Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 20, 1889, Image 7

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Personal Mention. Mib§ Alice Evans Is visiting Ashville, N C Mr. lleese Caraker spent Sunday in this Miss Ellen Fox is visiting friends In Jones ^Mr^Wra. A. Walker visited Macon on T JEss Leila llumbor is visiting friends in E MfBs°Mary Hopkins will leave for New ^Mrs^W.A. Massey has returned from a "Mr^eTowier is confined to his homo b Capt k T 8 F. Newell is visiting his Baker °°Ml68 BeafiCompton has returned from a visit to Macon. Miss Lillie Scott has roturned from a \ls It to Hancock county. Cadets Alfred and Isaac Newell have returned from a visit to Atlanta. Capt. 0. Y. Crawford and famiiy visited relatives In Americas last week. Messrs. W. (V. and Henry Perry of Ma con spent last Sunday in this c j • of Warronton, is visiting her sister, Mis. 3. B. 1Kin». ner sisiei, aiiH. T | Uirfi( j a y evening at Midway Cuavf.l, rirmnld Mc- 7:30 o’clock, services by Rev. Donaici we Q “® cn ’ wniu-pp or Attabs, Ala., is visit- ta * w p- » this city. , „ ,, , v . to learn that Mrs. Madison HinesT* seriously Hi at White Sulphur Springs, N. C. Armstrong went on a down country visit iaStweek. Something unusual for him to get out of town. Miss Jennie Smith, after a ploosant visit to Mrs X A. Callaway, returned to her home in Mhens on Thursday last j nhn t. Johnson and children of are at the Marshall House.- TT,e^wni probably remain In thie city un til the first of October. Mr. W. D. Boothe, of Cochran, is in D? e Mark Johnston, of Nona, was in the city on yesterday. Mr T. L. Avant and family visited Indian Spring last week. Miss Alice E. Wright is visiting Airs. Tomlinson in Eatonton. Mr. L. J. Lanmr and wife are visit ing relatives in Griffin, Ga. Col. J. D. Howard is visiting Ids father's family in Thomson. Mr. Eli Hubbard lias returned from a visit of some months to Home and vicinity. Mr. B. T. Bethuue lias purchased Btae Ball. The match game between the Madi son and our Homo Club was broken up on Wednesday evening by rain, greatly to the disappointment of hun dreds who had arranged to witness the final game that afternoon. The OQ Monday was won by tile Madison Club in a score of 19 to 7 I he second game on Tuesday, was wit nessed by more than a thousand peo ple, and was one of the best played gutues on both sides ever recorded "be tween amateur players. This game was won by our liouip club seoriug in 8 innings, 9 to Madison’s 8. The last inning was prevented by a heavy .rain. , The decisive game, to bo played on Wednesday, excited the city from cen tre to circumference, and the stores were nearly all closed at 4 p. oi. that employees might attend. But just At the hour llxod for the game’the rain began to fall. Notwithstanding this damper hundreds went oat in tlie dummy and in private conveyances to see what would be the end of a most interesting ball tournament. Many ladies, dressed in their pretty white gowns and jaunty hats, braved tlie elements to be "in at the death.” But Jupiter Pluvius was reigning and dispelled all the bright anticipations of both young and old. The Milledgeville Club proposed to Madison to play , tlie third game Thursday, but the Madison boys had got enough to satisfy them that a good retreat and a drawn battle, was better than defeat, and declined. The game attracted a large number of visitors to the city. Horthward The City Grows. No portion of thp city is growing so rapidly as that on the North border ing on Wayne and Jofferson, streets, eonttguous to the Macon and Augus ta, depot. The improvements made there within two years past is some thing phenomenal in the history of of the city’s progress; and they are solid, durable improvements, improve ments in which a large amount of money is invested, making a nucleus around which in the next five years, or even less, there will spring up a little town by itself. The locality is unexceptionable. Vacant lots embrac ing eligible building sites, of from 50 to 200 acres, lie within a radius of one to six hundred yards from the M & A. th^residenoe ^Mr.