Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 04, 1886, Image 1

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rr - -— t Vt T Fpederal union Established In 1829.) Volume LYl. 1*0°™™**™°*™* _v l. “imm Consolidated 1872 Milledgevillb, Ga., Mat 4. 1886. Number 43. Come and See the Beautiful -AT— T. L McCOMB & C0 T S. r Embracing all that is Now, Desirable and Grand! It will pay you to call! Don’t sleep over your opportunities! You may lose something if you stay away! Come early while every thing is "fresh and new! ' are again to the front with one ol the handsomest stocks of We kxIs that “O' we have ever shown in this city. “The Flowers that bloom in the Spring, Tra La. Have nothing to do with the case.” But We Say This: Let others quote their prices.—We tell you if they quote Calicoes d one cent per yard, we will sell you better Calico at same .price. I f they quote you Shoes at 10c per pair, we will sell you better Shoes for 10c per pair. And so it goes throughout our whole stock. WE HAVE THE CAPITAL To do business on, and CHALLENGE (mark the word) Competition. We have determined to do tlie “JLion's Share” T i . “***- * " .*.* X f Of the Dry Goods Business in this City, REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES. in all its various departments. Our stock is strictly First-Class We cany f , . Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, •Mattings, fyc., fye. ’ . To all we extend a cordial welcome. Remember we Guarantee Prices, and you shall have polite attention. ;V». T. L. McCOMB & CO., 8 find 10 South /' ayne. Street. Don't Forget the Number. Milledgeville, Ga., April 16th, 1SS6. 40 lm. fStSSST PARKER’S HAtR BALSAM 1 the popular favorite for dressing the "hair, Restoring color •when, gray, and preventing Dandruff. It cleaneee the ecalp, stops the hair failing, and Is 3ure to please. 60c. and SL00 at Druggists. PARKER S TO N 1C The best Cough Cure you can use, And the best preventive known for Consumption. It cures bodily pains, and all disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and nil Female Complaints. The feeble and sick, strug gling against disease, and slowly drifting towards the grave, will in most cases recover tlieir health by the timely uso of Pabkeu’s Tonic, but delay is dan gerous. Take it in time. Sold by all Druggists la large bottles at 81.0-3. H1NDERCORNS The safest, surest, quickest and best euro for Corns, bunions, Warts, Moles, Callouses, &c. Hinders their fur- thergrowth. Stops nil pain. Givesnotrouble. Makes tha feet comfortable. Hindercorns cures when everything VU»e fails. Sold by Druggists at 15c. Hiscox & Co., N- n Aug. 11th, 1885. 5 ly OLIO. -Ba- long also Personal and General. Tlie Clarksville Advertiser suggests Hon. Patrick Walsh for Governor. Mr.TiLDeN is reported to have made $1,350,000 out of a Lake Superior iron mine, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watterson have gone home from Old Point Com fort to pack their baggage for their European tour. They will sail on May 12th. The General Assembly of tlie South ern Presbyterian Church of the United States will meet in Augusta, in the First Presbyterian church, on Thurs day, May 20. The infant son of Hon. and Mrs. H. G. Turner is dead. The Congressman, summoned by telegraph, reached the bed-side of the manly little fellow just in time to see him breath his last. To choose time is to save time.- con. A short reckoning makes friendship. Shun tlie inquistive man; he is ;t talker.—Horace. By no means run in debt—take thine own measure. Moral sausion is better than arro gauce and abuse. If riches increase, set not your heart ll I>on them.—Psalm 62:10. Independence and self-respect are ' ^ential to happiness.—J. G. Holland. It is one thing to know how to give, !U1( 1 another thing not to know how to keep.—Seneca. iod who is liberal in all His other \ gifts, never gives us two moments together.—Fenelon. A good name is better than a girdle of gold, and when that is gone, what lias a man left?—C. H. Spurgeon. Our grand business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.—Carlyle. Men lose many things, not because they cannot attain them, but because of tlieir tardiness in attempting them. If when thou nlakest a bargain, ttiou thinkest only of thyself amt thy gain, thou art a servant of Mammon. —Geo. MacDonald. Atlanta has organized a Confeder ate Survivors’ Association with about A'O men. Mole than 8,000 old rebel veterans live in that city. They will form an escort for Mr. liavis the day of his visit to Atlanta. The opening prayer, at the unveil ing of the Hill monument, will bQ, made by General C. A. Evans, of An- gusta. The General preached at Mr. Hill's funeral, and they were warm personal friends. It is said that Mary Anderson is now on her way from San Francisco to nil her New’ York engagement. She has been in the Golden State thirty-one w r eeks, and her receipts have been m the neighborhood of $350,000. In San Francisco her receipts in two weeks were $88,000. Mr. Hammond's Opponent.