Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 09, 1928, Image 1

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mcm VOLUME XCVIII. Milledferittf. G»., August 9, 1928 Consolidated in 1872 W.C.T.B. SPEAKER FLAYS MV.SIfflTH Mrs. E. C. Atkin, Leader and Lecturer. Says Democratic Candidate Is Enemy of Dry Forces 4 meeting of the local Woman’s fhri-tinn Temperance Union was j.fi,j in the rflom of the Men's Bible fIa-< of the Baptsit church Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. C. Atkins, who j. a prominent W. C. T. U. worker anil lecturer, delivered an address. .She denounced Governor A1 Smith as the candidate of the liquor gang and stated that he represented the forces which would destroy those things for which the W. C. T. U. had stood for years. He had been elected Gover nor of New York by Tnmany Hall which stood for all that was corrupt. He drank his “three high balls" n jay, and that jt he should be elected President he would violate the prohi bition law for he would carry whiskey into the White House. There would be no negro electors pat on the Republican ticket in Geor gia. but if there was she would press* the negro and swallow him before she would vote for A1 Smith." She criticised the editor of the Mo ron Telegraph on .account of criticism of Mrs. Marvin Will and the stand she had taken in sup porting the Republican ticket, said the Howells of the Constitution had always been liquor men. Mrs. Atkins minced no words, and her criticism of the Democratic Candidate was vitriolic. RALLY BEING PLANNED BY BALDWIN DEMOCRATS Party Leaders To Be Invited for Political Catherine. Democratic Loyalty Keynote of Proposed Meeting Party lenders and members of the Baldwin Executive Committee are working out plans for a Democratic Rally within the next few weeks, leading Democrats of the state being invited to take part in the speaking program that is being arranged. The keynote of the meeting will be party loyalty and a call to all Democrats of the county to stand by the nomi nees of the party. Senator Walter F. George, Senator Harris, Senator Hoke Smith and others who stand high in the party circles will be invited to the rally. A A preleminary meeting will be held within the next few weeks to make arrangements and outline the pro gram of the meeting. "The loyalty and integrity of all Democrats is being tested, and it is nothing but right that we riiould all *tep to the front and declare our- “Ives a militant organization, forg ing n vigorous campaign in behalf »f those who carry the standard of our party in the Presidential race ahead of us." This is no time for T«u«y-footing and dodging of issues, is no such thing as Hoover Democrastor Demi-Republicans, the traditions-and ideals of our party, *hich stand for white supremacy .and ontrol of elections is at stake I * r -d all loyal Democrats must stand | ky the flag," declared a member of | Executive Committee in discuss- ’ the proposed meeting. •t in expected that Democrats 'ni Baldwin and surrounding coun- • will he present at the meeting. I Rev H. D. WARNOCK WILL PREACH AT CULVERTON There will not be any services held m the Baptist church in this city Sunday. The pastor. Rev. H. D. ■ . ani " r k, will be at Culverton, where | e *i!l assist Rev. J. A. Ivey in re- ■Tvices next week. Mr. War- •'ay* spends a part of his v in conducting services for r Pastor. | SERVICES WILL NOT BE HELD AT METHODIST CHURCH t.!*' V ' J ° hn Yarbrough, pastor of I - Hothodist church, is at Round I 15 - f arr,,, Ground, where •thing daily. He will be absent ’ tJu ' c 'ty Sunday, and there will •>ce» at the Methodist TRUSTEE VOTERS Roach Outlines HAVE QUALIFIED Registration Book for Election of Three G. M. C. Trustees dosed Wednesday. Election Tn Be Held August 28th The registration books for voters to qualify to vote in the election to name three members of the Board of Trusetes of the Georgia Military cloned at six o’clock Wednesday evening. One hundred and sixteen voters registered. The election will he held August 28th. The members of the Board whose terms expired are Marion Allen, Otto M. Conn, nnd M. F. Stcmbridge, all of whom are standing for re-election, nnd will probably be named with out apposition. They will be elected for a term of three years. Mr. Conn has served a term of six years, nnd haR nerved as treasurer of the Board. Col. Allen wgs named a member of the Board several months ago to succeed his father, Judge John T. Allen, who resigned on ac count of ill health. Dr. Stcmbridge was made a mem ber of the Board at the death of Dr. Loderick Jones. All three of thdm haVe ahown great interest in the college, and its welfare. They have shown a liberal spirit of co-operation with the other members of the Board. "•ch. ndn.v ; bool will be held at the 10:00 o’clock A. M. H. Harper was elected President o? the Board of Education of Baldwin county at the regular mnthly meeting held Tuesday. Mr. Harper succeeds Mr. j. R. Nor- Plans for G.M.C. New