The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 08, 1959, Image 5

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Michels Daughters
Honored at Party
Mrs. Willard Michaels entert¬
ained with a party Oct. 3rd at
2 p. m. for her daughters, Enid
and Sonia Michaels. Seventeen
girls were present and enjoyed
ice cream, cookies, balloons,
bubble gum. Those attending
were Sallie Walker, Wanda Tin¬
ker, Linda and Sharion Butler,
Linda, Marie, and Phillis Daily,
Patrica Morgan, Peggy Ann
Whitzell, iDebbie West, Char¬
lotte and Kay Cooper, Sissie
Riddle, Nola Cooper, and Doris
Jean Tinker. Mrs. Michaels took
some pictures and they all had
a wonderful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ott visit¬
ed his brother Sunday.
Rev. Williams preached at the
prayer meeting held Sat. night
at C. W. Albertson’s. A good ser¬
vice was reported.
We are glad to report both
Mrs. Richard Morgan and Janie
are home from the hospital. We
had an increase fo 20 more in
Sunday School; nealy record
Fred Cooper and Mr. and Mrs
Ed Riddle visited in Fabius Val¬
ley Saturday.
Checking Accounts
Saving Accounts
Auto Loans
Home Repair Loans
Personal Loans
Safe Deposit Box
American National Bank offers you
many confidential banking services
to help you financially.
When you are in Chattanooga, feel
free to discuss your money problems
with the friendly folks at any Ameri¬
can National banking office.
n National Bank
ist Company
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for professional work
Free Estimates
Free Pickup and Delivery
Within 100 miles radius
Trenton Upholstering Company
Telephone OLiver 7-4371
Mrs. Jo Moore, Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Dorothy
entertained with a pink
blue shower for Mrs. Oscar West
Jr. last week. Mrs. West
many lovely gifts.
Mrs. Mary Whitzell is sick
ber home.
Elibabeth Cooper and Mrs
Goldie Maltsberger attended
ringing Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryson
parents visited them recently.
Mrs. Ludie Stoveall’s
from Indiana visited
and went on to her parents
Alabama for a reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
and son of Woodville, Ala.
ed his mother recently.
Ada Tinker visited
Crownovier of Chattanooga,
Mitchel Tinker and wife
ed relatives recently on
Windy Wants Your
Favorite Receipe
Windy Windell, The Time’s
Woman’s World editor, is either
getting bored or losing her
knack at writing good receipes.
She wants your help!
Several readers have already
offered her their favorite re¬
ceipes. Now, having tried them,
she would like to share them
with you. I f you’ll send your
j favorite, she will get them toget
her and use one each week.
This way, you can help share
with all the readers.
Allison is Honored
By Selective Service
H. P. Allison has been award¬
ed a certificate of appreciation
by President Eisenhower for 10
years of service as an uncom¬
pensated member of the Selec¬
tive Service System.
The certificate cited Allison’s
generosity and faithfulness as
an advisor to registrants.
New Salem 4-H Club Meets
The New Salem 4-H Club held
its first meeting Sept. 21st. New
projects for the year were dis¬
cussed. New officers were elect¬
ed. They are as following: Pres.,
Judy Arkins; Boy Vice Pres.,
Philip Huskey; Girl Vice Pres.,
Linda Forter; Sec.; Robert
Maier; Treas., Sylvia Everette;
Reporter, Melton Bradford.
We are glad to honor Eddie
West, Wayne Massey, Yronmia
Bradford, Adena Bradford, H.
A. McKagi, Danny Walden,
Becky Gray, and Jimmie Skel¬
ton to our 4-H Club as new
members. Reporter, M i It o n
Mr. J. E. Brasfield attended
the Tech football game in At¬
lanta, Saturday.
Mrs. Robert White, who re¬
cently underwent surgery at
Chattanooga, is improving at
her home here.
l Mrs. Bullock is improving
from a serious illness at her
J'daughter’s Mrs. Ovid Rousseau.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bishop
announce the birth of a son,
Robert Clinton, Jr. at a Chatt¬
anooga hospital.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ovid Rousseau and family were:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welborn
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rousseau
from Huntsville, Ala.; Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Rousseau from Paint
Rock, Ala.; and Mrs. Sarah
Bridges and children from Glen-
co, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Winfrey
of Atlanta were recent guests of
Mrs. Florence Strawn and other
relatives here.
Mr. Henry Walton Brown, 78-
year-old resident of the New
England community, died at his
home Tuesday at noon.
Survivors include his wife,
Mrs. Lou Brown; two sons, Joe
Brown, Trenton, and Claude
Brown , Ft. Oglethirpe; three
daughters, Mrs. Edna Lee, Mrs.
Frank St. Claire, Chattanooga,
and Mrs. Henry Webb, Chicago,
and 13 grandchildren. 4
The funeral was held today at
the Waterville Baptist Church
Moore Funeral Home had
charge of arrangements.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winfrey
and Mrs. Winfrey’s mother, Mrs.
Kelmer of Chicago, arrived
Tuesday to spend several weeks
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williams
and family of Little Creek,
)Tenn., vsited friends here Sun¬
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wakins
and Mrs. Elizabeth Durham
spent Sunday with Mrs. Thelma
Mrs. Lillian Limbough en¬
tertained with a household
party Friday.
Mrs. J. E. Brasfield and Mrs.
Thelma Bell entertained with a
shower at the home of Mrs.
Bell Saturday afternoon, honor¬
ing Mrs. Paul Cass.
Steffner s Lookout Valley Drug Co.
Phone TA 1-1541
“Store of Friendly Service ”
Sam Steffner
graduate pharmacist
h a k
Our first resident representative in Dade
County !
Mr. Douglas Forester
... to better serve your natural gas needs.
Complete service and equipment repairs.
Air. Forester will inspect your heating system
and cooking apparatus without charge, just to
get acquainted.
Call him at HOward 2-3121. /
Distributors of
Butane and Propane
Interest in Club
At Cloverdale Grows
The Interest in the Home
Demonstration Club at Clover-
dale is growing with each meet¬
ing. Those attending this week
were: Host, Mrs. Edith Roberts,
Florence Forrester, Mrs. Geneva
Roberts, Mrs. Katherine York,
Mrs. Rita Phillips. Mrs. Mell
Hawkins, Mrs. Gertrude Haw¬
kins, Mrs. Verinice Hawkins,
Mary Forrester, Mrs. Velma
Hawkins, Mrs. Edna Baugh, Mrs.
Grace Blevins, Mrs. Louise Chad
wick, Mrs. Jackie Byers, Mrs.
Wallen, Mrs. Pauline Brad¬
Mrs. Katherine Wallen. I
like to mention the ab-»
of some that had previ¬
attended but were out be¬
of illness: Mrs. Grace
and Mrs. Inez Forrester.
hope they can be with us next
which will be held at
home of Mrs. Katherine
the first Thursday at 1:30.
Mrs. Ida Hawkins was, not
as attending the
last month and wasn’t
us this month but we hope
will be back with us.
Now that the road has been
in the community maybe
will have even more attend-
in the future.
—Reporter: Edith Roberts.