Newspaper Page Text
Volume LVI. I swtmb/kewbdkb “ dl M8i9:lcoi)soi,ipATCp i 8 72 MilledgeVille, Ga., April 6. 1886.
Published Weeklyin Milled^evllle,Ga.,
TRUUH.—One dollar ^“o-^evenff-fl^e cents.—
ldvance. Six rao r n , t f h not p a ui in advance.
Two dollars a ytar If n c p M gMYTHE.are en-
Thp H*»rvices of COL. jamko
iraeed as General Assistant oUT HERS
K The‘ FBPKftALUMO> AuJ?ustlet , 1872,
KECORDER'’ "’‘-‘j’* itaForty-Th 1rd Volume and
HI Recorder”*^its Fifty-Third Volume.
N l \v YOKK.
How wonderful the great voids of
rhe heavens! those' interminable
-paces between planets and suns, and
oetween suns and suns how vast,
how incomprehensible their solitudes;
The mind is lost in wonder at the im
mensity of space! If nature abhors
a vacuum, what relieves those Im
measurable Saharas of void ? If the
mind can people vacancy, what crea
tures will it place within them? Im
mense aerial monsters, with bodies as
large as our moon, and wings that
would lap half the circumference of
o U r globe? or with the disembodied
spirits of the myriads who have lived
in God’s immeasurable -worlds, or
with the angel hosts, who make them
the fields of their pastime and the
abodes of inconceivable bliss? Can
aU ght exhibit more sensibly than this,
the greatness of God and the weak
ness of man! We look upon the
heavens as an expanse of wonders,
upon the stars as a jewelled cluster of
miracles! There are myriads of suns
and worlds in God's unending uni
verse. Were we to add to the figure
y, figures of 9 long enough to encircle
the earth, it would not compute the
suns and worlds in the immense re
gions of omnipotent Power. Our
earth Is a grain of sand in the compu
tation of God’s creations. To us it is
a pleasure to look upon the sky paint
ed with cloud and sunshine, and yet,
if man had the vision to follow the
pathways of suns and worlds, his eye
would follow the vaulted sky through
archipelagoes of island-lights glowing
in silent beauty forever and ever, if
he could live forever, and never reach
the end. Hueh is God's universe and
such the insignificance of man. What
wonders, what treasures sleep in this
mysterious and never ending uni
verse, with its countless myriads of be
ings! On this earth we have a billion
and a half of human beings. In the
universe there doubtless exist count
less myriads of beings who could not
find standing room .upon billions of
such worlds as we inhabit. In all
these worlds, held in the eternal clasp
of the great Jehoyah, with their voi
ded thunders, their burning suns, and
terrific winds; they move with inva
riable regularity and harmony at the
bidding of their Omnipotent Creator!
The mockery of mortal pomp, on this
little globe, sinks into insignificance in
the contemplation of this mighty uni
verse of mysterious works and* won
Sam Small Gives up Tobacco.
Chicago March 24.—In his sermon
last night Sam Jones said: “My good
friends say tobacco is a sin, and there
fore I am happy to announce that be
fore breakfast on Sunday morning
brother Small threw his tobacco into
the fire. I said to him, ‘Have you
quit to stay?” ‘Yes’ said he. Says I,
‘Old fellow, tell me why, won't you ?”
‘Well,’ he said, ‘Brother Jones, I
didn’t quit it because I believed it was
a sin; but they kept after me until I
got resentful, and I said I won’t per
petuate anything in my mind that
will make me resentful to ward people,
and I have given it up forever.”
In our judgment Mr. Small was
wrong. In giving up tobacco, he en
couraged ignorant and over-righteous
people in Chicago in pronouncing the
habit a sin, while they have no war
rant for it in the scriptures and indeed
bring themselves under the curse pro
nounced in the last chapter in the Bi
ble on just such jjeople.—Ed. U. & R.
The 1 eal estate in Atlanta was as
sessed last year at $21,000,000, and
tins year it is assessed at $22 500 000
l ive hundred thousaud dollars of this
is credited to new buildings and W
provements. The increase of a mil
lion dollars is a shade under 10 per
vent on the property touched. Some
of it is raised more than 10 per cent.
