Newspaper Page Text
For ambitious men,
ages 17 to 50, from
Northwest Georgia
area: in Industrial
Electronics and
Guided Missle Field
No previous experience
needed. Must toe willing to
spend one hour a day, four
days a week, on short,
practical industrial train¬
ing using actual equip¬
ment under the guidance
of our engineers. Arrange¬ for
ments will be made
those accepted so that
training will not interfere
with present employment
Positions for which this
training will qualify $140 you
currently pay $90 to
per week.
If you have a sincere de¬
sire t o better yourself
with a steady job and in¬
come, we will be glad to
discuss these opportuni¬
ties with you. No obliga¬
tion for strictly confident¬
ial interview with our
bonded personnel man.
Please write UNITED
TORIES, Box No 237, c/o
The IDade County Times,
giving age, address, work¬
ing hours at present; also
phone number, if you can
be reached by phone.
Elderly Lady will do baby sit¬
ting, either days or evenings.
Call Mrs. Rose Kossman, c/o
Mrs. F. Q. Avakian, OLiver
7-4261 3tp-3/19
FOR SALE: Deep and shallow
Well pumps. Trenton Furni¬
ture & Appliance._u* n
HIGHEST price paid for pine
and poplar logs. See us if you
have any to sell. Dyer Lumber
Company, Trenton, Ga.
DR? G. K. MacVane
Chiropractor and Naturopath
Ft. Payne, Ala.
WANTED TO BUY: —a used
adding machine. Dale Dover,
Trenton, Ga., Phone OLiver
7-3788. 3tp-3/5
and small appliances, call
Trenton Radio and T- V. Ser¬
vice, OL 7-3999, Trenton, Ga.
PLEASE trade with us, we need
the money — Avakian’s.
Driveways, Roads, Lake s,
Clearing, Leveling, Bush and
Bog 5 Alvin Reeves OL 7-4971.
' 4/16
FOR SALE: —6 room house and
bath, attached carport, hard¬
wood floors, pine cabinets, gas
heat. Well finished on inside.
Reasonably priced. OL 7-3741.
FOR SALE: 7 room house with
one acre of ground. Cave
Springs Community near Ris¬
ing Fawn,Ga. $1850.00. $400.00
down and balance in monthly
payments. Call OL 7-3781,
Trenton. ufn
gerator, 8 to 10 cubic feet.
Trenton Furniture & Appli-
ance Co. ufn.
FOR SALE: — Two-horse farm
wagon in fair condition. $30 or
trade for anything of equal
value. George Lawson, Rt. 2.
Trenton, Ga. (on Sand Mt. be¬
tween Magby and Whiteoak
Gaps) Phone OLiver 7-4346.
;ular meetings Trenton
> No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
Saturday nights each
\ month at 8:00 p. m.
qualified Masons invited.
>nd and fourth Thursday
7:30 P- M. every month
i Hall.
Home Demonstration
By Naomi Lyda
Plans have been completed
for the North Georgia District
Home Demonstration Council
meeting at Trenton, Georgia,
March 20.
Mrs. Curtis Watson, Toccoa,
District Chairman of the Coun¬
cil will preside at the meet¬
ing which begins at 10.00 a. m.
at the Methodist Church.
A devotional will be given by
Rev. Lee Hill, Pastor, Methodist
Church, Trenton. A word of wel
come will be given by Mrs. Alvin
Reeves, President of the Dade
County Council.
Miss Louise Meeks, District
/(gent, Agrioi'ultural Extension
Service, University of Georgia
College of Agriculture, will give
the response and introduce
special guests.
A speech, “Your Future with
Crafts’’, by Joe Moran, Lecturer,
University of Chattanooga, will
highlight the morning session.
Some 250 members from 10
counties in North West Georgia
are expected to attend the meet
ing. Lunch will be in Fellowship
After lunch a demonstration,
“Do It Yourself Automatically’’,
by Miss Doris Oglesby, Exten¬
sion Housing and Equipment
Specialist, will toe presented.
