Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 22, 1886, Image 1

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LV] fFederal Union Establishpd in 1829.1 L * [_Southern Recorder “ i [CONSOLIDATED 1872. Milledgeville, Ga., J Volume mum & RECORDER, »bll^e d Weekly In Milled S eville,Ga., 1 gY barnes&moorb. —one dollar and fifty cents? a year in Number 50. TekM' «iix months for seventy-five cents.— “ 1van , ( 'a vear if not paid in advance. ' r eserrXof Col. James M. SMYTnE,are en- C»f'^tffKL?li‘S?’aadtlie‘'SOOTHERS ,/corue R’’were consolidated, August iet, 1872, rniin beinjr in its Forty-Third \ ol • - e r“ orderin its Fifty-Third Volume. THIS PAPER! er Advertising Bures ,] V i rtisiug contract \LH YORK. mav be found on file at Geo. p. Rowell & Go’s Newspa- urean (10 Spruce St.), where may be made for it IX PARKER’S HA8R BALSASVS the popular favorite for dressing the hair, Restoring color when pray, and preventing Dandruff. It cleanses the scalp, stops the hair falling, and is sure to please. 00c- and £L0>) at Druggists. Tlie hest Cough Cure you can use, And the best preventive known for Consumption. It cures bodily pains, and all disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and iill Female Complaints The feeble and sick, strug- irbng against disease, and slowly drifting towards the grave, will in most cases recover their health by tl« l :ue.v uso of pAitKEli’s Toxic. but delay is dan gerous. Take it in time. Sold by all Druggists in Urge bottles at $1.00. hindercorns "he safest surest, quickest and best cure for Corns, •I Warts, Moles, Callouses,&e. Hinderstheir fur- • •• -ro'vth. btopsallpain. Givesnotrouhle. Makes the V, co-ufortable. Hindcrcorns cures when everything ... .. — - —- TT r 'Co.,N-Y- he fails. Sold by Druggists at 10c. An g. 11th, 1S85. IIiscjXi Co., 5 ly Lake Ice House. TV’E always on hand, at wholesale or 1 retail. "lee Cream furr?slied for pic iiics or families. Free delivery anv- wh ire in the city. WARREN EDWARDS. Manager. Milledgeville, April 27, 1880. 42 tf. THE SOUTHERN TEACHER’S AGENCY. TN\ ITES experienced and successful I Teachers seeking a change or bet ter positions to send postal for blank. ^'"COLLEGES, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES promptly supplied, with out charge, with best teachers. $3.00 to $12.00 paid for notice of school va cancies. School properties sold or ex changed. Address E. Bauder, A. M. Mana ger, 15rentsville J> ‘ » lie. Pr’ lico- Wxu^^ a ' June 8th. 1880. 48 Gin. ICE! ICE E will keep Lake Ice constantly on hand for wholesale or retail.— My customers will be supplied at an hours at the lowest prices. We are prepared to freeze cream for all who wish Ice Cream. PRITCHARD A SCREEN. MiHedgeville, Ga., April 20th, 1886. [41 3mo 0 Land For Sale. NE thousand four hundred and seventy acres of land in the center of Wilcox county, Ga., all in one body, all fine farming land if put in cultivation, though at present, it is one of the finest timbered bodies of land In Southwest, Ga. No ponds or lakes, has never failing water, nine miles west of the Ocmulgee river. Or I will rent for a Turpentine farm. For terms and price, apply to B. W. SCOTT, Milledgeville, Ga. March lGth, 1886. 36 6m. LUMBER 1 LUMBER! 100,000 Feet of Lumber for hale I HAVE just put up a new saw mill on my place G£ miles from Mil ledgeville.* I am prepared to deliver lumber anywhere cheaper than the cheapest, or I will sell it so GTTTI AT> at tlxo JVEiT aT.J 1 That it will be next to giving it aw.jy The lumber is of the finest quality, being sawed from original pine tim* ber. Before purchasing call on Mr. J. C. Rogers and leave your orders with him, or at the Store of Kinney A Whelan, and they will secure prompt attention. J. H. HALL. Milledgeville, May 18th, 1886. 45 3m Farming Lands and Timbered Tracts FOR SALE CHEAP; ALSO HOMES FOR THE HOMELESS. L ESS than a week’s i wages will se cure one. Many valuable lots giv en AW'AY. •HTAgexts Wanted: liberal induce ments offered. For full information address E. BAUDER, Brentsviile, Va. June 8th, 1886. 