The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 14, 1959, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
The petition of Garvin P.
Kiernan, John E. Quinn and
Thomas A. McCarthy of the
State and County of New York
respectfully shows:
1. That the petitioners, toget¬
her with such other persons as
m a y become associated with
them, their successors and as¬
signs desire to become incor¬
porated for the term the of right thirty-
five years, with of
renewal at the expiration of
said term, under the name and
style ' of: the CLOUDS
2. The general nature of the
business to be transacted is as
To carry on generally the
hotel and motel business, and
the business of inn and restau¬
rant keepers; to carry on the
banqueting and catering busi¬
ness, and the business of fur¬
nishing lodging, services, foods,
edibles, beverages and intoxi¬
cating liquors as at present or
hereafter authorized bv the laws
of the jurisdiction where the
same are dealt in, and supplies
of all kinds to hotels, restau¬
rants, eating places, railroad
and steamship companies; to
erect, lease, purchase or other¬
wise acquire, invest or acquire
Interest in, to hold, own. oper¬
ate, manage, supervise, and to
dispose of, by sale, lease or
otherwise, hotels, motels, apart¬
ment hotels, inns, restuarants,
roof gardens, cafeterias, cafes,
lunch rooms and lunch counters,
soda fountains, tea and coffee*
houses, souvenir and confec¬
tionery stands, eating entertainment places
and places of
and refreshment.
To engage in, conduct and
manage the business of owning
and operating motels, tourist
cabins and trailer camps and to?
lease and rent space therein to
the general public for hire. ,
To purchase, sell and general- (
lv to trade and deal in and with
goods, wares, products and mer¬
chandise of evey kind, nature
and description; and to engage
land participate in any mercan¬
tile, manufacturing or trading
business of any kind or charac¬
ter whatsoever; in each case to
such extent as a corporation
organized under the Stock Cor¬
poration Law of the State of
New York may now or hereafter
lawfully do.
To purchase, acquire, develop,
mine, operate, explore, drill,
hold, own, lease and dispose of
lands, interests and rights with
respect to lands and waters and
fixed and movable property. real
To engage in the general
estate business as owner, broker,
agent, developer, subdivider,
builder, constructor, or other-
wise. otherwise
To buy, lease and
acquire lands and interests in
lands of every kind and descrip¬
tion and wheresoever situated;
to buy, lease and otherwise ac¬
quire, and to construct and erect
buildings and structures in and
ion such lands for any use or
purpose; to hold, own, improve,
develop, maintain, operate, let,
lease, mortgage, sell or other¬
wise dispose of such property or
any thereof. sub¬
To acquire by purchase, and to
scription or otherwise
own, hold for investment or
otherwise, and to use, sell, as¬
sign, transfer, mortgage, pledge,
•exchange or otherwise dispose
Of, alone or in syndicate or
otherwise in conjuction with
others, real and personal descrip¬ pro¬
perty of every sort and
tion and wheresoever situated,
including shares of stock, bonds,
debentures, notes, scrip, securi¬
ties, evidences of indebtedness,
contracts or obligations of any
corporations, associations, syn¬
dicates or trust estates, domestic
or foreign, or of any firm or
individual, or of the United
States or of any state, territory
or dependency of the United.
States, or of any foreign coun¬
try, or of any municipality or
local authority within or with¬
out the United States, and also
to issue in exchange therefor
stocks, bonds or other securities
or evidences of indebtedness of
this corporation, and while the
owner or holder of any such
property, to receive, collect and
dispose of the interest, divi¬
dends and income on or from
such property and to possess
and exercise in respect thereto
all of the rights, powers and
privileges of ownership, includ¬
ing all voting power theron.
The foregoing clauses shall be
construed as objects, purposes
and powers, and it is hereby!
provided that the
enumeration of spe¬
powers shall not be held to
or restrict in any manner
powers of the corporation.
3. The capital stock of said
shall consist of two
(200) shares, all of
shall be without par
4. The amount of capital with
the corporation will begin
shall be five thousand
The principal office and place
business of said corporation
be located at Lookout
County of Dade, in
State; but petitioners de¬
the privilege of establishing
branch offices as may be
in the proper conduct
their business.
