The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 08, 1959, Image 8
PAGE 8 WATER . . . (Continued From Page 1) to the questions. What’s the ad¬ vantage of robbing Peter to pay Paul? But after last week’s deluge of complaints about the present water system in Trenton, we be¬ lieve many are now willing to pay the difference and get effi¬ cient water service. Some of them have told us. they’d pay almost anything to see the sit¬ uation improve. The proposed new system would at least provide service by qualified engineers and it would be managed by professional men, who know about water works. It would bring an end to the situation which brought on last Fuel Oil tor Heating R. W. Suggs & Son Standard Oil Products ^Taxxxx wo oooo o ooooo tt ooooc o ooooccyooooooooooooooooor OPTOMETRIST C. F. KING ; 17 East Main Street Chattanooga, Tenn. ] Res. Phone Amherst 6-0595 Business Phone Amherst 7-0214 J fooocxoeoocxiocxxwc o ooooo&qooocoooooooooo o coo o o o oJ For the finest in ... . Steaks Seafood Regular visit Wright’s Southland Restaurant Just North of Trenton on U. S. 11 Were wheeling and dealing with Chevrolets. We have taken in these cars on new Chevys. All are one owner, low mileage, reconditioned and guaranteed. 59 DODGE CORONET ‘S' 4-dr, 7,000 miles, auto¬ 55 CHEVROLET BEL AIR ‘8*, 4-dr, turquoise and matic transmission, power steering and brakes, white, radio and heater, straight drive Real nice! swivel seats, jet black, with red and black interior 55 CHEVROLET 210 4-dr, V-8 engine with over¬ swivel seats, jet black, with red and black drive transmission. Jade green - and-Sharp, interior. Man, SHARP ! 59 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, 2-dr, radio-heater, 54 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4-dr, 2-tone blue, rebuilt white walls, straight drive, 12,000 miles. engine, reconditioned throughout. 57 CHEVROLET BEL AIR V-8, 2-dr. hardtop powerglide, power-pack. Hot as a Firecracker! OTHER EXTRA NICE TRADE-INS 57 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL, 4-dr, automatic transmission power steering, like new, 31,000 55 FORD FAIRLANE, 4-dr, V-8, Ford-a-matic miles , blue and white. A real jewel! transmission, power steering, blue <& white. 56 CHEVROLET BEL AIR ‘ 82 dr. Straight drive, 53 BU1CK SUPER V-8, 2-dr. hardtop. Green <& white. radio-heater. A black beauty with a red hot V-8 Dynaflow. engine under the hood. 53 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-dr. sedan. DYER MOTOR CO. TRENTON, GEORGIA THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1959 week’s complaints. After numerous about lack of water, those ponsible for water service action. The old fire engine was ed up and driven to the voir, which had but a few of water. The old pumper cranked up with the idea pumping a reserve into the which supplies part of the The lead-in hose was laid in spring and water was into the reservoir until engine began to falter. Now this is in no way an tempt to blame those sible for water service. It simply an attempt to point the problems of operating a tem without proper assistance and management. Actually, considering equipment, system and cations, the present system Handled well. And those ponsible for service get no it is not satisfactory, but it take higher rates to get money to make it so. A wide system would take care this situation and at the time provide water to all of the county. The new system would give HIGHWAY BEING SURVEYED Edwin T. McConnell, highway engineer with the Georgia High- j way Dept, and a team of 10 have begun surveys on the In¬ terstate highway from the Ala- i bama line to the junction of 143,, south of Trenton. The survey, a new concept in' road building, utilizes photo- j grammetic procedures. TWO WRECKS REPORTED Sheriff Allison Blevins report¬ ed that two accidents occured on highways in Dade during the last week. Nobody was seriously hurt. a well-managed properly en¬ gineered water supply, the first step toward opening the door to new industry, which in turn is the frist step toward elevat¬ ing the general standard of liv¬ ing of Dade residents. We need a new water system. But first, we need some more information about the proposed new system. We believe the citi¬ zens of Trenton are entitled to know. WILDWOOD . . . (Continued From Page 1) of which you have never seen before. We will also have some musical numbers and will close with a Community Sing. There will be refreshents sold on the grounds, but there will be no charge for the show, so every¬ body come down and let’s have a good time together. A hardy laugh is good for you and we mean to dispense many hardly laughs during this show. NEW ENGLAND DINNER The New England Methodist Church will hold it’s regular se¬ cond Sunday dinner, October 11. Menu includes country steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, English peas, tossed salad, hot rolls, coffee and tea, home¬ made cakes. All you can eat for $ 1 . 00 . The drink everybody knows ?tSE; gill ijH........|r™r t t y tyi'> p PkOMPT service Trenton's most modern restaurant Fine food at a fair price Jboi^Lom, 'Complete Fountain Service” Complete motor tune-up Specializing in ignition, carburetor, gene - rator and starter servce. E. H. BURNS NEXT TO POSTOFFICE WILDWOOD Repairs! ON RADIO -TV WASHING MACHINE ALL MAKES APPLIANCES House wiring A SPECIALTY TRENTON SERVICE CO. ON THE SQUARE PH 7-5391