Newspaper Page Text
Dade County's Only Newspaper.
Win Christmas
Lighting Contest
In the Christmas Lighting
contest first awards went to Mr.
iand Mrs. Dudley Cureton for
door and to Mr. and Mrs. Elijah
Elliott for outside decoration.
Second place to Mr. and Mrs.
George Grant for doorway and
third in the same division to
Col. and Mrs. Douglas Morrison.
In the outside division second
place to Mr. and Mrs. John Jones
and third to Mir. and Mrs. Henry
Honorable mention in Divis¬
ion 1 (door or doorway and ex¬
tra) was given to Mr. and Mrs.
Don Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Rud¬
olph Thompson, and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Dugan for their very
artistic and original designs.
Honorable mention was given in
Division II (outside or yard) to
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burns and
Mrs. James Ryan.
Mrs. Cureton took first place
with a madona angel in pastel
mosaic pattern on a plain black
back drop. Either side of the
door was draped with a garland
pf greenery lightly sprayed with
The George Grants doorway
was delicate in treatment and
lighting. The top of the door
was a soft snow scene with a
small child sitting on a sled.
Under this also in white was
“Merry Christmas To All". Each
side of the doorway was trim¬
med with many kinds of greens
put together in a graceful design
with a red ponsettia at the top.
The Douglas Morrison’s en¬
trance extended holiday hospit¬
ality with lighted Christmas
Itrees placed on either side of
the door and little angels and
other silver ornaments reflect¬
ing the light as the breeze turn-
led them. Lighted rows of cand¬
les in the windows completed a
balance of lights.
The Elijah Elliots wished “Joy"
to all by-passers. From the
striped canes mounted on red
that bedecked either side of the
wall, to the lighted trees, and
well placed letters spelling Joy,
the outside of the house and
yard was an array of artistic
holiday expression.
From Sand Mountain to atop
Lookout Mt. the judges went to
find the second award winner
in Division H. The John Jones
greeted by-passers with their
merry carolers (made toy the
Jones and well placed and light¬
ed) singing Christmas carols
and a Christmas tree with lights
flashing on and off. The Henry
Elliots on Sand Mt. took third
place in outside decoration.
Christmas lights from the win¬
dows on the porch and lights on
the outside trees made a Christ¬
mas back drop for their artist-
icly lighted Noel in large red
letters on their front yard.
The lights on the Chester Bu¬
chanan tree were not on when
the judges were on Sand Moun¬
tain but from all reports he had
strung lights on a large tree in
his yard, topped it with a large
star and this could be seen as
on came to the brow of the
mountain and all the way down,
seven with the valley. It was a
beautiful sight for those who
travel the mountain every night.
Each entry was really worthy
of an award or honoroble men-
(Continued to Page 2)
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
of 1958
Winners of Christmas Light¬
ing Contest: Mr. and Mrs.
George Grant, Avans, 1st—door-
way; Mr. and Mrs. John Jones,
New Salem, 1st—outside.
Fred Bradford opens barber
shop in Trenton.
Helping Hand organization
meeting, Worth T. Lea, J. c.
Herman, elected Chairmen.
Judge Erwin Mitchell elected
to seat in Congress, left vacant
toy death of Henderson
Al Webb S. C. 8 Technician
transferred to Tennessee.
Calvary Baptist unveils paint
City of Trenton officials take
office — Mayor, E. A. Ellis, Sr.;
City Recorder, C. W. Gray;, City
Councilmen, R. o. Chitwood, W.
R. Tatum, J. E. Morrison and
C.E. Kyzer. A. L. Dyer retires as
Mayor after 12 years service.
Co-op and Farm Bureau meet¬
ing-officers, Art E. Moore,
president; Hardee Price, 1st
president; D. E. Morrison,
vice-president; Mrs. Virginia
Konrad, secretary; Co-op board
of directors: K. D. Brown, C. R.
McKaig, J. W. Murphy, W. H.
Pullen, J. C. Pace and Hardee
Roy W. Moore’s sheep win 2nd
place in state contest.