-—The contest for Congress in the Fifth dis trict bids fair to bo a very lively one. It will, according to the present out look, be betw’een Nat Hammond, the present incumbent, and Judge John T. Stewart. The Judge was on the bench and resigned to make the race, thus stripping for the contest, and meeting at once the -widely prevailing sentiment that judges in official lue should not canvass for political prefer ment. Richmond. The Washington Staff correspon dent of tlie Augusta Chronicle says: One of the most gratifying revela tions recently is the protest of Sena tors Edmunds and Hoar against the Grand Army of the Republic nuisance, which, under the cover of loyalty ana patriotism, really means the bank ruptcy of the Government by exten sion of the pension swindle, I6?* 1 men are disgusted, Avliat should the South be, seeing that she pays °n e ' third the tax and receives back noth ing, while the East and West grab all? tie m 4 Biairn, Published Weekly In Mil ledge ville.Ga., BY BARNES & MOORE. Terms.—One dollar and fifty cents a year in advance. Six months for seventy-five cents.— Two dollars a year if not paid in advance. The services of Col. James M. SMYTHE.are en gaged as General Assistant. The “FEDERAL UNION” iftdfhe“SOUTHERN RECORDER” were consolidated, August 1st, 1872, the Union being in its Forty-Third Volume and the Recorderin its Fifty-Third Volume. TUIQ PADCD may he found ontflle at Geo. I mO I nlLilP. Rowell & Co’s Newspa per Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.). Where advertising contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK. The Georgia Medical Association. Mr. S. one of the editors of the Un ion & Recorder was absent from Augusta except the first day of its session, and of course, could not make such remarks as he would glad ly have made upon its proceedings which were greatly interesting, com ing from an Association of able and learned devotees to the noble and di vine art of healing the infirmities of humanity not only in the varieties of disease, but also in applying useful and healing medicaments for the mind. We have often thought the practice of medicine and surgery is a laborious one and in many cases a painful profession, bringing to view, as it does, many cases of mental woe, and bodily anguish. But the good doctor enjoys the happiness of dispen sing health and relieving pain, which atones for many annoymnees in his arduous and painful profession. Such men ought to be, and are venerated for their perpetual and ardent labors Jfor f the good of others. The public 'generally, do not appreciate their la- ‘bors as, they should, but the kind- he*rtedap£ devoted physician has a greater* regard than money can be stow, in the exquisite gratification which he enjoys in ’dispensing health and allaying the pains of her afflicted patients. Augusta did credit to her self. in the marked attentions and kind hospitalities which we saw was paid to the, medical -gentlemen during their st$y yathiniier hospitable limits. Absence deprived us of the / pleasure of looking on ana making some, notes of the interesting convention which w'as so pleasing to the visitors and the people of the beautiful and rapid ly growing city injwhich the medical f*jgpai» +i — f . 1 - 3 ~ We close with the following, which we copy from the Evening News of the 23rd instant. DOCTORS AT DINNER. Augusta physicians have succeeded in entertaining'their professional breth ren of the State in a most hospitable and roval manner, and tlie banquet at the Planters’ Hotel last night was thoroughly enjoyed. It was g?^en up in Mr. Brown’s best style, and. the committee of Augusta physicians, Doctors Goodrich, Hull, Doughty, Hickman, Wright and Foster, deserve special praise for their efforts and taste in the arrangement of the table and the decoration of the banquet room. , . , The banquet was one of the hand somest ever gotten up in Augusta, and it was presided overbv I)r. Henry F. Campbell. Dr. Eugene Foster filled the position of toastmaster, and toasts were given and responded to, as fol lows: . 1. The Medical Association of Geor gia: Its objects—the encouragement of a high standard of professional qualifications and ethics and the pro motion of professional brotherhood. Dr. R. J. Nunn. 2. The American Medical Associa tion and Georgia s first President, Henry F. Campbell. Dr. Henry F. Campbell. 3. The Press: The enlightener of the world and the guardian of human libertv. Hon. Patrick Walsh. 4. I’he Judiciary of Georgia: The law impartially and fearlessly admin istered is a terror to the evil doer, but a tower of strength to the good. Hon. H. C. Roney. 5. Medical Science: Instinct witfi humanity, its mission is divine. I)r. W. S. Little, of Philadelphia. G. Sanitary Science: Dr. W. A. Love, of Atlanta “Onward she moves, disease and death retire, And murmuring demons hate her and admire. 7. The unsophisticated doctor in the witness box being industriously plied with nice, sharp quillets of the law. J. R. Lamar, Esq. 8. The Dentists. Dr. G. H. Wink ler. 9. The Druggist: The efficient al ly of the physician. S. C. Durban. 