Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 20, 1889, Image 5

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THE ONION & RECORDER, rubllftheri Weekly In MIlletlBevIlle.G. BY BARNES A MOORE. TlieservICos of Cob. James M.SMythk, are en gaged asGcneralAsslstant. . „ 11 Tlie“PEl)KllALUN10N”andthc"80UTUfcKN RECORDER’'were consolidated, August 1st, 1^7- tno Unton being lu Its Forty-Third Volume and %0 Recorder in 1 tsFifty-Third Volume. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Per annum, $1.00 Six months, T5 Three montlts *10 Single copy, 5 Advertisements inserted less than one month at 75cents per Inch for first, and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements not marked with the number of times will he Inserted until forbidden, and Charged accordingly. , All advertisements must take the run or tne aper, unless otherwise stipulated by contract, nd then an additional charge of toper cent, win -e required. Local notices 10 cents a line for first Insertion nd 6 cents a line for each subsequent Insertion. ADVERTISING RATES. The following Advertising Rates ill ho strictly adhered to by the NION-Rkcordkr in the future. It is useless to ask any reductions: Space, lrn. i 2ui. 4'm. | Cm. 1 inch 2.00 0.00 S.ool 6.50 2 inches... 0.00 4.25 6.50 10.00 ,4 inches... 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 4 column. 7.00 10.00 16.00 21.50 A column. 10.00 10.00 21.50 33.50 . column. 10.00 25.00 33.50 50.00 2 columns 30.50 41.50 55.501 83.50 3 columns 35.00 55.50 74.00jlll.10 , columns 41.00 04.00 86.00*129.00 ly. 10.00 16.50 25.00 33.50 50.00 90.00 151 203.00 1337.00 Obituaries exceeding ten lines will be charged ame as advertisements. Our friends are requested to send us news by ostal card or letter, and notes on Important pics are luvtted. Remittances should be made express, postal note, money order or register- letter. . „ .. All communications should be addressed to Union Recorder, Milledgeville, Ga. Official Director!/. BALDWIN COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Judge Superior Court—lion. W. F. enkins. Solicitor-General—II. G. Lowia. Senator—lion. It. Whltlleltl. Representative—Hon. L. N. Callaway. Ordinary—M. It Bell. Clerk Superior Court—Walter l'aino. Sheriff—C. W. Etinls. County Treasurer—J. M. Edwards. Tax Collector—T. W. Turk. Tax Receiver—P. T. Ennis. Surveyor—R. L. Hunter. Coroner—W. S. Scott. Judge County Court-Hon. E. C. Ramsay. Jury Commissioners—Sam. Walker, T. , McComb, J. C. Whitaker, It. It. Brown, . T. Bethune, Joseph Staley. County School Commissioners—R. N. amar, County Commissioner; J, N, oore, O. M. Cone, T. H. Latimer, Dr. C. . Snead. County Commissioners—Hon. D. 13. San- rd, L. J. Lamar. B. H. Jones. Justices of the Peace—J. A. Oroen, 820th t.; T. J. Lingould, 321st dlst.; S, J. own, 322nd diet.: G. W. Underwood, th dlst.; J. B. O'Quinn, 115th dist.: W. I. ^per, 818th dlst-, W. J, T. Kay, 319th Notary Public and Ex Officio Justices of e Peaoe.j G. TV. Caraker, 320th dlst.; hn Thomas, 321st dlst-; W. R, Fenn nd diet.; J. H, Chandler, llSth diet.; j' Myrlck, 318th diet. J p. Humphrloe th dlst, 'bhtables-T. S, Uagley, J. N. Leonard, th diet.; T, H. Potter, 321st dlst.; E W nter, 322nd dl»t.; T. L. A. Tranham, th diet.; J, J, Simpson, 115th dist. TX GOVERNMENT OF MILLEDGEVILLE. Mayor—Hon, J, Staley. ldermen-A. Joseph, M. R. Bell, W. raker, E. D. Treanor, J. F. Wilson, C. .Bonner. ' lerk—G. W. Caraker. arshall—W. S. McComb. Deputy Marehal-A. Dunn. NlghtWateh-W. J. Owens. StreetOversoer-A. J. Wall. City hrxton—1. A. Caraker. City Attorneys—Whltlleld 4 Allen. Bethel Dots Baldwin Co, Ga. Aug. 16th, ’89. R. Editor: As yon have not heard from your 'ends in this () uarter of the globe, euet* you would like to hear from ml I? f 0 having plenty of rain have a fi no cro p f cotton and potatoes! plenty ot op on! n ,l " ki,U ' 9 ’ U1Kl ft 8«>d e best f ? f SaVe ' 1 ’ and 1 think iat I f ° r hor8eH a,Hl moles ^o,Me to f ed‘- ttiat haven’t st but ifti ’ C a,,u ba - v tbe r tben t L yl,aV6 l ,lent y of fotl- “en they say fodder is the best . theway w i t hp ° or Iua n. ’ ^tderTht i seen thl in SUUlmer than 1 D '^io S H „ ye r; a " honorto » and Har- ael yet. h 18 80,no Sood in tu Pap u L bi ic H r e 18 Preparing to d8 ' All J!