Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 09, 1928, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., AUGUST ». HH About Ifouf Health Thin** Y«m Should ; Kaow Enough of theory will, in t ueer the most sturdy mind. Facts Hvt* almost been uprooted by thco- if.c which are never fact. The world flat rtibftistn on theories wholly, is There ai human difi Lebiathan*! Theories.—until we hard- ly find .a man or woman who does not dread to line up for daily meals, f<»r fear <>f transgressing the law found ed on the latest theory. A wonder ful thing about “calories" “ uUrity from its start, will again be I and Power Company have been fully under the excellent postively 'eligi- paid or provided for, and ording to their respective holdings; .nagement of Mrs. Bishop and ,tcr of Lithonia. Splendid meals are served, gpod rooms and beds arv provided, and a religious at mosphere is maintained under :he discipline and control of the devout women and co-workers. Regular tent-holders are planning to be present. The arbor ind tents i are being put in first class condition. Over .10 familiey are expected to tent betent. and the Epworthians from. . . — i i ...... fected without mjui both side* the Porterdnle group inj. their own Conyers and Lithonia. Let everyone feel free to come, the m agement says, for there will be ro f..r all. Old friends who live n elsewhere are especially urged Whereas, all of the assets of the orporation, after the payment of .r provision for its debts and liabili- ics, have been distributed to the ockholders of the corporation scribe the - and su of the hu all about these per: ondition to deal with. The same is true of rapid eat- mandizing, and filling the stomach with f at the close of day. T n my daily paper yesterday, the column of deaths was interesting. Some fif teen; none of them over sixty-five, or under fifty; nearly all of them ascribed to "heart disease!" • It isn’t a theory that tells us that food must be masticated; th,.t time must be taken in rating; that eve ning meal* must be the lightest of the day; that over-eating is Ameri- ened life. It's law—law of right liv ing. Vet. who doesn’t violate i* .ithou regain' to conse- ? These four or five simple lent*. studiously obeyed will he fatalities from "heart dis- in hnlf. Isn’t it worth a try- What shill it profit a man if ibble up all that is in sight—a*. —and los'C his life? WHEREAS, The surrender of its charter and franchise* to the State and the dissolution of the corporation and termination of its corporate ex- desirable and may be ef- to any stock holder or to any person having 'j claims or demand* of any character n | against the corproation. v | THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, n : All of the outstanding capital stock om. I art year raw number from • of the Company being present or It Lints Birmingham. Memphis and represented at this meeting and un- tointa north and east. Let much ominously voting herefor, that the •raver be made daily, is the earnest} Company do forthwith surrender its ii -st of those in charge. charter and franchise* to the State ' and be dissolved as a corporation. ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. HAVE YOU TRIED W-C • That p ropcr proceedings for this pur- Then man Oh: man jut* drive by P°«e be instituted by petition to the nr rime and get a tank full of satit- Superior Court of Baldwin County, Ighty little price. Georgia, and that the proper officers of this corporation be and they ire hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take all step*, to perfrom any and all acts and to execute any • j and all instruments necessary or pro- I per in their judgment to accomplish ’.he surrender of the said charter and franchises, the dissolution of the said cropnration and the winding up of it* affairs. I, W. H. Wright, Secretary Oconee Electric Light and P Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of resolution adopted by the stock holders of said Company at a meeting duly and regularly called and held «t Atlanat, Georgia, in accordance with law and the by-laws of the Com- JORDAN L. N. JORDAN PETITION The Superior Court of Baldwii W ITNESS my hand and the seal of said Company this * * SALEM CAMP MEETING AUGUST 10; BISHOP CANDLER COMING SUNDAY To The Eldei It is announced