48 6m. FOR Man and Beast. -- - -8^-, Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. Mr. Gladstone’s Appeal to the People of England. His policy for Ireland necessarily excites a great degree of interest in the United States, not alone among our Irish citizens but other intelligent classes of our people. The leaders, in public affairs in England, profess to be governed in a great measure by what they call the English constitu tion. That is, an unwritten and un compiled code of Principles, but it es tablishes a system, however obscure, of principles favorable to public liber ty. It would occupy more space than we can afford, to enter into any ex planatory details of the various prin ciples and doctrines cf which it is con stituted, to present even a faint sem blance of wdiat it is, but taken in all its parts it is favorable to the princi ples of Liberty. Many thousands of intelligent and educated Britons, have a clear and comprehensive idea of all its parts, and they could see, that for many long years the Irish have been deprived of the benefits of its beneficent principles. In Mr. Glad stone’s wise and considerate appeal to the people, he looks to these intelli gent subjects, not only for their votes, but their vast influence with others less informed in favor of the wise and beneficent measure which he submits to their consideration and votes, to sustain his measure for Irish home rule. England claims not only to have a free constitution, but a most liberal government as opposed to what we may term an arbitrary government. The latter explodes all rule but that which is founded in institutions of the will of a King, and dogmas found ed in violence and terror. To give more freedom and better rule to Ire land antagonizes these arbitrary dog mas, will emancipate and regenerate the Irish from old prejudices, over throw the tyrannies which have ©im pressed them for centuries, and make them as they deserve to be, the equals of the English and the Scotch. It is not a rasli and dangerous experiment, as its opponents assert, for, as to in tellect, virtue and honor, the Irish are the equals of any other classes of people in‘the kingdom. Many of England’s greatest statesmen, gener als, orators, poets, and other writers, were Irishmen. Burke was never ex celled as a statesman, Wellington as a commander, Sheridan and Curran orators and vU y other and or- . WPz andd; ished for genius, by Eng- land or* Scotland. The pride the honor, and justice of England de mand the success of the Home Kale measure; her quiet and safetv de mand it, and Gladstone, the greatest of English Statesmen, stakes his char acter and honor upon the safe and re generating influences it will exert up on the entire realm. . Gladstone stands out in this great effort for liberty and justice, though defeated by a few votes in the Parlia- Washington Letter. From Our Kegular Correspondent. Washington, June 14, 188G. Having entered upon the seventh month of the first session of the forty- ninth Congress, the lower House pro poses to make an effort to crowd the work through within the time con sumed byThe session ending July loth 1884. This prospect to the outside observer, is not very promising; but those supposed to direct the majority of the upper and lower Houses, say that it can and probably will be ac complished. There is already talk of introducing a resolution in the House fixing June 2Gth, for adjournment with the expectation that the date w r ill not be set more than ten or twelve days beyond that time. The President and his wife have un der contemplation a tour of the northern lakes with a select party of friends in a chartered steamer, during the summer. It is probable that they will spend some time on the seacoast and in the mountain regions after the adjournment of Congress, and then go to their old home in Buffalo. Ac cording to the program they w’ill leave Buffalo some tinle in August and make a trip which will include Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan making stops at points of interest. The pro gram may be varied or abandoned, but it is under serious consideration at the White House and will probably be carried out. Much will depend on the adjournment of Congress. If Congress does not adjourn before Au gust, the President will of course be detained at Washington, and his sum mer outing, as now proposed, will be abandoned. It is said that the Presi dent and his wife have never been farther west than the city of Buffalo. Mr. Cleveland is quite anxious to make a tour of the lakes, and if he does so, the Chicago Iroquois Club, to which lie has a standing invitation, will doubtless entertain him. There seems to have been very good management displayed in the matter of making contracts for post- office supplies during the eighteen months past and consequently a great saving to the Government has been the result. During Judge Grasham’s term as Postmaster General, this bqs- tire business-like transactions. Post master Generai Vilas is giving spec ial attention to this class of work un der him, and together with third As sistant Postmaster General Hazen, aft er much careful labor now have bind ing contracts which, while they will doubtless yield fair profits to the con tractors, will, at the same time, be of great advantage and benefit to the public at large. Take for instance the contract for stamped envelopes, just made bv the Postmaster