Newspaper Page Text
Morganville & Slygo
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
werp hosts to the
M. Y. F. and other young
lot the church Friday night
their home. They had an
Jashioned ice cream party
there was lots of fun and
of home-made ice cream.
people of the Morganville Com¬
munity wish to express
sincere sympathy to Mr.
Mrs. Edward Wilkie and
in the sudden passing of Mr.
Wilkie’s brother-in-law Mr. W.
M. Neighbors, of Jasper, Georgia
. . . The Morganville M. Y. F.
will sponsor a car wash at
parsonage Saturday August 3,
1959 between 8 A. M, and 4:00
P. M. the proceeds will go to
the Chattanooga District Met¬
hodist Camp. The worshipers
the Morganvil le Methodi st
Church were happy over the
wonderful performance that
was given by Peggy and Dennis
I WILL PAY a liberal reward for
information leading to the ar¬
rest and conviction for person
or persons removing sand and
gravel from the Sitton Mill
property. Victor M. Quinton.
rebuilt mirror spinet being
picked up in your community,
traded in on new piano. Dis¬
count for cash, or can be re¬
financed as low as $8.96 per
month. Call or write CREDIT
MANAGER, Clenfons Bros Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn., Phone
AM 6-7151
FOR SALE: 16 ft. runabout with
windshield and 25 h. p. 1956
Wizard motor with remote
control. Get in touch with
John or Charles Meeks, OLiver
7-3274 3tp-8/20
FOR SALE: Deep and shallow
Well pumps. Trenton Furni¬
ture & Appliance. ufn
WILL KEEP child while mother
works. Inquire at Brannon’s
Shoe Shop, Trenton.
PLEASE trade with us, we need
the money — Avakian’s.
WANTED:-Elderly lady to come
and live with me. See Mrs.
Horace Fisher, near Long’s
Store. 3tc-8/20
AVON PRODUCTS. Avon starts
early in Christmas business.
Start now to receive full bene¬
fits of this wonderful earning
opportunity. Write Mrs. Reba
Simpson, P. O. Box 374, Ross-
ville, Ga. 5tc-8/27
and small appliances, call
Trenton Radio and T. V. Ser¬
vice, OL 7-3999, Trenton, Ga.
—Lakes, clearing, bush and
bog, Septic tanks and field
lines installed, — Reeves &
Johnson. Call Alvin Reeves
OL 7-4971 or OL 7-4836. ufn
Community for lease. Contact
owner at store. 3tc8/13
DR. G. K. MacVane
Chiropractor and Naturopath
Ft. Payne, Ala.
utt v t ; err
iDoyle Sunday morning as
presented a song during
morning worship service, Mrs.
Henry < Granny) Oliver is some¬
what better and continues to
improve. Mr. Ben Raines was
the Sunday services and con¬
tinues to improve . . . Mrs.
Sally Wilson is still holding her
own .... Prayers were offered
lor Rev. and Mrs. Bill Brown
for their small son who is in
Teppers Clinic.....It is still
August, however It might just as
well have been June for the
wedding bells were ringing for
Rev. Stewart to answer Satur¬
day August 1st. Miss Hartline
oecame the bride of Mr. James
Lynch, they were married Sat¬
urday August 1st at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ryan
. . . there was a beautiful re¬
ception following the
. . . .much fun was had after
the weddng and they left with
the car all done in fashion even
to the cans and buckets . . . .
Miss Sue Bishop became the
bride of Mr. Marvin Hunt Saf£
urday August 1st. The vows
were said at the Hooker Met¬
hodist Church and it was a
very love]y wedding . . . the
church was artistically decorat-
•eded and the bride was beauti¬
ful all dressed in the formal
fashion of the occasion . . . .
Mrs. Thelma Bell’s home was
the scene of the reception,
which followed the wedding . . .
Miss Barbara Warren was the
attractive hostess for the re¬
ception . . .
Mrs. Mollie Waddell is still
ill at her home in Slygo and is
not feeling any better at the
Regular meals prepared with
loving care. Avakian’s.
A ymi LUXURY f Chevy’s leading low-priced the only car three of that the
LIKE THIS... gives you the convenience of
crank-operated vent windows.
No awkward latches to fumble
LET ALONE with . . . your knuckles and
fingernails will appreciate it.
Bigger, yes, and built with bonded
linings for as much as 66% longer
life. And how’s this for proof that
Chevy’s a real stopper: in a NAS¬
CAR *-conducted test of repeated
stops from highway speeds, Chev¬
rolet outstopped both of the
“other two” time after time.