Collie of it is raised less than 10 per
vent, but nearly all of it has been
raised in some degree. The assessors
louiul half a million of improvements
without any difficulty.
-dr. John Fielder, of Spartanburg,
^°unty, wa* born in 1780, and is con-
• fluently one hundred and six years
G age. J
August, Ga,, March 27th, 1886.
Editors Union ■& Recorder :
Tidings have already reached us
that the gre&t prohibition fight in old
Baldwin has been lost. I have no
doubt that the good people of your
county will continue the Avar against
the actfursed traffic, and that the next
battle will be a decisive one for the
prohibitionists. The course pursued
by your paper during the heated con
test has been highly praifced by its
many readers in Augusta. Your arti
cles were fair, and your criticisms just.
You fought not against the men en
gaged in the traffic, but against the
traffic- itself. And right here let me
say, I doubt if any weekly p&per has
a wider circulation in our city than
the Union & Recorder! It has
found its Avay into many homes, can
be seen upon scores of counters, and
is read by all classes of our citizens.
And why should it not be ? It is pub
lished at;the old capital of Georgia,
where so’ many of their grand-sires
illustrated old Richmond in the halls
of legislation; it is ably edited, and
true to tha principles of our grand
Democracy! Colonel Sinythe is doing
good work jfor 'your excellent paper,
and your correspondent hopes to see
the time widen oqr merchants gener
ally will a\'ail themselves of its adver
tising columns.
Last Monday night a meeting of cit
izens favoring the Blair Educational
Bill, was held at Mdrket Hall. The
meeting was composed almost alto
gether of colored persons—men and
women—with a few prominent Avhite
citizens occupying the stage. Mayor
May presided. ■' A resolution endors
ing this bill Avas offered by J. H. Ly
ons, the colored lawyer, and speeches
in faA r or of the same were made by
Hon. Jno. S. Davidson, Hon. Patrick
Walsh, Prof. Wright, Bishop Holsey,
and Rev. W. J. White, the last three
being recognized leaders of the color
ed people.* The resolution was, of
course, adopted.
The white people of Augusta are
divided in their opinions concerning
this bill, while the colored people are
united for it. The Chronicle is advo
cating its passage, and the Evening
News is bitterly opposed to it. I be
lieve that if the question should be
submitted to the voters of Augusta,
the bill would be passed by a large
The new Telfair Building has been
well filled this Aveek to hear Dr. Lips
comb's lectures on Shakespeare. His
subjects Avere ‘Macbeth,’ ‘Hamlet 1 , and
‘The Merchant of Venice.” Each
lecture Avas a • literary gem—replete
Avith grand ideas, pure diction, and
superb rhetoric. The only dnvw-back
to the entire course was the Doctor’s
feebleness of health. He has just re-
eo\ T ered from a protracted spell of
sickness, find Avas compelled to deliver
parts of his lectures Avhile seated.
Through the efforts of the Havne Cir
cle many tickets Avere sold, and the
Library Association has thereby real
ized a snug sum.
A telegram reached Augusta this
morning from LoAvmoor, Ya., notify
ing Mayor May that Preston Valen
tine, the suspected murderer of old
man Vales, the night watchman at
the Street Car Stables, had been ar
rested. This murder occurred about
eighteen months ago, and is doubtless
remembered by most of your readers.
Mr. Vales was a faithful employee of
the St. Car Company. On, the night
of the inurde’r he Avas on Iris rounds,
and had just entered one of the office
rooms to record the time, when he was
dealt the deadly blow by the hand. of
his murderer. Kerosene oil was pour
ed over his body and set on fire, and
the drawer Avas robbed of about $39.00.
