Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 16, 1928, Image 5

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, CAL, AUGUST 19, if Si ■ov Alford, Jr., visited Atlanta) Melvin Vinson of Unadiila, tKn miaot ..1 Tnkn T P 'll ITEMS CONCERNING THE FLOOD Congressman Carl Vinson braved the wind and the rain last Friday at his farm getting his stock and cat tle out of the swamp of the Oconee river. It was well that he did it, be cause if he had not they would have been swept away by the high water. ^ U 0 l,crta Lawrence is visiting i n Columbus. Vr T. J• Ricketts and children i Gr : n. are visiting relatives here. Mii _ Ro sa Ashfield has returned '-oni a ’■ to friends at East Point. Mis- Florence Cole is the guest of i* Martha Bass. Mt—r* Ted Elders and Louie Grace ’ Sunday in Augusta. Gustave Lawrence ha* returned lim a . -it to friends in Columbus. Mr. and Mra S. S. Vincent have mriu-d from a visit to Savannah, her and Macon. Mr . E. L. Darling of Blackshear, ■; several days the past week with B. D. Edwards. Ir. and Mrs. H. A. Massey -ey and Alverne Batson Friday in Macon. Mr. Lverett Montgomery tame ,«n fr-m Atlanta and spent Sun- ay with his family. M>. Geo S. Roach spent the week- M-ville, X. C., with Mr. and r«. McKenzie, of Ashburn. Mr. K. E. Bell and Dr. Thos M. ,H sjient several days of the past *k in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blackwell, of nr.ingham, Ala., have been visiting and Mrs. Walter Blackwell this Mrs. Harry Bone is visiting rela- ;es in Cedartown. Mr. Bone carried • ... far as Atlanta, in his automo- ;t Sunday, and returned home. Mi Lillian Myrick has returned r-• • •» the Colorado University, • t'"ik .3 special course in . ana -pent several days of He holds a good position -hop in that city. Mr. * has Conn and children will Sunday from Covington, hev have been spending sev- • k- with relatives. Mt--[. Edwin and Wade Gilbert of \ are the guests of their and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr-. Buy Wilson has returned froi.i ■ relatives in Greenville, Ga. *■' Louise and Evelyn Hum- - • n- several days of last week - .. visiting Miss Lannie Mc- ! Mrs. Harold Day came up ,m h 1 in and spent Sunday with rents. On their return home caught in .a hail storm. ■ the trip safely, however. I M. Beck, Misses Johnnie Heck, Selma Sherrer and kn.ar Beck have returned from : -- ; ci.tful camping trip at Brooks I ‘ <-rt Bivins, Mrs. Elizabeth I Mm James O. Clark and Elizabeth and Margaret n.v morning for an automo- •Vorth Carolina. the guest of John L. Smith. | ®^ vcra * o{ Milledgevjlle'a young • • • * men w ent to an entertainment in Mr. F. C. Batson spent Sunday Midw,y rrid *y ni * ht - On returninc and Monday in Columbus. 10 the c . ity thc y ,0 “ nii U»t a portion • • • I °f the fillway at Fishing creek bridge Miss Lizzie Brioty has returned'!“ d *' ashed Bw “ y . and they were from a visit to Savannah. j . rccd lo »P«nd the remainder of the night by the side of the road in their Miss Inez Ellison, i s visiting her brother, Mr. Brooks Ellison Chicago. Mrs. Robert McElreath and Miss Elizabeth Grant have r< turned from an extended visit to Tennessee. Mrs. Robert L. Grant of Pittsburg, Penn., is visiting the family of Mr. E. L. Grant. Mr. Whitton and Mr. Adel McCoy of Atlanta, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. GholstOn. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Etheridge have returned from a trip to North Caro- Mr. Smith, of Fitzgerald, is vis his neices. Mm Bailey and Faulkner. Capt. J. M. Burke will return home this week from Atlanta, where he has been in a hospital for several days. Mrs. J. W. Davis and little daugh ter. of Atlanta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. F Davis. Miss Catherinne Jewell has turned from a visit to Boston, N York and Atlantic City. Mrs. G. N. Vinson of Unadiila, spending Home time with her broth er and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kinney. Mrs. W. S. Kinney and daughter, Maurice, have returned from Plains, where Mr. Kinney is recovering fro an operation. Mr. I,. C. Ilall will leave Sunday for a two weeks’ vacation at Mon treal N. C. Mrs. Hall and Miss Emily Hall have been at Montreat the pai two weeks. Mr J. M. Mo and family »ve arrived in the city from Albert lie, Ala., to make their home. The.