Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Post Office
Trenton, Ga., as 2nd class
Mrs. C. C. Morrison,
Mr. and Mas. Ray Ryan
the proud parents of a &
Gerry LeAnn born on October
The Alvin Taylor family’s
day visitors were Sgt. 1/c
E. Steele and family from
Rucker, Ala.
Mrs. Mammy Jane Blevins
in the Tri-County Hospital
lowing a stroke Tuesday
Mrs. Kathrine Davis,
of Public Welfare, will
the day in Waycross, Ga. at
meeting this Friday.
Ordinary and Mrs. A. W.
spent the Thanksgiving
at Lake Prividence, La.
Mr. Peck’s sister and her
Lt. R. M. Morrison, Jr.
Mrs. William Short were
visitors of their parents
R. M. Morrisons.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wright,
have returned from a trip
Detroit, Michigan and
They report being just ahead
all the snow.
Cheryl Clayton, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Clayton
Wildwood, had her tonsils
moved in a Chattanooga
tal last Friday.
Clfton Cagle caught an 8
buck on his father’s place
Head River during the
season. He is having the
C. M. Page, 20 years a
school mentor, has been
as coach of the year for
Glynn Academy to an
season for the third time in
15 years at the
school. And. ironically, he
“Winning football is 70 per
material, 20 per cent
10 per cent luck.”
Some of those attending
Georgia-Georgia Tech
game in Athens, Ga. last
day were Mr. and Mrs. C.
Kyzer, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pulllen
son Billy and Mr. Pullen’s
ther and his wife and son,
and Mrs. E. T. Brown and
D. E. Morrison.
Mrs Kathrine Moore of
Salem and most of her
gathered at the home of Mr.
Mrs. iDriggs Moore and
near Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Sunday for a get-together
least. Attending were Mr.
Mrs. W. B. Logan and the
H. Moores from Kingston,
Lawrence Moores from
Ma and Ken from the
and Evelyns family, and
man and Gladys and boys
Trenton. If that turkey and
could speak they would
those folks sure had a time.
Week - end Price Specials
1957 DODGE Royal ‘8’ 4 dr. Lancer, Torqueflite transmission,
low milage, one owner
1955 CHEVROLET 210 Delray Club Sedan, Powerglide,
One Owner, Black & White
1955 DODGE Royal ‘8’, 4 dr. Powerflite, One Owner,
2-tone Blue
1953 FORD, Customline V-8, 4 dr. Sedan, One Owner
1953 DODGE V 2 Ton Pickup, Extra Nice Local Truck,
Perfect Condition
Dyer Motor Co.
A.S. * C.
(Continued , From Page ,, 1)
placed in his 1958 cotton allot¬
ment in the Soil Bank is eligible
to vote in the December 15
'' These are the prlncl *
clas * s of , pe rs0 "f wh „ ° are de '
fined as ‘eligible , the office „
manager explained, “but a per¬
son may also qualify to vote as
a guardian, administrator, exe¬
cutor, or trustee for another
person. In such a case the
person for whom he is acting
may not also vote.
“Each individual’s right to
vote depends upon his or her
own qualifications.” the office
manager concluded, “and this
applies to husbands and wives,
as well as minors who were en¬
gage in the production of cot¬
ton in 1958.”
Where any person has a ques¬
tion about his eligibility to vote
in the December 15 referendum
of 1959 cotton marketing quotas,
he is urged to get in touch with
his local County ASC Office
where he may obtain all the
necessary facts.
The community polling places
and the referendum committee¬
men serving the December 15,
poll are as follows, corrected
from last week:
Sand Mountain — Dock Step¬
hens’ Store Referendum Com¬
mittee—W. Claude Smith, W. M.
Hartline, Charlie L. Green.
Valley—ASC Office Referen-
dum Committee—W. H. Pullen
Ewell T. Brown, J. P. Lambert.
Horace M. Fischer
Funeral services for Horace M.
Fischer, 72, of Rising Fawn, Ga
who died November 29, were
’held at the Byrd’s Chapel Met¬
hodist Church, with the Rev.
Richard Looney and Rev. James
Ball officiating. Surviving are
his wife, Mrs. Maggie Castle¬
berry Fisher, Rising Fawn;
three sons. Neal Fischer, Mark
Fischer, Rising Fawn, and Mal¬
colm Fischer, Trenton; Two sis¬
ters, Mrs. Lois Castleberry,
Knoxville, Tenn., and Mrs.
