The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 03, 1959, Page PAGE 7, Image 7
T1IE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1959 I from last year, 10 daily. | The March hen season gets • underway Sept. 4 and runs ‘ 'in, 'h Nov. 12. Some folks like f o call this bird the Clapper 'rail. It’ll be legal to shoot wood¬ cock from Dec. 7 until Jan. 15. OBITUARY M’s. Evelyn Meeks Kemp 25, died in an automobile accident near Demcpolis, Ala. She is sur¬ vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Meeks, Trenton, Rt. 2; her husband, Lt. Clyde Kemp, T J. S. Navy in Calif.; three bro¬ thers, Charles, John and Gar¬ land Meeks, all of Trenton, Rt. 2; one sister, Juanita Meeks, Rt. I, and a grandmother, Mrs. S. T. Wilson, Flint, Mich. Funeral services were held at the Tren¬ ton Methodist Church with the Rev. Lee W. Hill officiating. Pallbearers were Lavon and Sonny Daniels, Aaron Ellis, ilarold and Don Gross and Henry Elliott. Burial was in the Baptist Cemetery at Trenton. Our Want Ads Ring the Beil! A cent and a half a word witu cents minimum charge. . Phone OL 7-4422, Good Dove Hunting In a Two-Part Season j At noon on September 16 the fields of Dade County will be invaded by anxious hunters, in search of dove. And Ranger Bob Baker re¬ ports that it should be a good season. Population studies re¬ veal that there will be more doves this year than before and with a two-part season, every¬ body with a yen will have a better chance to try their skill Since last season quite a bit pf bi-cclor lespedeza and brown top, millet has been planted for , cover and the doves have taken to it quite well. This also means '•a good quail season opening in 'late November. The Georgia Game and Fish Commission reports that under the federal framework for mig¬ ratory birds, only half-day shooting—from noon until sun- -set—will be permitted. There will be two seasons. The • /.list opens Sept. 16 and closes Oct. 5. The second half will be 'from Dec. 2 through Jan. 15. Bag limits are unchanged VALUABLE COUPON CLIP & USE This coupon good for 1 * 3bc , : size on purchase of large family Colgate Dental Creme with Gardol (regular price 83c) At lour Shop-iiile Supermarket VALUABLE COUPON - CLIP & USE Announcing AIR CONDITIONED UNDED NEW MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hurst and Mrs. Dorothy Manning are now your host and hostesses at the most . Trenton. modern restaurant m Visit Us NEW MODERN PRICES AIR CONDITIONED OPEN LABOR DAY labor day week-end celebration FREE FREE LAKE W1NNEPESAUKAH Sat., Sept. 5 ........Gigantic Fireworks Display ............ 10:30. p. m. Sun., Sept. G Grand Ole OpiY’s Cowboy Copas in person ... 2, 5, & 9 p. m, .. Mon., Sept. 7 Willis Brothers & Roy Wiggins on stage .... 2, 5, & 8 p. m. . Special guest star, Alec Houston, of Jimmy Dean’s TV program MONDAY NIGHT’S CLIMAX .... SENSATIONAL FIREWORKS EXHIBIT.....9.30 p. m. ---- Boating Miniature Golf .................. 5 Kiddie Rides ................ Swimming Shooting Gallery ........... 11 Major Rides .............. Fenny Archade .........Picnic Facilities .......... Refreshment Stands after labor day lake winnepesaukah will be open ONLY ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAYS MORGANVILLE AND SLY GO Melodist Ckrch Nears Attendance Goal . Renews Efforts for Hundred The Morganville Methodist C inch almost reached their coal in their church-school at- tendance Sundav when we counted 23 present, even though we are really proud of this fine , cerd, our able superintendent, Mr. Elmer Oliver wasn’t happy for he has a goal of 100 and says we will reach this number and we believe we will. Speaking of Elmer, we were all very proud of him at our Fifth Sunday Fellowship Sun- day at the Sand Mountain Met- ,'hodist Church and he would have done even a better job if thrre hadn’t been interruptions kk am his pastor, Bro. Stewart, wanting him to take up an offering. ! j Jvirs. Hazel