The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 14, 1959, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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FOR SALE: one ton Air Condi
tioner and living room suite.
All in good condition. Mrs.
Charles E. Freeman.
OLiver 7-4891.
FOR RENT: 5 room house with
bath. Price reasonable.
OL 7-4940 or see R o b e r t
Forester. 3tc-5/21
goat and two kids. OL 7-4863.
Jesse Buffington. 3tc-5/21
PLEASE trade with us, we need
the money — Avakian’s.
FOR SALE: Deep and shallow
Well pumps. Trenton Furni¬
ture & Appliance. ufn
DR. G. K. MacVane
Chhopractor and Naturopath
Ft. Payne, Ala.
HIGHEST price paid for pine
and poplar logs. See us if you
have any to sell. Dyer Lumber
Company, Trenton, Ga.
TUFFY MINNOWS for sale 40c
doz. or 3 doz. for $1.00. See
Franklin Breedlove, 1 mile on
LaFayette Hwy. Will get up
any time 2tc-5/21
and small appliances, call
Trenton Radio and T V. Ser¬
vice, OL 7-3999, Trenton, Ga.
gerator, 8 to 10 cubic feet.
Trenton Furniture & Appli¬
ance Co. u * n -
PANY will do a two piece suite
for $47.50. Workmanship gua¬
ranteed. Phone OLiver 7-3193,
Trenton, Ga. 4tc-6/4
anteed service done
factory approved methods at
a reasonable cost. Call Smyth
Television Service, OL 7-3021
or stop at our shop located in
my home 1 mile west of Tren¬
ton on Hwy. 143.
FOR SALE: Grist mill, corn
sheller, crusher and 23 ft. line
shaft, all for $250. Also, 6-by
Army Truck. Duan Harrison,
IF YOU LIKE people, enjoy
making friends and want to
earn money, write your Avon
manager, Mrs. Reba Simpson,
Box 374, Rossville or call
AMherst 6-1753, Chattanooga.
FOR SALE: 9 piece dining room
suite for $100.00 Contact
Charles Long at Rising Fawn,
Ga., any time during the day.
DON’T sharecrop with the bugs.
See your Watkins dealer, he
has a bug control, also fly
spray and insect spray, fruit
tree spray. See or call your
Watkins Dealer, J. D. Massen-
gale, Phone OL 7-4986
CONCERN: resident this
R. L. Morgan, a of
State, having in due form ap¬
plied to the undersigned for the
guardianship of the person and
property of Helen Ruth Morgan,
minor child of Stella Louise
Brown, late of said county, de¬
ceased, notice is hereby given
that said application will be
heard at the next court of or¬
dinary for said county, on the
first Monday in June, 1959.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 20th, day of
April, 1959.
A. W. Peck
Dade County
4t 5/28
Second and fourth
night 7:30 P. M. every month
Legion Hall.
MorganviUe & Slygo
The North Dade Civic Club
held its monthly meeting at the
North Dade Elementary School
Fri. ngiht May 8, 1959 and the
meeting was conducted by Presi
dent Bill Pullen . . . continued
plans are for the lighting of the
softball field and when the
arrangements with the TV A
and the Georgia Power Comp¬
any are completed the field will
go forward with intended pro¬
gress . . . Mr. Ewell Brown is
Chairman of the softball com¬
mittee . . .
The MorganviUe Methodist
Church gave a portion of the
Sunday Services to the Soil
Stewardship Week and the Rev.
J. O. Stewart emphasized the
need of caring for the Earth
that belongs to the Lord and
also recognition was given to
the National Home Demonstra¬
tion clubs throughout the coun¬
try and especially those that
are operating in our own coun¬
ty. ... The Topic of “Every
Home A Beacon Light” was very
appropriate for the Mother’s
Day services which were obser¬
ved in most all the churches
throughout the county. . . . We
were very proud of our visitors
at the MorganviUe Methodist
Church Sunday as Col. and Mrs.
Douglas Morrison and Mr. and
Mrs. Houlton and their family
from Chattanooga were our
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamlin
celebrated their 53rd wedding
anniversary at their home in
MorganviUe Sunday and the
dinner was served on the lawn
of their home . . . the food was
very tasty and the outdoor serv
ing was just wonderful . . .
the guests included Mrs. Thelma
Hixon and Gene, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Oliver and sons, Nikki
and Rusty, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-1
mond Waddell and their daugh-
ter, Wanda, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Hall and daughters, Candy and
Cinda, Mr. and Mrs . Vemard
Earl Hixon, Rev. and Mrs. J. O.
Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Smith. .
Mother’s Day was quite a cele
bration at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Oliver in the Mor-
ganville community and Granny
and Grandaddy Oliver were
hosts to many for the occasion
. . . their week-end guests were
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beasley and
their children Judy and Buddy
from Huntsville, Ala. . . for
their dinner guests which in¬
cluding the Beasley’s, they had
Mr. and Mrs. George Crumley
and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. George
Oliver and son, Mrs Cora Raines,
Mrs. Earl Holmes, Mrs. David
Holmes and children and Mr.
