Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1886, Image 1

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Volume LVI. rio?mEns l BEooEDE t R b “ 8he ' i *° IIS: f cohhoupatep m2. Milledgeville, Ga., Apbil 13. 1886. Number 40. Come and See the Beautiful H&TDISPLAY T. L McCOMB k C0 T S, r Embracing all that is New, Desirable and Grand! It will pay you to call! Don’t sleep over your opportunities! You may lose something if you stay away! Come early while every thing is fresh and new. We are a<min to the front with one of the handsomest stocks of goods that we have ever shown in this city. “The Flowers that bloom in the Spring, Tra La. Have nothing to do with the case.' * 1 * * * * * 13 ut ff*e Say ’This: Let others quote their prices.—We tell you if they quote Calicoes at one cent per yard, we will sell you better Calico at same price. If they quote you Shoes at 10c per pair, we will sell you better Shoes* 7 for 10c per pair. And so it goes throughout our whole stock. WE HAVE THE CAPITAL To do business on, and CHALLENGE (mark the word) Competition. We have determined to do the “Lion's Share” Of the Dry Goods Business in this City, REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES. Our stock is strictly First-Class in all its various departments. We carry Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, •Mattings, fyc., fye. To all we extend a cordial welcome. Remember we Guarantee Prices, and you shall have polite attention. T. L, McCOMB & CO., Xo. 8 and 10 South Wayne Street. Don't Forget the Number. -Milledgeville, Ga., April 16th, 1886. dO lm. The Macon Telegraph, of the 7th, says the opening of the East Tenn., Ya., & Ga. R. R. permitted informa tion to be obtained of the damage done by the freshet North of Macon. We quote the following items: The Ocmulgee river at Smith’s Mills, is just getting back into the banks from one of the greatest freshets ever known, even by the oldest inhabitants of that section. The high water mark of 1881 was exceeded by four feet. The damage to land, stock, and all kinds of property on the river was immense. All the ferry boats between Smith’s Mills and Macon, so far as heard from, ire gone. The negro ferryman at Mr. Tom Goodman’s ferry, five or six miles below Smith’s Mills, had his house surrounded by water Wednes day night, and attempted to make his escape with his wife and four children in a boat. It capsized with them and his wife and children were drowned. He himself made a narrow escape by swimming to land through the dark ness, without knowing where he was going. The bodies of the woman and children have not been recovered. A large flouring mill, ten miles a- boye Smith's mill and known as the "Key mill,” the projierty of Captain S. F. Smith of.Butts county, was washed away and has not been seen or heard of s’ince. Bottom land on the river as far up the river as can be heard from, is com pletely ruined. Fields that were plowed, manured, and planted nicely were swept as clean as a yard, while others were piled waste deep in sand, and still others were washed out in holes, leaving little lakes standing in 1 n y m large as an ordinary millpond w Here the water was never known to be before. ,, ■^ Gcmulgee Mills in Butts county, . . , m er rose five feet, over former nigh water marks. Great damage was none. ° For eight years Col D. J. William son, Quarter-Master U. S. A. and py. C. S. Consul at Callao, was crippled with rheumatism, He got no relief until he used St. Jacobs Oi). which cured him. No remedy on earth e- quals it for pain. Price, fifty cents a bottle. George Caught of the Indian nation returning-to his home near Table- quah after dark the other evening, ueard a child’s cry and the howl of Wolves. He found his own little five- year-old daughter, and not fifty feet hvay a pack of wolves. The Native Africans. We were, a few days since, looking over an account of the travels of an Englishman in Africa in 1820. Of course great changes have taken place since by various English, German and French Colonies in that wildest of all the continents of our globe. The present discussion about the negroes in this country induced us to read more of this work than we otherwise should, and we shall not trouble our readers with much of what we read in the work. Beyond all dispute Afri ca was the dreariest, most savage, and least enlightened part of the earth, for in every section where the negro existed, the people were the most stupid and ignorant in the world. Terrestrial nature possessed beauty, in some places, equal to that of other I continents, but it was unstamped with any image of departed greatness: there was nothing to awaken t). his torical recollection, but harboring in its bosom only ignorance and barbari ty. The soil was good, the woods lux uriant, wild fowl were plentiful, na ture had flung over some regions the witchery of enchantment, but there was no evidence of a deed performed in the clime to redeem it from barba rism and stupidity. Man was found there but one step removed from the gorilla. The monarchs, of the wilder ness, were the trees, not the men who roved under the shady bowers. Tor tunately, or unfortunately, for native African, civilized nations, British, the French and