The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, August 27, 1959, Page PAGE 8, Image 8
P A G E 8 Get quick results with FOR SALE: Deep and shallow ' Well pumps . Trenton Furni¬ ture & Appliance. ufn LOR BULLDOZING WORK call J. G Hatfield, HOward 2-3328, Rising Fawn, Ga. Gtp-9/17 FOR SALE: Registered Beagle pups. Will sell with or without papers. See C. M. Guinn, Route 1, Rising Fawn. Phone HOward 2-3110. 3tp-8/27 II A V E W A T K 1 N S, W I L L TRAVEL. Wait for Dan, your Watkins man. If you can’t • wait, call OL 7-4986 <. 3tp-9/10 LOST, STRAYED or Stol e n: Small honey and white colored pup, answers to name of Pun- kin, in vicinity Rising Fawn. Reward. Contact Eddie West. HO 2-3325 3tp-9/10 FOR SALE. Poney-horse, 18-nio. old white & brown spotted. See al Georgia Game Park, Rising Fawn, Ga., or call HO 2-3267. 2TP-9/3 AVON PRODUCTS. Avon start early in Christmas business. Start now to receive full bene¬ fits of this wonderful earning opportunity. Write Mrs. Reba Simpson, P. O. Box 374, Ross- villc, Ga. 5tc-8/27 BULLDOZING & EXCAVATING —Lakes, clearing, bush and bog, Septic tanks and field line s installed, — Reeves & Johnson. Cali Alvin Reeves OL 7-4971 or OL 7-4836. ufn HIGHEST price paid for pine and poplar logs. See us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. FOR SALE: Boys or girls side¬ walk bicycle with trainer wheels. Size 20. OL 7-4906. LZ/ 8-*m INVENTO RY C LEARANCE SALE LAST CALL FOR SAVINGS Everything Goes Including The Franchise They are going fast. Get yours while the selection is large All New 8 Used Cars & Trucks All Parts and Accessories DYER MOTOR CO. Trenton, Georgia THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1959 ,\\D MTV MET 11 (Continued From Page 1) f T ie anctuary was begun under the of R: v. Marvin Murphy in Th • present building, valued approximately $30,000 was •/ the members of the unde- the leadership and direc¬ tion of Hilton D. Long, ' hiding committee Only about $100.00 was spent outside labor. According to the pastor, ■\ c : h membership has along with the church building from 22 in 1956 to 51 in The church budget lias increas¬ ed from $1600.00 in 1956 5,000.00 in 1959. The attendance for last year in Sun¬ day School was 80. Rev. William Pickett has ser- cd as pastor since 1956. All the friends of the church are invited to attend next Sun¬ day’s activities and services. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE The public health nurse will give immunization shots next Wednesday at 10 a. m. at Salem and at 2 p. m. at West Brow. TELEVISION SERVICE: Guar¬ anteed service done under fac¬ tory approved methods at a reasonable cost. Call Smyth Television Service, OL-73021 or stop at our shop located in my home 1 mile west of Tren¬ ton on Hwy. 143. ufn. 7-3273 3tp-8/27 House For Sale ? New 6 room, cock venered, ra¬ in h type, built in caoinets and one &c one half acres, near sch¬ ool, 7 miles to Trenton, Call OL 7-3921, or inquire inerseetion of Scenic Hwy. & Trenton LaFayett Hwy. PLEASE trade with us, we need the money — Avakian’s. I)R. G. K. Mac Vane Chiropractor and Naturopath Ft. Payne, Ala Car 'Accident, Death Mrs. Evelyn Meeks Kemp, i j0 s Alometios, Calif, was an auto accident at Demopolis, Ala. She and luscand, had been visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs Clyde vleeks at Higdon, Ala. Moore’s Funeral Home is in diarge of arrangements, which are incomplete. Piney By Cordia Foster Mrs. Bill Kerin and children Johnson City, Tenn. have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ruth Pryor of Wildwood, Ga. Mr and Mrs. W. P. Clayton spent the weekend with their son, Barney Clayton and family in Branerd. Chatt., Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Crawford, Sr., Gloria and Robert of Jackson¬ ville, Fla. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crawford, Jr. and family :n Wildwood, Ga. CHURCH OR GOD SUPPER Come get your supper at the Church 6f God on the moun¬ tain road Saturday night, Aug. 29 at, 6 P. M. Adults — $1.00 children—50c. Wrights to Take Over Southland Restaurant Mr. E. G. Wright Jr., Monday will become operator of South¬ land Restaurant, located a mile north of the square on U. S. 11 He will* be assisted in the c peration by his wife, Mrs. Louise Wright, county office manager for A. S. C. The Wrights will take over (he restaurant from Mr. San¬ ders Clarks. Mrs. Wright will prepare a lumber of home cooked des¬ serts, including old-fashioned pound cake. She will personally prepare special salads and dressing. Mr. Wright’s mother, the late Mrs. E. G. Wright, for years i.uccessfully operated a coffee hop on the square in Trenton. GLENNINGS . . . (Continued from page 1) fruit which had neither been pulled nor dropped to the ground. I was quite agile then. I simply skinned up a tree and carefully held the apple while I ate, leaving but the core hang¬ ing. Was I proud? I had out¬ smarted him—I ate my apples and had the coin too. It was not until years later that my uncle laughingly told me how he had laughed as he “outsmart” him. He was operat¬ ing a hay-bailer at the barn and had a perfect view of his orch¬ ard. “It was a worthless coin,” he told me,” a just reward for your conniving.” And at the time I thought it so valuable. And in another box I found an old cameo which belonged to my mother. It is quite a beautiful necklace now that the tarnish is off. As I polished it. the little hinged back opened and there inside was a picture To Supply Tour Sick room needs . . . magazines . . patent medicines . . . greeting cards . . ice cream . . . cosmetics . . . records veterinary medicines . . . prescriptions . . 'Where pharmacy is a profession, not just a sideline ” Hadden's Self-Service’ Pharmacy on the square of an untarnished kid. It shows me beaming on the day I gradu¬ ated from high school. And I recalled the sage ad¬ vice my mother gave me on that day. “Now that you’ve made it, keep using your brain. If it re¬ mains idle for long, it’ll rust.” I smiled at the parallel. Shirley wears the necklace now—'and inside she has left that untarnished picture—per¬ haps to keep me reminded. So moving may be hard and worrisome, but when else would we get around to re-discovering all the pleasant memories of the past? WILDLIFE CLUB The Dade County Wildlife Club meets Thursday night, August 27th, at 7.30 p. m. in the Court House. Howard Zeller, one of the South’s outstanding fish biologist with the State Game and Fish Commission, will speak.