Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 13, 1889, Image 2

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’ *< 1 at* .. na ■Editorial Glimpses and Clippings. The sanitary condition ol Griflin is said to be alarmingly bad. Agents arc already in the field in Oglethorpe county contracting to take cotton seed at 25 cents a bushel. Nono but official persons think of calling Secretary Rusk, secretary. He is "Uncle Jerry” to man and boy at Washington, as well as in Wisconsin. They are now talking of bridging Bhering straits. What for? To freeze a fellow to death while crossing the bridge? Col. W. 8. Shepherd left for Atlanta yesterday, where be will remain sev- ■ al days before making a tour of tin watering placest>f the north.—Colum bus Enquirer. A prominent farmer Ln Athens says that the wet weather is injuring the cotton considerably, as it is causing suckers to put out on the stalks from the ground to the top limbs. This ■will butt cotton badly if it continues. Jay Gould has gone to Saratoga for ■a few days and his son George lias started for the Catskills with his bun ny. On Saturday the son will fish in some of the lakes near which his now wealthy father peddled maps many years ago. Bathing at. Coney Island is increas ing. At Manhattan beach there were only ninety bathing houses twelve years ago. Now there are 2.700, and they are furnished with all the comforts that anyone couid de sire. Georgo W. Carter, who is now one of the noted preachers in the south, -was considered thirty years ago to he without a peer in t ho southern church. He fell from grace and spent fifteen years in dissipation. Two years ago he was converted, and he has since occupied a southern pulpit. "Gentlemen, this is Liberty hall, feel freo to do as you please. 1 ' These are the words jocularly utter ed by Alexander 11. Stephens one day in welcoming a party of friends at Crawfordville, and from this ex pression ihe home of the ‘‘old oom- moner 11 received its name. Rev. Dr. Gunsaulus of Chicago, created a sensation by walking through tlm groves of Bay View, .Mich,, the Western Chautauqua re sort, with a cigar in his mouth. The ladies of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, holding a meeting there, tit, once passed a resolution prohibiting smoking on the grounds. Mrs. Maybrick charged witli poi soning her husband has been found guilty of murder, and sentence may be commuted, but only to imprison ment for life. The judge who pro- nonuced the sentence was hooted at by indignant crowds Stop your Stomaoh-ncbe promptly by using Lamar's Diurrluoa Mixture, and prevent serious sickness. With a change of two word* we adopt the following from the Waynes boro True Citizen: The banner of the "can't get away club” is still hanging- on the outer walls. Every member of (his club has picked up the air of ‘‘Home, Sweet Home," and sings it with a pathos and earnest ness, which goes a long ways towards convincing him that Milledgoville is the land of the brave and homo of the free, and go where he may there ;« no place like Milledgoville, r rom the Atlanta livening Journal. STEEL IN HER EYE. Miss Bell Burnley is Relieved by Skillful Operation. Warrknton, Ga., August 4. —Miss Bell Burnley, who had u piece of steel in her eye t wo weeks ago, and who suffered fearfully with it, of which the correspondents of both the Atlan ta daillv papers gave accounts of to Council Proceedings. Council Chambkr, » August 7th, 1880.1 PoSTPONKD UkcIULAK Mh.KTINU. Present, His Honor, J. Staley, May or, Aid. Bell, Caraker, Wilson and Bonner, Absent, Ahl. Joseph and Treauor, The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Clerk reports as follows To the Mayor and Aldermen. Gents: 1 put up to the highest bid der by your direction, the encroach ment of 25 by 40 feet, west of