10. The occulist: Restoring sight to the blind. Dr. A. W. Calhoun. 11. The Funny side of physic. Dr. E. W. Lane. 12. Our New Members. Dr. W. A. O’Daniel, of Laurens county. CLOSING THE CONVENTION. The closing hours of the convention have been very interesting, and the Augusta session has been memorable. The address of President Nunn was a very strong paper and many of Ins recommendations have been adopted already. The delegates to the Society of the American Medical Association, which will meet in St. Louis May 4th, is as follows: Henry F. Campbell, J. P. Logan, W. F. Westmoreland. James A. Gray, G. W. Mulligan, E. C. Good rich, A. W. Calhoun, T. F. Walker, J F. Alexander, M. P. Deadwvler, W. F. Holt, C. H. Hall, T. B. Haw kins, V. H. Taliaferro, A. G. White- head, T. O. Powell, A. W. Griggs, R. H. Taylor, Robert Battey, E. H. Richardson, 8. C. Benedict, J. W. Bai- Lane, R. C. Noble, E. • Gaston, Eugene Foster, Geo. C. Hammell, W. S. Elkin. Publishing Committee—Dr. Jas. A. Gray, Jas. P. Logan, H. V. M. Miller, E. C. Goodrich, Robt. Battey. The officers elect of the Society are as follows: President—T. O. Powell of Milledge- ville. First Vice President—G. W. Mulli gan, Washington. Second Vice President—E. H. Rich ardson, Cedartown. Censor (long term)—S. B. Hawkins, of Americus. Censor (unexpired term of Dr. Rich ardson)—Robt. Battey. Rome, Ga. Secretary—Dr. Jas. A. Gray, Atlan ta. Treasurer—Dr. E. C. Goodrich, Au gusta. Dr. Wm. O’Daniel, of Laurens Hill has been selected as the orator for the next meeting of the Georgia Medical Society. Mr. S. C. Durban, of Augusta, pre sented the communication from the State Pharmaceutical Association asking the profession to discounten ance proprietary preparations and stand by home pharmacists. Mr, Durban isoneof the forfemost pharma cists of the South, and he is doing much to advance the interests of the medical profession in this State. Washington Letter. From Our Regular Correspondent Democratic Sentiment. Hon. Cliiiord Anderson in a letter to Hon. Patrick Walsh under date of the 19th of April, expresses the opin ion that President Cleveland’s Civil Service Policy is jthe great mistake of his Administration.'’’ He adds: £« “Moreover, it is natural that Demo crats should expect place and position under a Democratic Administration. If they are denied, that Republicans may continue to enjoy the honor and emoluments of office, they cannot readily understand it and disappoint ment and dissatisfaction are inevita ble. They toiled for party .triumph at the polls, that they might' share with their candidate for the Presiden cy tlie fruits of success. In propor tion as they are refused a personal participation in the benefits of the victory, their party ties are weakned and their zeal for party triumphs is "hstrtdat the same time lie expresses the opinion that Mr. Cleveland is a true patriot and a sound Democrat and a man of purity of purpose and uprightness of character. Mr. Ander son thinks Mr. Cleveland is beginning to see his mistake and entertains the hope that the time is not distant when the Democrats have less cause to complain of his civil service x>olicy. A SENSATION. A CRAZY WOMAN CAUSES MUCH EX CITEMENT. On the afternoon Georgia train a man came to the city with his wife, who had entirely lost her mind. They have been residing in Arkansas for sometime past, and were on their way to lier home in Columbia, S. C. As the man was engaged in attending to his baggage and effects the woman strolled away, and when he came to look for her found she had disappear ed. With the assistance of the police man on the beat’a search was immedi ately made for her. After much in quiry it was learned that she had gone down Telfair street, where she was discovered under a house. It seems that she strayed from the depot to this house and crawled under through a small opening. The house is only built about a foot above the ground where she entered, and farther under the. distance between the flpor and ground is less. She crawled as far as she could force herself, and was wedged in such a position that she could move neither way. A party of men procured spades and dug the earth away until one could crawl to where she was, when a man caught her by the hands and the ontsiders, catching his feet, withdrew her from her uncomfortable position. They left on the afternoon train for Columbia.— Augusta Chronicle. Mr. Theodore Markwalter's Marble Works.—Mr. Markwalter, the marble dealer on Lower Broad, has among his specimens some very hand some tombstones and monuments cut out of Georgia marble taken from the Pickens county quarries, which are real handsome. Mr. Markwalter is supplied with some of the finest North ern and Italian marble to be seen any where, and his orders for tombstone and cemetery decorations come in daily from many points in Georgia and South Carolina. He has' some of the best professional skill to be had at his yards, and it is a real treat to inspect their work.