The life blood oozing from the wound
must haA r e put out the fire, which did
no more damage to the property than
to char the wood in patches around
the dead man's body. Suspicion rest
ed upon Valentine, who was seen with
about $6.00 in nickles, and who acted
strangely when talking about the
murder. An effort Avas made to ar
rest him, but on seeing a policeman
approach he gave “leg bail,” and has
not been heard of until Capt. Purcell,
who has been on his trail for months,
informed Mayor May of his capture.
He will reach Augusta to-morrow
Last evening’s seivices closed the
protracted meetings at the First Bap
tist church. Rev. H. M. Wharton has
Avon the hearts of the entire commu
nity, regardless of denominations.
One cannot fail to be attracted by his
gentle manner, his musical A r oice, and
his eloquent preaching. He has been
the means of adding thirty-two souls
to this church, and several to other
denominations. A marked feature
during these reAuval services was the
attendance of our Chinese residents,
who came in large numbers, and paid
strict attention to the preacher. To
morrow night, about twenty-six can
didates will be baptized by Dr. Bur
rows, the beloved pastor of this church.
Gen. Evans, the pastor of St. James
Methodist church began a series of
meetings in his church last night.
They will continue throughout the
1 had the pleasure a few days since
of examining some magnificent dia
monds just received by Mr. John H.
Fearv, Avliose advertisement appears
in your columns. Mr. F. is one of the
most experienced opticians in the
South, and is a practical jeweler and
engraver. He is reliable in every
sense : his word is his bond.
_ Base Ball has opened in Augusta.
Our club has been playing Avith some
Northern League \*isitors, and has
Number 39.
downed one of them—the Louisvilles.
I o-day they play with the Detroits.
Every school has its club, and every
boy is an amateur manager.
The ladies of the Memorial Associ
ation are getting r eady for the deco
ration of our- Soldiers’ graves on the
26th prox. This day should neyer be
forgotten by the rising generation.
Of all holidays this should be the
most sacred to e\ r ery Georgian’s heart.
It is to the pride of our city that one
can say that the 26th of April is more
generally observed than any other
public day. Long may it be so.
Under the act passed by the last
general assembly to establish a tech
nological school as a branch of the
State. University, the governor has
appointed the following board of com
missioners for said school to-AVit: E. R.
Hodgson, of Clark; S. M. Inman, of
Fulton; O. S. Porter, of Newton; N.
E. Harris, of Bibb; Columbus Heard,
of Greene.
Upon this board is imposed the re
sponsibility of locating the school
“within or near to the corporate lim
its of that city or.toAvn in the .state
which shall offe£ the best induce
ments for suclvjocation, in thj opin
ion of jsaid commission.” They, are to
have, in selecting the location; “due
regard to the appropriateness,* eligibil
ity and healthfulness of the surround
ings, as Avell as to any offer or dona
tion of value that may be made to se
cure the said school.”
This opens up to eyery town in the
state, noted for healthfulness,‘that
wants this school, an opportunity to
bid for it. This is ore of the few im
portant measures passed by our late
general assembly and it is to be hoped
that notwithstanding the gravity of
the responsibility involved in the
same, that the commissioners will pro
ceed at once to take in the field, and,
having done so, locate the school
where it will ' develops the greatest
gbodfto the people of the whole state,
since in the language of the statute
“The selection once made shall be
final.” We may be mistaken in our
judgment, but we have long been an
advocate of training children practi
cally while in school; and owing to
our present outlook and surround
ings we are, if possible more decided
than ever, in our opinion, that a tech
nological school well organized, well
equipped and properly managed, is
one of the great needs of the period.
Many toAvns would doubtless be
glad to have this school located in
their midst; but all preference for
localities should bend to the general
interest and doubtless the efficient
board of commissioners in locating it,
will look at the question from this
stand point.—Monroe Advertiser.
Sam Jones Reforms.
Chicago, March 30.—While the two
Sams haA'e been trying to do some
thing for Chicago in a moral way, Chi
cago has done something for the two
Sams. A fortnight ago Sam Small
publicly announced that he Avould
smoke no more cigarettes, a form of
vice which had subjected him to a
good deal of criticism. But Sam
Jones continued*to smoke his corncob
pipe and chew his navy twist. To
night, however, at the end of his ser
mon, Sam Jones renounced tobacco
in every form amid applause greater
than has marked any of his much ap
plauded sermons. After remarking
that he consecrated himself to God
thirteen years ago, Mr. Jones said:
“Down in my country I have neA r er
been in a soul’s way that I knoAV of.
