The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 24, 1959, Page PAGE 7, Image 7
Get quick results with i CLASSIFIED <, --- ADS. . FOR SALE: Deep and shallow Well pumps. Trenton Furni- ture & Appliance. BULLDOZING & —Lakes, clearing, bush and bog, Septic tanks and field line s installed, — Reeves & Johnson. Call Alvin OL 7-4971 or OL 7-4836. ufn DR. O K MacVane Chiropractor and Naturopath Ft Pavne. Ala HIGHEST price paid for pine and poplar logs. See us if you have any to sell. Dyer Lumber Company, Trenton, Ga. FOR SALE: New 12-gauge aut¬ omatic Winchester shotgun (new). Reasonable OL 7-3781 3tc-10/l WANTED AT ONCE: Man with car for Rawleigh Business in Dade County. Buy on time. See Mrs. Dollie M. Duke, 1806 S. Hawthorne, Chatt. or write R^wleigh’s, Dept. GA 1-10-301, Memphis, Tenn. 3tp-10/8 SAFETY SPECIAL New BRAKE SHOES on all four wheels, install¬ ed on Fords, Chevrolets, | Plymouths, Dodges. Special Price .... $15.95 WE HAVE A NEW BATTERY TESTER & RECHARGER Buck’s Service Station Trenton Georgia SALE of the year Continues Fold A-way Step Stool.........$8.88 Handy stool, converts to steps for high reaching Wizard full size Sewing Machine.$39.95 Precision quality -- 25 year guarantee! 3-speed Phonograph (portable) $18.88 Plays all sizes! lightweight case unbreak¬ able type in white with red, blue or aqua. Many other models to choose from SALE OF THE YEAR SPECIAL Western Flyer, boy’s or girl’s 20” model Only $29.88 A terrific buy for pre-season Santa shoppers W ASSOCIATE STORE TRENTON, GEORGIA the DADE COUNT* TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1959 ****** *★★★*»* FOR SALE ‘55 Dodge Hardtop Coronet ‘50 Chevrolet 54 T. Pickup Body rep&ir-painting-wheel 1 balancing VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY OL 7-4923 TRENTON, GEORGIA +++++++++*+++++■*++++++++ FOR SALE: Shetland Pony. See Bud Crane, 4 miles S. of Tren¬ ton on U. S. 11. 3tp-10/l FOR SALE: Coleman oil circul¬ ator. Heats five rooms. Also oil drums. OL 7-4781. AMERICAN LEGION POST 109 Second and fourth Thursday night 7:30 P. M. every month Legion Hall. Dennis Sullivan, Comdg Regular meetings Trenton Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the second and fourth Saturday nights each month at 8:00 p. m. All qualified Masons invited. J. B. Geddie, W. M SALE: 8-10 wk. old pigs. Geo. N. Lawson, Rt. 2 (Sand Mtn.) OL 7-4346 3tp-10/8 J. B. PORTER DIES Mr. John Burton Porter, 84, of 2, died yesterday in a Ft. hospital. The fune¬ will be at 2 p. m. Friday at General Church of God, Mountain. | Morganville & Slygo Elmer Oliver, Morganville was representive at the Kentucky Fair, in Louisville, Ken¬ Mr. Oliver spent the week and demonstrating the machinery manufactured his company, the Harriman Co., Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doyle Mr. Doyle’s Church class with a weiner roast night at their home in The Revival held in Hooker a real success and we thank the many friends from Mor¬ and Slygo who took part in the services . . . Rev. Holmes, Signal Mtn. Church conducted services. Rev. James Stewart is pastor of the church and Rev. Paul Cass is his assistant. We are so sorry to know that little Patsy Cureton fell Satur¬ day and broke her arm in two places ... we are trusting that Patsy will be all o. k. soon. On Sunday September 27, 1959 the W. S. C. S. of the Morgan- vile Methodist Church will serve 1 a fellowship dinner in the base¬ ment of the church and the proceeds of the dnner will be used for the church program . . Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gross had as their weekend guest Mr. and Mrs. David Steele . . . Mr. Bill Pullen is in the middle of the Tomato harvest and says he would be busy if there were enough tomatoes . . . Mrs. Hazel Street (Slygo) re¬ turned home the past week from a Chattanooga Clinic where she underwent surery . . Mrs. Street is doing fine . . . Mr. Ad Doyle is still in a very critical condition and he seems to be growing much wreaker . . The friends of Morganville and Slygo extend sympathies to the Brock family at Wildwood in the illness of Mr. W. F. Brock . . . Mr. Brock has entered the Veterans Hospital in Atlnata where he will undergo major surgery . . . Thirst , 7bo, Seeks Quality for professional work AT AMATEUR PRICES Free Estimates Free Pickup and Delivery Within 100 miles radius Trenton Upholstering Company Telephone OLiver 7-4371 HARTLINES HAVE TWINS Mr. and Mrs. Junie Hartline of are being congratulated the birth of twins last week. e boy, Mark Alan, weighed lbs., 9 ozs, and the girl, Mar- weighed 6 lbs., 1 oz. DRIVER BURNS TO DEATH A man, Identified as Allie J. about 30, perished in a which occured when the he was driving on U. S. 11, south of Fawn, early Thursday. The truck, operated by South¬ Household Furnishings, Bir¬ left the road on a durng a heavy fog. GASS BURIAL TODAY Garrett Lee Gass, 88, of Look¬ Lake rd., who died Tuesday a Chattanooga hospital, was today in Brown Gap Sand Mbuntain. Survivors are his wife and one Mrs. Charles Forstner. Top Prices for Corn WILLARD COLE GRAINERY He Opens Early He closes Late Telephone 123 on U. S. 11, Fort Payne, Ala. Smyth Television Service Fully guaranteed service on all makes Service from $2.00 Phone: OLiver 7-3021 Hwy 143, one mile west of Trenton To Supply Your Sick room needs . . . magazines patent medicines . . . greeting cards ice cream . cosmetics . . records . . veterinary medicines . prescriptions “Where pharmacy is a profession, not just a sideline” Hadden's Self-Service Pharmacy on the square P A G E > True Bills (Continued From Page 1) Smith, Rice Holt, Raymond David, Charles Eaves, Frank Holt, George Cureton, Elmore Raines, Robert Buchanan, Robert Nichols, S. B. Countiss. Possessioning Liquor: Horton Abbott, Ike Moose, Raymond Bennett, George McMahan, Louis Stephens, Buster Buckles, B. D. Sargent, Herman Mc¬ Mahan, Brent Baty. Assault and Battery: Hoyt Frazier, Leroy Abbott, Lewis Massey. Larceny: Edward Elrod, Ted Whited. Driving without License: Earl C. Haney, Robert Hest. Driving Under Influence: Earl C. Haney, Jack R. Pittman, Brent Baty. Passing On Hill: Leonard Gold. Possession of Beer: Ike Mjoore. Abandonment: Richard Segee, Carl Hawkins, Alvin D. Moore, Thomas W. McDonald.