5. The name and post-office
of each of the appli¬
for the Charter are:
Garvin P. Kiernan ...... 50
Street, New York 4, N. Y.
John E. Quinn ____ 50 Broad
New York 4, N. Y.
Thomas A. McCarthy ____ 50
Street, New York 4, N. Y.
AND your petitioners will
Devereaux F. McClatchey
Attorney for Petitioners
The foregoing petition for the
of a corporation to be
as CASTLE In The
been presented to the
and it appearing that
application is within the
and intention of the
of the State of Georgia,
it appearing further that
applicants have conformed
the provisions of law, re¬
to the granting of char¬
said application is hereby
and the corporation is
created under the name
RAT CORP. and is
all the > J powers and pri
set forth in the petition
nd ,, those provided toy law.
; -•
' \Melded Multi-Play
Leg Socket Climber
Trapeze and
m Gym Rings
f ..
I" Space
Platform 2 Sturdy
Swing Seats
Eight Legs
on Ground
Sky Ride
Healthy Outdoor Exercise WESTERN FLYER
Deluxe 9-Ft. Platform Slide • 2 Safety Straddle Sky Seats Ride 12-Game
and Space
Non-Tilt Double Swings Seats with • Ladders, Multi-Play Poles, Climber, Bars Playground Set
A complete outdoor playground designed to keep your
youngsters safe, healthy and happy. Double-curved 9-ft. 29 8 * Buy
slide has snagproof “D” rails. Detachable trapeze bars and On
gym rings. 10-ft. headbar of 2” tubular steel and 8 sturdy
legs of 1*4” tubular steel make set virtually tip-proof. Nylon Easy
bearings throughout. All weather baked enamel finish in . Terms
red and green keeps set looking new for years.
JJJestem j]uto Trenton, Ga
The annual Byrd’s Chapel'
Decoration will be held Sunday,
May 17 at the church. There
will be dinner on the grounds
at 1 P. M. and the Decoration
Service will begin at 2:30.
cial music has been planned
and the pastor, Rev. Richard
Looney, will deliver the sermon,
Don’t forget the Sunday Din-.
ner at the Slygo Community
House, Sunday, May 17. Serving
from 12 until 2.
Slygo W. S. C. S.
The Rising Fawn Ruritan
Club will hold its regular meet¬
ing Tuesday, May 19 at 7:30 at
the Rising Fawn School.
Mr. W. O. Street of Rising
Fawn suffered a stroke Satur¬
day p. m. and was carried to
Tri-County hospital by Moore’s
Ambulance. He is still there.
Mildred Patterson, of Miami,
Fla., was carried to Tri-County
hospital Monday evening by
Moore’s Ambulance and is tak¬
ing treatment there..
Mr. W. M. Ford of Cole City
was carried back to Tri-County
Tuesday afternoon by Moore’s
This the 4th day of May, 1959.
John W. Davis
Judge Superior Court Loookout
Mountain Circuit
6th day of May, 1959
Grace H. Williams
A. V. F. W. POST
An American Veterans of
Foreign Wars post is being or-
ganized in Trenton to serve
Dade County and the surround-
area. Twenty-six members
been certified and a char-
has been approved,
A very important meeting is to
be held Thursday, May 14, to
make plans for the formal char-
tering. All who are interested
anc * think they are eligible, are
uri § e( t to come to the American Amer
Legion Hall before 8:00 P. M.
Our water is scientifically
treated so you can enjoy water
at it's very best. Avakian’s
John L. Case Co.
Grocery Department is
and ready to serve you with quality foods
at the very lowest prices.
Sheriffs Report
Monday afternoon the Sheriff
was notified a woman was lying
beside the highway north of
Trenton. Upon arrival at the
scene he found her either sick
or intoxicated and called an
ambulance. After treatment at
the Trenton Clinic, she was
taken to and admitted at Tri-
County Hospital. She said she
was from Florida but it was not
learned why she was walking
along the highway in Dade
We serve the best food obtain¬
able at the lowest practical
prices. Avakian’s