The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 24, 1959, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    North Dade PTA
Hollis Meeting
Th* No'-th Dade P T. A.
in the school cafeteria with
president, Mrs. Hazel
The devotional was given
Rev. Horace Henry, pastor
the Wildwood
Church Mrs. Mary
led the pledge to the flag.
Mr. Elmer Oliver was asked
check on prices for some
oolers for the school.
matter brought before the
was the fact that some of
classrooms were without
he group voted to take the
placement of the shades as
6 m , ow. *
ch evrolei
/ <6 :^3Sm **£:
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer
M. & W. Chevrolet Co. Inc. Trenton Ga.
project for the year.
The teachers were introduc
& including three new ones.
The teachers are: first
Mrs. Joyce Shearouse; Second
grade, Mrs. Pearl Blevins,
grade, Mrs. Betty Thompson;
fourth grade, Mrs. Ruth Fox,
fifth grade, Mrs. Martha Pullen;
sixth grade, Miss Elsie Cargile;
seventh grade, Mrs. Virginia
A very colorful film on school
building was shown and refresh
meats were served to one of the
largest groups w'e have ever had.
People, people, everywhere!
And oh, how they did drink!
Coffee, that is! The coffee was
being served along with cup¬
cakes by three lovely young
j girls: Wanda, Virginia, and
1 Ruth Buchanan, at the
j Ann
open house of Chester Buch¬
j anan last Sunday from two to
Mrs. Buchanan stated approx¬
imately 125 of their friends and
relatives toured the house. Their
new home is beautifully new
and modern itself and was made
moi e by flowers contributed by
Mr. R. G. Peterson and Geneva
Bailey. The flowers, huge color¬
ful dahlias, were aesthetically
arranged by Mrs Charles Smyth.
Tours were led by Mr. and
'hf'7 v d nr the np*t bes' thirp to
tav very oaa in America
Fil'd they threw r out the rront axle
and st in torsion-spring independent
3USj Mision Then they built wide-base
coil m springs into most light-duty
models, v, nable-rate leaf springs into
heavies T) at made it—a ride you have
to feel tc believe. A ride that lets you
move faster to get more work done in
a day’s time
irawmet bulldozer build!
Frames are stronger, cabs 67% more
rigid Front wheels and tires are pre¬
cision 1 danced And that new suspem
don cushions jars and road shock that
used to spell slow death for the truck's
body and sheet metal
More corctortaMp cabs'
Easier to hop in and out of too Many
models are a whole 7 inches lower out-
lide Yet there's more head room in'-
side, plus more width for h gilders
ind hips. More real coni for
Jig in the power department
With the industry’s most advanced gas-
•aving 6’s With high-torque Workmas-
er V8 performance in heavyweights.
With new 6-cylinder or V8 power
Available in L.C.F.’s,
Ao re models than ever 1
New 4-wheel-drive models and tan
dems and high-styled Suburban Carry
alls. It’s the handsomest, hardest work
ing Chevy fleet ever to report for duti
See your dealer soon for a ride!
Tnything less is an old-fashioned truck!
Mrs. Buchanan; every conveni¬
ent feature of the home was
pointed out from Cedar lined
closets to satellite
chandeliers. Refreshments were
served on the white marbled
patio off the den.
Honor to Mrs. Page
Mrs. J, F. Page has been Is¬
sued a certificate of citation in
recognition of outstanding and
unselfish volunteer service in
the crusade to help saves lives
from cancer.
The certificate honors Mrs.
Page for her help in “financing
service to patients, research and
continued education to prevent
needless deaths due to delay in
The award was made by the
Georgia division of the Ameri¬
can Society
The Cloverdale Community
will have a picnic this Friday
at 6:3o at the home of Lamar
Roberts In Cloverdale. They are
starting a Home Demonstration
Ciub, and all interested people
are Invited to attend.
The Moore Funeral Home has
acquired another modern-up-to
date ambulance-hearse combin¬
S. C. Moore, owner, said the
new Cadillac vehicle is fully
equipped to render first-aid in¬
cluding oxygen. “It was pur¬
chased in the interest of better
service to this area," he said.