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Getting rid of excess pounds
bas slowly but surely become a
number one, "Big Business” in
thcs 1 United States. Every maga
zine and newspaper you pick up
nowadays highly advertises re¬
ducing belts, vibrating pillows,
benches with a vibrating cen¬
ter section; plus a lot of highly
potent pills guaranteed to take
off five pounds per day.
If you’ve ever priced any of
this apparatus, you found, like
myself, they are too expensive
for the aver&ge skinny house¬
hold budget. But alas—by coin¬
cidence, I have found an inex¬
pensive way of chasing away
unwanted inches and buldges
on the body.
This coincidence came about
when we moved into new living
quarters. The movers placed the
machine, my husband connect¬
ed all those hoses so they don’t
leak, but alas, he forgot to level
it. I’ve had a brainstorm! I’ll
get a meter installed on the old
machine; have open house daily
from, say 2 to 4, and before a
person may try my reduping
machine she must drop in a
quarter. Where else can you get
beauty treatment and your
clothes washed at the same
time for a quarter?
Your machine, upon empty¬
ing, the water will proceed to
dance all over your kitchen or
whereever, if given proper room
and maladjustment, it will vib¬
rate your entire house. When
this begins, jump up on the
washer, sit there, and 'you’ll get
vibrations Stauffer has never
heard of.
Number one necessity: an
automatic washer! If you have
one you’re in luck. Now all you
need to do is readjust the level¬
ing device. (In some cases this
isn’t necessary.) There are four
little things on the bottom you
can screw up or down to get the
unlevel effect. When you get
this, put your dirty clothes in
turn the knob to go, and watch
the results.
Potatoes Parmesan In Casserole Are
Delicious With Meat or Fish
Ever tried potatoes roasted in a casserole, topped with Par¬
mesan cheese and flavored with spices? This delicious new re¬
cipe, developed by the Washington State potato growers, is an
easy and appetizing way to dress up a meat loaf dinner. Or,
serve this with salmon loaf to give the family a specially satis¬
fying, nourishing dinner. Local markets are now featuring these
choice quality Washington State Russet potatoes at attractive,
in-season prices and since they are all-purpose, you can use them
happily in all your favorite dishes. In the recipe you can use
oregano, sweet basil or parsley or buy the Italian seasoning at
the spice counter in any large market.
4 medium Washington State 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Russet potatoes Italian seasoning, or sulc¬
i' cup butter or margarine, stitute oregano, sweet basil
melted or parsley ,
Peel Washington State Russets and cut into quarters length¬
wise. Dip in melted butter or margarine then roll in grated
cheese. Sprinkle generously with Italian seasoning. (Or you can
substitute oregano, sweet basil or parsley.) Place in greased,
shallow casserole and bake, covered, in moderate oven (350°F.)
for 45 mins. Makes 4 delicious servings.
If you have been wanting to
iose a few pounds from your
hips, try this. I hesitate to guar
antee that you will lose pounds
in so many days, but if you will
sit on a machine that vibrates
as jauntily as mine does, I’ll
wager you’ll be wearing a dif
ferent dress size.
The sad disadvantage for me:
I’m so skinny and I need every
pound I can get, but I still have
to sit on my machine to keep
It from walking out of my kit¬
★ ★ ★
Welcome New
A ' ‘
• t • .
}} See Us for *. ^
• r
it , V
Your New
★ ★ ★
Beauty Shop
Social Notes
Mrs. W. W. Williams has re¬
turned to work after a week’s
* - * *
Recent visitors of the J. D.
Massengales were their daugh¬
ter and her family, the Perrottos
from Miami, Fla.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wright en¬
tertained' ' the Maddox Hales
and the Cleron Kyzers Saturday
night at a dinner party honor¬
ing Mr. Hale’s birthday.
* * ♦
Mrs. Genieva Allison and Mrs.
Majora Fricks have returned
from -the University of Georgia
where they attended a Georgia
Education leaders workshop.
* * *
Mayor and Mrs. Tom Sims
motored to Ft. Worth, Texas
this week to return their daugh¬
ter, Glenda Kay to Trenton for
the opening of school. She has
been visiting relatives.
1 * * *
Miss Patricia Wheeler, daugh¬
ter of Mr. and Mrs I. H. Wheeler
Jr., has returned home from,
Nashville , where she attends
David Lipscomb College. She
will go ack to college in mid-
* * *
Mr. Russell Reeves and Mr.
and Mrs. Kelsie Lee motored to
Arlington, Texas, this week
visit Mr. Reeve’s son and the
Lee’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
John F. Reeves and family.
* * *
Little Crystal Dawn Cooper,
a patient at a clinic in Chatt¬
anooga, has returned to her
home in the Deer Park section
vr Rising Fawn. She is reported¬
ly in good condition.
* * •
Mrs. L. M. Carroll, librarian
Dade County High School,
returned from a three week
with her daughter, Mrs.
