Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 27, 1889, Image 2

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’ Milledgeville Awakes TO HER INTERESTS! Opens Wide Her Gates TO ALL 11 0 — Her people say to all, we await your Coining- Your interest shall bo ours! Wo have two Railroads passing our doors. Intending to the Seaports of Brunswick, Sa vannah, Port Royal, and Charleston. Two Warehouses with capital and capacity sufficient. . Buyers of Cotton for Export, winch insures strict classification and the highest prices foi Cotton. Proper advances made on Cotton stored. Your interests protected by Insurance. ^ ICE FACTORY!! !No Ice is colder, none is clearoi, nouo firmer, none purer. Made of the purest and best spring water. W e aro now supplying home consumption and shipping by car loads to other towns and cities. __ SODA WATER Bottling Works! The only establishment of the kind ontsido of a largo city. OIL MILLS. Two in Number! The “STANDARD OIL TRUST” owns, and builds one. Composed of tho merchants and farmers of our city and county, own and built tho other. This shows our capacity and energy. Is evidence of our contidonco in die future of our city. Placing our Banners on tho outer wall, we proclaim to all, “our Merchants and Farmers are united. Down with monopolies.” ROADS AND BRIDGES Shall bo kept in first class condition. This means a saving to your wagons and teams, and insures life and property. WITH GOOD ROADS, —ANl)- Safe Bridges, -asd- FREE FERRIES, The public should lie glad of an opportunity to visit us. -OUR- Dummy Line! Extending live miles from each Railroad De pot; to Oil Mills; to Warehouses; to Ice Factory; to Machine Shops, and to tho Asylum, Pas sengers and freight are placed at our doors at one-thinl the eost that other places pay for drayage. This saving, our merchants divide with you in tlu-ii quick sales, short profits and low prices. Brick! Good Brick!! -AT TH E— ()( ■once River Brick Works. Middle Georgia College! Has a larger number of scholars in attendance, than any othor College in tho State. Como and educate your sons and daughters. “ TWO BANKS! The Milledgeville Banking Co. 9 In successful operation for j’cars. The Merchants' Bank, Lately Chartered, will soon open its doors, for business. Then money will be plentiful, and every one in nood, having good security, can fill their pockets at a low rate of interest. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Rogular Meeting: Council Chamber, August 20, 1889 Present: His Honor, J. Staley, Mayor; Aldermen Wilson, Bonner and Bell. Absent: Aid. Caraker, Joseph and Trcanor The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Aid. Caraker came in and took his seat. The following ordinance was read three times and passed: lie it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen o( the rity of Milledgeyille, and it is ordained by the authority aforesaid: That on and after the 16th day of September, 1889, there shall be established in the city of Milledgeville at such convenient and suitable locality as said Mayor and Aldermen may select, a pub lic scales for the lawful weighing ot cotton and such other produce as may be offered for sale in said city by the owner or pur chaser thereof. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that said Mayor and Aldermen shall appoint or select some responsible and suitable person as the public weigher, under the laws of this state as in such cases made and provided, and contract with or agree upon the fees to be paid or charged for such weighing not exceeding the amount fixed by the law of this state. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the said Mayor and Aldermen be and they arc hereby empowered to select and purchase the scales necessary for the pur pose aloresaid.” His Honor appointed the following com mittee to purchase the scales and select a suitable location, to-wit: Aid. Wilson. Bell and Caraker. The petition of J. B. Pound asking the Council to have erected in front of his prem ises a street lamp, he to furnish the oil and do the lighting, etc., was read and granted. The following account was passed and ordered paid: S. Hughes, $2.10 The Clerk’s report was examined and lound correct and on motion was approved and passed. On motion Council adjourned. G. W. Caraker, Clerk. G. W. Caraker, Clerk, in account with the City Council of Milledgeville, receipts and disbursements from August 6th to the 19th inclusive : 1SS9. Cash. Dr' Aug. 6. To cash on hand from last report, $ 4-5 67 do 1.. II. Thomas, sales, 618 do \V. S. McComb, on im pounded mule, 1 00 do lien Clark, pt st tax, 1 00 do Ben Durden, pt st tax, 1 00 do Dody Radford, do 1 00 do Moses Price, do 25 do Jos. Hogan, . p’t lot in cemetery, 7 00 do 7 Dick Heath, pt st tax, 1 00 do Randal Jackson, st tax, 3 00 do 10 W. \V. Lumpkin, st tax, . 3 00 do Butts Davis, st tax, 3 00 do 12 Joseph Humphries, lot in cemetery, 10 00 do 13 W. F, Floyd, 1 dog badga, 2 00 do 14 W. S. McComb, impound- UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! w Over a Million Distributed! Louisiana State Letter? Company. Incorporated by t.lte legislature In 1868, for [educational and Charitable purposes, and Its franchise made a part of the present state Con stitution, in 1870, by an overwhelming popular vote. IlN MAMMOTH DRAWING* tnUe place Nemi-Annunlly, (June mid De cember,) and its G RAND MINUI.K NllitlllKK DR AWING* tube plnre in carll of the other trn months hf the year, and nre nil drawn in public, at the Academy of Mnsir, New Orleans, I,a. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of Its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attested us Follows: We dohorehy certlly that we superrlse the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi- Annual Drawtngsof The Louisiana State Lotte ry Company, and I11 person manage and control the Drawings themselves,and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, tmi m good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use ttilscertllleate, with fac-similes of our signatures attached, in Its advertise ments.' ' Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn In tho Louisiana State Lotteries which may he presented at our coun ters. K. M. WAI.M8LKY, Pres Louisiana Nat Ilk PIERRE LANAUX, Pres. State Nat’] Ilk. A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat'lUk. CARL. KORN, Pres. Union National llank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING At the Academy of Munlo, New Orleans, Tuesday, September 10, 1889. CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dol lars each Halves $10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twentieths $1. l riu/.K OK 1 PIUZE OK 1 PRIZE OK 2 PRIZES OK 5 PHIZES OK 25 PRIZES OK too PRIZES OK 200 PHIZES OK 500 PHIZES OF APPROXIMATION PR1ZB8. too Prizes ol' $500.are 100 Prizes or $300 are i WO Prizes of $200 arc Tbhminal Phiz is. 999 Prizos of $ioo are 999 Prizes of $100 are 100.000 is 50.000 is...*.. .. 25.000 is 10.000 are 5.000 are 1.000 are 500 are :)00 are 200 are 5300,000 100.000 , 60,000 25.000 20.000 25.000 25.000 50.000 60.000 100,000 $50,000 30.000 20.000 99,900 99,900 ing fee on hog, I OO ck> W. 8. McComb, impound- ing fees on hogs, 6 50 do P. A. Thompson, st tax, 3 00 do W. S. McComb, impound- ing fee on hogs, 2 OO do IS J. A. Horne, st tax, 3 OO do 16 Robt. Graham, st tax, 3 OO do <7 H. II. Harrison, st tax, 3 OO do Chirlie Hicks, st tax, 3 00 do Willis Coleman, st tax, 3 00 do Wm Raiford, st tax, 3 00 do 1). Owens, st tax, 3 00 do Henry Cummings, st tax, 3 00 do Wm Johnson, st tax, 3 0° do I). K. Wrignt, sales, I OO do C. L. Morris, sales, 4 74 do Miss lone McComb, tax, 5 00 do 19 Allen Brantley, st tax, 3 OO $136 34 Cash: Cr. tug. IO Ry amount paid T. E. White, acct passed, $ 65. do Stamps and envelopes, 40 do 17 S. Hughes, st hand, 9 00 do 11. Warren, do 0 00 do F. Roberts, do 9 OO do G. Eaton, do 9 OO do W. Lofton, do 9 OO do |. Brookins, do 9 OO do | 11. Vaughan, oats, 5 00 do 19 W. J. Owens, acc't salary. 