the Georgia Depot on the side of Jeffer son street and the same was leased to Mr. P. C. Posey at ten dollars per an num, for the term of five years, with the distinct understanding that said encroachment was to be removed at any time that it becomes necessary by the lessee, after a sixty days notice to tlie lessee. G. W. Oarakkr, Clerk. On motion the report was received uinl adopted. The following was read: At a meeting of the Board of Trade, 30th July, 1881b On motion it was re quested that our City Council ap point a public Weigher, who shall be sworn under the laws of this State to discharge such duties in such manner as the laws require, for such compen sation as said Council may determine. Extract from the minutes. C. H. Andrkws, Suc’y. B. T. The following was read first time: Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milledgeville ‘ in 8 05 1) 00 0 00 0 00 1 50 4 70 and it is ordained by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the day of September, 1889, the May or and Aldermen of this city will ap point a public weigher or weighers, to weigh all cotton sold inside this city—said weigher or weighers to charge such fees as the law in such cases allow. The uyeB and nays being called for, on the above ordinance, thoso voting aye, Aid. Wilson, Caraker and Bon ner. No, Aid. Bell. The petition of Messrs. Yates, Lu- gaud, Thompson and others, in re gard to the opening of Wilkinson street, was laid on the table for the present. The Sexton's report for the three months ending June DO, 1889: 25 inter ments inthecity cemetery—8 white fe males and I! white males—9 colored fe males and 4 colored males. Out of this number, 4 of the white females were non-resident, 12 of the number were between the ages of 4(1 and 85, and 4 between the ages of 16 and 30 years and 9 botwoen the ages of 15 days and 1 year. ( >n motion the report was directed placed on the Cemetery book. There having been some complaint as to the charges for work in the Cemetery, on motion the matter was laid on the table nntil the next meet ing. On motion, the Clerk was directed to give notice that the books for re ceiving the returns will close on the 30th Inst. The following accounts wero passed and ordered paid: J. Staley, $30 00 G. W. Caraker, 50 00 W. 8. MeComb 50 00 A. Dunn, 50 00 W. J. Oweus, 50 00 A. J. Wall .‘. 40 00 T. A. Caraker, 25 00 Whitfield & Allen,. 75 00 T. J. Fairfield 51 00 Ailing & Tunnel,... 10 O. H. Bonner 11 10 Jewell & MeComb, two accounts,.. 10 94 T. E. White, 6 51 T. C. Burke 11 10 The Clerk’s report was examined and found correct and on motion ap proved and passed. On motion council adjourned. G. W. Caraker. Clerk. Council Chamber, > Aug. 8th, 1889.) Called Meeting; Present, His Hon. J. Staley, Mayor, Aid. Caraker, Bell, Bonner, Wilson their respective papers, one account j umi Joseph. Absent Aid. Treauor. of which said ‘‘the young lady lias I On motion, Resolved, That the del- lost her sight and will probably lose j egates from Baldwin County Agricul- ber life,'' js out visiting, with a pair of j tural Club be requested to invite tlie nice blue glasses on, and can see al- State Agricultural Convention to most as well out of the eye that was meet in this city at their Spring ses- so seriously injured as out of the oth- i sion, in 1890. Adopted, tr eye. > On motion, Council adjourned. ration of removing i G. W. CARAKER, Clerk. om within tlie eye ! ——— —— S through the I G. w. Caraker. Clerk, in account with the . „ ... City Council of Millodgevulo, receipts ii - , s “ and disbursements from July 2d t surgery, and was 1 surge- sou Id b. • :-t part de 1 :c-it d by the i h» the p: whict trans piece witne er an i brother and ladies ton ; and, after 'st-.