Charlie Castleberry, Rising
Fawn; two brothers, Adolphus
Fischer and Herman Fischer,
Rising Fawn; and five grand¬
children. Interment was in
Byrd’s Chapel Cemetery. Active
pallbearers were: Glenn Castle¬
berry, Charles Rogers, Middleton
Castleberry, Willie G. Williams,
Austin White and Johnny Mur¬
phy. Honorary pallbearers were
members of the Adults and
Young Adult Sunday School
Classes of Byrd’s Chapel Met¬
hodist Church.
Our water is scientifically
treated so you can enjoy water
at it’s very best. Avakian’s
There was a general
for the Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bible spent
long holiday in Knoxville
their daughter’s family the
F. Alfords including a trip
Morristown to visit with
Max Foresters.
The Lunsford Fricks and
Young were with relatives
Atlanta and Newnan. Mr.
Mrs. Leon Fannin visited
Fannin’s sister and familly
Ashville, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley
Mahans are visiting their
ter, Grace, in Miami. Mr.
Mrs. L. M. Allison were
guests of Mrs. Alma Baker
Payne. Richard Fricks. Jr.
turned home with his
Mrs. Gene Davis and Gene.
and Mrs. Richard Looney
with his parents at Emory,
The Owen Woodyards, Jr.
children drove to
S. C. for the holidays and
and Mrs. Woodyard, Sr.
ed with them.
This community has been
dened by two deaths: Mrs.
Dawkins and Horace
Many out-of-town persons
tended each service. It is
sad that funerals have
a home-coming for those
hae moved to far away places.
Mrs. Nell Terrill, sister of
Dawkins, is the guest of
other sister, Mrs. Walter
Lawrence Woodyard has
turned from California
he has been on a job, and
be home permanently.
came for the vacation
Paducah, Ky.
Many attended the
wedding of Lydia
and Franklin Wilson, who
purchased the J. C.
home and will live there as J.
and family have purchased
Comstock home and
Mrs. George Gearrin is
valescing at her home here.
Misses Cureton and
Stroud spent Thanksgiving
the W. D. Jacoways and
son Gills in Chattanooga.
B. A. Lampkin and Miss Jon
Hulsey of Birmingham spent
week-end in Rising Fawn
the Curetons and Mrs. Stroud.
The Rev. Charles Webb
resigned as teacher at the Ris¬
ing Fawn School in order to
give full time work to his
church. He and Mrs. Webb
moved December 1 to Tiftonia
to be near her work as well as
near his church, near Sarah’s
Chapel. Mrs. L. E. Slater will
replace him at the Rising Fawn
We serve the best food obtain¬
able at the lowest practical
prices. Avakian’s
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month
Legion Hall.
Dennis Sullivan, Comdg
A. J. Atchley, Adg.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
Saturday nights each
month at 8:00 p. m.
J. B. Sullivan, W. M.
Trenton, Georgia
Open 7:30 a. m., Close 6 p. m.
Close at 12 on Wed.
The Ladies Aid of the
wood Methodist Church
serve a chicken stew supper
the Community House on Satur¬
day night, December 6.
to start at 6 p. m. Proceeds
supper to be used for remodel¬
; ing of the Community House.
The drink everybody
Weddings Commercial
Socials Industrial
Family Groups Aerial
Dave Brewer
Black Photography & White
and Color
P. O. Box 121 Phone: Flat Rock, Ala.
Trenton, Ga. MErcury 2-2425
Hunting industry
INDUSTRIAL development representatives of the
Georgia Power Company travel far and wide in
search of new manufacturing and processing
plants. Their work is exciting and gratifying, for
its effects are felt throughout Georgia.
Another industrial plant brings more jobs, more
payrolls. It boosts the state’s economy and
standard of living.
A report for the first nine months of 1958 shows
that 86 new industries* have located on the Com¬
pany’s lines. These plants represent more than
$28 million of capital investment, 4,633 jobs, and
a yearly payroll of nearly $131/2 million.
Results such as these make it a rewarding job
to hunt new industry. For the Georgia Power
Company it’s a hunt that never ends.
* Manufacturing or processing plants representing capital
investments of $50,000 or more and employing 10 or
more workers.
» gifts «
for the entire family
Fri. & Sat. Only
ALL $1.00 Merchandise
Evelene Shoppe