* I* a . Uer y at Knits cross ahead y 0u 88 to 1Jill Y for he is a ’theipit J,“ an audlguessho ek Minor between Uncle 6y “lake thin'" IJarkesda lo for e y stay even A , blo880m where “lessing f or n 01,1 P°or land. It is n as Messk U 'u-' Uen t° have such 1 tlle Harner i ( m ° r ’ Barke sdale ’ Sc °K i n, a! ..J rothers and Uncle / lKhb °rhoodlf a ‘ e8t0 «° by ' This 0ti arKl suiart eV ° r been hiest with es Have fallen , ? en ’ An of tL >o old 0ree, i; and t ,, aep but Uncle Bil- 1 him hereto! “ k tho Lord lias ll0M ' to g i ln earn tho young peo- M. Gn., ,,‘ hon ‘ and praise God turnip Held that I ever saw at this time of the year. If you ever want turnips Billy can fill your orders be fore breakfast. I think that he ha* gained Bro. B. H. Jones’birthright as to turnip raising, The health of our neighborhood is not so good as it generally is, Bro, Jones and James Humphries and Miss Jennie Brown have been on the siok list, but all are better now, so far as I know. So much for all the goods of this earth, so I will let you know what the Lord lias done for our spiritual life: Our annual protracted meeting be gan Aug. the 3rd witli Bro. Grlner in the pulpit; Bro. Green Parish, the blind preacher, at the organ, and the Good Lord all over the church. We had ft lovefeast with God and the brethren that will last, 1 hope, to our graves. Rev. Parrish preached a ser mon to our little ones. Such a talk I never heard before in all of my life. As soon as he was through, the doots of the church were opened and three *>f our clear little children joined the church, 1 think tho Georgia Conference would do well to give Rev. Parrish work among the young of Georgia. While Bro. Parrisli has not the light of this world he has the light of the Spirit, and we that can see God’s green earth ought to be ashamed of ourselves that a blind man does more good than we do. During our meet ing he asked all that had been blessed to stand up and the congregation stood with few exceptions, and he told us if he oould see our faces he could tell what wo were. God bless his soul, when we meet in heaven thou he can see, and I imagine that these three little children, who joined the church under his sermon to the children, if they hold out and get to heaven, will walk up and tell Bro. Parrish that they are the ones who gave him their hand way- down yonder at Aid Bethel Church u tlie year 1889, and don’t you enow that it will make him shout for joy, though blintl yet could see and lead souls to Christ. Well take it all iu all, God was at Bethel with more power than I ever felt- or saw before in my life. Bro. W. H. Stembridge, of Mount- pelier church, was with us and gave us some good counsel and soui-stir- ring prayers. I do wish this whole country could be converted to God, and if every member of the chuieh that has a family would hold family prayer and raise his children up uoder the influonoe of prayer In a few years this would be a Godlier coun try. Brethren lets try it? Put God to the task and my word for it the blessing will come. I believe that there will be more souls lost from Christ for not raising their children under religious govern ment at home than for any other sin on thif, earth. God have pity on the father that can’t pray in his family and bless the children of such father. The best men in this coun try are those who were raised by praying parents, that no one can de- ny, for we have the evidence around us every day. We oughi; to go to sleep praying, get up praying, and all that we do do in the attitude of pray- Thank God for prayer. As long as I can get down on my knees and go to God in prayer I am not afraid of the whole world. Brethren and sisters of the Methodist church when you pray in the church or out of it, or whenitlie minister prays, get down on your old sinful knees and put your heart in the dust of the eartli and then God will take it up and have it made as white as snow. Knee prayer is the kind to save your soul, never mind that dress or pants, there have been many line clothes put iu the grave. Praise the Lord. . Bethel. 