The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 08, 1959, Image 7

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Smyth Television Service
Fully guaranteed service on all makes
Service calls from $2.00
Phone: OLiver 7-3021
Hwy 143, one mile west of Trenton
Dry Cleaning & Pressing
Red's Cleaners
Phone OLiver 7-3355 Trenton, Ga.
GIGANTIC Pre - Christmas LAY-AW AY
Gannaway-Riley, in cooperation with
Santa, offers a complete line of Christ¬
mas toys—for easy lay-away buying!
Dozens of beautiful dolls from tiny baby
to ballerina. All sizes.
Delightful, dashing, special. Washable vinyl
fabric, polished chrome handle. Big 5-inch wheels
Regular $4.98
9 Pre-Christmas Special $4.99
Spring Action Horse his
little cowboy will want this “”in
Corrall! Reg. 22.95 for $14.99
Electric Golden Pipe Organ J
Emenee 2 7 lull full chrc chromatic octaves with
?7 black .. . and j white keys, haw
Music book and patented seli-teach lessons m-
true tone.
eluded. All for only $14.99
Plus hundreds of other adorable toys
Shop Early, while it’s easy----for best selections!
Gannaway - Riley Co.
Hours 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.
Saturdays 8—6:30
Trentons Plentiful
But Dades Are
There are many Trentons
the United States but only
lew Dades.
Curiously a world atlas
searched to determine just
many Trentons and Dades
are and it shows 16 Trentons,
town of Dade and 3 counties
There is a Dade West
and a Dade County in
named for the same as
County, Georgia. There is
a Dade County, Missouri but
parently it has no
with the local namesake.
Trenton, N. J. is the
city by that name and
North Dakota the smallest
a population of only 100.
There are Trentons in
bama, Florida, Illinois, Ken-
The Rev. Bill Stafford
Chattanooga will conduct a
vival series, Oct. 12-17 at
Calvary Baptist Church.
vices will be held at 7:30
evening and the public is
tucky, Michigan, Missouri,
raska, North Carolina,
South Carolina,
Texas and Utah, in addition
the one in Georgia and
mentioned in New Jersey
North Dakota.
Hiwassee Offers To
Buy Ripe Pine Cones
Dade County residents
made extra money this
by picking pine cones to
seed for the Hiwassee
Company tree nursery,
3rd District Forester Rex
Cord of Calhourn
this week.
“We need large quantities
loblolly pine and
amount of Virginia pine
McCord said.
“We will pay $2.50 per
of loblolly and $4.00 per
of Virginia cones delivered
our Varnell or Sugar
wood yard. We will pay cash.
“The cones will be
upon delivery and must
our specifications. We will
glad to explain to anyone
wants to collect cones our
and quality requirements.
need only call our 3rd
Office at Calhourn or our
nell or Sugar Valley
Yards,” McCord said.
Forester Named As
Local Gas Agent
Douglas Forester has
named Dade County resident re
presentative if the Natural
Service Co., Inc. Chattanooga.
Glenn Spears, manager
Forester was named in order
offer better and quicker gas
vice in this county.
Natural Gas has for 23
served the county through the
distribution of butane and pro¬
pane gases.
Forester is married and the
of a daughter, Pamela.
They live at Rising Fawn.
He is a member of the Ruitan
Club and the Dade Wildlife
Club. He is a graduate of Dade
County High School.
Mrs. Edgar Moore of Rt.2, was
admitted to Tri-County Hospital
Sunday for treatment of injur¬
ies suffered in an auto accident
in Slygo. She was taken to the
hospital in a Moore Funeral
Home ambulance.
Second and fourth Thursday
night 7:30 P. M. every month
Legion Hall.
Dennis Sullivan, Comdg
A. J. Atchley, Adg.
Regular meetings Trenton
Lodge No. 179 F. & A. M. the
second and fourth
Saturday nights each
month at 8:00 p. m.
J. B. Geddle, W. M
J. M. Rogers, Secy.
All qualified Masons invited.
A farewell luncheon, honor¬
ing the Rev. and Mrs. Pearl
Tinker was held recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ged-
die. Sponsoring the event were
members of the Trenton Baptist
Church. Among those present:
Mr. and Mrs. Coy Partlow; Rev.
and Mrs. Edwin Hall^ Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Gass; Mr. and Mrs.
Mace Smith; Mr. Alfred Part-
low; Mrs. B. B. Battles;, Mrs.
Leon Barton and Grandmother
(Continued From Page 1)
Hot Dogs: Mrs. Jack Neal,
chairman; Mrs. Carl Baker.
Chili: Mrs. w. H. Denham and
Mrs. Monroe McKaig.
Trouble-shooters: Mrs. Wilma
McKaig and Monroe McKaig.
Chicken stew: Mrs. Scott Gray
and Mrs. Bunk Forrester.
Cake: Mrs. Grady McKaig,
Mrs. S. A. Huskey and Mrs. Sam
Coffee: Lewis McKaig and
Jack Neal.
Barbecue pit: Harold Moore,
chairman, J. c. Abbott and
Monroe McKaig.
Canning furnace and outdoor
cooking: Carl Baker.
Kitchen: Mrs. Martin Brad¬
ford, Mrs. Lincoln Gray, Mrs.
Carl Steele, Mrs. Lewis McKaig,
Mrs. Joe Fulghum, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Woodrow Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Grady Bradford, and Mr. and
Mrs. Buddy Adkins.
Hot chocolate: Miss Carolyn
Fulghum and Miss Theola Ful¬
Trays: Derrell McKaig, Bruce
Gray, Presley Moore, and Den¬
nis Gray.
Parking: Grady Bradford,
Grady McKaig, Cecil McKaig,
Martin Bradford, Tom Massey,
Don Gray, Granville Baker and
Julian Gray.
Among the cake bakers will
be Mrs. Tom Massey, Mrs. Lewis
Moore, Mrs. Grady McKaig, Mrs.
Leon Moore, Mrs. Beeson Rice,
Mrs. Bonnie Gray and Mrs.
Minnie Moore.
The old woodshed that served
as the kitchen in former years,
has been torn down and the
outdoor dining area will be¬
come now actually a part of the
show. While eating you may en¬
joy viewing the crafts and art,
which will be in view.
The New Salem elementary
school will operate a large con¬
cession stand. In charge will be
Mr. Roy Corcoran, principal,
Mrs. Roy Johnson, Mrs. Cecil
Hale, Mrs. Neil Gardner and Mrs
Roy Corcoran.
Tut there are hundreds of thou¬
sands of mentally sick people who
have not been so lucky—who can¬
not recover because their mental
hospitals cannot give them th»
treatment they need.
You can help them return to
their loved ones, by supporting
your mental health association^
God bless you all and thank*