General for the four coming years, commencing ment, the grandest and most majestic July lst . Before advertising for pro fteure that is presented to the obser- p OS als for these envelopes the Depart- vation of the world. An enormous me nt had a great deal of preparatory fabric of despotic power is bearing WO rk to transact, consisting chiefly of upon him, and amidst all the proims- ge tting the most suitable paper foi es broken, withdrawal of false friends, the various styles of envelopes, mockery and derision heaped upon changing the styles of the old ones his measure, he stands as immovable a *d other work of a similar nature, as the Pole star, clothed with nn- It i s estimated that there will be or shrinking firmness and dispassion in | dere d by the Department during the the sacred cause of Home Rule and of immutable justice. Mr. Morrison’s Tariff Bill. coming year, $3,250.000 worth stamped envelopes. If it should pay for them on the basis of the present contract a disbursement of over $950,- 000 over and above that snm would be required. The result will there- fote be a saving of upward of a mil lion of dollars or about 25 per cent. Take again, the contract for supply House, | j ng the Department with postal cards stamps, tags, registered packages and _ letter and official envelopes. This Cleveland 11 was represented as being I cont ract was entered into on the^Oth favoraWe to a moderate reduction of of June last and is to run four years the tariff duties. We supposed this j The first year is near enough its close We have inclined to the opinion that this bill, so moderate and jus , would become a law ; but it seems that although the Democrats ar® considerable majority in the xi > it is likely to fail in that body. Mr. Randall after the election ol was Mr. Cleveland's view', and that a bill would be introduced which wo receive little or no Democratic opp sition in the House at least. The den - ocrats in convention favored a reel - tion, and it was believed that Mr. Randall had given in to some reaso able measure of reduction. to enable a very correct idea being formed as to hew it has worked so far and how it w T ill work for the re^ maining three years. By the last of this month it is estimated that the books will show orders by the de partment for supplies under the con- But it I tract referred to amounting to $1,932,- amount paid for The Meeting of Executive Committee. The Democratic Executive Committee of Baldwin county, met Tuesday, June the 8th, in the office of Judge Ramsay. There were piesent, Al. Grieve, Chairman, L. Carrington, Sec., and Messrs. E. C. Ram say, J. C. Whitaker, D. W. Brown and F. B. Mapp. Messrs. Ennis and Croley were absent. On motion it was . unanimously resolved, That the democratic party of the county be requested to meet in mass meeting at the Court House (Opera House) on Tuesday the 13th day of July next, for the purpose of naming delegates to the gubernatorial and congressional conven tions. Resolved, That the county news papers be requested to display the pro ceedings of this meeting prominently tlil the day of the meeting. L, Carrington, M. GRIEVE, Secretary. Chairman. A BALL THROUGH HIS HEAD. THE SUICIDE OF MR. DAVID WELLS. Yesterday morning about 8 o'clock Mr. Dayid E. B. Wells placed a pistol to his head, and in tw T o hours after ward was a corpse. Mr. Wells was about twenty-eiglit years of age. He was born and raised in Washington county, and was a son of Col. T. F. Wells, a well known and respected citizen of that county. Mr. Wells has spent about two years in Macon. He was at one time a clerk in the dry goods store of Lyons A Cline but left there in January last. Some time in March he was given the position of city salesman in the store of H. D. Adams A Co., Captain Adams being his brother-in-law. For many years he was addicted to drinking. Friends and relations tried in every way possible to prevent his becoming a slave to the habit, but in vain. He was finally sent to the asylum at Milledgeville to he treat ed as an inebriate, and was discharged something over a year ago and thought to be cured. For several weeks past members of Captain Adams's family, with whom he was living in Vineville, noticed that he had returned to his old habits, and after being advised by Capt. Adams in a friendly way to desist un til forbearance ceased to be a virtue, Captain Adams was forced to harsher methods and reprimanded him. Even this failed to bring about a reforma- ed to'seayl* and seemed quite low-spirited. Gn one occasion he asked his sister, Mrs. Adams, for laudanum with which, to end his life, but as such a threat had been made often very little attention was paid to the request. Yesterday morning he sent worn to Capt. Adams