Newspaper Page Text
Coles Mark Golden
Anniversary at Home
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cole were
honored on their golden wed¬
ding anniversary with a buffet
dinner at their home in Slygo.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole were mar¬
ried in Slygo, Sept. 29, 1909.
'They have 7 children, 14 grand-
Morganville & Slygo
The fellowship dinners held
at the Slygo and Morganville
Methodist churches were very
good, however the attendance
wasn’t as it should have been
and we will say you who are
staying at home are really miss¬
ing some real fellowship and
some good eating ... so let’s
come out and join in these din¬
ners and show our colars.
— 0 —
The Morganville Methodist
church was host to the Charge-]
Wide meeting Sunday night and
believe %
it or not the church was
filled We extend to our other
churches the hardiest congratu¬
lations for the great response.
Hooker Church was outstanding
with a great number and the
Slygo Church turned out in
great numbers and it is felt that
everyone really received a bless¬
ing from Bro, Joe Hampton’s
message and picture* of the
Holy Land . . . the meeting was
so great that requests have al¬
ready been received to have him
come back and give another
lecture on the Holy Land and
this we have already done and
Bro. Hampton will be comming
back in just a few weeks.
— O —
We regret the fact that Mrs.
Eura Moore met with a serious
accident Sunday afternoon. She
was driving on the Hooker Road
returing home from Nashville,
Tenn, where she had been visit¬
ing her daughter and collided
with another car. Mrs. Moore
was admitted to Tri-County
Hospital where she was treated,
'for shock, a broken nose and
other minor injuries. We pray
that Mrs. Moore will soon be up
and able to be about. . .
Our sick list hasn’t grown
much and some are much better
and it’s our prayer they will con
tinue to improve . . Mrs. Mollie
Waddell is somewhat bettpr this
week, she made a trip to Chatt¬
anooga to visit with the doctor
and returned feeling somewhat
better . . . Mrs. Sally Wilson is
feeling some better and so is
Granny Massey . . . Mr. Frank
Patterson is just about the same
and Bro. Ad Doyle is holding
fiis own . . . John Cureton has
been on the sick list for the
week end, however John was
feeling better and started back
to work Monday . . . Frank
Forrester is feeling somewhat
better and still holds his own,*
We believe with all the hot I
weather just about gone that we
will put on our fall robes and
get to feeling better . . -Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Slaughter are
both somewhat better and
seem to be feeling improved.
The North Dade Civic Club
will hold it annual ladies night
at the North Dade Elementary
School on Monday night October
19, 1959 ... Mr. J. T. Morgan
of the Georgia Power Company
will be the principal speaker. . .
dinner will be served. J. O Ste¬
wart is chairman of the pro¬
gram committee . . .
please note: If you have news
from the Morganville and Slygo
communities and want it in our
fine paper please call J. O Ste¬
wart at OL 7-4140 so he can
have it before Monday of the
following week!
children and 4 great grand¬
children. There were four gene¬
rations present for the occasion.
Among the guests were Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Craig and son,
Rising Fawn; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Jones and son, Chick-
amouga; Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cole
and family, Jacksonville, Fla.;
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole and son,
Rising Fawn; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lawson and son, Fairfax,
S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Massey
and daughter, Kensington, Ga.;
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cole, West
Palm Beach, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Hixon and daughter, Chick-
amauga; Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cole, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Cole and Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Moore, all of Trenton.
The Jr. Garden Club had their
first meeting of this year Oct.
1st. The Club decided to hold
their regular meetings the first
Tuesday of each month at 1:15
o’clock. Plans were made for a
Fall Flower Show Oct. 6th.
Officers elected for this year
are: Pres., Linsey McMahan;
Vice Pres., Sandra Thompson;
Sec., Frances Avakian; Treas.,
Christine Stewert; Reporter,
Dianne Gross; Room Leaders,
4th grades, Connie Payne, Mavis
Avakian; 5th grades, Linda Jen¬
kins, Glenn Reeves; 6th grades,
Ernestine Clark, Patricia Moore,
7th grades, Loleata Bradford,
Edna Reeves. Advisors are.
Chairman, Mrs. W. W. Daniels,
Mrs. M. J. Hale, Mrs. Atha Sells.
Club members are from grades
four to seven. Both boys and
girls are members. Reporter, I i
Dianne Gross.
Knew! •
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easy loading
luggage compartment
New convenience has been built into
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Inside you’ll find room and more
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entertainment-Tbe Shore Ciievr Shew-Swwley* MBC-TV—Pat Boone Chewy Showroem- Weekly ABC-TV-Red Skelton Chevy Special Friday. October 9, CBS™.
Top Dinah
See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer
M. & W. Chevrolet Co. Inc.
Trenton, Ga.
cash for pine cones
LOBLOLLY $2.50 per bushel
VIRGINIA $4.00 per bushel
Pick ripe, high-quality pine cones direct from trees or from
timber cut AFTER October 1. Deliver cones free of trash and
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For Full Details, Contact:
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Wood Yard, Sugar Valley, Georgia
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1960 Chevy i B
///new ! ! !
Under the hood thrift is accented in a
new standard V8, engineered to de¬
liver up to 10% more miles for every
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normal speeds. Or you might choose
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Thicker, newly designed body
mounts insulate you from road shock
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melts bumps as no other suspension
system can. Oil hushed hydraulic
valve lifters reduce engine noise to a
! N E W !
for the driver
Everybody will want to be the driver
when he sees the kind of pleasure a
turn at the wheel brings. The driver
finds Chevy has further cushioned
him from engine impulses by an
improved clutch linkage system. He’ll
also find a convenient new parking
brake that automatically returns to
normal height after application.
’ ' •
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