German, others, have taken possession of Jions of Africa without purchase, or paying tribute, as if it was waste land to be taken up by the first comer. This is a poor showing for the native African. There is no other nation of people who would not have resisted the invader and yielded only to superior force and arms. It is the descendants of these people to whom the Lnion leaders, of the late war between the States, have given equal political rights with the whites. The negroes have found that this Sudden anil ex traordinary grant does not sustain their temporary delusion, that they would be exempted from the curse 01 toiling in the sweat of their brows. There is no manna to be gathered m indolence, and to make contracts t°* labor a id abide by them, faithfully, is the best counsel their true menus can give the form their present, and perhaps, their ultimate prosperity. “Silver Lake” and other fine brands of Tobacco just arrived, at the nev. drug store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. the the and por- THE UNION & RECORDER, Published Weekly In MllledgeTllle, Ga. t BY BARNES & MOORE. Tbrms.— One dollar and fifty cents a year in Advance. Six months for seventy-five cents.— Two dollars a year If not paid in advance. The services of Col. Jambs M. Smtthh, are en caged as General Assistant. The “FEDERAL UNION” and the“SOUTHERN RECORDER’ ’ were consolidated, August 1st, 1872. the Union being in its Forty-Third Volume and •.he Recorderin its Fifty-Third Volume. TUIO DADCTD may be found ouiflle at Geo. I mo rnlLllP. Rowell & Co's Newspa per Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.), where advertising contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK. PARTY. There always has been and always will be parties in every country bless ed with liberal principles. In despo tisms and all absolute governments the people are ruled by the rescripts of the despot who is almost in every case a royal robber. His fiat is law, and it is always dangerous to disobey his edicts. In Liberal England and Re publican France there are not only parties, but generally several, each one having its leaders and followers. In our country, from its origin, there have existed, mainly, two, which un der all their phases and names have had their followers among the peo ple. For a long term of years they were the Republican and States Rights parties, each professing to be governed by the principles of the Federal constitution. Both claimed to be patriotic and devoted to the best interests of the people. One, the Jeffersonian, were strict advocates of state sovereignty and rights, the other, led by Hamilton, the Adams’ and others like them, contended that ours was a consolidated government, and the majority had a right to con strue the powers, liberally, and de mand obedience to their construction of the powers conferred in the Federal constitution. We have said this much as a basis upon which to say a few words upon passing events. The present Republi can party is the representative of the old Hamiltonian and Adams party, and the present Democratic party is the representative of the old Jefferso nian party. We use the term party in the sense of a division of the people by which one portion adhered to the Hamilto nian idea and another portion to the Jeffersonion view. We have no desire now, to discuss the principles of eith er. Our only object is to refer to the needs and rights of parties. The peo ple become divided in sentiment as to the doctrines of certain great leaders. Some go to the Hamiltonian and some to the Jeffersonian, and all divide upon their application to the needs of the country. The one set adopt meas ures to promote its interests, and the other adopt measures greatly at vari- ence for the same purpose. Of course either party watches the other and criticises its measures aqd methods with a view to its accession to power. Whether the measures of the Re publican party have been good or bad for the last fourth of a century, the Democratic party utterly con demns them as full of plague spots and disease, and after repudiating them for all that time have at last overthrown it and have obtained pos session of the reins of power. The question now is, how will they main tain the power they have gained? First, let us say that every man, who voted for Cleveland and Hendricks and aided in electing them is entitled to praise for his vote. Unquestiona bly they would not have been elected but for a small and respectable por tion of Republican votes. No Demo crat should, or would find fault with Mr. Cleveland for recognizing a due distribution of the official stations, at his command, among those Republi cans who aided in securing his election. He has conceded to them the Post mastership of New York, the most lu crative within the limits of our Union. We do not remember having seen any Democratic complaint of this. Nor will democrats censure him for retain ing a reasonable number of Republi cans in other official stations. With out republican votes in New Y r ork, lie would not have been elected Presi dent, nor would he have been elected but for the votes of the great Demo cratic Party. While, therefore we do not object' both upon principles of gratitude and policy, to