and
statements of expenses is a
.and correct account of
ses incurred by him as a
ate for the office of
tive of Dade County
by the Democratic Primary
tion held September 10th 1958.
Woodrow W. Gross
Sworn to and subscribed
fore me this 1st day of
Grace H. Williams
Clerk of Superior Court
Dade County. Ga.
An automobile saleman does not sell lumber—a lum¬
ber yard does not sell shoes.
Why buy drug store items—patent medicines, sham¬
poo, cosmetics, film, etc. at a grocery store ?
Your pharmacist is ready and able to advise you and
your family on which medicine fits your needs, which
shampoo is best for you, which shade of lipstick you
should wear. All this advice and help is absolutely free.
Support your pharmacist in the little items as well as
prescriptions. Without your support he cannot remain
in business.
Trade at the drug store of your choice, but give the
drug store your utmost support.
This advertisement in behalf of National Pharmacy
Week, October 5-11.'
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