Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, November 01, 1901, Image 3

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Dade County Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRENTON, GEORGIA. DIRECTORY. Dai* SuperlorCJiirt meets 3rd Mondays l . Hljrch and Seo torn tier. County Court (monthly tarn.) meets Sn. Monday in each months. Quarterly term meets on 3d Monday in Keh luary. May. August, and Novetnlmr tv. r Jacoway. Judge. J. G. lisle, County Solicit... .Instice curt for Trent n District meets s Si tltrday in each mouth. t'oVSTV Offtcrks. — 1 . A. ('ureton, Onllnar J.S. Allison, Clerk Superior Court; Kobe.- barter, Sheriff; C, A. Rryan, Tax. ollecto tV. T. Hartline. Tax Receiver. }. MCa.tie terry County Treasurer; W. (}. Morrison Surveyor. and Dr. James Donnally, Coroner CHCROnSBRVr KS.—M. K < .tan. 4th Pun.lavs in each mo. Mi. I’.ayer m.t n<- o ich Tlinisd ly ui/hf. Sunday School ever' Sunday morning nt 5.30. C. E. Bower. I’astor. Services nt Cu lberlan 1 l’resl.yteria. (hureh every 31 '"unday in each month. Sim and .y School each Sunday morning at !i;3u. Missionary Baptist services at the C. 1* lliurch Ist Sunday In ... h nonth. A. Bell. I’astor. LOCAL BRILL'S. Col. John G. Male of Rising F ■.•as in town today. Rev. C. K. Bower’s pleasant cmntenance ilhiniinatetl our office for a short while today. Holt. G. W. M. Tatum is ex pec'tti hone from liilan a tomor row. 1). A. .licks .0 is off on a visit to relntic ‘S in Tennessee, He wishes to a**k th J aftentitm of th puitlic to his advvriisement which will appear in next issue. The infant < hi] 1 of Mr. A. M Pryor dieil Thursday morning ai G o’clock. Death caused by bold hives. Sheriff Cuter, J. M. Castleberry and Stati'ey .Jeffrey mode a bn-i ne*s trip to G butt at. ooga this wee k Genial Mr. Tom Lumpkin o' New England visited oar offic yesterday. Messrs. Jo®, ph and Robert Pry m from A scald , were seen on out streets today; MAN I ED —You to know that legal advertising is payable strict It in a.I vance. Miss Neon.a Killian will go ti tli** sitv shopping tomorrow. 8h wilt leturu Saturday night. Prof.. Jesse Hufhes.of Chattan ooga, was in town today. TI ev will be a sale at Mri.J. C Stn itb'a totijormw. Rev R L Killian and wife pass ed Unougb our town the first of tie "' ek enroute to Gadsden wner. they will make their future horn*. W.T. McCarthy is very sa hearted now; hie has. girl was sect °n *he train Thursday niomint enroute to Gadsden, Al.ibanitn; her lu'tjre home. Cheer up Thomas )l s only an hour or two’s run dowt t here. Notice our dubbing proposition of the ladk Countv Sentinel and the Semi-Meeklv Journal M e are going to have the Journal Find our readers a sample copy ti.dr paper, nftor wdiieh, v.*‘ J ' cr] |i| . to • Dountv Sentinel , a, 'd receive thr e pup. rs a week for the price of one l ake ;id*’nn tag l ) of this offer wl.ile 'he i'on i hot and get a m gmficenl ha gain We mm if h re a </o>nl, tit way totnnmnlca'ioii from t<t< It town Hw *f jtOH'ufJirr in )/,e r runty each v"-*k b'ffiuiiiny ul h Xovethber hvut'tr. Of cm rue, yow want 1 " Hre nr home paper full of >we from every QUARTEII OF Tit ic c, t it\ rv. ao ir, hits' r -Pi EASE 1)0 \u T If JIT 7o “ ill KOIII EH M iJV, BUT i"*t Tj K /■; up you. PE V and WRITE m the mu You vill feel Reiter by having Jone your p nin ditty on *“ line. Try it anfi s-e. — AN ACCIDENT. I^ r ' Trail Tmiurn linpp'nvit to ■ hk)B (i serious acoiileni VI on Jay ■ 'us J,iv a, t'lit’le when nn un ■-’ 8 <J tr ran again t His horse. tots fell anil Mr. Tatum re ■P'ed 1 ainfu tnju is in left ■”* e r. hi , and knee. H.* ■ r;i , en> o irit, however, ha? t Yard-! a apid rccov ■ •till he w ll resuu.e bis busi~l B" ? ve.