22 OO $87 91 Ca sh on hand to balance, 4 s D3 6 74 Ai proved August 20th, \So. 1. F. \\ ILSON, Act. Chmu. Kin. Com. os. St u.ltY, Mayor. ♦ ♦ ♦ J mi jj;e \\. B. Thomas will build 3,134 Prizes, amounting t# $1,054,800 Noth.—Tickets drawing Capital Trizes are not entitled to terminal Prize*. AGENTS WANTED. Kg-For Club Hates, or any further Information desired, write legibly to the undersigned, clear ly ntatlng your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More vapid return malt uettvery will be aasnred by your enclosing an En velope bearing your full address, XaZPORTAXVT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleann, L»., or M. A. DAUPHIN. Wanhington, D. O. By ordinary letter, containing Money Order Issued by all Express Companies, New York Exchange, Draft or Postal Note. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NKW will.KAN’S NATIONAL HANK, New Orleans, La. REMEMBER ttint the payment of Prizes is QUARANTINED HY FOUR NATION AL HANKS nf New qrleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an Insti tution, whose chartered rights are recognized In the highest Courts; therefore, beware of all lm ttattons nr anonymous schemes. ONE DOLL AR Is tho price of the smallest part or fraction of a Ticket ISSUED HY US In any Iftawlng. Anything in ottr name otrered for less than a Dollar is a swindle. Ang. 13. use. a it it largo ami commodious hotel at Tallulah Falls next year. North ern money is going into it, and it is to be one of the handsomest structures in tho country. Land for Sale. t (j|t ACRES OF LAND, four room cot- I “ tuge, oil Sheffield ferry road, throo- quartorsof a mile N, W. of Milledgeville. Terms easy. Apply to BETIl UN E A MOORE, Real Estate Agents. Now Advertisements. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Navar Fails to Restore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Prevent# Dandruff and hair falling Aug. 2(j, 1889. 8 4t ELECTRICITY^ te* VITAL FORCE By HENRY DU MONT, M. D. This iii a New And Mastfrlj* Medical Trrntieo, and indtapenenble to every YOUNG, MIDDLE- AGED* und OLD MAN "’ho is Buffering from Weakness, languor, Lobs of Memory’, Boshfulnenfl, Depression of Spirit*, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases dependent upon Aoaident, Kxoomc*, Polly, Vice, lgnorauoe, Nervous Debility, Vital Exhaustion, and THE ERRORS ofYOUTHandMANHOOD Bound in lonther, full pllt. Price, only one dollar, by mall, sealed in plain wrapper, postpaid, CONFIDENTIAL. Address Hhkhy Dr Mont, M. D., No. 381 Columbus Avenue, or P. O. Box 3462, Poston, Maws. Prefatory Lecture with numerous testimonials from hi«h sources, freo to all. This is tho only ELECTRO-MEDICO PH YSIOLOC Y ever published, and is absolutely complete and jHirfect. Ills i invaluable to all afllicted, an it reaches the very roots and vitals of disease. BaaiaimiBtM For all Diseases of Men, by tho distinguished anther, Usury Du Moxt, M. !>., who has DISCOVERED THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES SENCE OF MANHOOD, may bo consulted in HtricWst confidence,in person or by fetter,at his Ulertro- Mcdicu Itiflrmary,No, 381 Columbus Av., Bos ton, Mass. VE E. “I HEARD A VOICE, IT SAID, "ICOME AND SEE.” 1 Aug. 27, 1889. 8 4t. —THE— CASH BEFORE DELIVERY ' STORE, (Uaygooil & Caraker’s old stand,) HANCOCK STREET. Dress steels (Non-Corrosive) per do/, 5c A splendid second hand horse- rake cheap. 