In a hundred different instances I
ha\ r e been notified that a habit that
I am given to is a stumbling block to
souls in this city, and I want to say
to this congregation to-night, from
this day till we meet up in heaA^en
you can tell the Avorldthat Sam Jones
has got no habit that is a stumbling
block to anybody. For your prayers
and your sympathy I am grateful,
and if I don’t do any good in Chicago,
let Chicago thank God Almighty she
has done the poor little pale Southern
preacher some good for the balance of
hia life.”
Queer Aquarium.
Macon, March 24.—[Special.]—Sev
eral years ago a large, fire cistern was
constructed in East Macon. It was
not made of brick, but the walls Avere
of plank. The cistern Avas fed by an
ever-flowing spring at the foot of the
hill, and as there were never any fires
over there it was seldom used.
Two years ago A. A. Subers and
others placed a small alligator, a
young turtle, and several catfish
therein. Recently Messrs. Jones and
Cutter have been improving the prop
erty, and yesterday workmen began
filling the old cistern. The alligator
has groAvn to between five and six
feet in length, the turtle Aveighs thirty
pounds, and catfish have grown to a
large size.
As an aquarium the old cistern was
certainlv a success.—Constitution.
How to Treat Tasteless Early
Apples.—Take four pounds of ap
ples (weigh them after they are peel
ed), two pounds of sugar, half an ounce
of cinnamon in the stick, one quarter
of an ounce of clo\'es and one. pint of
vinegar; let the vinegar, spices and
sugar come to a boil; then put in the
Avhole apples and cook them until
they are so tender that a broom splint
Avill pierce them easily.
For The Inter Ocean.
rr ana. ■. v. wilios.
Beneath the hot mid a urn me r sun,
The men bed marched all day;
And now beside a rippling stream,
Cpon the grass they lay.
Tiring of games and idle jests,
As sweptYfie hours along;
They called to one who mused apart,
“Come, friend, give us a song.”
“1 fear I cannot please, he said,
“The only songs I know.
Are those my mother used to sing
For me long years ago.”
“Sing one of those,” a rough voice cried,
“There’s none but true men here,
To every mother's sou of us
A mother's songs are dear.”
Then sweetly rose the singer’s voice
Amid unwonted calm.
“Api I a soldier of the Cross,
A follower of the Lamb.”
“And shall I fear to own His cause—”
The very stream was stilled,
And hearts that never throbbed with fear
With tender thoughts were filled.
Ended the song: the singer said,
As to his feet he rose
“Tlifnks to you all. my friends, good night,
God grant us sweet repose.”
“Sing ui one more," tlie Captain begged,
The soldier bent his bead,
fhea glancing ’round, with smiling lipa,
■■You'll join with me," he said.
“We'll sing this op] familiar air,
Sweet as the bugle call,
‘All hall the power of Jesus’ name,
Let angels prostrate fall.’ ”
Ah, wondrous was the old tune’s spell
As on the singer sang;
Man after man fell Into line,
And loud the voices rang,
The songs are done, the camp is still,
Naught but the stream is heard;
But ah, the depths of every soul
By those old hymns are stirred.
And up from many a bearded lip,
In whispers soft and low,
Rises th^prayer the mother taught
The bdflong years*#go.
' Youth’s Companion.
It was a hot, dusty day that I first
saw the little gentleman I am going
to tell you about.
To us-who were being borne city
ward in the swift flying express train,
it seemed as if there was not a breath
of air stirring. All the windotvs were
open, vet no cool and refreshing
breeze c$tne in to make our journey
more end*c*ibte.