30MB PONT’8 •Advice That I* Given by a Physi cian of Richmond, Ya. Don’t endeavor to rest the mind by absolute inactivity, let it FIRST LOVE. £°",d°«*.a woman love? Onco no more, Through life forever its loss doploro, Deep in sorrow and deep In sin. One king rolgnoth her heart within. One alone, by night ami day, Moves her spirit to curse or pray, One voice only can call her soul rest iu work in other channels and — -:v- —■ no* emu thus rest the tired nart of *l> v- • Thnn , lo . m gruspof death’s control; me ureti part or the brain. Though lovers besot her, or friends deride into the be- yoa ’ w '? a , , 8 10 smlleth anothor man’s Don’t delude yourself lief that you are an exception as far as sleep is concerned; the normal aver age of sleep is eight hours. Uon’t allow your servants to put meat and vegetables in the same com- oartments of the refrigerator. Uon’t keep the parlor dark unless you value carpets more than you and your children’s health. Don’t forget that moral defects are as often the cause as they are the •Hoots of physical faults. Don’t direct special mental or phy sical energies to more than eight hours’ work in each day. Don’t neglect to have your dentist examine your teeth at least every three months. Don't read, writ or do any delicate work unless receiving the light from the left side. Don’t pamper the appetite with such variety of food that may lead to excess. Don’t read i» street-cars or other jolting vehicles.—Richmond (Xn.'i State. Don’t eat or drink hot and cold things immediately in succession. Don’t pick the teeth with pins or ally other hard spbstance. Don’t sleep in a room provided with stationary wash-stands. Don’t torturo the body with heavy clothing iu Bummer. Don’t neglect any opportunity to insure a variety of food. SIR JULIAN PAUNCEFOTE. The Educational Novelties in the Nursery for His Children. When Sir Julian Pauncefote brings over his wife anti children from Eng land we shall, so some of the return ed tourists tell ns, see a nursery and school room the like of which is not common on this side of the big pond. The children of Mrs. W. K. Vander bilt have in their school-room all the most approved appliances for smooth ing the royal road to learning. Of these the ceiling is the nfost original. Here in fresco is painted the heavens and the planetary system, and a les son In astronomy is always In order, as it continually prompts inquiry from the small people kicking up their heels on the floor. But this is nothing to the educational novelties in the Pauncefote nursery, where the walls are hung with paper depicting the landing of William the Conqueror, the crusades of Richard the Lion- hearted, the voyage kt the White Ship, the little Princes in the Tower, the scattering of the Armada and other subjects of historical interest. The tiles about the hearth are de corated with pictures of David and Goliath, little Samuel and other Bibli cal personages, while to relieve the mental strain ‘‘Little Red Riding- hood,” the “Princess who slept a thousand years,” “Jack the Giant- killer” and other fabulous personages are woven into the rugs and carpet. Youig Sir Julian Hhou he looks into the street has to peep through Aus tralia, for transparant geographical paintings og6eure the view-. If a thrush calls from a treetop he peeps over the Ankes to catcli a glimse of the bird. The panels of the doors are laid in flowers to teach botany, and the door-knobs are animals’ heads, Bt> that one braves a lion or a tiger enter or leave the room. Nothing the young diplomates look on but calculated to train the vouthful mind. bride, n.!! 1 f ! lr , hor nm8t «r >><*r “f*' makes raoan- Onco is forever and oneo is alono. JIow does a man love? Onco for all. J no sweetest voices of life mav call, borrow daunt him, or death dismay. Joy s red roses bedeck Ills way; Fortune smile, or lost or frown. I he cruel thumb of the world turn down: Loss betray him, or love delight, Through storm or sunshine, by day or night, Wandering, tolling, asleep, or awake, 1 hough souls may madden, or weak hearts break, Better than wife, or child, or polf. Once and forever he loves—himself, —Rose Terry Cooke. Dropping Around a Broadway Ho tel, N. Y, “Now,” continued a reporter, “this nighborhood is just full of lock of late. Not long since a restaurant keeper around in Blocker st., New York city, struck a *15,000 prize in the Louisiana State Lottery, anil sev eral other lucky strikes in the same concern followed rapidly. On top of this comes the announcement that E. Arnsden, the well-known printer of 137 Eighth st., drew $5000 and Cassagnac & Vieu, the feather mer chants of 3 West Third st., drew $2,500 at the last drawing. They each sent $1 to M. A Dauphin, New Orleans, La. They are well satisfied that the lottery company is conducting a strictly legitimate busi ness on sound business principles.