3 lbs Finest Box Starch ‘20c Rubber Hair Pins lc 10 lbs Grits 25c Mosquito nets 30c The 5c goods of other stores at 3c and 4c. The lQc goods of other stores at 7 and Sc. New crops Turnip A Euta Baga seed. per lb. 30c. 4 year old vinegar for Pickling 30c Sailor collars 3 for. ..25c 100 Hair Pins, 3c 12 Boxes (800) matches,...... 6c 12 Boxes (2400) matches,.... 24c 12 Boxes (6000) matches, ... ,50c 3 Bags Table Salt, 10c Hand saws (cast steel) 40c Key hole saws 15c Memorandum books ..... 3 to 8c Kid Gloves,-. 45c Lamp chimneys, Large <fc small 5c Burners, Large & Small.. 8 & 10c Ladies Fine shoes, (must , o) “ White dress goods, (must go) ’Large lot men’s Hats, (must go) 2 pkg’s Envelopes, 5e Note & letter papers, quire 2^, 5, 6, 8, & 9c, Ladies collars <fc cuffs 8c 1 Dofe cakes Toilet soap 28c 1 “ Pearl Dress buttons 4c & 5c 4 papers needles 5c Scarfs, latest styles 15c to 45c 12 Rubber Tipped poncils 10c 400 yds Thread 5c Pens per gross 40c Gimlets 2c Boys pocket Knives. , 5c Dippers 4, 5 & 10c Armour’s corn Beef, 1 lb can,. 14c 3 bx’s Mason’s No. 3 blacking,. 9c Carter’s School Ink, 4c Curtain, Scrim llo Misses Fine Shoes, $1.50 Bargains in Brooms. Knitting Needlos lc Thimbles, 3c Crochet Needles, .. 1, 3, 5 and 8c. 10 inch Mill Saw Files 12c. Official Envelopes, 10c Best Green Coffee, 5 lbs.,. .$1.00 Extract of Lemon, 5c Extract of Vanilla, .5c Turkey Red Damask, pr. yd, 30c, 35c and 40c. White Damask, (Satin finish) 75c Cigars, per box, 65c. Whalbonine, per doz., 6c, 8c, 15c. Corsots, 28, 45 and 50c. Best Cedar Buckets, 50c. Best Cypress Buckets, 35c. 12 cakes Laundry Soap....25c 6 lbs. Laundry Soap 25c 3 boxes Potash 25c 5 lbs. Good Starch 25c 1 lb. Mixed Tea 45c Machine oil per Bottle 4c Castor oil per Bottle... 5c Paregoric per bottle 5c 2 boxes Blueing 5c 1 lb. Soda, 8c; 3 lbs 20c Snuff per lb 40c to 55c Hand Saw Files. . . ,4c, 5c, & 8c Slate and Pencil, . .. 5c Envelopes,good, 5c Poncils, Shite 4 A lc Spectacles 8c. to 15c Handkerchiefs.. . .3, S, 8, 15, 30c .Pins, American, 2 papers for 5c Pins, English, 5c Pins, safety, per doz 3c. A now No. 9, Wheeler & Wil son Sewing Machine, at Factory prices. W. H. BASS, Milledgeville, Ga., August 27, 1889. MIDDLE GEORGIA MILITARY AND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, MILLF3DGEVILLE, GEORGIA. Vf umbor of Professors ami Teachers 12. ;\ Number of Pupils Last Session 438. Doors open to both sexes. The course o! In struction includes alt usual brandies. Sdentldc Classical anti Literary; also Music, Book-Keepi tug, AC. Strict Military Discipline prevails. Barracks for Cadets is now being thoroughly re. paired anti furnished anew. Board reasonable. TUITION FREE! Klevcntli Session begins Sept. 4th. 1881) For Catalogues, apply to J. N. MOOKK, , , .... Secretary Board of Trustees July 23d, 1880, 3 f t Mrs. Drake’s residence on North Wayne street is tor sale, at a bargain, apply to Bkthcnb & Moore. LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES OF MILLEDGEVILLE. WBOLK.ALK AS” In,, Dsy Aijl)LPH N insFPH* ' V , ayno street. wayne street. lu o. ' v ; te bASS. No, 21) Hancock street. Drugs, Chemicals, Books JOHN M. CLARK’S DRUG STORE. A ptti D ’ Manager. iTF f no .,°f tetitfs and Chemicals tin . t atoi)tellies, etc., on hand. A fml lino of school books and statfonorv Pri hours. 