The car seemed to condense the
heat on its shinihg surface, and radi
ate it through its interior, and Ave felt
as I imagine a turky must, if he were
alive, Avhen lie is put in one of the old
fashioned, shed-like ovens our grand
mothers still loA'e to use once in a
while, just for the sake of the good
old days.
We went often from our uncomfort
able seats to the water tank, but all
the Avater we drank could not keep
out the heat that seemed to make the
air vibrate about us, as you can see
it on hot days on a stubble field.
The train boy brought in fans to
sell by the armful, and we all patron
ized him. For a little while we stir
red the stagnant air A'igorously with
them. The exertion of using them
became too great, and they were
dropped idly in the seats, and Ave sat
and sweltered.
The train stopped at a little coun
try station, and a woman with a child
came into the car. The Avoman Avas a
pale, tired looking creature, and the
child, a boy, Avas one of those tireless,
uneasy urchins, who want to be al-
Avays on the move.
The lady sat doAvn wearily and lift
ed the boy to a seat beside her with a
look that said she hoped he might go
to sleep soon. But nothing was furth
er from his thoughts just then than
nap. He climbed up beside his moth
er, and insisted on standing at the
Avindow Avith his head out of it, thus
obliging her to hold on to him.
“Please, Freddy, sit down by mam
ma,” she said. “You’re such a big
fellow that it's hard work to hold on
to you and mamma is very tired.
Won’t you, dear?
“I want to look out and see things.”
answered Freddy, too young and full
of spirits to understand how any one
could be tired.
His mother gave a long sigh, as if
she saAV that she must submit to the
“Won’t you come here and look out
of my window?” I asked, thinking I
was better able to keep the boy out
of mischief than his mother Avas.
Freddy looked at me for a moment
critically then shook his head.
“I’ll stay with mamma,” he said.
“I’m much obliged to you for pro
posing to take him off "my hands,”
she said. “I have a A T ery bad head
ache. and have tried get to him to sleep
but he persists in keeping Avide a-
I had not noticed the little gentle
man Avho sat opposite, before. I
think he had come into the train at
the same station at Avliichthe Avoman
“Perhaps the little boy'll let me
take care of him,” he said, pleasantly.
“’Won't you, Freddy?"
Freddy looked him over for a mo
ment, and got down from the window
and walked across the aisle to him.
“Yes, I A stay with you," he said,
and allowed himself to be lifted into
the little gentleman’s seat.
“You look as if you Avere almost
tired out," the boy said to Freddy’s
mother. “If you could sleep, it would
rest you, I’m sure. I’ll see to this
little fellow for you.”
“Thank you! you are very kind,”
the weary woman answered, with a
sigh, “but he’s too big a fellow for a
little boy to care for.”
“Oh no, ma’am, I can get along
with him well enough,” answered the
little fellow bravely. “You go to
sleep if you can and don’t worry a-
bout Freddy and me. If you’ll let
me, I’ll take him to the other end of
the car, where his talking won’t be so
likely to disturb you.”
“I'm not afraid to trust you with
him,” she answered, for the manly
look on the lad’s face gave full assu
rance and trustworthiness. “If you
are sure he Avon’t be too much trouble
to you”
“I’ll risk that,” answered the little
gentleman. “Come Freddy,” and
taking hold of the boy’s hand, he led
him to the other end of the car, and
the tired mother lay back in the seat
and closed her eyes.
Freddy had wants by the dozen,
and his self-constituted guardian at
tended to them patiently. By and by
there were signs of a lull in the de
mand on his attention, and with ready
tact he proposed to tell stories if the
other would listen, and Freddy allow
ed himself to be coaxed into a reclin
ing attitude. Then the story telling
began, and before the first story end
ed, Freddy was asleep.
“I Avas sure I could get him to sleep,”
said the little gentleman to me, Avith
a twinkle in his bright eyes. “I know
just the sleepy kind of stories it needs,
you see.” Then he made a pillow for-
Freddy’s head, and laid him down as
carefully as the boy’s mother could.
When that Avas done, he came to her
and asked if he should not get her
some water. The tank had been filled
at the last station.
“It will be cool, may be,” he said.