Fire controlled in Lacy’s Rest¬
Johnny Lynch, Kenneth Pen¬
nington, winners in Chattan¬
ooga Golden Gloves Tourna¬
Dade County Public Library
opens in Trenton.
Second Red Cross Gray Ladies
Class starts at Tri-County hos¬
Food preservation clinic held.
Temperature drops below zero
following snow and ice; no mail,
long distance telephone out and
power service interupted.
Mayor E. A. Ellis dies, special
election called.
Mrs. Marjora Fricks, teacher
of the year.
Trenton Radio and TV
shop opens.
Charles T. Sims elected Tren-
ton mayor.
Western Auto Association
Store opens.
Kenneth Vann new S. C. S.
Grand Jury in session.
City studying new parking
New Home enters Chattanooga
area improvement contest
Valley Motor Company opens.
First Science Fair held at
Dade High.
Work begins on more rural
Basketball starts at high
A. B. Brannon opens shoe
and watch repair shop.
Trenton Home Demonstration
Club named club of the year
Dade High School Girls Trio,
winners of Region 7, Class C
music contest; placed fourth in
the state.
D. O. Chumley elected 1958-59
Dade High Principal.
Patricia Wheeler wins Georgia
Homemakes degree from State
of Georgia F. H. A.
County-wide dress revue
New Salem Methodist church
Rain swells creeks.
Dade County Tomato Growers
Association organized, Art E.
Moore elected president,
Dade High baseball team wins
4C north region championship.
Surplus food commodities dis¬
tribution in the county.
Office of Postmaster open at
White lines for parking paint¬
on courthouse square by Ex-
plorer Scouts j
Newly formed Dade County
Water Authority holds first
Right of way toeing secured
(for Cloverdale road 301.
Dade County Implement Co.
opens as agents for Massey-
Ferguson Tractors, and farm
machinery managed by Wade
New Salem receiving tele¬
phone service.
Big woods rural road started.
Cooking school sponsored by
Home Demonstration Council,
Judge Davis holds June term
Superior Court
Open Door Baptist Church
opens at Morganville.
Commencement exercise held
in Dade schools.
U. S. Highway 11 being sur-
ve ed
Survey started on County
Water system. ,
trur^roads 19 ^
Edwin Thompson begins
ies as Sanitarian for Dade Co.
Bids asked for Sand Mtn. road
I. O. Wheeler buys Gray’s
Ethel’s Superette opens in re¬
modeled Christian’s store.
Dade spent $198,483. on Wel¬
, M. J. Hale and Woodrow Gross
candidates for State House of
Postal rates increase.
Water rates for city increase.
56th Annual session of Look
out valley Misionary Baptist
Associatio nheld.
state Agriculture Dept, tours
Dade Tomato Grower’s Associ
^tion crop.
William T. Bodenhamer and
Lt. Gov. Vandiver, candidates
for governor, speak in Dade.
Public hearing on Super High¬
way Federal Interstate Route 59
2133 students start in Dade
Dade haas 3678 registered
Trenton Furniture moves to
Case Avenue.
1958 Tax levy rate same as
Avakian’s beocmes a restaur¬
Jonn L. Case Co. burns; total
loss. Plan to rebuild.
Vandiver wins for governor;
Hale for represntative.
Bank of Dade reaches approx¬
imately $900,000.00 in capital
September term of Superior
Court convenes.
Dr. _______ Paul W. Baker, ________ Jr. _ Clinic.] opens ^
dental offices at Trenton
Fair holds for 3 days. Rochelle
McBryar chosen queen.
12th annual Plum NellyJ
clothes line art show held.
Soil Fertility program launch¬
Published 1901
Plan band for Dade High.
Tatum building remodelled.
City Hall and Sally’s Beauty
Shop move to new quarters
Busy Bee Cafe enlarged.
Sulphur Springs rural road
project starts.
Dade to have County planning
Special meeting called for im-
provements at Dade County
High school grounds.
A representative from
water division of the U. S. Geol-
ogical service is working in
General election; few vote.
Water authority and city hold
joint meeting.
Tri-County hospital name
changed to John L. Hutcheson
Memoriol Tri-County hospital.