^R Adler, und is J R. r. d6pot . The situation of these lots is high and there is no part of the moving to his pretty home. Robt. Pottle of Warrenton, brother of Joseph E. Pottle, Esq., of this city, paid the latter a visit last week. Mr. Ed. Perkins left his pet, P. J. Cline, engine, long enough to visit relatives, last week.atCrawfordville. We are pleased to say that Mrs. prank. Skinner, who was quite sick recently, is in her usual health again. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Durst left for their home in Augusta lost Thursday, after a pleasant visit of two wgeks to this city. Miss Lula and Lela Hardeman of Maoon, and Miss Maggie Hardeman of Jones county are visiting Miss Mary Conn in this city. Mr. H. Adler and family left last Wednesday for their new home in Roanoke, \ a. They carry with them the best wishes of our entire com munity. Messrs. W. H. H. Barnes, Judge Ramsay, John M. Edwards and T. W. Turk of this county, attended the Ag ricultural Convention at Cedartown last week. Mr. Lyman H. Compton returned home last Saturday after an absence of ssveral weeks, visiting the fashiona ble resorts of the north. He went as far north as Montreal. * Mr. C. H. Herty left last Thursday ™ a visit Rome. He returns to the Johns Hopkins University the first of October. His visit to Milledgeville gave life to the town, and we hope he enjoyed it as much as hie many friends did. The following “old Vets city more exempt from sickness aris- sng from loeal causes. The residences in this neighborhood are owned very generally by white people of the hett class of our citizens. The diatanoe from this locality to the business cen tre of the city is only one mile, jut a pleasant walk in good weather and when the weather is inclement there is the dummy at the door almost of residents to take people dry-shod to their business. The possibilities of this part of our town in the future are great and promising, and we cal culate with certainty that the attrac tions in and about it will make it in a very few years the prettiset part of the town and the most desirable for a private residence and a pleasant so ciety. Mr. Editor;—The public is becom ing anxious to know what has become of the bill introduced in the Senate by Hon. Robt. Whitfield in the early part of the present session, designed to prohibit the sale of seed cotton in Baldwin county, and which under the inspiration of the vigorous speech of that able and distinguished gentle- mo n passed that august body of leg islators with but little opposition. Should this bill pass both Houses and become a law, it would not only be a gross and flagrant violation of tlie constitutional rights of the citi zen but it would subject the poorer class of farmers to serious pecuniary losses and inconveniences. It would also drive oil to the country stores in - **•-» ahauiuuat-, am ue weather oppressively warm. A lit y say Henry Grady’s speech was a grand one, and universally applaud ed. would prove a serious loss to the trade of our city, which under tlie be nign influence of prohibition is show- 1 ing so many signs of a new and vigor- 1 ous life and of a bright, and happier Masonic Hall is lonesome since our ! future. The money arising from this mm- ? 11? 8 !' B ‘ Compton & Son hnvo class of trade passes directly into geu- waq p rmi v usinoas to another store. It j oral circulation and the loss of it would Along tho 8 front nr thHiH t ri tI ii l , 1 ',! ar US ,T ' l)l> seriously felt by every store, shop breezes blow soft nlon.i^I 1111(1 business man in the city. ? the winter It is the sunny side and ) H, ! t . this is not all the damage that is protected from tho North-wind’s blast, would result from the passage of this wnvo’s? no where else In the city, chairs pernicious bill. It would undoubted- bnnifB « 0Ufi n out on 11,0 8lcl0 and ! ]y have the effect to dishearten und discussed W hv nfnHi? 