“I don’t like to be so much trouble
to you,” she answered. “You are
very kind; I can’t tell how much I
thank you.” “It isn’t worth speaking
of, mam,” he said cheerily. “If my
mother was in your place, I would
like to have some one help her, I am
sure,” and away he went to the tank,
and came back with a brimming cup
of water.
She took it with a smile of gratitude
poured some upon her handkerchief,
and bathed her head. “That makes
it feel better,” she said. “I’m sure
your mother Avould be glad to knoAV
how kind you are to me.”
“She ahvays told me to help other
folks, if I could,” he answered. “I like
to. Some time I may Avant some one
to help me, you know.”
Then he Avent back te Freddy, and
sat by him AA'hile he slept. The sleep
was not a long one, and Avhen the boy
awoke he was as full of spirits as healthy
boys of three or four years usually
are. But, the little gentleman’s fund
of amusement seemed equal to the de
mand, and Freddy was in no hurry to
go to his mother.
By and by the train stopped, and
the conductor called: “Fifteen minu
tes for refreshments.”
“Will vou sit here Avhile I,in gone,
if I’ll bring you an apple?” asked the
little gentleman of Freddy.
“Yes, I will,” answered Freddy.
Then the little gentleman Avent out,
and presently he came back with
something wrapped in a paper, and a
cup of steaming, fragrant tea.
“If you drink this, ma’am, I think
it will make your head feel better,”
he said, “Mother says a cup of tea
does her more good, when she has a
head-ache, than anything else.”
“You are the kindest, most thought
ful little gentleman I have eA T er met?”
she said, as she took the tea. I smil
ed. She had hit upon the same title
for him that I had been giving
“And here are some sandwiches,”
he said, opening the paper. “I’ve
got one, and an apple for Free-
When she drank the tea, he carried
the cup back.
“It does make me feel better,” she
said to me. “The boy’s kindnessgave
it a flaA T or that makes it an agreeable
medicine. What a fine, manly, little
fellow he is! I hope my boy will be
like him.”
The little gentleman heard that,
and I could see Avhat a glad look came
into his face. He had done a kindly
deed, and her Avords of appreciation
pleased him, as it always pleases all
of us to know that those whom we
help are grateful for our kindness.
I saw my little gentleman
perform more acts of kindness, that
long afternon, than I have time to
tell you about now. Every thing he
did was done in a quiet, unobtrusive
way that showed it was done from
instincts of true gentlemanliuess and
not from a desire to impress a sense of
his helpfulness upon those he was at
tentive to.
It was after dark Avhen the Avoman
and her child reached the stopping
place. When she prepared to leave
the car, he helped her to gather her
wraps and bundjps to gether,
and shouldered the sleepy
Freddy to carry him for her to the
platform. I followed them to the car
door. •
“You have been very kind tome,
she said, as she ga\'e him her hand at
parting, "X might tell you that I thank
vou, but you wouldn't know from the
words how grateful I feel." Then
she stooped down and kissed him.
“Here,' 5 she added, putting some
thing in his hand. "I Avant you to get
a book Avith this and write in jC
‘From Freddy and his mother, with
kindly thoughts for their little friend,
and Avhen you see the book you will
help us, and the remembrance of it
will help you. Good bye, my little
gentleman! ’ and she bent and kissed
him again, and they parted.
It pays to be a gentleman. If a boy
“ n °J » gentleman by instinct he
should aim to make himself one bv
habit, and when he succeeds in win-
ning the title of a little gentleman
from those he comes in contact with
he should be proud of it. H e has a
right to be.
Life at Andersonville.
From the Americus (Ga.) Republican.
We read recently a letter from an
Illinois man Avho had visited Americus
not a great while ago, and who Avasat
‘onetime a prisoner at Andersonville.
In this letter (written to a lady in
this city) lie said that the prisoners at
Andersonville were treated just as
kindly as they could be, and that Col.