-ei ii tracted, no one h.i i h sight, and some had ft death, as she hdd sutler the piece of steel was in h« ung lady’s fath- Warr on -1 ljl.li, Inclusivt x- ipo of hel it's of her d so while r eye. But Dr. "Bosworth, the specialist of A- mericus, who was called'to Miss Burnley, had hopes of vision all the time, "and attended Miss Burnley closely for a week. The persons, several ladies, who saw •the operation, complimented Dr. Bos- wortb highly as displaying skill and Mrs. C. IV. Cason, of this place, who witnessed the removal of the piece of steel, saved it for Miss Burnley to keep as a relic of suffering. Miss Burnley lives in the upperpor- rtion of this county, asisterof Mr. Wash Burnley, of this place, and 18 years ■ old; much admired among her friends. She says she “can see almost as well With the eye that was so fearfully wounded as with tlie other.” It appears that no ordinary wound will destroy an eye if it lias proper attention after the injury. Respectfully, 11. H. Fitzpatrick Note.—Mr. H. II. Fitzpatrick ii the excellent postmaster at Warreu- ton. We are glad Mr. Fitzpatrick advised us of Miss Burnley's recovery of sight in the wounded eye, as the case vraa •referred to in our columns at the time, and the young lady’s sight was regarded as gone, possibly in both eyes, as it was some time before an ■occufist could ho had, and th® eye was in a high feverish state, endan gering the other eye—Editor At lanta Evening Journal. 1S89 I uli do 40 1 00 10.00 707 (i 23 Cash. i)n To cash on hand from last report, $105 95 Mrs. S. D. Wootten, sales, A. Martin, pt st. tax, do Aaron Henderson, (c) one 18x18 feet lot in Cemetery, do 4. T. L. Avant, sales, do J. M. Bayne, sales, do Lizzie Barren, part lot iu Cemetery, 5 00 do 6, Milledgeville Banking Company, tax, 50 00 do J. K. Holloway, sales, 4 00 do C. W. EuniH, Mill tax, '8S, 50 00 do C. W. Funis, tax, 10 00 do C. W. Ennis, sales, 43 20 do C. W. Ennis, pt. mill tax, '89, do 8, Fino in Mayor’s Court, do do do do do do M. Nussbaum, sales, J. Miller, sales, C. E. Yasser, sales, W. A. Walker, bal. Cicero Wilson, Barber shop tax, F. C. Posey, sales, Ollie Snipes, st. tax, 17 39 1 00 5 58 4 40 .25 5 00 3 65 3 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 11 50 94 50 do 9, F. Steele, pt st tax, da John Phillips, pt st tax, do Mrs. K. Carr, sales, do 10, M. A .1. R. Hines, sules, do Jas. Gibson, sales, do 11, Jas. Yarbrough, sales, do 13, Walker A Barnes, sales, 13 07 do Ailing A Tunnell; con tractors, 10 00 do W. H. Bass, sales, 5 82 do H. L. Lamar, bal. st. tax, 2 00 do 15, Geo. Gumiu, sales, 4 75 do W. H. Armstrong, sales, 9 85 $46C« 77 Cash. Or. July 3, By ain’t, pd. 8. Hughes, U 00 do H. Warren, *00 do H. Warren, one well, ou do <4. Eaton, st. hand, do F. Roberts, st. hand, do W. Lofton, st. hand, do J. Brookins, st.. hand, do 4, 8. Hughes, ac't passed, do 5, J. Berry, st. hand, do 0. W J Owens, in full foist, 50 00 do C. W. Ennis, C. P. Craw ford's order bal. due, * codifying ordinances, 50 00 do C. W. Ennis, 8heri(T, in iu full cost in case of Julia Hall vs. City. 22 05 do 9, A. J. Wall, in full to 1st, 40 00 do 10, T A Caraker, full to 1st, 35 00 do M. A J. R. Hines, pt ac’t, 5 85 do 12, J. Staley, in full to 1st, 50 00 do 15, W. 8. McCornb, ac’t salary, 94 37 do G. W. Caraker, salary, 31 02 $400 24 Cash on hand to balance, 57 53 $4C6 77 Wilson^ acting Chm’n. Fin. JOSEPH STALEY, Mayor. Approved Aug. 7tli, 1889. j r ... Com. G. W. Caraker, Clerk, in account with file City Council of Milledgeville, receipts and disbursements from July 10th, to Aug. 5th, inclusive. 