1 an< ? t m ensures were j demoralize tlie poorer class of conntry neglected? Never'"? a Business j people both white and black tosueh systematic business man than Mr tVnnm i aa °* tent ftS to actually cause many 18 rarely found. Hut there was an ab- I of them to leave the county, and 0 L tbe msh and struggle for trade. There may be a great deal of igno- of 1 , contrary, tho ease and charm I ranee among country people, but ndvandug v«L lin ? -confidence_that make j still it is to bo presumed that even tlie humblest citizen is well aware of tlie fact that under tlie constitution and rom „, ,7 years patient and winsomo a- Hori is hl ? h circle tho leisure of intellect. uinf, ■ learn0 d Crawford and tho versa-1 , , me Grieve and others from their up-states I laws of the State of Georgia, farmers lSt' T0U| d linger; horoabouts Mr. C.H. j have ft perfect right to plant and f.<r , - w P uld como on dull summer days grow whatever crops they please, and 1 "™ ,Tnm “ “ * 1 — that as a natural aud necessary conse quence they have an equal right to sell the sauio when ready for market. No man, therefore with any manhood or sense of self-respect, could be ex pected to content himself and remain long in a community where he was not allowed the privilege of selling t}ie product of iiis own labor. In view therefore of tlie many grave objections to this seed cotton bill, a few only of which have been mentioned, and iu view of the great in terest which all good citizens should feel in the welfaro of our county and city, it is to bo hoped that some prompt and effective step will bo taken by our citizens to kill at once and forev er this iniquitous, pernicious and un constitutional seed cotton bill. Yours truly Wm. Turner. Milledgeville, Ga., Aug. 15th, 1889. tim . Kamu of drafts ;«nd here too ram “ ,ljl81ve Adolph Joseph would bo- cfin? ^ r . eneand lovable in the alike Inno- Pastime. A notable man among the , \ y ° sou « llt the sun or shade, accord- ,! season, about tho historic old Hall, sai , mo . , Hunter, a charming convor- ui>*o™ ls ’ He was an incessant reader of spent much of his lime di-n ?,Bmrm-Recorder office. Mr. Compton onefnnH '“Mgaslonaliy and joined theCol- S 11 11(1 Mr. Nlsbot in looking over the ex- road .Btriklng paragraphs would he mnini. u ’ UD(1 commented upon; and ecilntoo 1 ?® nc ®s, incidents of travel and au- lfliciVm. Wou d fo "°w. Mr. Compton has a adorn'm ® ,,f 8e Uing forth a fact or smiinac? a fancy, and talks softly and ty on S n?i We0 k* jr T Ool. Hunter was authori- ten.si subjects—his Information was ex- kind V oh—I? , vari °d—Polite, considerate, lioVas . musician and a scholar, Panion a u 1 , ovab >° a nd entertaining com- death WAhlo. ’V 1 ?, 8 h * m 8ad ly. Since his “bo wap, 5 S Lompton remark that ffla 08 tho bU8t informed man in Uoor- IS rODR BAKING POWDER POKE? Do its Manufacturers Publish all the Ingredients Used? IS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA? As is well known, ammonia is unhealth- ful in food, and dries up the bread material. Protection to consumers of food com pounds lies in their ability to choose those made from healthful substances. Unless manufacturers publish just what their baking powder is made of, do not use their goods, but buy instead CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR ' BAKING POWDER. This powder is made only of strictly pure grape cream of tartar, and strictly pure bicarbonate of soda, with a little wheat hour to preserve it. This is attested by tho official analyses of Government and State chemists, ami physicians, and chemists of Hoards of Health throughout tho country. ClBVELAXD lhtoTHBBB, A LB AST, N. Y. Feb. 12. 