President of Military College Pots Emphsiii on Academic Program In Interview With Macon Newt Reporter (M.con New.) Col. G. S. Roach president of Georgia Military College, who has recently gone to Millcdgevilje to take up bin work, is enthusiastic over the outlook of the school year. Col. Roach, with Major “Slap" Rentz, athletic director of the school, was in Macon Monday on hsi first official' visit to the city since taking over the presidency of the institution. Col. Roach, who is known through out the state in educational work, is making plans for the coming year of G. M. C. to equal its military record in scholastic work. “The major emphasis of the year will be put on academic work," Col. Roach said. “We propose to place academic efficency on th esamc plan as military work. This can be best illustrated by the fact that Georgia Military College has won the effici ency cup in the Fourth Corps R. O. T. C. area for the past six consecutive years," he said. The faculty at G. M .C. has been increased and especially will the bar rack supervision of work be strength- end, he said. A. A. Waters, a Lanier graduate, who has just received hik Ph. D. degree from Duke University, will be superintendent of the bar racks. Col. Roach said. An outstanding improvement be ing made at the college tlon of a concrete fence around the athletic field at a cost of $8,000. A concrete grandstand will add to the , who had been president for the convenience of the fifcld nnd the past several years, and who refuted to stand for re-election ns a member of the Board. Mr. Harper has repre- ■ented the 318th District on the Board for a number of years, and is ersant with the wchool affairs of the county. MILLEDGEVILLE MEN ATTEND MEETING OF DEMOCRATS IN ATLANTA Dr. E. A. Tigner, Col. Erwin Sib ley, J. A. Home, and Dawson Wilson ‘tended the meeting and organiation of the Young Men’s Democratic League of Georgia at the Ansley Hotel in Atlanta Wednesday even ing. The meeting was attended by young men from all over the state. Several p.-ominent Democrats ad dressed the gathering. om what we can learn Jim Angles, who was stabbed and cut by Ollie Alldrige Wednesday afternoon of last week, is still in a serious con dition. The commitment trial of Alldrige and Arthur Allen, who is accused of holding Angles, while he was being cut, was held Monday before Judge E. R. Hines. Alldrige’s bond was fixed at $1,500.00 and Allen’s at $750.00. Both men made bond, and were given their freedom. fence and the grand stand are in keeping with the style of architec ture of the old state rapitol build ing which is the main school building and which type of architecture ha.w been lauded by extern architects as the most perfect in existence of its particular kind. The fence and grand stand arc be ing erected as a memorial to the G. M. C. boys who fought in the World War by the Milledgeville Post of the American Legion and the alumni of the college. The barracks and class rooms ore undergoing a complete renovfetion .and will be ready for the students at the opening of school September 12. Conch Rentz said that the pros pects for athletics in the school for the coming year are ecellent and good material was in hand for all A CLAIM FILED AGAINST CITY Bfttt Canning Co., Petition* City Council for Reimbursement for Damages Done By Water Overflow (n Building Mr. E. E. Bass, repreranting the Bass Canning Co., appeared before the City Council, at the regular monthly meeing Monday evening, and filed e claim for $3,508.90 for dam age' done canned goods stored in the basement of building on Montgomery irtcct, caused by overflow of water, due to faulty construction .and drain- nge of certain street improvement**. The petition covers that said dam age was done from the month of May. 1928 to July 1928. That the goods consisting of canned pears and peaches were cnrfully pucked in snid basement, and that when investi gation was made it was found that raid goods had been damaged by the overflow of water into the basement, and that said overflow was caused by the faulty drainage and construc tion of certain street improvements. Ttyit said faulty instruction had since been remedied after verbal complaint The petition sets forth this amount of canned pears and peacheM therein, and sets the damage at $3,508.90. That the building was damaged by said overflow is aho stated. Mr. E. E. Bass appeared before the Council and read the application. The Council went into executive session and denied the application. TILE WALL IS BEING ERECTED Work of Foundition Finished, Tile Being Placed on Legion Me morial Wall. Deiigni of Gate, Approved The American Legion- Memorial began to take on form this week when the first section of the Tile was being placed in position and the hundred of citiens who have watched the work can now begin to see some concrete form of how the Legion Memorial will look. Tho concrete foundation was com pleted the past week and the first section of the ^jle wall is