bv Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Piesiding Elder of the Ox ford District, and by the Trustees of Salem Camp Ground, Hon. W. S. Ramsey, chairman that Salem Camp Meeting will hold its 106th fesslon thi« year, August 10-17. Bishop Warren A. Candler, one of the nation’s greatest churchmen and one of the South's most eloquent ora tor* will preach a* 11 n. m., Sunday August 12. Thi* great min. as edu cator. belongs to the Oxford District special w the I’r eople of Emory of the Ox- de frosted by the ford District; i served such love, for 1 God ha* gone everywhi bound* preaching the gospel, making education possible for its youth, and advancing God’s Kingdom with self- iess devotion. He will he heard ai Salem by appreciative thousands ol friends on August 12. Other able and helpful preachers will be heard each day at 8 a. m., 11 n. ni., 3 p. m., and 8 p. m. Fuller announcement will later be made as to music. But an attractive program of sacred music i* being evolved and among others Mr. R. L. Hicks, so effective and so devout in bis musical leadership, will be on the platform. Quartettes, solos, and orchsetra features will all charm and variety. Rev. N. P. Manning, the purtor of Salem circuit anti Dr. Elam F. Demp sey, head of Oxford District, will preside a: all sessions and supervise the entire proceeding* assisted and counselled by the devoted board of trustees. County, Georgia: The petition of Oconee Electric Light anti Power Company respect fully shows as follows: 1. That it. was originally incor porated by virtue of an order and judgment of this Honorable Court for the full term of twenty (20) year*: on the 17th day of October, 1899. 2. That by subsequent order of | pany, on the 13th day of July, 1928, this Honorable Court granted on or at which meeting the entire ouLstand- about April 3rd, 1908, its said char- ing capital .stock of the Company r was amended and as so amended represented and voted in favoi is renewed for n further period of j said resolution, enty (20) years from the date of piration of its original charter, imely: October 17th. 1919. 3. That it now desires to sur- nder to the State its said charter id franchises as a corporation and dissolved by order and decree of is Honorable Court. 4. That such dissolution may be allowed without injustice to any stockholder or to any person having claims or demands of any character j against this corporation. 5. That it has disponed of all of ( its property and has paid, or provid ed for the payment of all demands and obligations of every kind owing by it to any person or persons. B. That at a special meeting of its stockholders called for such pur pose, and with notice to each stock holder, held at the office of the Com pany on July 18th, 1928, at which meeting eveiy stockholder was pres ent or represented, a resolution was unanimously adopted by the affir- ote of i s entire outstanding capital stock resolving that the corpo ration should surrender its chnrter and franchises to the State and be dissolved as a corporation; that prop er proceeding* for this purpose be instituted by petition to the Superior Court of Baldwin County, Georgia, and that the proper officers of the Company take all steps necessary or desirable to accomplish such sur render and dissolution. A certified topy of this resolution is filed with this petition as Exhibit “A". 7. That all the assets of the corporation, after the payment of ami provision for its debt* and liabilities, have been distributed to the stockholders of the corporation according to their respective holdings. WHEREFORE Petitioner prays an order and decree of this Court ac cepting the surrender of it* charter and franchises and dissolving it as a corporation and terminating its exist ence after advertisement and hearing as provided by law. OCONEE ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, By (Signed) P. S. ARKWRIGHT, President. Atlanta, Georgia, July 1928. (Sgd.) W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary STATE OF GEORGIA, Fulton Coun ty: Personally appeared before me W. H. Wright, who, being duly sworn, j deposes and says that he is Secretary of the Oconee Electric Light and Power Company; that he is authorized to make this affidavit, and the state ments contained in the foregoing pe tition are true and correct. (Sgd.) W. H. WRIGHT. Sworn