— New York Daily News, July 9. Amusements of the Great. I)r. Arnold—Music, gardening. LordG. Bentinck—Horse-racing, Burke—Farming. Lord Byron—Swimming. Carlyle—Riding, smoking. Lord Chatham—Bowls. Darwin—Backgammon, music, smo king, snuff-taking. Dickens—Bowls, walking, smoking, snuff-taking. Fox—Racing, gambling. Garrick—Fencing, snuff taking. Tom Hood—Shooting. Kingsley-Fox-hunting, music, smok ing. Lamb—Witness performance of “Punch,” card-playing, snuff-taking, smoking. Lord Ly tion—Gardening, walking, innsic, smoking. Captain Marryat—Snuff-taking. Lord Palmerston—Horse-racing. Pitt—Felling trees, studying olas- sics. Shelley—Makihg and sailing paper boats. Sydney Smith—Chess, swimming, riding, music. Wesley—Whist. Dean Swift relieved his tense and tragie moods by harnessing his ser vants with cords and driving them up and down staim;and Dugald Stew art’s favorite recreation was to bal ance a peacock’s feather on his nose— Pail Mall Gazette. I Wilson & Russell, —Hrvo Just Rocoived a Big Lot of— Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses and Tin- Fruit Cans—Cheap! Ice Cream, Freezers! Refrigerators, Sfc., Which wo proposo to sell as Cheap as tho Cheapest. Come and be Convinced. Stoves and General Hardware. Wo carry a full lino Builders’ Hardware and Farm Implements. Crockery, Tin Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, nnrl e 1 • - i' a tt i . * 9 anti in fact everything usually found in a first-class Hardware store Ctf^Wo respectfully ask tho public to call and price our goods be* fore purchasing elsewhere. Tin Work, Roofing and Guttering, dono in tho neatest and most substantial niauuer and satisfaction guaranteed. Milledgeville, Ga.. June 18th, 1 ssp. 12 ly Schofield*8 Iron ft^orhs! Manufacturers of and Dealers In STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw Mills, Cotton Presses, Iron and Brass Castings of any Pattern, A Specialty of Shafting. Pulleys and Mill Gearing, Iron Pine Pine Fitting Brass Va ves Lubricators Packing Jet I^mps?anffnilteo( P Machinists Supplies, Manufacturer's agent for The Celebrated Hancock Inspirator. I^TOur facilites for BOILER BUILDING are unexcelled. Feb. 20th, 1889. J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON MACON, i GA. 34 ly NO M^|p^SES MITCHELL’S A Summer Resort! - WITHOUT COST! health. J here Is no healthier place In (Georgia than the hills of the A$yJurn, No finer water can be lound anywhere In stead of going off tu the sprl> K s or moun tains at a heavy expense, bike your fa ml- ly and go out in the morning and snenH the day at POWELL PARK^h™ or four daysejich we»<k You will gain health and have the comforts of home also. Try it for two weeks and you will find It true. A number of our people are going t.o try It bo let everybody tlx up ami goout. If you cannot go out and spend the day, go out at 4.30 p. m.. and return at 6 30 p. in. The bummer will soon pass. Now Is the time to look after the children. Do not let the golden opportunity go by. Give thorn rresh air, give them pure water, give them a change. The chance to do tjo in rl*rht jit our doors. Try it. The Dummy will take you safely and bring you back sound. ..... . W. W. LUMPKIN, Presd't Milledgeville, Ga., Juno 25,1889, tf Undue exposure to cold winds, rain, m ight light or malaria, may bring on lo- •■ammatlon and soreness of the eves Dr J. H. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve will subdue the Inflammation, cool and soothe the nerves, and strengthen weak and failing Eye Sight. 