being set. The architects drawing of the Me morial gates has been accepted by the committee in charge of the me morial. The gates are styled after the gates at the north and south -en trances to the campus. There are three entrances, two for pedestrians and one for automobiles. An added feature to the memorial has been worked out, concrete stands being erected along the west and north section of the field. Contributions have been received since the campaign started and about half of the necessary money has been raised. Mr. Bulow Campbell, of At lanta, a former G. M. C. studnet, for warded the committee .a check for $200. the past week. The Legion expects to publish a list of those mak ing contributions in next w issue of the Union Recorder. The committee is making a special appeal to the people to make their contributions as rapidly as powible so that work can be completed on schedule time. It is hoped that the dedicatory services can be held the afternoon of the first game. R.R. DENIED CAMPUS TRACK Brard of Tnotecs Deny Georgia Road Privilege To Ron Spur Line on Compel. City Ordinance Becomei Void The Georgia Railroad was denied the right to run a spur line on the campus of the Georgia State College for Women at a recent meeting of the board and the road has abolish ed the idea, the ordinance passed by the council granting them the right ross Wilkinson street becoming null and void. ie road had closed a deal with Mr. Hugh Montgomery purchasing n e and lot facing Wilkinson and canceled this deal. The city has ordered the section of the Wilkinson Street block bordering the enmpus to be paved, the paving having been held ub pending the - laying of the track across this section. The proposed track was a spur line from the railroads freight yards on Wayne street, connecting the line with the campus and placing a track on the campus for delivery of coal and other freight to the enmpus. A series of protracted meeting will open at Hopewell on next Sunday morning, the first service being held nt 11:30 with Rev. J. L. Hall, of Monticello preaching. Two services will be hed each day during the next week was announced by Rev. J. H. Farr, the pastor of the church. The public has been cordjplly in vited to the meetings and it is hoped that a large congregation will hear Mr. Hall each evening. MR. W. A. WALKER MAKES VISIT ; DAWSON WILSON TO ATTEND TO OLD HOME PLACE • JUNIOR ORDER CONVENTION Mr. W. A. Walker, accompanied by Mr. Dawson Wilran, representing Mr. Julian Stanley nnd Mr. Reid the local chapter of the Junior Mathis with their chauffeur, William Order of American Mechanics, will Hargrove, made thpir annual trip I attend the state convention of the through Baldwin and Putnam coun-1 order in Atlanta next week. The ties last Sunday and report a very convention is to be one of the most plenum: trip. They were hte guests ( important the organization has ever big Putnam dinner, of fried had. chicken, barbecue, contalopes and watermelons. They went by Napiers* Mill to W ill Phillips place where Mr. Walker was born. They then went to Ramoth church and school house where Messrs Walker and Mathis were graduated over forty-five years ago- They went over the old hunting grounds through that section, and over to the old heme place of Mr. Walker. They also visited Mr. Mathis old home place. Crops were goou and everybody was glad to see them and gave- then! a cordial welcome. Their trip " most pleasant one. IN CONGRATULATORY TELEGRAMS FLOOD BEESON S OFFICE Following announcement of Election A. President of G. S. C. W. Letters and Telegrams Are Receired Congr^ulntory telegrams and let ters from all sections began to flood the offiqp of Dr. J. L. Beeson as as $he newyr was made public that he hhd been named President of Georgia State College for Women. High education officials and lead- g men and women over the south sent their message to the new presi dent. Dr. Beeson has been busy re plying to them. He went on with of ficial duties without any change, hav. ing been serving as acting president for nearly two years. ERWIN SIBLEY NAMED CHAIR. MAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE in a wire received ■ this afternoon from Hon. S. A. Gann, State Chair man of the Young Men’s Democratic League of Georgia, Col. Erwin Sib ley was notified of his appointment as a member of the Executive Com mittee of the organiation and Chair man of the Tenth District. Col. Sib ley accepted the appointment. | The Macon road from the State Prison Farm to the Jones county line over half completed, the County Commiwioners at their session Tues day tfated they were anxious to i plete this work within hte next few months, funds from the State High way department coming in slowly had greatly handicapped them. The Stdtq Highway Department now owes the crurty n large sum of money it was learned. The county is financing thi.: work and is being reimbursed by the State Department The road will be one of the best pieces of gravel road in the state when completed. G. M. C. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED BY COACH RENTZ First Gam* October Fifth With Coachran School. Rivarsida, Monroe, Lanier and Gordon Important Gamas Co.-.ch T. H. Rentz, while in the city this week from a trip through South Georgia announced the foot ball schedule for the year, the first game of the season opening in Mil ledgeville October fifth, with Cochran A. A M., last years cham pions of South Georgia. The schedule is as follows: Oct. 5, Cochran, A. A M. Milledge- ville. Oct. 12, Clarkesville, A. A M. Mil ledgeville. Oct. 20, Richmond Academy Au gusta. Oct. 26, Norman Institute, Mil ledgeville. Nov. 2, Riverside, Gainesville. Nov. 9, Madison, Milledgeville. , Nov. 16, Monroe Aggies, Monroe. Now. >8i l -Lanier, Macon. Nov. 29, Gordon, Milledgeville. Coach Broadnax will arrive in the city the first of September and prac tice is scheduled to begin several days before the opening of school. CITY PASSES SUNDAY LAWS All BuiMttiillMt C*u* At 11 O’clock ud &uy Cbnd Until Ok. Low Appfcei To Fillhf Station, and Gara(es The City Council at it* regular Jteenion on Monday evening pawed an ordanance governing Sunday observ ance, declaring that all business must cease at 11 o’clock and that*the pll*ce of business must stay cloned until e o’clock p- m. The Inw applies to all business within the city limits and will be strictly enforced according to the wording of the ordinance. The law becomes especially applicable to the garage and filling station buttness, which have been practically the only business staying open on Sunday. The Council has also issued a valu ing relative to the vacant lots and back yardi* in the city. The sanitary inspector has been instructed to make an inspection of the entire busi- and residential section and have all lots cleared of rubbish. Messrs. W. F. Little, J. R. Stanley and Sam Patterson, City Tax As sessors, are busy this week going over and revising the tax returns. DEATH OF AN INFANT Mr. and Mm B. D. Edwards have the sympathy of their friends on ac count of the death of their infant *on, which occurred Sunday night. Tho- funeral was held Tuesday after- poonvuL th# residence. The Methodist, Baptist and Episco pal churches will be clowed next Sun day, as the three pastors will be out of the city. The regular services wrill be held at the Presbyterian church, and pastor, Rev. Geo. B. Thompson will preach both in the morning and*e%*cn- g. The members of the other ngregationB ere cordially invited to worship with the Presbyterians. HUSBAND OF FORMER MISS ELLEN FOX DIES IN NEW YORK The many friend? of Mrs. J. Ellett, formerly Miss Ellen Fox, will regret to legrn of the death of Mr. Ellett, on Tuesday of this week. GASOLINE SALES ON SUNDAY HELD LAW VIOLATION Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 8.—The sale of gasoline on Sunday is a misdemeanor under the present Georgia law, ac cording to a ruling announced Tues day by T. R. Gress, assistant attor ney general of the state. The ruling way made in a case presented by gasoline dealer in Americas. Mrs. H. B. Jennings is erecting residence on Montgomery Stdeet, next to the home of Col. Erwin Sib ley. Mr. James Sibley is here from Miami, Fla., superintending He rtruc- The date is not far off now when the first bale of cotton will be brought *t© the local market-, Mrs.' G. H. Reid has purchased from CoL Erwin Sibley a building lot on West Wall Street. The* price paid was one thousand dollars. KIWANIS AND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASK GOVERNMENT TO CONTINUE MAIL CONTRACT Resolution* were adopted by the Kiwanis Club and Chamber of Com merce urging the Postmaster General to give a mail contract to the Ameri- Palmetto Steamship line, operat ing out of Savannah to European waters. The stcam-ship company is expect- g to suspend operation of this line due to the loss of the mail contract and tiince it is the only ship travel ing from the south east to Europe the Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis Club with other clubs over the South-east are urging the Post master General to continue the mail ice on this line. THE METHODIST PICNIC GREAT SUCCESS A large number of the members of tlie Methodist church gathered on the campus of G. S. C. W. to ^icnd sev eral hour** at an old fashion picnic Thursday afternoon. The crowd numbered somewhere near three hundred, it is estimated, and the cares of life forgotten, as they mingled, and enjoyed several hours socially. The ladies had prepared and serv ed a regular picnic dinner. There wag an abudance of fried chicken, ham, bread, pickles, salid, cakes, etc. There was plenty for everybody, and then to spare. The crowd gathered around vhe tables and remained there until their appetites were satisfied. The ladies were busy seeing that every one was served. There was an baundance of lemo nade, which had been prepared by i special committee. • It was a great get-together meeting for the Methodist.