E. Dennis and family at
Covina, Calif, Mrs. Carroll made
the trip by plane.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Massengale,
Mrs. Doris Parson, with daugh¬
ters Brenda and Judy, attended
a Birthday Dinner on Aug. 9 in
Nashville, Ga. From there they
went on to Jacksonville Beach
and a sightseeing trip to St. Aug
ustine, Fla.
* * *
We were glad to see Mr. Frank
Nethery up and around again
and visiting with his friends in
Dade County after his recent
• * •
Mrs. G. C. Crawford, Sr.
recently motored to Atlanta for
the annual Crawford Family re¬
union, which was held at
Grant’s Park. The Buddy Craw¬
fords were not able to go be¬
cause one of their children was
* * *
•A Family- Reunion was held
Sunday at Chickamauga Lake
for the families of Harvey
Those present were
the J. D. Massengales, the Per-
rotto family, Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. David
Cook, Mrs.* Ray Ingraham and
son Garry, Mrs. Ella Frazier and
family, Mrs. N. Nicholson, the
Walter Nicholson family, the
Ralph Delaney family, the L. E.
Dickett family, the Gene Duck¬
ett family Mrs. Ethell Cling-
ham, Mrs. Vera Lemon and
family, and Mr. J. H. Frazier
and family. There was a real
good time had by all.
We are sorry to say that Bro¬
ther Ad Doyle is not any better
and we would like to expres sin¬
cere thanks to those that went
and gave the needed blood for
Not Even The Stings of Wasp
Blocked Progress in Clean-up
Progress was in the
last week in the North end
the county, as the North Dade
Civic Club met Satudray and all
present took an active part
cleaning the school campus.
wish to extend the many thanks
to all those that were present
and for the wonderful job of
making our campus so nice for
our little fellows that are back
in school. There was much
and then too Mr. Elmer paid
double, as he was attacked by
many of thd wasps that had
made camp on the school
grounds . We took him to our
good and able Dr. Hutchison
and he related that Elmer
would live and sure enough he
is still living.
The Morganville Methodist
Church Fellowshhip Hall was
the setting for a wonderful
shower given Mrs. James Lynch
and we ore so proud that Patsy
(Hartline) and James are so
happy in their new venture in
life. It was wonderful to see
Granny Massey attending the
shower and we know there were
many thoughts that have pass¬
ed through her wonderful mind
in the past 92 years relative to
showers and the beginning of
married life.
The Morganville Methodist
Church School held their an¬
nual picnic Friday night and
what an attendance! Well, we so
happy to see so many from our
church at the picnic and every¬
one had a wonderful time . . .
however we do believe that
Ronald Doyle had the most fun.
It was his first picnic and BOY!
Did he really enjoy himself even
to the eating of sno-balls and
•he made the way with them.
Rona j d is y 0ung son 0 f Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Doyle of the
Morganville community.
We are proud of the support
find the progress we are having
with the great revival at the
Wildwood Methodist Church
and we pray that great
ings will follow.
John Gothard has been real
sick however John was back in
church Sunday.
Granny Massey is feeling bet¬
ter and so is Granny Oliver.
They both have been on the
A Hiding Place?
Enjoy peace of mind by putting your money
in our bank where it is insured against loss.
Current rate of interest of certificates of deposits
is 3% when left for six months or longer. Regular
savings deposits continue to draw 2 Ya%.
puny list,
Brother Henry Oliver says he
is just lazy— well don’t we all
get that way sometimes?
Mike Stewart and his room-
mate Jock Swift were guests of
the Rev. and Mrs. Stewart this
weekend. Mike is stationed at
(the Naval Air Station in Pessa-
cola, Fla.
Morganville had a real at¬
tendance in their Sunday
School and their goal is 100 and
we believe we will reach that
Mrs. Fanny York was the
weekend guest of her brothers
Luke and Sidney Haynes.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pullen and
Billy are back home after a
brief vacation in South Georgia
with Mr. Pullen’s family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ryan, Bob¬
bie and David have returned
from their vacation in Florida.
Little Susan Frazier is side
/and has had temperature,
which could be the results of
too much picnic.
The Slygo Community Center
was the setting for the bridal
shower of Mrs. Karleene Steele
Friday night. The shower was
beautiful and all the gifts were
winderful. Mrs. Evelyn Reeves
and Mrs. Eura Moore were the
hostesses for the occasion.
Little Debra Cureton has been
real sick but is somewhat Im¬
proved and we are so proud of
her recovery. Mr. Pheip Moore
was attending the Fox Hunters
Convention and we do trust
that Mr. Moore had a wonder¬
ful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dugah
were seen in Chattanooga doing
their pre-college shopping for
Paul, who is entering Hiwassee
i College this fall.
Mrs. Frank Patterson is feel¬
ing much better and was at our
church services Sunday.
Mr. Frank Forrester is not
feeling too well these days and
says his head still is swimming.
(Continued on Page 7)