25 cents a box. Frequently accidents occur ia the house hold which cause burns, cute, sprains and bruises; for use In such oases Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment bus for raauy years tmen the constant favorite family remedy. °od LJ, ! ko f r : “'ay he on f^“ cle Bil| y forever through th * ° 1U eartb shouting f" r T‘ y h’utes of he W ‘ll Shout H 0 ' 1 theu lk| WW ° Ut thr <>ugh all eterni- 1 IIa 'Per lias the Quest fry. “What is Home without a House keeper?” is the degraded view taken by gruff old bachelor, of the holy of fice of wife and mother. And yet how many mothers and wives there are who are simply “housekeepers,” household drudges, whose life is work ed out while disease is let in, during the ceaseless round of washing and scrubbing and dusting and baking and cooking. The same clothes and floors and furniture and dishes are gone oyer and over until the heart is sick and tho body is broken with wor ry and disease. Ajnicl this toil ner vousness begins, bad digestion, irreg ularities of tho reproductive organs, prolapsus or other displacements, pop ularly known as “female weaknesses,-” sick headache and a host of female complaints follow on. For all such take Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion, the only remedy sold by drug gists, under a positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction or money will be re funded. A Egg of Many Years. Last week, while Mr. S. J. Dixon was at work on the residence of J. S. Wood he found a hen egg between the top floor and lower celling that had been there over sinoe tho bouse was (milt—about for ty years ago. Tho shell was very light and no sign of a crack could bo found on it; the contents of the lntorior being d«ed up and nothing remaining but the shell.—Irwlnton Southenor, How s Your Wife? Does she feel poorly all the time, suffer from lack of energy and a general "no-ac- count listless enervation? She needs a tonic. Something is wrong with her blood. Run for tho doctor? Not at all my dear sir. One physician’s fee will provide her with sure and pleasant relief for all time Get her a bottle of P. 1>. P (Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potassium) the very best woman’s Regulator and touio extant. It reaches the sourco of trouble quietly and quickly jind before you know it, your wite will be another woman, and will bie6s the kind fate that brought P. P. P. to her notice and relief Our best physicians ondorse and recommend it, and no well conducted household whore pure blood and its con comitant happiness is appreciated, should bo without it. For sale by roputablo med - ioino dealers everywhere. t ^? r s ,u ? In Miiledgovlllo by Estate of J. il. Clark. Far better than the harsh treatment of medicine which horribly gripe the patient and destroy tho coating of tho stomach, Dr. J. H. McLean s Chills and Fever Cure by mild yet effective action will cure Sold ut 50 cents a bottle. Indigestion results from a partial paral ysis of the stomach and Is the primary cause of a eery large majority or the ills that humanity Is heir to. The most agree, able and effective remedy Is Dr. J H Me Leans Little Liver and Kidney 'Piilets 25cents a vial. J i018. For Salk at this Office Tus’ tice Court blanks, Deeds, Mortgages' Rent and Mule Notes, LabororVLfens and many kinds of legal blanks. Farming land near the city for sale by Bothuuo & Moore. A Certain, Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightedness, & Restor ing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulations, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, imi moot tiki quint relief i\d hub hot ci re. Also, equally efflcodoui when u«ed In other inalafilpe, ouch ae Ulcere, Fever Here*. Tumore, Halt Kheaoe, Bern. File*, or vrnercvrr Inflammation exist*, MJTCMMBIdXt'O S.S.L. l it may be ***d to ad vantsto. Sold by all Draagiat* at 43 Cents. May 14, 1889. 45 ly For Sale. O NE Ten-Horso Frick Eclipse Engine. one 50 Saw Wlnship Gin, Feeder and condenser one Wlnship Power Press bhaftings and C<—*— "' *-■ - ’ Pump, Circular Saw MERGER UNIVERSITY. MACON. GA. FULL FACULTIES, FIVE SCHOOLS. 1. The Preparatory Department. 2. The College of Liberal Arts. 3. The Scientific Department. •1. The Department of Theology. 5. The Law School. II II ION FREE In the Department oi Liberal Art.-,, Science and Theology. FALL I J.RM begms.ou.lu.