Miss Sandar Newberry, a stud¬
ent at the University of Georgia
will speak on “I Chose Home
Business conducted at the
meeting will include nomina¬
tions for state project chair-
MwmtnkZ&gm .
1 lljjp'ill
■/vs.-s>y///sssss .*/•*
Impala Sport Coupe.—like every Chevy—has Safety Plate Glass all around.
Chevy stons ... quickest qoes on a farthest gallon!
Chevy showed the best brakes of tne Here’s a car that knows how to get ability of its new brakes (with more lin¬
leading low-priced three in a test of the most out of a gallon. And it’s the ing area than any other low-priced car).
repeated stops at highway speeds con¬ only car in its field to bring you But why not stop by your dealer’s and
ducted and certified by NASCAR*. hydraulic valve lifters in all popular let Chevy do its own sweet talking!
Chevy also won over the other tw r o in engines—6 and V8. This means
a NASCAR economy run—with the smoother, quieter performance for you.
highest gas mileage for 6’s and V8’s at There are many other advances just
cruising speeds of just over 55 miles as fundamental as the efficiency of *Nutional
an hour. Chevrolet’s engines and the depend¬ Association for Stock Car Advanc'
and Research.
see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisal—early delivery!
Phone OL 7-3400 Trenton, Ga,
A revival is now in progress at
the P i n e y Grove Baptist
Church. The evangelist is Rev.
Ed. Whitler.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Brown
spent Sunday afternoon with
the Red Goodwin family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Medley and
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mitchell
spent Sunday with relatives in
Miss Patsy Hartline and Joan
Stowe were the guests of Miss
Joyce Blackstock last Tuesday
The week end guest of Rev.
and Mrs. Thomas Schild was
his aunt from Chattanooga.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cawford’s
guest Sunday was her mother
from Chattanooga.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison
spent Sunday with_ their daugh¬
ter Mrs. J. E. Hill and family.
man, a report on the 1958 Nati¬
onal Home Demonstration
Council Convention by Mrs.
Hinton Logan, Summerville,
President of the State Home
Demonstration Council.
Assisting with plans for the
meeting will be Mrs. Naomi
Lyda, Dade County Home De¬
monstration Agent and mem¬
bers of the Dade County Coun¬
We invite your inspection and
suggestions. Avakian’s
The undersigned are no
longer responsible for or associ¬
ated in any manner with the
Nickajack News of Trenton
Myrna R. McMahan
Asa L. McMahan
The North Dade P. T. A. is
sponsoring two money raising
projects on Saturday night,
March 14.
A pancake supper will be ser¬
ved in the school cafeteria
from 6 to 8 p. m. Following the
supper the Little Theater Group
will present a play, “A Couple
of Country Kids”, in the school
This is the first time this play
has been presented in the
county. From all reports it’s the
type play that the entire fam¬
ily will enjoy.
Make your plans now to come
out and support these projects
on March 14.
(Written for last week)
Owen Woodyard, Sr. returned
to Lynchburg, Va. after spend¬
ing several days with his fam¬
ily here.
Mrs. Walter Wilson and Mrs.
Fred Wilson were shopping in
Chattanooga Tuesday.
Mrs. Ed McCloud, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Fmythe and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Heatherly and
daughters all of Chattanooga
were the guests of the Russell
Smiths over the holidays.
L. M. Allison, Sr. is on the
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Jacoway,
from Chattanooga, visited fri¬
ends and relatives here, Sunday
The Rising Fawn School has
completed finishing the Library
,and has added new lighting fix¬
tures in the 1st and 2nd grade
Regular meals prepared with
loving care. Avakian’s.
Fri. & Sat. Specials
Shirts Long Sleeves
Size 1-14
Boys & Girls
25% off
Ladies & Childrens
Values up to 6.95
Special Table —- $4.00
Evelene Shoppe