1889. Cash. Dr. July 10, To Cash on hand from last report, 57 53 do H. Adler, sales, 4 69 do Ford Lee, pt «t tax, 1 Oo do Simon Childress, st tax, 1 00 do Robt. Rivers, pt st tax, 1 00 do 17, Miss M. Keil, sales, 5 00 do P. M. Compton A Son, sales, 3810 do 18, Jonnah Berry, ptst tax, 1 60 do 19, O. H. Fox, planing mill, 25 00 do 20, Fine in Mayor's Court, 5 00 do Andrew Davis, st tax, 3 00 do Calhoun Jackson, pt st tax. 150 do 23, Crolf Vasser, st tax, 3 00 do T. E. White, st tax, 6 00 do T. E, White, sales, 0 84 do 20, Lizzie Purron, pt cemete ry lot* 4 00 do Mary Foster, tax. 1 25 do 29, F. C. Posey, 1 yrs. lease on encroachment, 10 00 do C. \V. Broughton, pt st tax, 1 00 do A. J. Carr, Ins. tax, 89 do 31, Ben Clarke, pt. st. tax, 1 00 do Wesley Harper, st. tax, 3 00 do T L McCornb A Co, sales, 47 95 Aug. 1, Lamar Bros., ins. tax, 1 37 do T. T. Windsor, ins. tax, 1 44 do Misses Carrington, ins tax, 2 15 do J. A. Horne, sales, 9 30 do Ben Durden, pt st tar, 50 do 2, C. H. Andrews, Ins. tax, 1 12 do 3, Anthony Butler, pt st tax, 1 00 do 5, Cbriss Thomas, pt st tax, 1 00 do H. Adler, st. tax, 3 00 do John Gibson, st tax, 3 00 do Granville Moses, st. tax, 3 00 do Gus Steele, pt *t tax, 2 00 do Calhoun Jackson, bal st tax, 1.50 do Moses Blair, st tax, 3 00 do Jas. Crittendon, st tax, 3 00 do Warren Bell, pt st tax, 1 00 do R. C. Smith, pt st tax, 75 do Iverson Phillips, pt st tax, 1 00 do M. Hines, st tax, 8 00 do J. R. Hines, st tax, 3 00 do J. A. Roberts, st tax, 3 00 do Lawrenco WeBt, st tax, 8 00 do Moses Price, pt st tax, 80 do C, W. Broughton, bal st tax, 2 00 do Routine Dawson, st tax, 8 00 389 28 « Oa.sh Or# July 18, By ain't paid 8. Hughes, 9 00 do H. Warren, st. hand, 8 80 do G. Eaton, st hand, 9 00 do F. Roberts, st hand, 9 00 do J. Berry, st. hand, 3 10 do W. Lofton, st baud, 9 00 do J. Brookins, st hand,' 9 00 do 20, A. O’Neal, work on pave ment' 18 75 do 29, A. O’Neal, in full, work on pavement, 0 40 Aug. 2, S. Hughes, 9 00 do II. Warren, 9 00 do G. Eaton, 9 00 do F. Roberts, 9 00 do W. Lofton, 9 00 do .1. Brookins, 9 00 do 5, M. A J, R. Hines, in full ac’t passed, 10 72 do G W Caraker, ac’t salary, 42 84 do W. S. MeComb, ac’t ijal- ry, 40 00 do A. Dunn, ac't salary, 10 00 245 01 ( lasli on hand to balance, 43 07 $289 28 Approved August 7th, 1889. J. F. Wilson, acting Chm’nFin. Coin. J. 8TALEY, Mayor. CATARRH (The Terrible.) It requires special Instruments to proporly treat that dangerous disease known as Nasal Catarrh. If any person is interested enough to call at the Specialist’s office at the Hotel they can see how Catarrh is cured. It requires costly instruments to remove the disease completely from the nose, throat and ears, which is done by a specialist without pain and yet the disease is absolutely burned out with acids guarded by Cocain to prevent any pain. Idleness Is a Dnngsrrus Fault In tho kidneys. Whea inar.tivo they speedily fall into disrepair. Thoso obstinate nndlatal maladies, Bright's diseaso and diabetes, ensuo with terrihlo certainty upon the inaction of the organs affected. Catarrh ol tho bladder, 0nar*eis, gravel and strangury are also to ho Distributed! ma Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by tDo Legislature In lses, for Educational anil Charitable purposes, and its franchise made a part of the present Slate Con stitution, in 1870, by an overwhelming populur vote. Its MAVtMOTII 0H4WING8 take pine- Memi-Annunlly, (June and l»<- rember,) and its GRAND NINGI.B NIHHHKR DRAWING*} take place in rack of (be other ten months of the yenr, and are nil drawn in public, nl the Academy of Nfnalr, New Orleans, Ln. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of Its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attested as Follows: 1 'We dulicreby certify that we supcrvlsethe arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lotte ry Company, and ln person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in guod faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use thlscerttflcate, with tac-simlles of our signatures attached, in its advertise ments.” Commissioners. We the undersigned Hfcnks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn ln the Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters. K. M. WAI-MSLEY, Pres Louisiana Nat Ilk PIKHUE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat'1 Bk. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat’lllk. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, September 10, 1889. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dol lars each Halves §10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twentieths $1. list of phizes. 1 PRIZE OF $300,000 is $.‘500,000 1 PRIZE OF 100,000 is 100,000 1 PRIZE OF f>0,000 is 50,000 1 PRIZE OF ’ 25,000 is 25,000 2 PRIZES OF 10,000 are 20,000 5 Prizes of 5,000 are 25,000 25 PRIZES OF 1,000 arc 25,000 loo PRIZES OF 500 are 50,000 PRIZES OF 300 are 60,000 500 PRIZES OF 200 are 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of $500 are $50,000 100 Prizes of $300 Arc | 30,000 loo Prizes of $200 are 20,000 Trrminal Prizes. 099 Prizes of $100 are 99,900 Prir#ei of $10# are 99,900 3,134 Prises, amounting to 91,044.800 Non.—Tickets drawing Capital rrlzes are not entitled to terminal Prtzee. AGENTS WANTED. _*-Kor Olnb Rates, or any further information desired, write legibly to the undersigned, clear ly stallDg your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mall delivery will be assured by your enclosing an En velope bearing your full address. XMVORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D. C. By ordinary letttr, containing Money Order issued by all Express Companies, New York Exchange, Draft or Postal Note. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NEW OBI.KAN'S NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, A.a. HEMEUBEK that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATION AL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an Insti tution, whose chartered rights are recognized In the highest Conrts; therefore, beware' of all im itations or anonymous schemes. ONE DOLLAR Is the price of the smallest part or fraction of a Ticket ISSUED BY US In anyDiawlng. Anything lu our name offered for less than a Dollar is a swindle. Ang. 13, 1 SSt).» 4t New Advertisements. HINDERCORN8. Tho only nirn (’ure for Corns. (Hops all pain. Insure* eomfortfcothofret. 15c. at Drufffrists. Hincox &Co.,N.Y. 1 you Cough. Bronchitis, . tkER’S GINGER roTHtTcafleaand in thouest 1 , 'Stiou f Uf PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Navar Fail* to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. > Pro vent* Pandruir and hair falling 60j^andJ^j)0 | atJjniggiBtA (ii i THE GLORY OF MAN STRENGTH VITALITY! How Lost! How Regained, KNOWTHYSEIE THE 8CIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific and Standard Popnlar Medical Treatise enthe Error# of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous and I’hyiical Debility, Impurities of the Blood. . ill silli■ gI H3|m »fci a flno tonic and promoter of activity for tho ronal organs, nml one. which can bo relied upon to afford them the requisite stimulus \nthont exciting them—an effoct to be feared from the uumedicated alcoholic excitant of commerce, A further bonefleent effect of the Bitters, by renewing activity of the kidneys, is to onabfe them to drain from the blood in its passage through them, imparities pro ductive of rheumatism and dropsy. Nervous ness, fever aud ague, constipation and dys pepsia are oouquered by the Bitters. Kesnlting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim [ for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation. ] Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 3”0 pages, roval 8vo. Beautiful - binding, embossed, full gilt. I'rice only $1.00 by 1 mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. The distinguished author, Wm. fl. Parker, M. I)., re ceived th# COM) AN l> .1EWELLED MEDAL from (tie NutiouuE Medical Association lor thi» PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL D1-1III LIT Y .Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or in person, at the office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, ! No. 4 Bulflnrh St., Boston* Mass., to whom all I orders for books or letters for advice should M | directed as above, w 4 4t July 29 1889. —THE— CASH BEFORE DELIVERY STORE, (Haywood & Caraker’s old stand,) HANCOCK STREET. *. Dress steels (Non-Corrosive) per doz 5c Rubber Hair Pins lc Tho 5c goods of other stores ut 3c aud 4c. The 10c goods of other stores ut 7 and Sc. Now crops Turnip A RutaBaga seed. per 11). 30c, 4 year old vinegar for Pickling 30c Gents Linen collars 5c Sailor collars 3 for. ..25c 100 Hair Pins, 3c 12 Boxes (S00) snatches, 6c 12 Boxes (2400) matches,.... 24c 12 Boxos (6000) matches, ... .50c 3 Bags Table Salt, 10c Hand saws (cast stool) 40c Key hole saws 15c Memorandum books 3 to 8c Rubber and Horn Combs 6c Kid Gloves, 45c Misses’ Mitts,. 18c Extension Fans, 10 <fe 14c Lamp chimneys, Large & small 5c Burners, Large & Small. .8 & 10c Ladies Fine- shoes, (must j. o) “ White dress goods, (must go) Large lot men’s Hats, (must go) 2 pkg’s Envelopes, ,5c Note & letter papers, quire 21,5, 6, 8, & 9c, Ladies collars & cuffs 8c 1 Doz cakes Toilet soap 28c 1 “ Pearl Dress buttons 4c & 5c 4 papers needles 5c Scarfs, latest stylos 15c to 45c 12 Rubber Tipped pencils 10c 400 yds Thread 5c Pens per gross 40c Gimlets 2c Boys pocket Knives. 5c Dippers 4, 5 A 10c Armour’s corn Beef, 1 lb can,. 14c 3 bx’s Mason’s No. 3 blacking,. 9c Assorted Jellies per tumbler,..9c Carter’s School Ink, 4c Curtain, Scrim lie Miasos Fine Shoos, $1.50 Bargains in Brooms. Knitting Needles, lc Ladies’ Gloves, 10c Thimbles 3 C Crochet Needles, .. 1, 3, 5 and 8c. 10 inch Mill Saw Files 12c. Official Envelopes, 10c Bost Green Coffee, 5 lbs.,..$1.00 Extract of Lemon, 5c Extract of Vanilla, 5o Turkey Ited Damask, pr. yd, 30c, 35c and 40c. Whito Damask, (Satin finish) 75c Cigars, per box, 65c. Whalbonine, per doz., 6c, 8c, 15c. Corsets, 28, 45 and 50c. Bost Cedar Buckets, 50c. Best Cypress Buckets, .35c. 12 cakes Laundry Soap....25c 6 lbs. Laundry Soap 25c 3 boxes Potash 25c 5 lbs. Good . Starch 25c 1 lh. Mixed Tea 45c Machine oil per Bottle 4c Castor oil per Bottle 5c Paregoric per bottle 5c 2 boxes Blueing 5c 1 lb. Soda, 8c; 3 lbs 20c Snuff per lb 40c to 55c Hand Saw Files... .4c, 5c, & 8c Slato and Pencil, 5c Envelopes,good, 5c Pencils, Slato £ & lc Spectacles 8c to 15c Handkerchiefs.. . .3,-5, 8, 15, 30c Pins, American, 2 papers for 5c Pins, English, 5c Pins, safety, per doz 3c. A new No. 9, Wheeler <fe Wil son Sowing Machine, at Factory prices. W. H. BASS, Milledgeville, Ga., August 5, 1889. o Trespass Notice. Lunatic Asylum, State of Gforoia. 1 Near Milledgoville, Ga., July 2nd, 1889, f N and after this date all persons are notified not to trespass upon tho orch ils, Gardens, and Lands of the Ga, Lu natic Asylum. Tresspassers will be prosecutod to tho full extent of tho Law. Iiv order of tho Hoard of Trustees. Lit. T. O. POWELL, bupt. It. G. HUMBER, Steward. July 2nd, 1889. 52 lpl - UPPMAN’S PYAAruaE, Is the greatest Chill and Fever, Dumb Ague and Malaria cure ln tho world, orad- icatos tho disease every time. FOR CORNS, WARTS AND BUNIONS use only Abbott's East Indian Corn Faint. “f5S*s of milledgeville. 