Wirtz did nothing but his duty as an
officer, and did not merit the doom
meted out to him. This gentleman
was a good Presbyterian who had en
joyed his share o*f good and evil for
three score years and more and was
willing for the truth’s sake to speak
the truth. He Avas delighted Avith our
people and our climate, and in this
letter he begged that the lady send
him a flower from her garden to show
in his far off Western home the beau
ties of the sunny South.
Another Sam Jones.
Edgar M. Forrest, a reformed gam
bler, who is becoming famous as an
evangelist in western Missouri and
Kansas, formerly lived at Lewisburg,
Pa., where his father Avas postmas
ter for sixteen years. He says that
about six months ago he was running
a game in Parsons, Kans., and one
night while dealing, being then sever
al hundred dollars ahead of the game,
he felt as though a hand was laid on
his shoulder, and heard a \mice say
ing: “Stop!” He threw all his earn
ings on the table and exclaimed, “Right
here I quit!” He went to work the
next day exhorting the drunkards
and gamblers to follow his exam
Try Now to Catch Fortune’s Fleeing
It makes no difference Avliat hap
pens elsewhere, the Monthly Grand
Drawings of The Louisiana State
Lottery occur as announced, on the sec
ond Tuesday of each month at noon,
in New Orleans, La., personally super
intended by Gen'ls. G. T. Beauregard
of La., and Jubal A. Early, of Va.
The next, the 101st Monthly Drawing,
Avill come off on April 13th,*1886, and
any information can be had on ap
plication to M. A. Dauphin, New ()r-
leans, La.
-O- ♦
The Pension Obtained.—Judge
Thadeus Holt, father of the late .J udge
T. G, Holt, was a veteran of the war
of 1812, he having served with Gener
al Thomas and General Floyd against
the Indians in Florida when they
were induced to rise by the British in
1813. He Avent to Florida from Mil-
ledge\ T ille, in a company commanded
by General Thomas, Avho was then a
Captain. Judge Holt served on Gen
eral Thomas’ staff as adjutant.
For a number of years, Judge Holt's
widow attempted to obtain a pension
from the United States government
but owing to the loss of records, she
could not establish his participation
in the Avar in Florida. Her friends in
terested themselves in her behalf, but
without aA r ail.
Some time ago. Mrs. Holt found in
a copy of the Milledgeville Recorder,
published in 1813, an account of the
formation of the company which
General Thomas commanded. Judge
Holt’s name appeared in the compa
ny’s roster. Mrs. Holt sent the paper
to Washington, and the government
decided to allow her a pension of
twelve dollars per month. She will
probably obtain the arrearages also,
amounting to fifteen hundred dollars.
It was through Hon. L. l^. C. Lamar
that the pension Avas obtained.—Ma
con Telegraph.
State Teachers’ Association at
Savannah.—The twentieth annual
meeting of the State Teachers’ Asso
ciation will be held at Savannah on
the 4th, 5th and 6th of May next. The
indications are that the occasion will
be one of unusual interest and the at
tendance exceptionally large. The
programme embraces addresses and
papers by the following distinguished
personages; Governor McDaniel; Dr.
I. S. Hopkins, of Emory college; Pro
fessor Barrow, of thfe State Universi
ty; Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, editor of
St. Nicholas; Mrs. R. D. Ricord: Dr.
E. Dorman Steel; Dr. G. B. Strickler;
Dr. Venable, of the University of Vir
ginia; Prof. LeConte Stevens, of
Brooklyn; Professor Derry, of the
Wesleyan college, at Macon; Col.
Moody, of Columbus; Professor Bass,
of Atlanta; Professor Gounon, of
c\mericus, and others.
Mr. John Terry, of Edgefield coun
ty, is 93 years, of age, having been
born in 1792, and notwithstanding his
great age, he frequently Avorks from
sunrise to sunset. Mr. Terry is quite
intelligent and remembers well the
days of indigo and tobacco raising in
thi3 country, long before cotton was
the staple crop, or even the cotton
gin invented.
LaCrosse, Wis.? March 29.—A gen
eral snow storm set in OA r er this sec
tion yesterday and six inches of snow
had fallen up*to midnight.