-y a >on . ■r.„ Tho 0r!0 Day Cplfl Cura. H n Jii Chorol.Tt*'H LuxaUvu Quinine for ® t rt ' I*™*** CMldma A CHANGE. Datle County Seuiinel In stead ot Stale of Dade News. We assume the liberty to tip our hat to Ihu public and render an appropnaie Low to the gener ous people of the great county of Dade vhile we beg leave to intro duce J iie Date County Sentinel We do not caie to .o on iecord as m king any premature claims it behalf of the i.ew sheet, any mor. than to state that we are p rfeotli willing for its introduction solely jpon and by reason of that fea ture of its makeup which is readi ly discmialbe to ihe eye of its readeis. However, it is to be •oped that, if there appears any changes, in any respect touching 'be character and style of the pa per, the criticisms, while honestly warranted and wholly justifiable vhich may loom up in the distance .(•cording to the laws of cause and •ffect, tv.II beheld in abeyance to the far reaching oyesight of a con siderate aud forgiving people. Our intention is to offer noth of but a plain, clean, aceommn lating little county periodical whose sole aim shall be to serve its •eaders at any lime and all times mi any stylo at its command. Were it not for the tact that most county sheets are entirely lependm t upon the counsel and support ot the people to whom mav >e attributed their existence and success, we might be sornenh it in dined to go astray at some leisure hour and bother our insignificant -took of b.-ain attempting to grasp tie mysterious and fathomless lentlisot some subjects with which he colu oos of the great dailies ire filled from time to time; but ve are thoroughly of the opinion hat modesty and fitness and p ro riety will only a <k at the hands of >ur humble little paper that will ogn.-sj arid promptness with vhich it shall al ways respond to •all of duty from any of its read rs t< itching home affairs. Brother, you to whim this lit IL taternent is addressed, we want o have an opportunity *o show voo that your wants shall he look •and after. If we can ever serv* vou nd you fail to notify us if tin privilege, we are trank to say the' 'he sin of omission on this 'ine, n our opinion, will never assert in olank and meaningless aivusation .gainst us. We hope to i 'easanHv serve vo. in givnia you the county, stal r.d national news. It shall h ur coveted privilege to allow von legal voice,i t anv time upon an' •opula an l interesting subjefi '•hich mav occur to your mini rom day to dav. Now, we do not only talk this, 'mr. we MKAV eyerv word of i* vmv, tit conclusion we sa? tin. >tn aim -.111111 he. -is the new till •pplips. to guard ai every i s f ntv he wdfare of those tor whom m. • v wlmni the paper is perpitualed 'l st assured that nothing will In • ft undone, though attempted hi >e:ik bun an imperfection,"to mak* clean, conse'v tiv •, fair and ev r ancorninoHating county paper B'Gier. do you want to help u to tin \things? if you do,* w vant to rSogest that you lend ti our supiNl and influence; .ua r Hiilee a rate of interest Thunk : ng \ advance foi our con'.idera at least, ueh-c I. lie an-“n.i>' 'tumble ser vant. W. D. B. Chambers* THE NORTHERN TOURISTS MISTAKE. Scene, R9UI ning From Church Sunday. For 'he Sentinel ’Twas su m> r time each -dar sublime, Shone out with golden pin : Tq To ' lner the spell w hen days f Tewell Gave night the £irk dominion. U|> rose the moon by far too soon, Night no longer concealing An A grl l.iir with graces rare Her silver light levealing. -f ntmneed I viewed his form endued A \\ ilh robes of beauteous design ! rambling with fear then 1 drew This fair vision of tijr. Tlie kind her arm fvsio|jp >y j ilauisheil my indecision, llerc'inrms divine- Oh, mine To tu ke the supervision. M Now purest joy without I my Warmed my lent wlt^femotion, Happy and hle-t I Hie queen of my devotion. I seized her hand so well 'twas planned A white kid gto-’e did grapple, If mother Eve could thus deceive ’Twere Ittcfc to eat the apple. Now then a kiss comes not a miss 8o ladies do iOt wonder I raised her veil Infernal, hail A nigger winch, by thunder! DADE COUNi'Y SENTINEL, TRENTON, GA,. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Ist, 0)01 THREE PAPERS A WEEK. LOR ABOUT TUB PRICE OH ONE- This paper and the Atlanta Twice-a-Week Journal for ($1.25.) Here yon get the news of the world an all your local news while it is fresh, payinj veiy little more than one paper costs, ti ther paper is well worth SI.OO, but by spe. .al arrangement we are enabled to put i both of them, giving three Tapers a wet for this low price. You cannot equal this any where else, aud this combination is the beat /iri iniunt for those who want a great paper and a home paper. Take these aud you will keep up with the times. The Semi-Weekly Journal makes com mon cause with the fanners ann pvblishes bund redsof letters from them on farm top i. s, describing their exjierience in making crops, etc. It is a paper devoted to the development of the resources ox the south and the wel fare of its people. The Journal is the authorized medium for the publication of matter relating to the Cotton Growers’ Protective Association, and has contribut.d largely to the increased price paid for cotton this season. Besides general news the Twice-a-Week Journal has much agricultural matter and other articles of special interest to farmers. It has regular contributions by Sam Jones, Al rs. \\. 11. Lelton, John Temple Graves, Hon. C. 11. Jordan and other distinguished writers. Call at this .office and leave your sub scriptions for both papers. You can get a sample copy of either pa|icr here on appli cation. NOTICE I HIS ADVERTISEMENT! Tam selling goods at the same old f tarnl. [ am here to stay, and .ill it a point not to he undersold. Here art some of my prices: flatirons 5 ( v.l OuGng Gooffs ,5c v.l Good Rercalffl 10c yd inis from 75c to $1.50. Special llarg*vns in Fable and Pocket Cutlery. Be sure tocnll and examine my <tonk. Stuple and Fancy Grocer ies at Bottom prices. Also a com plete stock ot Patent Medicines kept continually on hand. Bridles, lollars, Saddles dollar Pads, etc., • s Low as the LOW ES T Anything in stock low down for CASH r KAi;i i;t;. J. M. CASTLEBERRY. WHEN IN TWE CITY BE SURE To Gall and see me a I 300 Vhiteside Street, where I mav be ou <i still dispensing ‘he best •Vinskies. 'Vines and Tobaccos to ie found in dhaltnnooga . Jt you don't care to drink call AND SEE m ANYWeY. %OUR FRIEND, E 11. MADE, The Georgia Siloon. y Tool I < **- f if £ ——lULy II \ 1] t f 'i ; MItAEiyBOE ONE 2093 MiLES IN 132 HOURS #he Eldredge I SoO.OO The Belvidere 040.00 ; ; Superior to all others Irrespective of price. Catalogue tells you why. Write tor one. NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO. ! 330 BROADWAY, Factory. w New York. BELVIDERE. ILL. WANTED-AN IDEASSSfiRffiS? thing to patent? Protect yonr 1 vitas; they mi bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDBK BUKN4 CO., Patent Attorney*, WM'nnsttl i D. O . for thalr JI.WO prize offer. . . are fSL iH any yob m head DEAF? /PWfpN NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are iacurablc. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Daltimore, MJ.. March 30, 1001. Gentlemen . lleinfr entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a full history of my case, to be used nt your discretion. About five year.* ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost tny hearing i:i this car entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, success, consulted n num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head uoiscs would then c?asc, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever* I then saw vour advertisement acciden ally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noise? ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased car has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WURMAN’, 730 S. Broadway. Haltimore, Md Our treatment does not interfere with i/our usual orcujiation. Ex™,ton nild YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF.AT HOME ata^ lnol INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO. ILL Look In Your Mirror Do yon see sparkling eyas, a healthy, tinted skin, a e weet expression and a grace ful form l These attractions are the result of good iealth. If they are absent, there is near v always some disorder of the dis tinctly feminine organs present. Healthy menstrual organs mean health and beauty everywhers. McELRECS Wins of Cardui makes women beautiful and healthy. It strikes at tbe root of all their trouble. There is no menstrual dis order. ache or pain which it will not cure. It is for the budding girl, the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life. At every trying crisis in a woman’s life it brings health, strength and happiness. It costs SI.OO of medicine dealers. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, “ The Ladies' Advisory Department,'* The Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chat tanooga, Tenn. • MRS. BOZENA I.EWIS, of Oenaville, Texas, earsi—“l was troubled at monthly Intervals with terrible pains In my head a:td beck, bet have beeu entirely relieved by Wine of Cental.” Ceorge W. Wheeler, TKE\Th\ - - GEORGIA. First class bhicksir ith ing at reasonable prices^ Horae phoning at.d carriage repairing a specially Guns repaired. I)R DONNELLY PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office Eat Side Public Square. TRENTON GEORGIA. BEN T. BROCK Att'y-ui- AL TRENTON - - - - GEC HA Prompt all business in rusted to him. THE POHTftAITS CF pUR PRESIDENTS Wilh Biot > 'hical Sketches iISY GENER'I H. GROSVENOR. flcmht-r ul lUiMfresi!* lor ncarlj 20 years. v Contains tv Bty-loui large Photo-gravu.e Rtchinsrs fronJic |amtings iiulorsed by chr families anti ilr relatives of the Presidents. Printed on b ■' plate paper, < mbossel. a very large b' M t J tle (le?ipntMl by Tiffa ny. Biogr:' Mt't'X sketohe printed in larjic. open t\ pe it Quo colors. The greatest work ol the 2oth ilntui v. So I eautiful that when President saw it he subs ril>l ini' mediately. l>ne agent selling 00 copies n mills terrl Ir yin I'eunsy lvania. A million copies will fe sold cuiek. Fortunes will le mH>li this fi itifniral year. High class man or woman of od social standing can make t little foi i.e in this ten iN'ry. Territory is going ri ily, running day and night to Cl or ts. Want .—State Manager to look after corre • ponde _*e and agents. Addre to-day THE o\TIN KNTAL PRESS, Corcoran Building, jS, - waaiiinuton. and. c. A tYoufterfal Dlccovery. The laef quarter of a century record* I many wonderful discoveries in medicine, but none that have accomplished more for humanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns’ Iron Bitters. It seems to | contain the very elements of good health, I and neither man, woman or child can take it without deriving the greatest benefit, frowns’ Iron Bitter a it sold br til dealer* TerrhilD