1 Wholesale and RKTAir'T) n 7, '- I'- J. CLINE. No u w „ D rQooD s ADOLPH JOSEPH "i^ ne , fl , tr «)t. ^li-JUSS, .No-29 H an0 o ck8troeti ' fluuos, Chemicals, Books'" JOHN M. CLARK’S DRUGSTORE A FULL^Mo^lfr’uOTatd^h as. 10 ” ““WCassava Carriage and Wa^Tai^r M. A. COLLINS, Proprietor^ VEHICLES of all kinds neatll^nn V stantlally repaired at lowest n n -u7 u **' Shop corner of Hancock streets, near Bland’s LWerv Livery Stabie! ~ M. H. BLAND Sc CO S ALE, FEED AND LIVERY HTiurv, We now occupy tho MoComb 8 ^M LE8 ' KiSRar—* "“* l -ass Retail Groceries. C. H. WRIGHT & SON (Oldost Grocery House In the oltv) FRESH and Choice Family Groceri* turn* 5 ' 8 ln Store ,lt Prices to stduS Watches and Jewelry JOSEPH MILLER, No. 15 S. Wayne st DEALER In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry B «™, Glassware, Crockery, Cut- claity bDUCtaC C8 ’ 8tc ‘ Re P* ,rw °rlt aspj- D Variety BUfr. A. F. SKINNER & CO., (EALERS IN DRY GOODS. Glassware . Crockery, Tinware and (General Mer chandize. No. 4 8. Wayne street. Bank Notice. ronpn I «t L K E J ,0 Fy il l I ' B ,!ANK wlu hereafter L opm at 8E oiclock, a. m., and close at2 p. m B. T. BETHUNE, Cashier. April loth, 1881). • ’ 414t ‘‘ WARREN EDWARDS, Manufacturer of BOTTLE SODA WATER, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. Ginger Ale a Specialty. Orders from adjoining towns solicited. 7 ly Milledgeville, Aug. 31, 1888. There are many aooldents and diseases which affect stock aud cause serious In convenience and lose to the farmer In hU work, which may be quickly remedied bv Unimeht J Yoloaalc Oil Milledgeville and Asylum Dummy Line Railroad. The following Sohedule will go Into ef fect at 7 o’clock a. m., standard time, Monday, July 39th, 1889: Leave for Georgia B. R 4.45 am Leave for Asylum 8.00 a m Leave Asylum for city 8.30 am Leave for Georgia R. R .8.50 a m Leave for Central R. R 915am Leave for Asylum 9.40 a m Loave Asylum for olty io.00 a m Leave Tor Asylum 13.90 p m Leave Asylum for city 13.40 p m Leave for Central R. R 3.00 p m Leave for Asylum p m Leave Asylum for cltv 3.00 pm Leave for Georgia R. R 8.50 p m Leave for Asylum 4.30 pm Leave Asylum for city 4.50 pm Leave for Asylum 5.40 p m Leave Asylum for city 8.30 p m Leave for Georgia R. R 9.36 p m Leave for Asylum 10.05pm Leave Asylum for city 10,35 pm SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leavo for Georgia R. R 4.45 a m Leave for Asylum 8.00a m Leavo Asylum for city 8.20 a m Leavo for Georgia R. R 8.50 am Leavo for Asylum 9,40 am Leave Asylum for city io.l5am Leave for Asylum 12,30 p m Leave Asylum for city 12.45 pm Leave for Georgia R. It 3.50 p m Leave for Asylum .4.30p m Leave Asylum for city 4.50pm Leave for Asylum , ... 5.40pm Leave Asylum for city 6.20 pm Leave for Georgia R. R 9.25 pm Leave for Asylum io.05 p m Leave Asylum for elty 10.25 pm All trains from city, starl from Mil ledgeville Hotel corner. Our track is In good order and wo are run ning schedules lor the comfort and safety of passengers. Ladies and children will bo looked after carefully. Trip tickets can be bought at the Dum my Lino Office at reduced rates. Excur sion parties, Sunday School and Picnic parties will bo given special rates ana special trips if desired. Wo aro prepared to handle all freights promptly. By order of W. W. Lumpkin, Fresd’t. & Supt. Piano For Sale Cheap. I DESIRE to sell an excellent Plano quite as good as new. Will sell It for half It Is really worth and upon easy terms. If you need a Piano, you will never again get such an opportunity as this. It may be seen at the residence of Mrs. Fielding Lewis, but I alono will price It and make terms. Ap ply to Dlt. W.C. BELLAMY, Asvlum Library Milledgeville, Ga., May 7, i889. 44 tf Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappeu Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. FOR SALE BY E. A. BAYNE. Sept. 18, 1888. 11 ly- ., Fou Rent.—-The residence recent: ly occupied by Mrs. J. L. White. Ap- plv to C. W. Ennis. April 39th, 1889. 43^. Many Persons .. Are broken down from overwork or housen cares Brown’s Iron Bitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, remove* ft cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine- March 36th 1889 38 cw ly