Mr. Cleve land’s favoring some republicans, we do object upon principles of gratitude and policy, lo the retention of Repub licans in more than three-fourths of the offices in the United States. In our opinion it is madness and folly to do this. Patriotism dwindles to * a shadow when the enemy is installed all over the land in the places to which Democrats are entitled. Pa triotism is left to chance, it may dwin dle to a shadow when all along the hills and vales of the country, the call of Democrats is answered with the cry, that Republicans, who perform t heir duty shall n6t be disturbed, es pecially. when we remeimer that public virtue has been made a shadow bv those who plasced them in office for upholding them in their wicked careers. THE ANGEL AND THE LILY. In Memory of MRS. ANNIE K. SPENCER, Died Not. 2i, 18*5. BY BBHTHA MAY IYOBY. An angel knelt above the world one day, Two large soft tears like pearls so lustrous fair, Were in his eyes whilst laying his dear hand Upon a lily, breathing there a prayer, But lotJi to pluck if from its garden home. He first so gently the white leaves caressed, It swayed beneath the touch as tf to go. The hoiy hand had sanctified and blessed. But still the angel knelt and raised his eyes, Wet with warm tears, and said, “When I shall take This lily from her stem to lift with me. Some hearts will sorrow that, they cannot break: Some little otips will miss the fragrance sweet; One heart will feel his very life-light gone, And sobs will storm and others feel too deep, To weep within the pale chill winter's wan, Some hearts will burn in agony of grief, Some hearts will feel the song of life all hushed, \ ' Some hearts will feel the rain of anguished pain So torrent-foaming joy will seem e'er crush ed. Some hearts -will feel the flower’s gentle sway When gone bereave them of all tender care," Some hearts will bend and pray to God alone, To save them from their lonely, dark des pair. • .Must I Mien break this lily from its home— ' The dms,te sweet flower that giyetii so much ‘ ^.^waee, And beautifies the garden all about With light as fair as brother angel’s face? Must 1? But God commands. He knaiceth best. He knows if left to blossom with perfume, That storms may come and lightning rudely cleave Ana shed its leaves into a darkened gloom. That winds might come unto the lily flower. And scatter all the beauty of its heart; That darkeued clouds might wrap their som bre cowls, And all sweet sunlight from its chalice part. Now all is fair. There in love's sunshine rare As heaven’s bright smile, the flower blooms In state And ere one petal feels an unkind breath Of earth. To heaven its grandeur I trans late. There to eternal joy, there to eternal lore. Where aught that’s human seems so weak and smalh And when it blooms within God’s garden grand, Dewdrops of beauty from her heart shall fall Upon the souls below, all sorrow-filled: And the sweet dews of comfort shall em- pearl Within their souls, and peace will come again And joy that God His safety did unfurl. Upon their flower.” Thus said the angel fair, And tenderly he raised the flower’s form, And plubked it from its stem; a light arose; And clouds of incense perfuming with charm, Above the world high floating with the flower Within bis hand aloft, the angel sped, An , high in heaven a welcome chvrus rang, But down on earth they wept and said, “she's dead/” A BABY’S DEATH. 13Y SWINBURNE. The little eyes that never knew Light other than of dawning skies, What new life now lights up anew The little eyes? Who knows but on their sleep may rise Such light as never heaven let through To lighten earth from Paradise? No storm, we know, may change the blue Soft heaven that happy death descries; No tears, like these in ours, bedew • The little eyes. Angel by name love called him, seeing so fair The sweet small frame; Mete to be called, if ever man’s child were, Angel by naine. Rose bright and warm from heaven's own heart he came, And might not bear The cloud that covers earth’s wan face with shame. His little light oriife was all too rare And soft a flame; Heaven yearned for him till angels hailed him there Angel by name. A Freak of Fortune. BY BERTHOUD. Some fashionable ladies are not sat isfied with ready-made fans, but must have them made to order; they are, however satisfied with Dr. Hun s Cough Syrup and take it regularly. There is no one who does not know some work, or at least the name of Albert Durer, the admirable painter, of whom the Emperor Maximilian said, “I can easily make a noble of a peasant, but 1 cannot change an igno ramus into as skilful an artist as Al bert Durer; I ought then to prize Albert Durer more than all the nobles of my court.” Besides, little as we are versed in the biography of cele brated artists, we know, even in its minutest detail, the agitated life of the German painter, and many have some anecdotes to relate upon the fretful disposition of his wife, and upon the continual bickerings with which she harassed the poor man. Avaricious, fretful, yielding herself up to the impetuosity of a capricious character, she was not disarmed by the lazy bonhomie of Durer, neither by his inexhaustible patience. In vain did he give himself up with un exampled assiduity