Newspaper Page Text
Route 2
By Mrs. Fred Cooper
Anncll Blackwell of
Aia. and Larry Ray White
Valley Head were married
Aug. 22nd at the home of
brides parents, Mr. and
Preston Blackwell. They
reside in Rossville, Ga.
M'. and Mrs. M. F. Hill
Rcssville, Ga. and Mrs. Hill’ sis-
ter, Minnie Blackwell toured
Florida and visited their bro¬
ther, Frank Kenimer and fam¬
ily of Hollywood, Fla. Mr.
Mrs. Fred Cooper visited
sister Wednesday, in Fabius,
Ala. Ed Riddle spent Thursday
and Friday night with the
Coopers. Maggie spent the
end in Fabius, Ala.
The Declaration was well at
tended at Brown Gap. Mr.
Mrs. Fred Cooper’s family
27 present, Sunday; Mr.
Mrs. Laverne Laney and
ter, of Long Island; Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Laney
Daughter of Chattanooga; Mr.
p,nd Mrs. Ben Crownover and
'four children of East Chattan¬
ooga; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tin¬
ker of Rossville, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Stovall
had company, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lynn
Mattsberger have a new baby,
weight about 11 pounds.
Rufus Moore is seriously ill in
a Chattanooga Hospital.
came home then was
back last Wed. P. M. Elizabeth
and Nola, also.
(Continued From Page 5)
Morganville ....
We are so proud of Mr. Elmer
Burns who is.planning an open
house in his new building that
,'he has been working on the past
summer. The building is in the
Wildwood Community at the
Townsend Store and Mr. Burns
(is making the enlargement for
the benefit of his customers.
Mrs. John Cureton and Mrs.
Alvin Reeves are attending the
Home Demonstration Conven¬
tion this week.
We are proud to have the ser¬
vices of Brother Donald Street
at the Morganville Church Sun¬
day. Let’s all remember the
[fifth Sunday fellowship to be
held at the Sand Mountan Met¬
hodist Church this Sunday.
. 2-Piece Nylon Frieze and Norgahide plastic .
Trenton Furniture and Appliance Co.
Tel. OL. 7-4651 Trenton, Georgia
Atlanta Woman
Broken Leg in Canyon
Mrs. Lloyd Willard, wife of
.staff member of the
'Terh Research Dept, in
suffered a fractured leg in a
° t, Cloudland Canyon
Park, Tuesday.
! She slipped while walking
with her husbind as they walk¬
ed near the spot where last
| week a 12-year-old boy fell to
his death.
Mrs. Willard was taken by
Moore’s ambulance to the Tri-
County Hospital.
Have You Written for Yours?
irs fun ro
Busy Bee Restaurant
As Kick-Off Time Draws Near
Football Coaches Confident
The football coaches at iDade County and Davis High
i this week were optimistic and eager as they looked toward
( another season. Both expressed confidence that their teams
would do as well or better than last year.
The coaches had reason to be
icosfident with some of last
I year’s stars again getting in
shape for this year’s games, the
|'first next Friday of which night, will Sept. be 4. played
' Coach Donald Payne of Dade
County High says he is count-!
Rev. Schilds Resigns
From Piney Grove
The Rev. T. W. Schilds has re¬
signed as pastor of the Piney
Grove Baptist Church to accept
a position at Signal Hill Baptist
Church, Signal Mountain, Tenn.
The church has called the
Rev. Fred Vaught, who will
move here next month from
'Tracy City, Tenn. to begin his
new duties in October. He will
Friday Saturday Monday
Jewelry . . . 3 for 1.00 — Ladies Hats . . . 1.00
1 p Rack of Ladies & Children Dresses
R I Play Clothes
2 I § Skirts - Blouses
C Diaper Sets
E Children’s Pajamas
showings at practice sessions
and during the recent football
camp at Coosa Baptist on Look¬
out Mountain are: Bobby Sut¬
ton, Rayford Hammond, Glenn
Gilley, Jimmy Gothard, Richard
M c K a i g, Anthony Emanuel,
Charles Haygood, Grover Ged-
die, Larry Moore and Garry
1 Moore.
Dade County last year ended
the season with a record of 5
won, 1 tied and 4 lost.
Last year Pisgah beat Dade
9-0, but Coach Payne points out
'ithat his team is in better shape
j than when it met Pisgah last.
On the other hand, Pisgah too
; is in good shape and while los¬
ing the season’s opener this
year to Limestone 12-9, Pisgah
led until the last quarter.
‘ I’ll make predictions about
how the game is going to turn
out this year after I’ve seen
about three quarters of play,"
Coach Payne said.
Over at Davis High, Coach
Morrelli Holcomb thinks his
team will do as well or better
man last year. He plans to scout
oequatcnie this week and pre¬
pare ms deienses accordingly.
He too has several outstand¬
ing piayeis returning to the
varsity xor this season.
Among his veteran players
are these lettermen from last
Mark Cloud, James Forester,
Max Kessler, Dub Avans, Odell
Avans, Verdell McBryar, Pren¬
tice Porter and Lebron York.
“My reserves are not very
strong,” mused Coach Holcomb,
“but otherwise the Davis team
looks very good in practice. The
attitude of the boys is excell¬
Last year Davis won 4, while
losing 6.
Church of Christ
Gospel Meeting
A Gospel Meeting is now in
progress at the Trenton Church
of Christ, with Fred B. Walker,
minister of the Central Church
•f Christ in Chattanooga as
guest Speaker. There will be
services each night at 7.30. The
sermon subjects are as follows:
Thursday—“The State of the
dead”; Friday— “A New Testa¬
Conversion”; Saturday—
“The Six Baptisms”; Sunday
morning — God’s Barrier's to
Hell”; Sunday Night— “Wit¬
nesses Against Us”.
conduct a revival in Texas be¬
fore coming here.
Visiting pastors will fill the
pulpit in the interim.
Last Saturday a district meet¬
ing of the Odd Fellows was held
in the Masonic Hall in Trenton.
After the meeting the group,'
more than 100, ad.,ourned for
(dinner at a local restaurant.
Ing heavily on such outstand-
img stalwarts from last year’s
varsity as Doug Wheeler at
quarterback, Rex Blevins at half
pack, Ken Pennington, fullback
and Russell Blevins, tackle last
year, as guard.
Others who have made good