18t>9. m 7p 32 ly . An Interesting Letter. We take the liberty of re-producing from a private letter, from an esteem ed lady friend,J now in Washington City, but born iri thie city, and who passed her happiest years here, the following very interesting extract: .Alkxandria, Va., Aug. loth, 1889. "Your graphic description of “a birth-day” has given me many a hearty laugh. If I had known of its coming yon would not have been forgotten. In this old time houored city, so, rich in historic memories to me, I liud tlie most interesting and sacred is Christ Church, which was finished JOB years ago—built of brick brought from England, and the ivey covering it came from Kenilworth castle made famous by Sir Waltei Scott. The pews of Washington and Lee are just as when those humble worship ers last occupied them. Opposite to each are marble tablets to their mem ory. The large green sward surround ing the Church, ornamented with weeping willows, and other trees has in this lovely spot a mound raised over the remains of our Confederate dead. The handsome urn in the centre is kept bright with flowers and at times, the entire mound is covered with floral offerings of most exquisite de sign. The Masonic Lodge building Con tains many precious relics, which once belonged to Washington. The candle-sticks are yet draped with the crape which was plaoed upon them, to be used at the funeral services. The clock which was in his room, is also there, of antique design, and when the last moment of life fled, its work ceased, as the physician cut the cord, and forever more, like the old clock in the song, "it was never to go again.” Mt. Vernon still attracts visitors as in days of yore, when guests were Wel comed by the Renowned Patriot. During the late war Alexandria was a grand camp—a strong force al ways here to protect Washington. Now, is peace, and homes are happy here. Tho time will come when the "Blue” and tlie "Grey” will never ask the question, “what made us do it?” H. A. W. State op Ohio, City op Toledo, i Lucas County, S. S. f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho j is the senior partner ot the firm ot F. J. 1 Cheney & Co., doing business in the City : of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and 'that sain linn will pay the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each and every case of CATAiiuifthat cannot bo cured by the tiso of Hall’s Cataruii Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in ray presence, this (ith day of December. A. D. ’80. , — — A. W. GLEASON, \ HEAL> < ,— > Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials, free. • F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. EF-Sold by Druggists, 75c. 5 4t. Their Sex. Mr. Editor. I heard a young oollege boy say the other day, speaking of melons, that the watermilliou aud the eau- leloupe were "par nobile fratrnm,” a noble pair of brothers. Did he sex ’em right? Box 100. Answer.—We have no established authority on the subject. But we think he was wrong. Tho watermel on is strong, and travels alone all over the country; is known ns "Boss” in Boston, and "Rex” iu other towns; and is a male. The canteloupe is tender, juicy, sweet, delicate like a woman, and stays at home where she presides at the breakfast table all summer with the utmost grace and grandeur. Tlie canteloupe is a she, I.I9T 0» ADVRKTIHKD MCTTRKH Remaining in the Post-Offloe at MI1- eilgeville, Baldwin oounty, Ga., Aug 17, 1881). If not called for within 80 dayH they will be sent to tlie Dead Letter Office. Brown,Putsey Grabat, Sarah Butler, Miss Dolly Hoaks, Charlie Callaway, Willie Hood, Mrs Julia Collins, Miss Car- Horton Mrs. Mftr- rie . thn Coope, MissGeor- Heoon, Mrs Queen* )jia Hicks, Miss Mabel Daniels, Andrew Harris, Wm Ennis, Mrs Susan Hyman, Rbody Francis, George Lane, Mrs R. M (2) Leak, Julius George, Alice Reaf, Ben Green, Miss P. Griffin, J. E. (car of Geo Brook-Roundtree, Alee ins. Walker, Miss Ida P. O. Notick.