-:t Wednesday )25ih) in September. For Catalogue and other information addiess REV. G. A. NUNNALLY. D. I)., President, or JOHN J. BKANTLY, Sec, pro tom , Macon, Ga. July Hi, 1889. 2 2m. To Business Men. r IMIF) advertiser, an experienced account- .n?!? 1 and correspondent, familiar with all the details of Warehouse and Baiiklnc business, desires an engagement with m first-class house. Address “C.” Milledgeville, Ga., or enquire at this oflles. April 30,1889. 43 tf. A $60.00 S»wing HHachirm for $14.90. Thlt I* th* "Slngtr Modal” Mschln* (lb* original Siagsi— liateat having expired). Equal Ut nay trtr laadr Buprrior to taany. Thoroughly woll mad*. igM/ WarrmUtdf»riytar$, (atgued and rtfUitrtd guaranty). Su perbly flal*h«d. Wahinttopani rover; drop leaf: 3 drawer*. _ f'ompkte with fall set of okkal t i ded attachment! and.ll neeeee.ry needle*, bob- Mn» aud toole. Have otter* with 4 and 8 drawers and one wlthoBt drawer* or eu* for 112.75. Also maur othrr ueeftil article* on which w« can *av« you 25 to tlO per cut. Standard Witche* at anon- ually clear figures. Bend for caUlognea. A. T. EVANS 4 CO., 1*2 SUM It.,Chicago. * May 31, 1439. 4a Boa fherwkk nr lerf*iMvel- 23th. 1888. 23 lv De< THIS preparation,without -_w injury,removes Freck- cuuAl ^ lea, Liver-Moles, Pim ples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and Tan. A few applications will render the most stubbornly red skin soft, smooth and white. Viola Cream is not a paint or Counter-Shaftings, Jot P°y6 ert0 cover defect*, but a remedy to cure — iaw, Beltings, Ae. A full jJti* superior to all other preparations, and * D i? „ c , < 1 };a ? pilet .® outht for Ginning. I will ip guaranteed to give satisfs.ction. Atdrne- fn!- _I will sell fcstsor mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by for cash, or negotiable paper pavable 1st November, 1889, S. BARRETT. Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 19, 1889. 33 5m New Advertisements. TO ADVERTISERS. S list of 1,000 newspapers divided Into 8i APES AND SECTIONS, will be sent on application—FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, we can offer no better medium for thorough and effective work than Urn va rious sections of our Select Local List. OKO. I*. ItOWKLL&CO.', Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. W. 1. JACKSON, Attorney- At-L aw. ■HFOfUce in the Court House. Milledgeville, Ga., Aug. 7, 1888. 5 tt G. <C. DITTIVKIt T-M.itno, OHIO. Sold by C. L. CASE. June 10. ’88. & CO. 4!) ly 5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales, $60 _ beam Box Brass tare beam. Warranted for 0 Yrara krt'lght I'ald. ACENTS. WANTED. ^ena fop 1 erms. JONES HE PAYS THE FREIGHT.” For Free Price IJd, AiOlrcM JONES of BINGHAMTON, Binghamton. N. Y. June 17, 1889. to ;jm. Files! I’ilcs! Itching Idles «ro,nin’T' , . MS T MolsnirP: totense Itching and * * ')*; moHt 1,1 ulgbt; worse by scratching, it ? coct btue tumors form, which often ulE? 1 ? n 'A, "borate, becoming very sore. r„!L“l ,rlc , 9 ointment stops the Itching and bleed i?*’. aea 8 ulceration, am! In most cases removed At ' ,ri ‘KKl9ts, or by mall, for 6n cents. Dr. SwayneA Son, Philadelphia. 4j® May 14, 1839. A Dairy Farm for {Sale. H AV1NG 4 bd t.f more mtiiiMv my m-ic.iiilile business, 1 ( ,ir,>r for sale my bum one mile ft.on tho e itv The place contains 12(1 Keren o| tortile Utoi and Ims on il a goo-i tenement incise a Splendid barn ard brick dairy. Properly managed, J know or no bettor investment in middle Georgia, Terms easy. F i-ses sion given 1st JHiiuary, 18»0. Apjl, r.. w. h. Bans « Milledgeville, Ga., March 26,1889. 38 tf For Sale or Rent. * DESIRABLE resilience, on north **., " “.' no street, containing one-half acre anil pleasantly situated nnd convenient to business, on the Dummy line; good lot and gard.-n A bargain will be given In thiB place. Apply to MOOItE A BETtlUNE, Keul Esliitu Milledgeville, Gh., May 2s. lk), 47 tf House Painting! j vices to the citizens of Milledgeville and Any work Ip his dim Wlt 1 n ‘ atness and dis- prices to suit tho times, ... it 1 ls , l<ft ilt Lngand’s Marble Works, will mono prompt attention. J. M. STRICKLAND. Mlllodgevillo, Ga., May 18. 1889. 47 tf. wTroberts, Attorney-At-Law* MILLED0KVIRLK, (1a. PROMPT attention given « n . 8.utoru' r '' UUl ,u,mdrlf