Fuggett and Dian 1 were guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Hamlin over the week-' uid. I We were so happy to see Mr. Ben Rains out at church and ounday School and to know what suffering he was going through about this time last year. Sidney Hays is feeling much better. Mr. Charles Hamlin has been sick : ad much troubled with ’his lift eye, however Pop is feeling setter and his eye seems | Glennings (Continued from page 1* boys t’ - rules of good sports¬ mans 7 'ip. It will be heartening to see th° high spirit and drive of y< nth devoted to hard, clean, entertaining sportsmanship. It - " b c ‘ especially good to see our , prove to all who care .Ought to watch them, ;hc‘ dynamic force of teenagers can bo directed. It'll be good to uce tu .n prove that teenagers can do constructive things and that the free-whaling, roudy, scratch-off gangs are in minority. The best stamp of approval of ails constructive teenage en- deavor is a good opening night crowd. Even if you don ^ t understand football—and I’m not sure I you’d have a wonderful time watching the people who do. A salute to the coaches for a job well done. And a Rebel yell for the teams GARDEN CLUB (Continued From Page 1) The Junior Garden Club, under direction of Mrs. Jack Sells, will arrange an exhibit. All entries must be placed by 12:00 noon on Sept. 10. Show- opens to public from 4 until 9 p. m. ■ Admission is free. Non¬ members entries will be in¬ cluded m classification six. Club president is Mrs. Henry Gross. t) be much improved. The Rev. James Stewart and the Rev. Lee Hill re-lived their college days again the past week ns they were students attend- Jng the annuel u -.tor’s school Emory and Henry College at A. ry, Va. It is felt they re- reived many blessings from the school. -- Roger Shelton has been sick but he is better. -- With our North Dade Ele- mentary school in progress we nave many that are fast return- in: to the ways of regular school life. Its so wonderful to see the little fellows that are making their debut in school and let’s stop and think what are they really thinking about Well one will never know their rewards will be great, SLYGO Mrs. Mollie Waddell is still on our sick list, however her con- dition is improved. Mr. Ad Doyle is still seriously at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gross both have been ill at their home in Slygo but they are feeling ’ utter and Mr. Gross has re¬ turned to work. Correction We wish to make a correction in the news of last week. It was (reported that “Mr. Frank Patterson isn’t feeling any better these days and Mrs. Forrester relates he is some¬ what weaker than usual.” This jshould read: Mr. Frank Forrester isn’t feeling any better and Mrs. Forrester reports he is some- Vt inat weaker, (We aie sorry this error oc- burred and ask forgiveness of a p concerned. We are looking forward to our (football team at Trenton going j forward this year. Remember, fellows! The North End of the \ county is really behind you-all anc j rooting for every game. : Let’s get them all this year. . . J j US f g e rea j jnggy. _ Mrs. Evelyn Reeves and Mrs. 0 hn Cureton have returned f 10in tile home demonstration j ! ----- u& do xuUix job work THE DADE COUNTY TIMES 3-piece Bedroom Suites $89.95 ★ • ★ ® ★ 7-piece Living Room group $119.95 Group includes:—sofa bed, platform, rocker Coffee table, 2 end tables, 2 lamps. GROSS MERCANTILE COMPANY Trenton, Ga. P A G E 7 SLY GO Don’t forget the working at Bethlehem Cemmetary Satur¬ day. We hope that all interested persons will come and bring a casket lunch. Valuable Coupon Clip and Use ‘ ‘ aduU to se™ ' I |\pyil Jjpejnlp , hp 9 c Starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas Starts Saturday at STATE THEATER Downtown Chattanooga Valuable Coupon Clip and Use Personalized Hair Cut Created for you Shampoo and Phone OL 7-4555 foil Appointment k k k ) || $ ,,, Sally’s Beauty Shop . - v -