Headaches 1.1 SI’t.TIVO FltoM DERANGEMENT OP STOMACH LIVER, Ol BOWELS, ltclloveil by Ayers Pill? "I don't bolicvo , //frSfßft there ever was s<> J. J jC3''j g'Hd a ]>ill made t as Ayer’s Cnthstr- c /£f tl: Tills. They * if’ will dually mi roe. t ■w ,y 14 * rop omnicitd them tor . F y ’fj'fr 1 and cv i more. * j* / J'A \ When I have a t ' ’ \ ' cold and aclio C from head to heels, a dose or two of c these pills is all the niedieine needed to o set mo right Hgniii. T r hoad.icl.e, they ® never fail. I have Leon a victim of t< r- Qt rihlc leadachcs, r.nd have never found o anyt'.ing to .clieve them so quickly .is ® Ayer’s Tills. Since ) began taking this 0 medicine, the attacks have been less and o; less frequent, until, at oresent, months ®; have passed since 1 have had one.*’—C. 0 : F. Newman, Png Spur, Va. o: AYER'S PIC LS c Prize Medal at Worm s Fair DapeiOC 00000 o oeoo O Ofip.oo oi mst^SXi BY BUTINO OtnCOT FROM 1 £. ROSENBURGER & CO.. I 203-204 E. 102d St., NEW YORK CITY., The Largest Clothing ' Manufacturers In America. | ous qiscat bargain orreni [®E)7 7fi VV ■ with Extra Pauls and kM • B W t# Pay Eiprtmgt. Tdtu Salts arc made ny of A * l Waal Caaal’werea' trim mad arltk fast l>lck S.:ttea, tkt beat •( ai kata a* atalp, cat Duobtc Preaatcri, Slats, j la 9 tear*, witk •ilk Embroidered Sailor Collar. 10 to 13 rear*, with out Sailor Collar. All Paata bare Patent Walat Danda Waaand place* of tin . lot. ad extra button*, with •ath auiL k.udl) mrnlivn if large ar amall for age. "'.s' Thl* Style § ♦ Jfcww kUt, 3to g I - ( f£f *hl* turn / vqjgjp Ica ;-F V" -K P """ N—T [to |ftQ jr -J y * o^)jy~m When ordering send Pitt OfTica eaprtaa Mowey Order *r t*terad Hr Wg Letter*, also age at lat bl.bdaf, lf(0| and If large or small for hi* age. ■| Ss | Money cheerfully refunded If oot VA V*J 1 J aatlafactory. Send it. ntamp* for Ulnl •ample*, tape measure, mensarlng Tetter, Sait-Ilheum and Rczenaa. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very had cases have been permanently cured by it. It. is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady’s Condif'nn Powders, are just what a horse n< when in bad condition. Tonic, ’ urifier r~ •’ vermifuge. They food medicine and the ltest horse in prime condi 25 certs per package. - £ , t the g elv * STEVENS FAVORITE It will teach him to lead an attire outdoor life In field and foreet. It will fire him a practical acquaintance with nature. It will eneourafe practice in shooting, wbcb tend* to glee steadiness of neree, noon racy of eye. TDe will be valuable qualities in after life, and, aboen all. it will five him health. . . It la aa area rat* rifle. r l> • Ter 7 J"* W **J* yon hold it; 1* light weight, graceful in ©otllne. a bona Ode arm in appearance and eonetroctlon; nothing cheer ****** It but the price. Made In three ealibrei .l*, aod .H rim-fire. X.. IT-PI.I. <>•*■ Slßfcto Me. m-T.mrt W*ht. X. 19-Libm Mn* *°® Ait jour detier fbr tile “F.Twrtt*.” If he doe.a keep tt. we will .end preptid ot teeeipt of price. Stnd .1 <tm P for our wow IJlptpe ealaiofuo containing descriptions of owe entire fine o/ rifles, target pistols and eombinatum rifiMM and pistols, and general information. J. MTEVENB ASMS At TOOL Cfl., Bax • • Ckta yee Falla, Mma HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE Free to Our Customers. . . AT THE • . WONDER STORE! 