The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 10, 1959, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    Air Force Recruiter
To Be In Trenton
On Regular Basis
T/Sgt. Harry C. Sheldon, U. S.
Air Force Recruiter from Chatt¬
anooga, will be at the Draft
Board Office in Trenton each
Tuesday to interview persons
seeking enlistment or desiring
information on Air Force pro¬
Men or women applying for
enlistment through Sergeant
Sheldon will be given aptitude
testing prior to enlistment to
determine their Air Force job,
5 IbSaBdcoti 59 Cents , ana
Kraft Mayonnaise
Fleetwood COFFEE Sliced RATH Black Hawk Bacon 39c lb
Rath Black Hawk Ham Portion.. 39< lb. White Gold Sugar, 5 lbs.........49^
FRUIT CAKE Material SALE Still In Progress
Crown Flour, 25 lb. $1.39
ARMIX Shortning
3 -tb.Can Only 49cts.
PET. .CARNATION. .BORDEN milk 3 tall cans Only 39^
Ft. Oglethorpe Trenton Ringgold
assignment. These tests help
"determine each person’s aptit¬
ude for technical training in
such fields as Electronics, Mec¬
hanics, Administration and
Young men or women desiring
information on regular Air
Force Opportuities, jet pilot
training, technical training or
navigator training are encour¬
aged to contact Sergeant Sheld¬
on without obligation.
John Dennis of Elberton says
the reason the Creator did not
endow women with whiskers is
because He knew they would
never keep their chins still
long enough to shave them.
Farm Census Nears
Completion in Dade
The 1959 Census of Agricul¬
ture is about 50 percent com¬
pleted in this area, it was an¬
nounced today by Field Director
Thomas W. McWhirter of the
Census Bureau’s regional office
at Atlanta.
The Census official stated
that he was well pleased with
the cooperation the census
takers are receiving from
"farmers in the area and has
high hopes of completing the
canvass within the next ten
days. He pointed out that the
field canvass of farms is one of
the larger costs of the census
and that cooperation of farm¬
ers in completing questionnaires
promptly will be a vital factor
in keeping down the final cost
of the undertaking.
Quick completion of the cen¬
sus will not only help in keeping
costs down but will aid in
prompt publication of the re¬
sults, the field director said. He
urged local farmers who have
not already done so to complete
the census questionnaire and
have it ready when the census
taker calls.
Airman James R. Ross, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Ross,
of Head River, Ga., has been as¬
signed to a unit of the Tactical
Air Command at Shaw Air
Force Base, S. C., for training as
a food service specialist. He re¬
cently completed basic military
training at Lackland Air Force
Base, Texas.
Airman Ross is a graduate of
Dade County High School.
Georgia Searching
For Outstanding
Young Farmer
Plans to conduct a statewide
program to honor Georgia’s
Outstanding Young Farmers
were announced today by the
Georgia Junior Chamber of
Commerce through its newly
appointed committee chairman,
John Fuller of Covington, Ga. *
Between now and February
first, 1960, local Junior Cham¬
bers throughout the state will
conduct community seaches to
select and honor the most out¬
standing 21-35 year old agri¬
cultural leader. Basis of judg¬
ing will be progress in farming,
soil and nature conservation
practices and personal effort
toward community betterment.
Winners of the local Jaycee
contest will be judged state wide
and honored at a special ban¬
quet to be held February 20th in
Savannah, Georgia. State win¬
will then be entered in
Letters of appointment have
out to leading farm citi-
ihroughout Georgia nam-
litem on the nominating
in addition to each
Jaycee Club. This vast
has been asked to
at least two young farm¬
who deserve the attention
the local tfaycee club. This is
extended part of the pro¬
this year to place the an¬
search on a wider scale.
citizen can recommend an
farmer to his Jay¬
The Outstanding Young
program is sponsored in
by Southern Nitrogen
manufacturers of
Charles Holland, son of Mr.
Mrs. Lester Holland, Star
Trenton, was recently
vice president of the
class of Lincoln
University. Charles Is
treasurer of the Foreign
Club and correspond¬
secretary of the Alpha
Zeta Fraternity.
Fuel Oil for
it W. Suggs & Son
Standard Oil