The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 6
PAGES oooo QQQQ ISL ISLJLJLJLSLSLSULJLSLaJLA P. B. B B P B fl fl fl. J g g 0 B £ < \VO^/\E^S o £ y (Windy Live and learn, they say. Well, sometimes I whether I’m alive, but hardly day goes by that I can’t say I learned. Like baking sweet they should be punctured with knife before being placed in oven to bake. Just cutting lends of is not enough, the ato must be stuck in the As the oven warms it, steam created inside and unless Js an easy escape route for steam, the potato may make of itself, one big youte. In other words, it will plode. And what a mess to up. The potato sticks hard and fast to every crevace in the oven and is stantly baked on. This happened to me and still I’m cleaning the Now, I always puncture potatoes. — O — Something else, I've or should I say I’ve been There still remains a amount of doubt, frankly. This is about sunflowers, rather about the seed. Webster’s says: a plant of asteraceous genus (at least I learned that characterized by (flowers. The common American species, a tall grown for its showy flowers, for its seeds which are valued food for poultry and as source of an oil.” Well, now, I always knew seed made good chicken feed. learned that from my mother. In fact, grandmother sunflowers for two reasons: 1. To hide the privvy view. 2. To have seed for chickens. Now, comes a certain lan I know, who tells me another virtue of the seed. And I’ll bet my last that even the people of of which the sunflower is flower, never heard of either. Instant Mince Meat Easy To Use Mince Meat, the instant kind of taste and flavor. If you don’t that’s ready to scoop out of its use it all when you open it, you big one-pound, twelve-ounce jar can keep it covered in the refrig¬ right into a waiting pie crust or erator to use in future goodies. tartlet shells, makes it easy to MINCE MEAT PINCH-UPS prepare a wide variety of tempt¬ (Makes 15) ing winter desserts. 1 recipe One of the most attractive, and pastry or easiest, too is these pinch-ups— 1 9-oz. package pastry mix Mince small squares of pastry with the 1 cup Borden's None Such four corners folded up and Meat pinched together around a filling Prepare pastry as directed on of mince meat. They are easy to package. Roll into 12 x 15-inch serve, too, because they are baked rectangle. Cut into 4 x 3-inch in individual portions and there rectangles. Place a slightly is no chance for juice to escape. rounded tablespoon of instant They can be served in style with mince meat on each square. an a la mode topping or eaten Bring opposite corners together out of hand most informally. and seal. Place on ungreased The big jar of instant mince baking sheet. Bake in hot oven meat has a big advantage, bo- ! (425°F.) until lightly browned, sides being so good to eat, full i about 15 minutes. the Dade county times, trenton, Georgia, Thursday, November 5, 1959 My friend ^ays seed are good to eat! (Odd, old Ipana advertisements mentioned it.) They're with protein, says he. Good quick energy, he continues. oeiter when toasted, he cludes. Well, I never! But argue all i could, couldn't convince this man sunilower seed are lor the —namely cnickens, and not u* numan beings. nut, says he, if they make cnickens grow, why not for (Humans? Besides, ne tney have more protein than buttrmilk, organe juice honey brewed together. (He claimed this also was a high- protein food.) And sunflower seed, toasted, taste better than that buttermilk contoction. Well, I wondered, what wouldn’t? Social Notes Mrs. Grace Nethery is recover¬ ing from a serious case of in- fluenca. Mrs. Frank Davis is ill and confined to the Tri-County Hos¬ pital. Airmon Frankie Maxwell Mondoy night for D. C., after a two-week vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. H. Johnson. Maxwell recently suf¬ fered electric shock in an acci¬ dent and was a patient in a hospital in Washington comig on the visit here. Recent visitors of Mrs. W. Frice were his sister and the James Curetons of The Curetons were enroute Florida. The Rev. and Quen and Tom Blackstock of son, Ga„ visited Miss Legg, recently. Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Allison cently visited Mrs. Allison’s McMahan-McBryar Mr. and Mrs. George Mahan of Rising Fawn an¬ nounce the marriage of daughter, Pauline to Paul Bryar of Sand Mountain. The ceremony was Tuesday in the Trenton huse, by Judge A. W. Peck. The couple has moved Tampo, Fla,, where Mr. is employed. HAMBURGER SUPPER SET There will be a supper, Friday night, Nov. 6, the New Home Center. Hamburgers, potato chips, cake and drinks will be served. Mrs. Carol Ivey, Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. Mary Lou tare in charge of the supper. The proceeds will go to New Home Baptist building fund. ANNEXATION MEETING The Trenton City Council meet Monday night at the of Maddox Hale, to discuss for annexing areas adjacent city into the corporate limits. Mayor Tommy Sims said eral proposals will be but that before any area is mexed to the city, the within the area will be given opportunity to vote before action is taken. Trenton Represented at District Municipal Meet Last Wednesday, Lt. Gov. land Byrd spoke at the 7th Municipal Assn, meeting Dalton. He discussed ways of aiding through a gas tax rebate. Representing Trenton at meeting were Mayor Sims, Rep. Maddox Hale Councilman C. E. Kyzer. ♦ ther, D. E. Hale of Ala, where he is in the having suffered a heart Mrs. D. P. Hood recently to Lincoln, Rhode Island by liner to be with her Mrs. Nelda Kayatta, who is covering from recent surgery. “Main Street” Dedication Will Feature Ellington Gov. Buford Ellington, nor of Tennessee, will be keynote speaker, Nov. 20, at dedication ceremony of anooga’s “Main Street” South. That’s the name the city given the new Interstote way link. The ceremony mark the opening of the bridge, spanning the River. It is a part of the highway which will through Dade County. Mayor Tommy Sims will a delegation of Dade citizens at¬ tending the event. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY! McBryar’s Radio and TV Service OL 7-3437 Donald McBryar—Now Ewgianl ? ' i c/ CHILDREN'S ORESSES SPECIALS Ladies Blouses............ ... $1.00 Wool Skirts.............. ... $2.95 Trenton's most modern restaurant Fine food at a fair price AIR CONDITIONED “Complete Fountain Service" To Supply Your Sick room needs . . . magazines . . patent medicines . . . greeting cards . . ice cream . . . cosmetics . . . records veterinary medicines . . . prescriptions . . “Where pharmacy is a profession, not just a sideline” Hadden’s \ Self-Service Pharmacy on the square