to go up stairs and see him. Knowing what he wanted, Capt. Adams requested his brother, Mr. Chas. M. Adams, to say to him that he had no work for him and that his place had been filled. The mes sage was carried to him and Capt. Adams went to his store. About 8 o’clock the negro Bob Parker, who is employed on the lot went to the stable, whioh is situated in the rear of the liouse, and there found Mr. Wells seated on the plat form or step. Taking a piece of pa per from a crack in the door, Mr. Wells asked him to take the P a P® r _ , the house. Then, as if a thought had struck him at the moment he added a few more lines arid handing itto the ne gro said: “Good-bye. I aitt going never to return.” Bob told him to wait until he returned with an answer and then went toward the house. While ascending the rear steps, Bob heard the report of a pistol, which so frightened him that he dropped the note. Mrs. Adams was standing in the door and also heard the report. Bob ran to the stable, from which the pistol shot proceeded, and there found Mr. Wells lying on the platform and blood issuing from a hole m tne - it above Mr. PATENTS GRANTED. Patents granted to citizens of the Southern States during the past week, and reported expressly for the Union & Recorder by C. A. Snow & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patent lawyers, Opp. U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Jean Bernadac, New Iberia, La., Horse-shoer’s knife. S. S. Bradford, Norfolk, Va., Life saving car. E. J: Cosgrove, Augusta, Ga., Auto matic Air and Steam brake. J. W. Crow, Arkadelpliia, Ark., Fruit tree and plant cover. F. Dorsey, Hagerstown Md., Pack ing and preserving cornmeal. J. W. Fries, Salem, N. C. Tann ing. Chas. Haffcke, Baltimore, Md., Cooling air in refrigerators. J. J. Harrell, Austin, Tex., Animal shears. F. E. Heinig, Louisville, Ky., Flue cap and ventilator. t A. I. Hipp, Columbia, S. C., Saw mill feed mechanism. J. B. Hutson, Richmond. Va., Com bined latch and lock. D. M. Johnson, Morver, N. C., Cultivator, distributer and planter. Frank Middleton, Richmond, Va., Clay-tempering machine. W. E. Moffatt, Chester, S. C., Seed planter. R. Monfort, Butler, Ga., Clevis. F. S. Norris, Shreveport, La., Car coupling. Pack wood, Tampa, Fla., commode, and nursery Howell. Uncle Remus has a faithful, exponent in this lovely voting ladv Joaquin Miller’s “Kit i I? iM oaquin Miller’s “Kit Carson's R’ide” w r as recited by the charming Miss in a truly pathetic G. H. Slop-pail, chair. A. W. W. Va. Pauli, Wheeling, Drawing sheet metal. O. M. Stone and G. A. Platt, Au gusta, Ga., Cotton gin attachment. M. C. Tally, Louisville, Ky., De vice for operating street cars. J. F. Walker, Brandenburg, Ky., Bee hive. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE. We copy the following closing exer cises, which we could not make room for in our last, from the Athens Ban ner Watchman: expression. , Miss Hill, Misses Hili. Barnett, Amelia Hutchins followed Von , Suppe’s “Ouverture Pique Dame.' Miss Belle Hill sang “Tell me Beau tiful Maiden,” :in a soft yet strong voice and won the hearts of many de votees of Orpheus. . The Jagdlied, by Miss Goodwin Mas especially noteworthy. The Andante from Hayden s sym phonies in Sol Majour, was ably and beautifully rendered by Miss Mell at the organ and Messrs. Smith and Hull flute. , , Mendlesohn’s wedding march by Mieses Barnett, Goodwin, I. M. Mell and Rutherford was grand and rather appropriate. It will get the dear creatures of the graduating class used to the march which they will ev entu- ally take: if they do not it wnl not be the fault of the gallants oi Georgia. By special request Mrs. Stanley and Miss Harchelton sang a beautiful song and retired amid the plaudits of the house. The exercises of the evening were closed by a chorus, “greeting to snrinff ” by the whole school, and the audience departed well pleased with the entertainment. The Seney-Stovall chapel v> as filled to repletion yesterday by those who had come to witness the elocution contest. The beauty of Georgia was seen in all its varied aspects, from the innpfl.rstlint lie is oDDOsed to the con I 353.58; and the . sideration of the very moderate bill them will show a decrease of about 25 Morrison, the j per cent in the outlay for postage chaTrman of Ue HonseTSStee"! I E^abSutU per/cent in postal Wavs and Means. The friends of the cards, and 45 per cent m other art J®Jes bill are not at all confident, and it is during the previous fiscal year. Alto- estimated that the bill will be defeat- ge tlier the Postoffice Department un Pdiwam oritvof twenty-five. Of der the supervision of Postmaster course this majority will be secured General V ilas is making an excellent bv the