The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, November 05, 1959, Image 8

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New Home Judged
For Improvment
The judging for the
ooga Area Community
ment entest was held at the
Home Community this week.
Mr. Loyd Moreland was
charge of the program at
Community Center. Mr.
Conal Hurst led the group
Those on the program
ed Mrs. Madge Ballard,
unity organization; Mr.
Hurst, better roads; Mrs.
Belle Davidson, Johnny
son and Byron Ballard,
Scouts; Mrs. MSargaret
better homes.
The group toured the
camp circle and the new
Judges were Mr. J. J.
and Miss Sue Mayo,
of Tennessee and Mr. C.
Spivey, University of Georgia.
Dade Wildcats Win
Over Notre Dame 6
The luck of the Irish
missing last Friday night as
Dade Wildcats won their
game of the year over
Dame, 13-6.
Quarterback Doug
scored on a 75-yard run for
TD, then passed to End
McKaig for the winning
on a 42-yard pass play to
the Wildcats offense.
The Dade line did a good
of stopping the Irish.
Penning tn, ably assisted
Dade’s line, turned in a
ful performance.
Davis Loses 15-13
To Chatt. Valley
Davis lost to
Valley 15-13 and thus was
ed out of a tie with Dade for
regional football leadership,
the two could end up in a tie
the crown as they meet
Friday, Nov. 13.
Dud Avans and Porter
for Davis.
WATER . . .
(Continued from page 1)
“Your first question is
her or not the present
quate lines of the Trenton
tem will be replaced. In this
spect I can only refer you to
engineer’s report itself. As
Sheriff Allison Blevins
that a 400-gallon capacity
was destroyed on Sand
tain last Sunday.
As the sheriff and his
approached the scene on
property of Doyle Stephens
operators of the still
through a cornfield and
not found.
Notice is hereby given that
election will be held on
December 1, 1959, in the City
Trenton, for the election of
Mayor, a City Recorder and
<4) Councilmen for the City
Trenton for a term of two
Monday years, beginning the
in January, 1960.
persons desiring to be
for either of said offices, in
to have their names printed
the ballot, are required to
the Recorder in writing not
than ten (10) days prior to
election that they desire to
such candidates. The
tion book is now open in
Recorder’s office and will
open in the office of the
of Superior Court of
County in the Court House
November 21, 1959
November 25, 1959.
Mayor and Council of Trenton
By: C. W. Gray
Big One Gets Away —
Taking Little One Too
Jack Coots tells this fish
about a big fish that got
taking with it a smaller one.
Coots was fishing in
Lake, between Valley Head
Sulpher Springs when he
a bream.
He strung it and tied
string to his belt and waded
into the water. As he cast
a big bass spotted the
and in one swoop,
down on it and swam away.
All Coots had left was a
and a pait of the bream’s head.
.shows, some of the lines of
present system will be
mented, that is, where the de¬
mand requires a larger line than
the one in existence a
line will be laid along the same
route as the present line. I
understand from the engineers
that it is not feasible to dig up
lines and replace them, but that
the same result can be effected
by laying a supplemental line
alongside the present line. I can
only assure you of this, when
the Dade County Water Ssytem
is completed, every connection
thereto, will have an adequate
supply of water at a substantial
They can’t loosen and rattle because they’re were built out of it from the start. And they
not there. Instead, Chrysler engineers now won’t appear later to haunt you, because this
bring Dura-Quiet Unibody: body and car is built to stay quiet for a long, long time.
you a
frame that’s a single unit welded around Quiet durability is only one of the advantages
5400 times for strength. You will feel of solid Unibody construction. You’ll notice un¬
super usual comfort well, and handling ease.
and hear the difference the first mile new as new
r 1 'vp the Solid Plymouth tor 1960. We think this is tEie best built, best perform¬
ing car in the low-price class. Try it and see
..pcct a pleasant new experience when you first what you think.
try the ’60 Plymouth. What happened to the Built solid to give you solid satisfaction
sounds” used think normal? a new way
“car you to were SOLID PLYMOUTH 1960
They’re gone, in the new Solid Plymouth. They
A Chr* 7ar .<=>n <Jirj eered product
: :
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GL 7-3400 U. S. Highway 11 Trenton, Ga.
; Census Enumerators
To be Tested Friday I
The 1959 Farm Census crew
’leader will be in Trenton, Fri¬
day to examine applicants for
the job of enumerator.
S. Orville Pope of LaFayette
said he would be in the office
of the county agent at the
Courthouse at 1 p. m. to give
tests to those who are Interest¬
ed. •
Applicants should be 18 years
of age or older, high school
graduates and residents of Dade
Pay will be on a unit basis,
plus mileage.
Youth Groups Join
To Promote Sale
Of Mums at Game
The Junior Garden club and
the Boy Scouts, impressed by
their own achievements at the
pet show last week, have joined
again to sponsor a project to
raise money.
The two groups will sell
jtflowers at the final football
game of the season between! School officials look with
Davis and Dade, Nov. 1 13. favor this project because it
The on
group will offer giant will add a great deal of color
mums with ribbons in school festive aire to the final
colors and their slogan is “Show and
Your Colors.” game.
It’s the little things that count!
Little things like remembering to make
regular deposits to your saving accounts.
And how it counts! Before you realize it,
you'll have built up a nestegg to make that
dream come true.
Member Federal Deposit
3% on all savings
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