•National Association for Stock Car
Advancernent and Research.
award-winning engines
The NASCAR Outstanding
Achievement award goes to Chev¬
rolet! Chevy wins for “the creation
and continuing development of
America’s most efficient V-type
engines ... for the establishment
of new levels of V8 compactness
combined with outstanding smooth¬
ness.” And you can choose among
eight V8’s and the Six that won
the Mobilgas Economy Run for its
See how much more Chevy has to offer—visit your local authorized Chevrolet dealer!
Phone OL 7-3400 Trenton, Ga,
present time .... our prayers
are that she will soon have a
complete recovery and will be
up and going pretty soon . . . .
Mr. Frank Patterson is feeling
mnnh hpt.t.PF A/T r« LVn m Ir
Forrester is feeling better also
and still continues to Improve
.... We are proud of the Ver¬
non Cureton’s and we know that
they too are proud of the New
Plymouth Station wagon and
and especially 1 Randy, as he is
quite an admirer of the station
wagons . . . good speed Vernon
. . . We want to thank Mr. Felt
Moore for the wonderful loca¬
tion for the Slygo Sunday
School picnic, which was held
August 2, 1959 .... everyone
had plenty of fun and food and
a good time had by all ... .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson
and their family .... Mr. and
Mrs. John Cureton and their
family and Mr. Larry Moore all
took off to the wilds unknown
for a real vacation to do just
(fishing and traveling they want
ed to do . . ■ we trust they will
catch the fish and have the fun
lin traveling ... Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Pullen and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Ryan and family
took off for a week end of ruf¬
fing it in the open and there
are many fish stories to listen
to from Bill . >. . . Mrs. J. W.
Light wishes to announce the
Home Demonstration Club pic¬
nic will be held Friday August
14, 1959 at Pan-Gap Center . .
she is very anxious for all mem-
full coil ride
You’re the expert on ride, so you’ll
want to try Chevy’s easygoing
smoothness for yourself. MOTOR
TREND magazine can give you a
hint of what you’re in for: “. . .
the smoothest, most quiet, softest
riding car in its price class.” And
Full Coil springs, of course, never
squeak, never need grease.
gave Chevy’s styling a thoughtful
look, then said it this way: “In its
price class, Chevy establishes a
new high in daring styling . . .”
You’ll find your own happy way of
saying that Chevy’s the only unmis¬
takably modern car in its class.
bers to attend this wonderfully
planned picnic . . . Mr. and Mrs
John E. Stephens were stop-over
guests of Mrs. Light’s as they
were on their way from their
.home in Altoona, Alabama to
the Great Smoky Mountains for
their vacation. . . . The Mor-
teanville Methodist W. S. C. S.
met August 3, 1959 in the church
and the meeting was conducted
by Mrs. Lehman Shelton, Presi-
dent . . . Mrs. Bob Ryan, Secy.
"Wash & Wear” Clothes
Look Better Dry Cleaned
Red's Cleaners
Phone OLiver 7-3355 Trenton, Ga.
* _______________ . ■ , ■ ■
_ ___ _
Nothing to Bay — We furnish the Filter
for just PENNIES a day
Culligan Soft Water Service
1235 Market St. Chattanooga, Tonn.
Phone: AMherst 7-5260 .......
greater roominess
Automobile Manufacturers Asso¬
ciation records carry the facts on
this. In a Chevy sedan, for example,
you’ve got more front seat head
room than all but one of the high-
priced cars! And Chevy’s front
seat hip room spreads up to 5.9
inches wider than comparable cars.
Here’s solid proof that Chevrolet
squeezes more miles out of a gallon:
In the famous Mobilgas Economy
Run, two Chevrolet sixes with
Powerglide took the first two places
in their class. Winning mileage:
22.38 m.p.g. And that, friends,
took top honors for Chevy from
every full-sized car!
higher trade-in
N.A.D.A.* Guide Books prove
that your Chevrolet will keep its
value. Chevy used car prices last
year, for example, averaged up to
$128 higher than comparable models
of the other two cars in Chevrolet’s
*National Automobile Dealers
... gave a real good report on
the support this W. S. C. S.
group is giving to the Hiwasse#
College, as one of their projects
for the year . . . the Rev. J. O.
Stewart gave the story of the
Local-Church and the refresh¬
ments were served by Mrs. Ry»n
and M!rs. Bill Pullen ....
We serve the best food obtain¬
able at the lowest practical
prices. Avakian’s