oddosition of Mr. Randall and rec ord in purchasing its supplies. # Pi? tlie opposnion oi cvinnathy The report that ex-Senator Davis of those democr^swho a y p P ofes _ w Va might possibly be appointed siems of Mr Randall during the elec- Secretary of the Treasury, has caused 5}°“nn*VfLfhPplpction turn out muc h amusement during the past to br^i^less lnd the prospect of Uek, for it is well known that the Inv tariff reduction seems to have President has no intention of appoint- any tariff reduction which h n£r a successor to Secretary- Manning ?nvUe“™,rto7h7 8P ot r XS touch- “ft“Lrt until the coming October, invites you to_tlie spot_wn _ „„„ a d-1 T t, is urobabie, if the truth were vance. the future. PS the earth but recedes as you au-1 jt is .probable, —I , U This will be remembered in known, that th« presence of Stephen lius MT1U De rem 1 Elkins, son-in-law .of Mr. Davis, and . Blaine’s lieutenant in the last cam- ___ . . . cants for paign, was the only drawback which There were forty-six ai)P Atlanta the President found in spending the positions m the schools wg Ma ’. first of his married life at Deer Park. while there were few vacanc y. was rea llv laughable to see witn ny of‘these applicants wee ^ inet { ^hat alacrity the fat witted Elkins tins nnf urorn nnvinilK TO Uc? * . right side of his head, just above the ear. The alarm was given, and Charles H. Rogers, Judge Ward, Mr. A. T. Holt and others ran to the house. Dr. Holt was summoned, but Mr. Wells was past human aid. Captain Adams was sent for and Mrs. Adams was taken to the resi dence of Colonel Isaac Hardeman. She was prostrated by the rash act oi her brother. . Coroner Hodnett empanelled a jury and the verdict was in accordance with the foregoing facts. The letter re ferred to was read by Colonel Harde man to the jury. It was written oil the back of one of Lyons & circulars, and was addressed to H. D. Adams and family.” In effect, it stated that he was in his right mind and that he washed to be carried to the hospital. This was written pro bably under the impression that the work with the pistol might not pfova fatal at once. The lines added after speaking to the negro w r ere in sub stance that “Bob did not do this—do not blame him. I am friendless and moneyless. The remains will be taken to ban dersville this morning for interment. —Macon Telegraph. Maud Barker' style. ‘La Danda d’Amore Lucantone” was excellently rendered.bv Miss Liz zie Alexander, who fully sustained her high reputation. ‘ Athens’ fairest daughter, the gifted" Miss Nora Palmer, next gave “The Brakeman,” in a touchingly tender manner and retired amid the deafen ing encores of the audience. “Miss O’Mulligan Takes a Tricicle Ride, ’ and her laughable experiences are humorously related by Miss Car rie Love Goodwin. The next and last of part first was a scene from Schiller's Mary Stewart, by Missps Lipscomb, Barker. Jackson and Tanvater. The young ladies have decidedly a dramatic talent, and won many enco miums of praise. The Academic and Primary classes came next in order and Miss Julia Dor sey amused the Audience with Der Dog and Der Lobster. Tommy’s Prayer by Miss Paulin? Heard w T as highly appreciated. Miss Leila Cook recited Princess Feather in an easy and graceful man ner. The Belles of New York was exquis itely performed by Miss Goodwin. Father Ryan's immortal poem so dear to every Southern heart, “Furl that Banner," w r as sadly and tenderly recited by Miss May Hull, and the ef fect of her beautiful delivery was brightened by the old Confederate flag, drooping sadly from its stall in her hand. Miss Lilly Carleton next gave Jim mie’s prayer. A scene from Henry V—Katherine and Alice, w r as recited by Miss? s Reed and Wilkinson, in a masterly manner. The Fate Charlotte Basse was reci ted by Miss Leila Parr. The tiny little beauty, Miss Louis?- Lumpkin, entertained the audience with Robin’s Nest. The little lady acted well her part and bids fair :o rival her elder schoolmates. The duet, “Come to the Woodland*' by Misses Belle Hill and Mary Hutch ins was exquisite and fairly hrougbir dowm the house. In conclusion allow us to saythar the ^>rajpt was a highly enjoyable on? to all pSo were present. There is nv ending our daughters to ! aof the North or I .. grand old iiisl’Lr.f'ota-Tes . fled in the Lucy <*S Athens. To the faculty of that insti tution we say, your labors have been crowned with signal success, judg. from the exercises we have witnesset. and we only hope that the good work <>-o on "in our fair sunny South. h F. S. S. mav A Large Dividend to Railroad ployees. Em- June 1st 1880, lm this, but were anxious to be with where that people in sections -- teachers, would do well to apPD Major Slaton who could aid them securing very competent teachers. A delegate at the Cleveland assem bly of Knights of Labor described professional agitator as “a fellow lives by the sweat of liis tongue. New an-' so journ there. Mi r . Elkins is by no means a close mouthed person and therefore, though only arriving at Deer park on the morning of Mr Clevland s depart ure, he managed to interview him ami parade his views of the President in the xiress dispatches the following day. How Several Tramps Died.