\ •e occupying Dr. E. A. Tigner. mse on Columbia street. Hr. M. Harrell has returned ' in Pelham, after a visit er, Mrs. S. G. W. Gladin. ••mpanied home by Misses uena Gladin, who will be several days. • '"»n F. Yarbrough returned Monday frorp WhiteoOak '-r-u»d. where H* fcpenf - lait Hl ' children, wh4iTh*ve rfceeb' '5 Natives in Lincoln cootlfy '" nu * with him. 'arah Allen has returned from 1 «f sever*! weeks to Atlanta, in Atlanta she was the guest 'lac Asbury and Mrs. Wealey * an :-’ attractive parties ware •a her honor. Mrs. Jerome Babb and Miss Con McCoy spent several days of th< past week in Atlanta, attending the wholesale displays of millinery and Mrs. Frank Brookins and attrac tive little daughter, Frances, arc visiting friends and relatives) in Bonesville, Augusta . and various other places in Georgia. Mr. W. S. Kinney, who has been in a Sanitarium at Plains, where he underwent an operation, has suffici ently recovered as to return to his home in this city. Mias Knthcrinnc Moran, who hai been spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. C. L. Moran, left Wed nesday for Washington and Balti more, where she will solicit students for the Woman’s Clolege at Peters burg. Va., in which institution she teaches expression. Mrs. Eula Stanley has returned from Atlanta, where she spent sev eral days attending the wholesale millinery displays, and buying the latest creations in fall and winter hats. She was accompanied to At lanta by her sister, Mrs. W. M. Har rell, of Pelham. Mrs. Albert Burke and children, Albert, Jr., and Elizabeth accompan ied by Miss Margaret Burke, return ed to Atlanta today after a visit of several weeks to Capt. and Mra J. M. Burke. The friends of Miss Mary Newell will be interested to learn that she will leave in the next few days for trip around the world, 4$nd will visit Fin visii tpn , , of thr automobilea Col. Geo. S. Roach and Major T. H. Rentz had an engagement in Au gusta Friday to make arrangements two boys to enroll at G. M. C. They made the trip in spite of the wind and .rain, and returned late in the night, bringing the signed appli cations with them. They had a strenuous time, but they did not re gret the effort they made. . Messrs Jeanes & Robinson had r. mare and three mules in a pasture on the bottom land of the Oconee river. Saturday morning they wore driven out by the high water, and started swimming down the river. Mr. Ed ward Bass, Jr., went down to the river, and took a stand on the pump house of Mr. J. A. Horne’s irrigation plant, and seeing them coming down the river whistled to them. The mare heard him and turned towards the land. The mules followed and all of them came safely out of the water. Milledgeville was without mail Saturday until late in the aftrenoon The washouts on the Central and Georgia railroads prevented the trains from making their schedule time. The mail did not reach the city until about half past four o’clock coming from Macon on n train, which came to the city via Monticello, Machen and Entonton. A large tree in the yard at Mr. W. H. Jtwoll’s on Jefferson Street was blown down during the wind and rain storm Friday. It fell across the lawn of Mr. J. A. Horne and dam aged it considerably. The •elief to the ■ater situation in the city cume unexpected. The boiler room was overflowed, and the electric engine put out of order. When the steam engine was put in u«c, a main between the plant and the standpipe bursted. This was found and repaired. In the mean time the electric engine had been taken out and dried out. When an effort was made to start the steam engine again, it was found that there was no water in the boiler. The cur rent was turned on the electric engine which had heretofore refused to run, and to the surprise of all it began to work perfectly. All danger of a water famine had passed, and the mains lending from the stand pipe to the city were opened up. The County Commissioners took prompt steps Saturday to repair the washout of the fills .at Fishing Creek bridge, and make travel possible. Saturday after -m people were coming and going over the fill. The rain and wind started early Friday morning, and continued una bated through the day. The people in the city were largely kept in their homes and places of business. There were few to venture out on the streets. It was perhaps as dull a business day as Milledgeville has had in a long time. At one time Friday afternoon when the rain was coming down in torrents, the weather conditions reached almost cyclonie proportions. The wind blew in a whirl, and brought fear to many that a terrific storm was going to hit the city. THE CROP DAMAGE