0 " 8 carefully w,, npounded y 'at P aii Carriage and Wa;on Shop. M. A. COLLINS, Proprietor. EHICLEb of all kinds neatly and bus stantiaily repaired at lowest prices^ Shop confer of Hancock and Wilkinson streets, near Bland’s Livory Stable, ^ Livery Stable. M. H. BLAND * CO., CALE, FEED AND LIVERY HTABLFs warn 0 now ? CCU PY tee McComb stables oil V ilklnson street. All our carriages, bug- gtes, etc., recently painted and repaired in thfs sect r ion UtS aIKt UDC ' st blooUed st °ck y Retail Groceries." C. H. WRIGHT & SON (Oldest Grocery House in the city.) I?I^H and Choice F’nmily Grocerie times VnyS n St ° ro at prlcos to suit th * Watches and Jewelry, JOSEPH MILLER, No. 15 8. Wayne st. Dw£ ln Watches, Clocks, Jewelrj Itu^. Hnfft i re ’ teassware, Crockery, Cut Gaft'y^ De<:taC eH ' etc ' work a spe Variety Store. A. F. SKINNER & CO„ D EALERS IN DRY GOODS, Glassware Crockery, Tinware and General Mer- cuandizo, No. 4 S. Wayne street. WARREN EDWARDS, Manufacturer of BOTTLE SODA WATER, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. Ginger Ale a Specialty. Orders from adjoining towns solicited. 7 ly Milledgeville, Aug. 21, 1888. There are ma.iy accidents and diseases which affect stock and cause serious in convenience and loss to the farmer In his work, which rnay be quickly remedied by tho use of Dr. J. H. McLean,s Volcanic OH Liniment, CORNS. WARTS AND BUNIONS, R*moAed quickly and surely by using. Abi bott’s East Indian Corn Paint. Wantkd—150 or 200 acres of good farming land near the city for which the cash will be paid. Apply to Bkthunb & Moors. Milledgeville and Asylum Lummy Line Railroad. Th* following Schedule will 'go late ef fect at 7 o'clock a. m., standard tin*, Monday, July 29th, 1889: Leave for Georgia R. R 4.45 am Leave for Asylum 8.00 a m Leave Asylum for city 8.20 am Leave for Georgia R. R 8.50 a m Leave for Central R. R 9.15 a m Leave for Asylum 9.40 a m Leave Asylum for city 10.00am Leave for Asylum 12.20 p m Leave Asylum for city 12.40 p m Leave for Central R. R 2.00 p a Leave for Asylum....?. 2.40 p m Leave Asylum for cltv 3.09 n m Leave for Georgia K. R 3.50 p m Leave for Asylum 4.30 pm Leave Asylum for city 4.50pm Leave for Asylum 5.40 p m Leave Asylum for city 6.20 p m Leave for Georgia It. R 9.25 p m Leave for Asylum 10.05 pm .Leave Asylum for city 10.25 pm SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave for Georgia K. It 4.45 am Leave for Asylum 8.00 a m Leave Asylum for city 8.20 a m Leave for Georgia It. R 8.80 am Leave for Asylum 9 40 am Leave Asylum for city 10.15 am Leave for Asylum 12,30 pm Leave Asylum for city 12.45 pm Leave for Georgia R. It 3.50 p m Leave for Asylum .4.30 p m Leave Asylum for city 4.50 pm Leave for Asylum 5.40 pm Leave Asylum for city 0.20 p m Leave for Georgia R. It 9.25 pm Leave for Asylum 10.05 pm Loave Asylum for city 10.25 pm All trains from city, start fnom Mil- ledgevillo Hotel corner. Our track is in good order and we aro run ning schedules for the comfort and safety of passengers. Ladies and children will be looked after carefully. Trip tickets can bo bought at the Dum my Line Office at reduced rates. Excur sion parties, Sunday Scltool and Picnic parties will bo given special rates and special trips If desired. We aro prepared to handle all freights promptly. By order of W. W. Lumpkin, Presd't. & Supt. Piano For Sale Cheap. I DESIRE to sell an excellent Plano qul as good as new. Will sell it for half it really worth and upon easy terms. If yc need a Piano, you will never again get sue an opportunity as this. It may be seen t the residence of Mrs. Fielding Lewis, bi I alono will price it and make terms. Ai Ply to Dk. W.U. BELLAMY, Asylum Librar; Milledgeville, Ga„ May 7,1889. 44 tf Bucklcn s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY E. A. BAYNE. Sept. 18, 1888. 11 ly. For Rent.—The residence recent: ly occupied by Mrs. J. L. White. Ap ply to c. W. Ennis. April 29th, 1889. 42 tf L.ADIB3 Needing a tonic, or children that want building up, should take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. < It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indige*- tion, and Biliousness. All dealers keep It. March 26th 1889 38 [cwjly