— Chicago, June 15.—A special dispatch from Memphis. Tenn., says: The freight train on'the Kansas City road was wrecked some distance west of here last evening. Fifteen cars were entirely demolished, and several tramps* who were stealing a ride, were crushed to death, being mutila ted in the most horrible manner. I Their names could not be learned, i The crew escaped without injury. miss, not yet in her teens to the bash ful maiden just budding into woman hood. The young ladies of the insti tution marched in to the strains of the beautiful Pique Dame from the mas terly hinds of Misses Belle Hill, Bar nett, A. Hutchins and Goodwin. The first recitation, by the charm ing Miss Meta Ch^rbonnier, was ren dered in excellent style, and the young lady retired amid the plaudits of the h °S Lizzie Wilkinson next recited the “Witch’s Daughter, and did jus tice to her institution. , The lovely blonde, Miss Lizzie Alex ander, followed with an excellent ren- dition of “Katrina’s Visit to New York,” and captivated the audience by her humorous conception of tne selection. „ h “The Station Agents Story, ny Miss Wimberly, of Twiggs county, was touchingly pathetic, and she hel the audience entranced during her recitation. A vein of pathos and ten der sadness seemed to pervade he soul, as she so touchingly related this beautiful extract. . „ - The duet, “Rigolette de Verdi, by Mi« c es Lipscomb and Hunmcutt, remarkable for the extreme dehcacy of touch and remarkable cadence. The lovely Miss ’Mary Hutchms o£ Lawrenceviile, next recited with MS , and fluency the ’Old Actm s btmy^ and the universal opinion of thehou was that it could not have been ren de mfs b Comelia Jackson, the graceful daughter of Capt. Hairv Jacksoa, ^ cited and sang the beautiful old^sung, “Rock of Ages. ’ For purity and me ody of voice and graceful gesture, have never seen her equal. „ ••Brer Rabbit and the Tar Hao was given by Miss Effie HoweH. the petite, lovely daughter of Hon. Ewi Mr. Chauncy J. Stedwelf, Train. Master of the‘Cleveland, Columbus, Cinn. and Indianapolis Ity., was said to have held one-fifth of ticket No. 76 244 in the Louisiana State Lottery, which on May 11th drew the capital prize of $75,000. May 20th, he told a Plain Dealer reporter at his residence, 152 Lake street, Cleveland, O., that “it is true that the $15,000 drawn By the fifth of this ticket was paid to me, but I onlv acted as collector for oth ers. The*fortunate holders were five employees of the C. C. C. A L Bv., m my department, as follows: H. John son, brakeman, 461 Sterling ave.; J. Lahiff, conductor, 35 Seymour ave.; Thos. Murphy, conductor, 44 Bailey st.; F. Williams, conductor, 75 Dela ware st.; R. Constant, brakeman 118* Lorain st., who came and urged me to attend to the collection of t.ie mou and divide it. I forwarded the ticket to New Orleans, and it was promptly paid, them $3,000. and I paid each or Civil Service. Washington, June 12.—The house went into committee of the whole. (Mr. Blount in the chair) on the legis lative appropriation bill. The civil service clause having been read, the chair stated that the pend ing question was the point of order raised by Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, against the provision looking to a change of rules of the commission. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, briefly an tagonized the point, holding that the provision was merely a limitation or? the expenditure of public money. Mr. Morrison, in support of hi> point, said that under the law the du ty of adopting regulations devon ey on the commission and the president. The purpose of the proposed legisla tion was to impose certain conditions which the law did not impose, am therefore was a change of l a '' r 111 COIt travention of the rules of the home. A long debate followed upon the point of order, but as the decisioi the chair was a foregone conclusion. but little interest was taken in th discussion. , The chairman then delivered a car? ful decision, in which he reviewed t - provisions of the civil service lav.am the scope of the rule under which tm point of order was raised and finahY sustaining the point, ruled the i ion out of the bilk j to Mr. Gibson of Maryland, ed t strike out the appropriation for tn commission. Lost lt>to?o.