to ana subscribed before me this the 18th day of July, 1928. (Sigd.) L. G. MANN, Notary Public, State at Large, Ga. The foregoing petition read and considered. It is ordered that *aid petition be filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court. It is further ordered that the hearing on said peti tion be and the same is hereby set for the 1st day of October, 1928, in Court House in said County, and that all person* be and they are hereby called on to show cause if any they have at said hearing why the prayers of the petition should not be granted. It is further ordered that a copy of the foregoing petition and of this order be published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper where in the Sheriff’* sale in and for said county are published, and that the last of said four publications be made at least one wf r L prior to the date set for said hearing. This 30th day of July, 1928. JAMES B. PARK, Judge Superior Court Baldwin County Georgia. Filed in office Aug. 1, 1928 J. C. COOPER, Cleric. I, J. C. Cooper, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Baldwin County, Georgia, do certify that the forego ing is a correct copy of the petition and order for hearing and publica tion in the matter of the application for surrender of charter and dissolu tion of the Oconee Electric Light and Power Company. Witness my hand and seal of said Court. This 1st day fo August, 1928. J. C. COOPER, Clerk Baldwin Superior Court. CHAS. G. HOUSTON COTTON! COTTON FACTOR . AUGUSTA. CA. WIS ?? MI , Ar * Y °“ c “'»l <• U.. Eitk.r? COMMON SENSE' ..., of e * ch pcr “" “ m "fE their ow„ cotton by ROttmg local buyers to make a bW. and then ju«t taking the "Highest , P " CC : I'™—? “ b “ fc “ i “For th. simple reason , he Highest Bid may be many dollars under the mark,! vela. How many people can grade cotton? There are 26 different grades and the money difference between them is great. The ur.._ ent age demands specialist, and having been in this busincM ,11 of my .ife fesides having a complete organization I can assure you each bale sent to me will be h.udled in such a manner you will get it's FULL VALUE—nd not just the “highest bi.1. • ... L,bcral “Ounces at any time. *1.00 covers the expense of eaC L_^ alC . yOU hold y0Ur cotton * only 60c per bale per month is charged, which covers everything. SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE STEMBRIDGE & COMPANY PHONE 3*>2-J BRICK— at Clink Like steel | Are Made by th. “McMILLAN" Piece.. BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. W® Make Quick Shipment* in Anjr Quantity. RICH GLO FACE BRICK-FIRE BRICK-COMMON BRICK Milledgeville Brick WorksCo MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan. The hotel, which has Everything marked down for quick selling. Many remnants and short lengths, in linens, cottons and silk g6ods, at half-price, and less than half-price. Everything in summer goods reduced, for this Clearance Sale! EXHIBIT "A" On Motion, duly made and *econd- ed, the following resolution was un animously adopted, to-wit: WHEREAS, All the debts and li- pop-1 abilities of the Ocoi 1 Electric Light ’ATE CITY COACHES MILLEDC.EVILLE—ATLANTA Lv. Milledgeville 7:3# E. T. Lv. Milledgeville 2:30 E. T. Leave Atlanta 7:3# C. T. Leave Atlanta 3:31 C. T. Ladies’ Dresses 35 short sleeve dresses—silk, broadcloths, some pon gees and some washable crepes in all the new colors. Dresses that sold at $6.75 and $7.50. Clearance Sole price $4.75 20 EVENING DRESSES White, peach, blue and some black, all go in our Special Sale. Dresses worth up to $19,75. One price $10.00 MORE THAN 50 DRESSES ALL NEW MODELS, SOLD UP TO $25.00. CLEAR ANCE SALE PRICE IS $15.00 LADIES’ SPRING C0A1S 25 in the lot—tome plain blues^ some fur-trimmed, some castors, some black silk with fur collar, worth up to $29.75, your choice of entire lot $15.00 MORE THAN 25 DRESSES GEORGETTES AND CREPES, MOSTLY HIGH SHADES, WORTH $16.75 AND $19.75. CLEARANCE SALE PRICE $10.75 SIX ENSEMBLE SUITS $19.00 and $25.00 values, Maes and mixtures, for quick selling $10 00 Arrive Atlanta 11:00 C. T. Arrive Atlanta 6:00 C. T. An. Milledgeville 1:00 E. T. An. MiDedgeviBe 8:40 E. T. $4.00 One Way; *7:00 Round Trip C. F. STONE, Manager. For Reservatiooi Cal Phaoe,: 366 or 392 If You Want the Best Shop At E. E. BELL’S I0C9I