—To accommodate parties wishing to remit by morning mail, the Money Order window will open in future at 7.80 A. m. Summkr Okfiok Houua.—Geuer- al Delivery Window will bo open from 7.80 A. M., until 12 M., and from 1 P. M. until 0 p. m. Sunday hours will be from 0.80 to 10.80 a. m., only. Money Order Wiudow will open from 7.80 A. M„ until 4 p. m. C. G. Wilson, P. M. The Firm of Herron and Gaudry, successors to tiio old, well-known house. L J. Guilmurtin & Co., have actu.. m ro day’s paper to which wo invite attention. Tlie farmers and business men in Baldwin and ad joining counties are requested to read their card. Miss Laura Barratta opened her dancing class at thn Opera House last night. Miss Laura is well kuown here, havlug taught successfully in this city several years ago. CONSUMPTION SURELY CUBED. To Tim Editor.—Please inform youi readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. Hy its timely use thousands of hopeless cases' ha ve been permanently curod. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fkek to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send mo their express and po8toflice address. Respectfully. T. A.Slocum, M-C.,181 Pearlst„ Now York. Oct. 19 ’88. ly r. CHARLES H. HERRON. JOHN J . GAUDRY. HERItON & GAUDRY, COTTON FACTORS. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 108 BAY STREET SAVANNAH - - - GEORGIA, Liberal advances on ootton consigned to us for sale. 7.3 mo. T. E. WHITE, THE GROCER, No. 5, East Hancock Street t Still to the Front! I nm rocoiviDR, daily, fresh goods of all kinds. I buy in small lots, but buy often, pay cash for what I buy. By this meanB, 1 get tho very lowest prices—conseqontly can and do sell the best goods in tho city at tho lowest prices. My Ham trado is undoubtedly beyond competition, bocause I sell tho finest.in the whole country. My patrons tell mo so and I know it is so. My pure Leaf Lard and Breakfast Bacon is unsurpassed in excellency. A new lot of Sweet Picklos, in barrels, just opened, only 25c quart, and plain ones 15o quart. All kinds of Canned Goods, Crackers and Bottled Goods. Desecatcd Cocoanut and Broma. Spicos, all kinds. Teas and Coffee—Itoastod and Groen Java. The purest lot of Sweet Cakes and Crackers in the city* All kinds of Sugar, Cut Loaf 4 X Confec tion, Granulated aud Extra C. IP^“Romombor the placo, No. 5 East Hancock Street. T. E. WHITE, The Grocer, Milleiigeville, Ga., June 3rd, 1889. 31 lv, •* Land for Sale. \f OR1U8 MILL, 4 miles 8. W. Carr's i-'A Station, Ga. NOTICE Is hereby giv en to any party or parties who may wish to purchase the above mentioned, which Is more fully described by the Sheriff in his advertisement for sale of one-half undivid ed interest under mortgage tl fa issuod nt July term of the Superior court of Rald- wlnCo.,Oa., in favor of Hainuol Walker, vs. IVJIIIam B. Morris, that I, Mary I. Morris, otter, or authorize my husband to act in m/ stead and otter the other one- Imlf undivided Interest which Is unencum bered in any way known to mo, at Four Thousand dollars. As to tit lie I robr you to record in Clerks office ol Baldwin nnd Hancock counties. I will not be n bidder at tho sale, for reasons not necessary to be mentioned here. On locelpt of Four Thou sand dollars I will make or cause to be made good and sufficient title. If party purchasing should, fropi any cause, desire not to par all cash, I will take one-fourth cash, one-fourth in twelve months,eighteen months, and two years, with 8 per cent in terest. mortgage on entire property. Aug. 12, 1889. William B. Morris. Notice. A BILL wII) be Introduced In the proj ect General Assembly to incorporate Friendship church and to prohibit tho manufacture arid sale of spirituous liquors within threo' toffies ot the same. August 12th,- 1083/ « Ira Foi v Kent C OMMENCING September 1st. Th hoUBO on Jefferson st ie»t at present i cupied by Dr. W. A. Moo-c, for furtln particulars apply to PKTC.it