222 MONTGOMERY AVENUE. rickets Given with Each Purchase of 25 Cents or More. No Chance, No Lotery; We Have Enough for You can see Them in our Show Window. Wc Have the Most Complete Line of Dry- Goods, Hats, Shoes and Clothing in the City, and at prices that defy Competition. Don't fail to see out Timed Hats and Jackets before buying, We have a flue line of Winter Goods of all kinds in Cot ton and Wool, Flannels. Hanneletts aud Outings at all prices and our Prices are always the Lowesti W*, hive on** of the 1 itrij at und RR*ort ..i line. i>i SHOKRevcr .ecu in LhattauooKa, and at Koek Motion, price... Baby Shoe,, in eoloiß at 10c pr. ,'hildrenN .hoe, from 00c up Ml,Rea “obiid Leather Shoos 07c L. die. Heel "r Spring Heel, worth 11.16 9-ic I.mile, $2. Rhoe, lOr 1.60 l.adle, Tines3 Goo'year Welt at 2,50 Boys in Sutin alf and Kip Ties, Solid mh Iron at 08c Men, Kip Ties. Teggoil and Sewed, no Seim in Bark fur 1 00 Mena fine, worth 11.50 to f2.00 .foil lot, at LOr Job Lot ol $2, 2.26 and 2 60 Bftoes, going 1.60 Fine $3 and 8 50 shoes at Keducod Trlcea, A Big Bargain. —Mens Hats 69c. Mens Winter Capa from 15c to 50c. Just Received a Big Lot of Rem. mints from the Factory in Cantan Flannels, Culicoea and Perca\9 which we will sell at 25c pr pound. Dress Skirts from 75c to $5 Me you thinking of Buying a Skirt? DON’FAIL to SEE them. A Good Wool Filled Jeans at 13c yd 3 Good Felt Window Shades for 25c 3 Spools Best Thread 10c Best Grade Table Oil Clotn at 15c Big Lot of Indigo Blue Calico at 4c A Large pair of Cotton Blankets at 49c A Good Comfort Quilt for 69c 2 pair Heavy Fleece Lined Hose for 25c The Biggest Bargains ot all is in our Jackets for Ladies and Chil dren. We defy Competition. We Bought them right and we will sell them right, po don't fail to call and examine them before you buy. 100 DOZEN BOYS HEAVY Ribbed Hose, Worth 15c at 10c pair, THE WONDER STORE, 222 MONTGOMERY AVE. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. -Don’t Fail to Call Tor Tickets on the CHINAWARE— iffiU L Low Rates (o Texas. m \ At frefent intervals dur* i \ n^J9oi.VfoundlTrip pans A-h Lj Q'^ or I 1 Cairo.and HP* P 7") 10 P^nts tDr jJ v , liMrM4 n ' , A r,<ansas * Louis- M^ exas anc * 1 h i nl|cr and Okla rJTLt . Territories^ X\ N //rrfi&i ?W B f eatly reduced J / l M W/f/moi\v&^ I 111 ) ■’,’/ i * \ | | I \i $5/ I /fj //• 115 yfl'J warn to go: ai I | V jti i IWVf* you Woul4 ** M te**e. and w. I"1T 'll \W V ■„_".V.' r. m . teH you wl ' r i you can secure one 111 ll low-rste tickets andwhat It will If 111 \A y 1 • <°st- We will also send you a complete ILeeawn 111 \ : / . .schedule for he trip and n interetiln# Pi I /in S \// .‘ ! tittle book. "A frir to Texax" V\ J lJ J iMf V/// if I . v - * )Vyy7~Xni€/ V/ t *.—*• ry///?Py 1I f J' Schnayps Tobacco 35c lb Joe Bowers Tobacco 3oc lb Big Buck Tobacco 35c lb Brutou’s Snuff, 10c size 8c “ 5c “ 4c Staudard Snuff, 10c size . 8c Standard Snuff, 5c size 4c Botch Scotch Snufl, 10c size 8c Ifotch Scotch Snuff, 8c size 4c Arbuckle’s Coffee 11c lb. Winter Underwear for Men, Wony*- Children in all kinds and ion Suita in all sizes. _ " Extra Heavy, going at 25c suit. Ladies Heavy ttjhbed Vests 15c 2 f’r 25c Ladies Exvra Civy Vests or Pants The Best and Warmest Suit on the -. Market at S B ® Boy Heavy Fleece Lined Suit* at 50c suit or 25c per garment The best thing you ever saw for the price is our 25c Underwear for men. Better Grades from s® up. * i Shirt Waists fiv Finn Mercorwed Sateens, ail colors, lined.' through out. Woith f1.60, at 97c Ali-Wool Waists Trimmed in Braid 97c The Cheapest Place to Buy Chil drens Kelt Sailors and Ladies Walking Hats in all Shapes and colors. Trimmed Hats, prices that will surprise and please you. Just think of a Fine Velvet Hat, worth $2.50 to $3.50 at $1.97. Samples in Overcoats at Less than Factory Cost, Don't Fail to see Them, They are Real Bargains. Clothing in all Kinds and Qualities at Cut Prices. Mens All-Wool Winter Suits from $5.00 up.