Joe McCowan . . . Granny
Oliver related their daughter, ,
Mrs. Juanita Taylor was in the'
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit,
Michigan, that she had a blood
clot and she has requested
prayers for their daughter . . .
We were so happy to see
Granny Masssey and her child¬
ren at the MorganviUe Church
on Mother’s Day and as a whole
there were many at the services.
Mrs. Hazel Fugatt is in a
Chattanooga hospital and her
condition is fair, we trust that
Hazel will soon be well and up
and going soon. . .
Mother’s Day was a great day
at the Slygo Methodist Church
and our church attendance was
outstanding ... we had Mr.
Ed Doyle, and his family as our
guests at church . . . Mr. Doyle
and family were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gross of
Slygo . . .
They youth of Slygo had an¬
other Skating party attended and it had is j
felt that all who
plenty Q f f un an d falls . . Mr.
We invite your inspection and
suggestions. Avakian’s
Cave Springs
By Mrs. J. R. Carson
Our church was beautifully
decorated Sunday for Mother’s
Day. The stage was filled with
roses and carnation. After a
song and prayer by our pastor,
Rev. Richard Looney, Mrs. Car-
son read a poem for the mothers
who had passed on. Then our
pastor preached for us. Through
out the congregation could see
red and white roses. The Sun¬
day School gave flowers to the
oldest and to the youngest
mothers present. Mrs. J. A.
Reeves received the flowers
given to the oldest and Mrs.
Willard Ryan for the youngest
mother present.
Our Sunday School is pro¬
gressing nicely. Those who are
not coming, please come out
and join with us.
Don’t you folks in the com¬
munity forget our supper at the
community building Saturday
night, May 16, at 7 p. m. We
will have a good time of fellow¬
ship together. Bro. Looney will
have slides of the Cave Springs
community, including the Har¬
vest Festival, cotton patch and
the ladies quilting and many
more things.
Don’t forget prayer meeting
on Wednesday night at 8 p. m.
Cave Springs and Rising Fawn
meet together this week. We
meet at our church.
and Mrs. Vernon Cureton and
family attended the skating
party Saturday night as did Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Reeves and fam¬
ily and from the sayings Mr.
Cureton really let the skates
and the floor have it . . . there
wasn’t too much said from
Alvin Reeves. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson
and family were visiting in
Whiteville, Tenn. over the week
end and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Cureton had their daughter and
granddaughter for their Sunday
Mr. John Cureton and Mr.
Lloyd Sims have been on a fish¬
ing trip and our hopes are that
they caught the limit . . . they
have been doing real well with
their fishing.
Our sick are rapidly improv¬
ing .our prayers have been
. .
answered and Mrs. Joe Doyle is
much improved . . . she has re¬
turned to the home of her son,
Bernard, in MorganviUe and
will be there for a while . . .
her doctors have advised that
it would be best if there would
be no visitors for a while Mr.
Frank Patterson is much better
in his condition and so is. Mr.
Frank Forrester ... it was
quite a familiar scene to see
Mr. Forrester and Mr. Will Cure
ton visiting with each other out
under the shade tree again
we are happy that they have
enjoyed that privilege again
this spring . . .
Mr. Phelp Moore and his help¬
ers have completed the arrange
ments for the Slygo Community
house and have the road com¬
pleted around the center as was
sc much needed . . . w r e thank j
Mr. Moore for his capable work'
and his great interest in the
things for the betterment of a
gieat community as we have in
Slygo . . . great things will
happen and great will be the
results if you will only get
enough people interested in a
community project . . . just
you try it . . j
We have invested a sizeable
sum of money to give you a
clean, confortable and pleasant
place to eat. Avakian’s.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
Saturday nights each
month at 8:00 p. m.
RECITAL Regular meals prepared
pupils A. L. Dyer loving care. Avakian’s.
The of Mrs.
will give a recital on May 21 at SEE YOUR
8 p. m. in the Dade County High
School Cafetorium. Everyone is DRUG STORE
invited. FIRST
Have your woolens cleaned
before the hot weather comes.
Plastic Bags — To Keep out the
moths — 25c
Red’s Cleaners
Phone OLiver 7-3355 Trenton, Ga.
Graduation Suggestions
Jewelry - 50c & $1.00
Shorty Pajamas, $1.95 up
Sun Dresses size 1-2-3 50c
See our 1 price table
YES, YOU ORDERED IT by indicating you would
use more and more electricity in the years
It’s quite a package, this turbo-generator
just installed at Plant McManus, near Bruns¬
wick. It weighs almost a million pounds, yet is
built to the precise tolerances of a fine watch.
Under that sleek design is a generating capac¬
ity of 75,000 kilowatts, which exceeds the power
of all the work animals — horses and mules —
in Georgia.
The $15-million expansion of Plant McManus
is only a single step in our construction pro¬
gram. Since World War II we have spent nearly
half a billion dollars expanding and improving
the electrical facilities that serve you. We have
almost tripled our generating capacity, more
than doubled our miles of power lines.
That kind of growth makes sure that you
have plenty of low-cost and dependable elec¬
tricity whenever and wherever you need it.