J Clink. Milledgevillp, Ga , Aug. 5th, 'S3 5 tf. Mrs. Drake’s residence on North Wayne street is for sale, at a bargain, apply to Bkthunk & Moore. Bayne T s Drug Storel AT SAME OLD CORNER, South-West Cornor Wayne and Hancoak Sts.. .Milledgeville, Ga Having resumed business in my samoold stand, I cordially invite my frionds and patrons, and thn public generally to call when wank ing any article kept in a Drug, Book and Faint Store. My stock T is very large; well selected, too nu merous to mention items, consisting of all kinds, ~ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines. School Books! All kinds for College, Public & Private Schools. Heavy stock of Pino Stationery. Plain and cheaper Goods at any price you wish. Elegant Gift Books, Poems, Novels, Bibles, Hymn Books, and all others. 1 v.*oawM, . HauiMH, jL#auMUVM y And all goods in Paints or Painter’s Supplies, in all gjpdes, prices and quantities. Common and Fine Stand Lamps, Hanging, Library and Hall Lamps, Brackets, Burners, Wicks, and all other Lamp Goods. I attend personally to tho PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT And guarantee to fill them with the best and purest Medicines. 1 have served the public in this line for 18 or 19 years and have nev er yet heard of any errors or failures to please my customers. "Will serve you any hour, day er n'ght in Prescriptions or other Medicines* E. A. BAYNE. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 8th, 1889. 20 3m. Reduction in the Price of Brick! —AT the— Oconee River Brick Card! For the Summer of 1889, wo propose to sell First-Class Averag< Brick in lots of 0,000 and upwards, at 15.50 per thousand.—Cash foster & McMillan. Miltalgevilla, Ga., April 23d, 1380. 42 3m For gentlemen. A portent. Shoo at n inorl- erate cost. Try a pair of our ill |t<'tttl<'iurn'« foolwvnr at $3.00, SIAM* $<..10 anil $4 00. Every pair warranto'!. Examine mu- *|i«<rial(i<-* for Indira nt $4.00, $‘4.00, $-4,.TO and 3‘J.OO, unexcelled for comfort, durability and style. Insist on having tho original tl. A. FAC'KAItO <V- I O>.«. Shoes. Tim gun ulno have our stamp on bottom of oaeli shoo. Sent postpaid to any part of the U. S. on receipt of price. 31. A. Pnrknrd A Co , Kroi-Mon, Jln»». For sale in Milledgeville by A. JOSEPH. Aug. 13, 1889. fi 8iri FOIl TilF. HI.OOD, Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion and Biliousness, take IIROWN’S IRON HITTERS. It cures quickly. For rale hy all ilealera 111 medicine. Get the genuine. March 20th, 1889] 88 cw ly. THE EXCELSIOR COTTOHm FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS Gnuranteeil to be Eqnal to tho Pick* the Seed Clean, G/n« Fust and Makes a Kino Staple* The Circular Roll Box is Patented, and no other ma nufacturer can use it. Send for Circular. No trouble to communicate with parties wanting these ma chines. Old Gins Repaired at short notice and cheap. Massey Cotton Gin Works, MACON, Ga. April 28, 1889. 43 3m. IE. IK,. SCHITBID1IR. Importer, Wholesale ana Retail healer, established 1846. . - JOHN JAMESON FINE OLD DUBLIN WHISKEY I). MoUALLUM* CO. FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY LONDON DOCK JAMAICA RUM. Jl ’ FINE OLD ST. CROIX ItUM. OTARI). DUPUY.fc CO’S. COGNAC BRANDY. JAMES 11KNNESSY & CO’S. COGNAC BRANDY l’LANAT & CD’S. COGNAC BRANDY. VEUVE CUCOUOTCHAMPAGNE-DRY AND RICH I DUO DE MON I EBELLO CHAMPAGNE-CARTE BLiNOHE GKO.GOULET CHAMPAGNE—EXTRA. DRY G. 11. MUMM A CO’S. CHAMPAGNE EXTRA DRA r A'Jn ai „ MOET & OHANDON CHAMl’AGNE-WHITE SEAL AN ° ' LHZ N AJ *’ URBAN A WINES. ol.au. CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY. A Largo Selected Stock of Old Madoiras, Sherries,; Ports, Claret) Sautemes, aud Rhine Wines; also Domestic Wines of Superic Quahty. California Clarets, Hocks, Angollica, Etc. Virginia Seed hug, North Carolina Scuppornong, Catawba, Etc. 601 and 802 Broad Street, - - Auo-ns'a. Gr. March 2Cth,1889. ' ^ ‘ * 231y.