to the labors of his art, and every day produced one of those admirable engravings which are sought after so eagerly at the present day, she pursued him even into his study, and there, in the pres ence of his pupils, spared him neither outcries or abuse. She was in the habit of associating in her clamors the name of Samuel Djuhobret, with the name of her hus band. Samuel Duhobert was one of the pupils of Durer, who through pity had admitted him into his stud}’, not withstanding his age and poverty. For Samuel could reckon forty years, and had no other resource for a living than that of painting signs, or the hangings of rooms, a sort of luxury much in vogue at that time in Germa ny. Small, hump-backed, ugly, and more than all stuttering so as not to be able to pronounce two syllables, you can easily understand that he found himself the sport of the other pupils of Durer, and that if any trick was played in the study, it was aimed constantly at Samuel. Buffeted by his comrades, tormented by Madame Durer, who could not forgive his be ing admitted gratis into the study, having for his repast only black bread whenever he had any at all, the poor fellow found no relaxation except on those days days when he could escape into the country, and go to paint at his ease some one of the beautiful views so numerous in the environs of Nuremburg. Then he was no longer the same man. His countenance hum bled and chagrined, expanded and be come radiant, as a rose opens and be comes radiant in the sun. He ought to be seen seated upon the grass, his portfeuille upon bis knee, endeavor ing to seize some of those admirable effects of light which he particularly excelled in re-producing. After hav ing passed the day in this manner, he returned to Nuremburg, and the next day avoided speaking in the study of his excursion and still more showing the sketches he had designed. Accus tomed to be the object of unpitying railery, he could not suppose that his works would excite other Jihan con tempt ; so he resumed silently in the most neglected corner, the little place where he ‘ebanchait’ the engravings of his master, fulfilling relatively to these works the functions, the practi- ciens to sculptors. Excepting on those rare rural excur sions just mentioned, Samuel arrived at the point of the day, and remained there until night. Then he entered into his garret and re-produced upon the canvas the views he had sketched in the country. In order to procure pencils and colors he imposed upon himself the most rude privations; he went even many times, says the Ger man historian from whom we borrow these details, he went even to rob from his comrades some bags of colors and some pencils, so passionately he' loved his art above everything else. Three years rolled away without Samuel having revealed to the world, his master or his comrades, the results of his nocturnal labors. How did he support himself. This is a secret be- tween God and himself. One day he fell sick; a violent fever seized upon his ‘chetive’ person, and for nearly a week he lay upon his bed of straw without any one coming to sympathize in his sufferings. His head on fire, and feeliug that he was going to perish, abandoned by every body, he took a desperate resolution; lie arose, put under his arm the last picture he had painted, and directed liis sieps toward the residence of a broker, in order to sell his work, no matter at what price. Fortune willed that he should pass before a house where a great many people were as sembled. He approached; it was an auction of objects of art, collected by a connoisseur, during thirty years’ unheard of pains, and, according to custom, dispersed without pity, and sold after the death of the savant, who had passed his life in adorning his precious collection. Samuel approached one of the ap praisers, and obtained from him, not without difficulty, by force of impor tunity, and after many prayers, that the picture he carried under his arm should be put up at auction.^ The appraiser valued it at three thalers. Good 1 thought Duhobret, I am sure of having something fo eat for a whole week, if I can only find a purchaser. The picture made the tour of the cir cle and passed from hand to hand, while the monotonous voice of the auctioneer repeated, “Three thalers! who will give it? At three thalers!” Nobody answered. “Oh! my God! my God !” murmured the poor Samuel, “my picture will not be sold! what will become of me ? And vet it is my best painting; I have never done better; the air circulates through the foliage of my trees, and they would say that the leaves move, tremble and murmur. The water ap pears limpid; it is the Pregnite, beau tiful, pure, fruitful and luminous. How much life in the animals that come to quench their thirst 1 And then at the bottom what an admirable view ; the Abbey of Neubourg with its spire transparent and beautiful as lace, its elegant structure which a village surrounds with a belt of houses: The Abbey of Neubourg, from which they have’just driven the monks, and which I am much afraid will be soon demolished by its new proprietor ; for alas ! what will he do with an Abbey and a steeple, the honest Lutheran ?’ “At twenty-five thalers” murmured a feeble and husky voice, which made Samuel, almost stupified, leap with joy. , He raised himself on tiptoe, and en deavored to see who it was that just pronounced those words, thrice bless ed. Oh, surprise ! it was the broker to whose house Samuel was going, when his good angel inspired him with the idea of stopping at the auction and exposing his picture there. “Ar fifty dialers,” cried a ringing voice. Samuel would have willingly embraced the stout mau clothed in black, who said that. , ‘‘At a hundred thalers—’’ coughed tne croaking voice of the broker. It was immediately drowned oy these words, thundered forth wi.h great eclat: “At two hundred thalers. “At three hundred!” “At four hundred!” “At a thousand thalers!” There was then a great silence among the persons present, who ar ranged themselves about the two rival bidders, who stepping forward into tne circle, found themselves isolated there like two combatants. Samuel thought he was dreaming and uttered some confused exclamations. “At two thousand thalers—” said the broker with a drv and forced laugh. “At ten thousand 1” replied the stout man, his face purple with rage. “Twenty thousaud;” the broket- pale with excitement, joined his hands, agitated by a convulsive move ment. The stout man, who was sweating and puffing, stammered forth rather than said : “Forty thousand thalers!” The broker hesitated. But a con quering and insolent look from lib adversary made him murmur “Fifty thousand thalers.” The silence soon became profound, for in his turn the stout man now lies itated. During that time what had become of poor Samuel? He was striving with all his might to awake himself; “for” said he, “after such a dream my misery will appear to me more horri ble, and my hunger more insupporta ble.” “Eh! well, a hundred thousand thalers!” “A hundred and twenty-five thous and— “The Original for the copy!—ami may the devil take you, you d d broker.” The broker went out in a state to be pitied, and the stout man was carry ing away victoriously the picture, when he saw advancing towards him Samuel Duhobret, hump-backed, lame and in rags. The stout man wished to get rid of what he thought a beg gar, throwing by him a little money. But the hump back said to him: “When shall I enter into posses slon of my abbey, my castle and my grounds? for I am the painter of the picture 1” And he thought to himself, oh! the beautiful dream—the beautiful dream, why must the least noise awaken me immediately from it! The stout man, one of the richest lords of Germany, the Count of Dun kelbach, drew from his pocket a porte fuille, tore out a leaf from it, ami wrote some lines. “There, my good friend, there are the necessary orders to put you in possession of your property—adieu." Samuel came at length to persuade- himself that he was not dreaming He took possession of his castle sold it, and was proposing to become ai honest burgeois, painting only for his own gratification, when he died of an indigestion. His picture remained a long time in the gallery of the Count Dunkelsbaeh, and is now in the possession of tin- king of Bavaria. Eureka Recitations. We have just received from the Publishers, Number Mix of this series of Recitations, called “The Eureka Recitations and Readings.” It has been compiled and prepared by Mrs. Anna Randall Diehl, whose reputation as a writer of standard works on Elocution, and also as a teacher of the art. is second to none. It is especially adapted for Day and Sabbath Schools, all Adult and Juve nile Organizations, Young People's Associations, Reading Clubs, Temper ance Societies, ami Parlor Entertain ments. All those who are interested in providing an entertainment should have Number Six of this collection. The very low price asked for these books must cause a large sale. It contains 128 pages, and is bound with a handsome lithograph cover printed in four colors, and will be mailed to any address, postpaid, on receipt of twelve cents in stamps, by J. S. Ogil- vie & Co., the Publishers, 31 Rose Street, New Y'ork. Hon. Jefferson Davis will visit At lanta on the 1st of May and deliver an oration on the occasion of the unveil ing of the Ben Hill monument. Thou sands of Georgians will visit Atlanta on that occasion. Mr. Davis will reach Atlanta on the 30th instant, and w’ Vl be the guest of Mrs. Hill while in <-fiR; city. It is probable his daughter wH accompany him. A reliable brand of coffee one/of the most healthful, luxurious and in vigorating drinks known to hum a* it} —can only "be relied upon whei it comes from importers of ufiiuejtion- ed reputation. Messrs. L<‘vnig Co. prepare and sell onl’ ‘fie brands. All reputabi g JCeri their brands. & best keep Wonderful <* res - W. D. Hoyt & Co.J^ ol ^L . Retail Druggists of ri ^ pr. King * “We have been q r j c Hitters and New Discovery, i] ve for two years. Bucklen’s Arnicq^ remedies that Have never ha ve each uni'versa 1 sell as well, o£* e Have been satisfaction, b 1 effected by wonderful cp c jtv. Several medicines in,'. Consumption of pronour e( f j JV use of been entire Umo-’s New Discover} and sav: some these cases have ■ few a bottles °fSection with Electric Bit taken in g ^ ara ntee them alway ters. V Sold by 1 Ti lf oest oc A. Case. Cigar at the new drug stor/of Dr. T. H. Kenan.