—Evening News. Elberton and Augusta.—The people of Elberton are very anxious to have a railroad connection with Au gusta. They have had a meeting on the subject and desired the Augusta and Chattanooga to pass bv Elberton. At the meeting all agreed that they must ami would have an outlet to Au gusta. It is very natural that they should renew the old time associations which were so pleasing to the jieople of both places. Washington, April 26, 1886. A Democratic Senator who is post ed as to the condition of business in Congress, and the probable course of events in that body, said yesterday; “Everything seems to be settling down to a long session of Congress. It is true that Members of the House talk about getting away the latter part of Jun§. But this is simply im possible. In the first place the legis lation that is absolutely necessary— I mean the appropriation bills—is not in a forward State. Besides, there will be considerable discussion on. some of tlie appropriation bills in the House, and you may rest assured that the Senate will take its time to consid er the important appropriation bills and not hurry itself as it used to do, when the Republican majority there hastily considered them, following the lead of the Senate Appropriation Committee in increasing the expendi tures, and being upheld in this by a friendly administration.” “When do you think Congress will adjourn?'’ I asked a Senator. “We shall be lucky,” said he, “if we get away by the middle of August.” He was in favor of Congress meet ing earlier in the fall, say as early as November for the long session, and by the middle of October for the short term. He also thought that the life of Congress should begin and end in A- pril, (instead of March. This would give plenty' of time to consider legisla tion, and would give the best season of the year in this climate. And it is quite probable the date of the President’s inauguration will be changed from the fourth of March to the thirtieth of April. The amend ment recently introduced in the Sen ate to that effect seems to be popular. It would be difficult to find any ob jections to the change, and there are many reasons why it is desirable. Since our first President was inaugu rated on the 30th of April, historically the day is the proper one. During the week, the room in which J. Gould, Grand Master workman Pow- derly and other distinguished witness es were being examined with regard to the great Strike, was the chief point of interest on Capitol Hill, So great was the interest and curiosity of the pub lic in this investigation, that it finally became necessary because of the surging crowd, to exclude all except the witnesses, members of Congress, Sevtru v the committee which conducted this investigation are all lawyers by pro fession, a class of men who are rigidly excommunicated by the Knights of Labor. All men who honestly labor are eligible for admission to tlie Knights of Labor except lawyers and bankers. It has been said that these commit teemen are all millionaires too, but they are not. Burnes, of Missouri, is admitted to be the wealthiest man among them. Curtain, the chairman, has not the reputation of a wealthy man, although he says himself that he owns some stock in a railroad that pays. Crain is clever, but he is not a capitalist and will probably never be, because he spends his money too free ly. Outliwaite, of Chio, started life as a school teacher. Stewart, of V er- mont, lias been Governor of his State, which is taken as an assurance of his poverty. Buchanan, of New Jersey, is a railroad lawyer, but he has general ly been against the railroad. Parker, of New York, is the only member of the committee who evinced a disposi tion to give Mr. Gould facilities tor putting on record whatever Mr. Gould desired. » ♦ Major Barnes. The Philadelphia Record says that Congressman Barnes “weighs 300 pounds, and is 5 feet 5 inches each Avav. He is very proud and very fond of his flesh. He says he would not lose a pound of it for $1,000. he was 21 years of age he weighed but 100 pounds, and his friends feared lie Avould bloAV away in the next high wind. But by laughing continually he has grown continually fatter,- until at 53 he rivals Major Ben Perley Poore. Judge Barnes is a jolly old soul. He is an excellent lawyer and a natural diplomat, and Avithal a brill iant wit. This is his first winter in Washington, but everybody knows him and likes him already.” We kneAV that Major Barnes Avould be a very valuable member of Con gress and would likewise be popular with the members of congress and citizens generally. He is perhaps some tiling over 5 feet 5 inches in height, but the measure across is of course exaggerated. Bought a Farm. John M. McDowell, one of the suc cessful holders of ticket No. 46,799 in November drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew $75,000, has invested a portion of his proceeds in a tract of land near Olivet and adjoin ing his farm. He purchased 54 acres, more or less, being the Jack Kenton farm, of Albert Wheeler, for which ne paid $4d per acre. Since he made_ successful draw in Louisiana, JpliU has been “sha\'ing notes” at a hve-v rate, and has cleared within the P aSi few months nearly $1,000. Just stop for a moment and estimate the prom he has made on that 50c. investment in Louisiana Lottery last fall!