Dade Library receives
Lions Club and Jaycees buy
band instruments.
Committees named on Dade
High Improvement Club. A. L.
Dyer, chairman.
Charm School held.
Plans for improvement of U. S.
Highway 11 are underway.
?Study to be made of
County with view of more in-
formative planning for
and counties growth.
Boxin S bouts held ever y
da y inght *
state Highway Dept,
of ^ ce in Trenton.
Bank of Dade pays 100
cent stock dividend.
Meeting held to form
Dade has another newspaper
8th Annual
Christmas lighting and decora-
tion contest.
December term of Superior
Court convenes.
Sheriffs Report
ZZf The SheriH report, ^
ri at
Hooker Road on Dec 25. The
was loaded with beef.
. . , ___ was charged ,___. with
unded the influence,
placed in jail and fined $175.00,
according to the sheriff. !
On December 24, the Sheriff
two stills were cut down
Sand Mountain with a capa-
of 50o gallon pots .
On December 27 the Sheriff
a car ■with 130 gallons
illegal whiskey. On man was
under $500. bond.
On December 28, the Sheriff
that two local men side-
one another in a narrow
on a hill. The damage was
at about $150. to each
Wildlife Ranger Bob Baker
12,000 fish in Dade
County streams this week. Large
bass, bream, shell crac-[
and fingerlings were re-
at Sitton’s mill, also near
Foresters and at the old
bridge between Brown
and the old Gene Bates
Mrs. Annie Combs has retum-
from the hospital and is con- ;
at her daughter’s
Mrs. Jimmie Austin, of
New Construction
The construction on the John
L. Case building, which is to re-
P J ace the one destroyed by fire
is progressing in spite of the ad-
verse cold weather we have been
having. Every advantage has
'been taken of the more favor-
able weather conditions to in-
stall electrical and plumbing
lines and concealed fixtures.
This construction is slow and
time consuming.
j The type of construction is
such that once the preliminary
odds and ends have been finish-
«d, one can soon expect a rapid
progress in construction.
The method of construction is
new in Dade County, using some
of the latest methods in mas-
onry construction. All beams,
ifloors and walls are to be mas-
onry type. The main floor will
| consist of concrete floor joist
and fill blocks which have been
j precast forced and concrete set on will the job. then Rein- be
( poured over these joists and
fillers to band the whole into
one solid mass.
There will be very little ob-
jstructing members supporting
the roof, which will rest on what
'is termed purlines or rafters.
purlines rest on large
! prestressed concrete beams,
These beams are manufactured
by special process of stressing
cables and then molding con¬
crete around them while still
under stress. This adds many
times more strength to a con-
crete structure than older met-
hods of construction affolded,
1 also it allows lighter weight
beams to be used,
1 Precast concrete slabs 3M> in-
ches thick and 2Y 2 feet by 8 feet
will be set on the pur lines as
decking and ceiling,
j This arrangement will afford
a beautiful paneled ceiling re-
quirimg nothing more than
The joints of these slabs will
toe pointed up and cemented,
^ buUt
front will be very modern
attractive artificial lime-
stone, , brick ,. . and glass.
Rising Fawn
The Dan Tatum home was
where the family of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Tatum and children
gathered for their Christmas
dinner. There were 23 present,
They were, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
shal Wadell, their 2 grand-
children, Diana and Ben Miller,
Mrs. Mildred Pody, Pat, Joe, and
John Pody; Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Ashley of Chattanooga, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Newman of Knox-
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Vigga Hester
Terrell and Pete; Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Tatum, Kay, Delores, Tula
Ann, Sue and James Clyde
Brenda and Stehpen Newman
are the guests of their aunt,
Mrs. Flora Loyd.
Mr. Merle J. Loyd is critically
ill at the Veterans hospital in
Mountain Home, Tenn.
Rev. Montford Newman and
Hilton had as their Christmas
guests, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. New-
man of Knoxville, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence W. Newman, Stephen
and Brenda of Chattanooga.
--- "
Mrs. Mary Buffington is in a
Chattanooga hospital with
pneumonia it is reported.