—Mount Olivet (Ky.) Tribune, March 11. STONEWALL JACKSON. HOW THE CONFEDERATE HERO'S LIFE WENT OUT. From the Detroit Free Press: About daylight upon the Sunday of his death, Mrs. Jackson informed him that his recovery was very doubtful and that it was better that he should be prepared for the worst. He avos silent for a moment and then said: “It will be infinite gain to be traus lated to Heaven,” He advised his wife, in the event of his death, to re turn to her father’s house, and added: “You have a kind and good father, but there is no one so kind and good as your Hea\’enly Father.” He still expressed a hope that lie would recoA'er, but requested his wife, incase he should die, to have him buried in Lexington, in the Valley ot Virginia. His exhaustion increased so rapidly that at 11 o’clock Mrs. Jack- son knelt by his bed and told him that before the sun went down he Avould be with his Saviour. He replied: “O, no! You are fright ened, my child. Death is not so near. I may yet get Avell.” She fell upon the bed Aveeping bit terly, and again told him, amid her tears and sobs, that the physicians declared that there avos no longer any hope of his recoA r ery. After a mo ment's pause he asked her to call tin family physician. “Doctor,” he said, as the physician entered the room, “Anna informs me that you have told her 1 am to die to day. Is it so?” When he was answered in the affimath'e, he turned his sunken eyes toward the (ceiling and gazed for a moment or two as if in intense thcfught, then looked at the friends about him and said softly: “Very good, very good; it is alj right.” Then turning . to his heart-broken wife he tried to comfort her. He told her that there was much he desired to tell her but that he was too Aveak for the undertaking. Col. Pendleton, came into the room about 1 o’clock. General Jackson asked him: “Who is preaching at the head quarters to-day? When told in reply that the whole army was praying for him, he replied: “Thank God! they are v r ery kind.” Then he added: “It is the Lord’s day; my wish is fulfilled, 1 haA'e always desired to die on Sunday.” Slowly his mind began to fail and Avander, and he frequently talked in and then the scene was changed. He was at the mess table in conversation with members of bis staff; now with his wife and child; now at prayers Avith his military family. Occasional intervals of his mind would appear, andduring one of them the physician offered the dying man some; brandy and water, buthe declined it saying: “It will only delay’ my departure and do no good; 1 want to preserve my mind to the last, if possible. A feAV moments before the end ar*- rived, the dying warrior cried out in his delirium: “Order A. P. Hill to prepare for ac tion!” “Pass the infantry to the front rapidly.” “Tell Maj. Hawks ’ then his voice was silent and tlie sen tence remained unfinished. An instant later a smile of ineffable SAveetness and .purity spread itself ov'er his calm, pale face, and then looking upward and slightly’ raising his hands, he said quietly and with nn expression of relief: “Let uscross'over tlie river and rest under the shade of the trees." And then without sign of struggle or of pain his spirit passed y way. Was death ever so sAveet and peaceful! Was ever rest so anticipated or Hea\ r en so revealed? Interesting Experiences. Hiram Cameron, Furniture Dealer of Columbus, Ga., tells his experience, thus: “For three years have tried every remedA' on the market for Stom ach and Kidney Disorders, but got no relief, until I used Electric Bitters. Took fi\'e bottles and am now cured, and think Electric Bitters the Best Blood Purifier in the world.” Major A. B. Reid, of West Liberty, Ky., used Electric Bitters for an old stand ing Kidney affection and say's: “Noth ing has ever done me so much good as Electric Bitters.” Sold at fifty cents a bottle by C. L. Case. Judge Pardee, in sentencing the striking Knights of Labor Avho had committed excesses, declared that the present strike is simply for recogni tion of the Knights of Labor, and not for redress of grievances, lie strongly' denounced the Knights of Labor, and said that the next sentence won.a be more severe than those he had jusn pronounced. The laws must be enforced. No one can object to the Knights of Lajoi forgiving up their positions but a\ hen they' endeaA'or bv force to prevent others from Avorking and thus ob struct the business the country thev render themselves amenable to thViaAv and must be prevented by laAA r from engaging in such lav. .w - proceedings. Clav county went Avet by 87 may-' itA', and the election Avas contesteo A' curious result transpired. Every precinct vote was rejected for illegal ity and the election aviII be taken o\ e. again.