IS GREAT It hard to estimate the extent of damage suffered by the crops of Baldwin county during the rains and floods, which followed each other in quick succession. The wind and rain of Friday which brought a strom of no Hmall dimen- sent all of the streams on a rampage, covering the low lands, and heat down and drowned out the crops, on the up lands. Large ac reages of corn; were ruined, and cot- and the other crops badly dam- then came the rains of Tuesday and* Wednesday, and practically the resul.s followed. her brother,":Col. Isaac I'&well, I/. Sf. Army, .who is in China. I | • V ? • "Misi Nell Davis was hosteai to the members of her brides Club Tuesday, The damare to the crop, will rsach afternoon. The members of tho duhl into the thousands of dollars Is car- are: Miaacs Mary Bell McMillan.! tain. Nell Davie, Winnie Taylor, Kuthrtnee- Butta Carroll Butts, Frances Robin- Miaaes Kathleen and Louli* Haw- aon lira. Otis Devermmx and Mra, A. kmahava returned from Wake Fore* T Swann Mia. Davis made a charm- N. C„ where they hav. Ian attend ing hosteaa, and nerved refreahmenta. leg aummer school. FRIENDSHIP The revival at Friendship has been going on for the past week and will continue on Monday and Tuesday Rev. L. E. Dutton's sermons have been very inspiring and impressive. Our pastor, Rev. Fulghum, was called-to Warrenton Saturday on the account of the death of his father. We gr cutely sympathize with him in his sad bereavement Mrs. Maggie McGar of Midville i. spending sometime with her brother, Mr. A. P. Bland. Master Hines Blizzard went up to Camp Wilkins at Athens with the club boys from this county, and spent a very pleasant week recently. Miss E. B. Renfroe from G. S. S. Milledgeville, was with her parenst, for the week-end. Mra Lou Prosser visited Mrs. A. P. Bland Saturday night and Sun day. Miss Kathryn Tanner from Sisters community spent several days last week here with Mrs. Horace Veal and Mrs. A. J. Trawick at Linton. Mrs. W. R. Veal returned home Friday from a visit to her daughter’s, Mrs. Laurie Buttle at Zebulon and was accompanyod home by her daugh ter, Mrs. Ray Veal and little daugh ter Frances. Mr. ,nnd Mrs. A. P. Hodges have re- turnde to their home a* St. Augus tine, Fla., after spending several days with friends and relative# at Deep- step, Friendship and Milledgeville. The many friends of Mrs. T. N. Ennis are glad to learn that her con dition is much improved and she is able be carried to her mother’s Mrs. J. J. Griffin, where she will spend a few days before returning to her home near Oconee. We hope she will continue to improve and be fully restored to health. Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Garrett and children of Sandersville also Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hutchings from Carrs, station, visited their parents, Mr. und Mra W. M. Underwood and at tended preaching at Friendship dur ing the week. Miss Myra Butts of Milledgeville, is spending awhile with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Prosser. Mis« Sue Belle Rnst^ spent last week with her cousin. Miss Louise Blizzard. Mrs. B. A. Edmonds of Sanders- vitye attended' services at Friend ship and was guest of her aster, Mrs. V. V. Underwood during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Greenie Amerson and Mra T. H. Butler from Harmony spent the week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Griffin. We were very glad to have with us during the week Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and three little boys from SylvanSa. While tljey were here they visited several friends and relatives -and left Thursday to visit relatives at Warthen. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Underwod and two children from Ijike City Fla., is. visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Underwood and other rela tives here. Mr. und Mrs. Carl Powell and children from Hardwick, visited rela tives here last week-end. Mrs. Luther Brookins of Linton, was the week-end guest of Mr. S. B. Brookins and family and attended preaching at Friendship. OCONEE HEIGHTS BIr. James Moore returned home from Monticello Friday accompanied by his uncle, Mr. Heard Parker, who I stayed until Tuesday, leaving there f6r South Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Layfleld an nounce the birth of j baby boy Aug. 9th, to he called Albert Lee. Miss Lillian Horne, from Allen’s Sanitarium, spent Sunday with Airs. C. E. Youngblood. We are glad that Mr. C. W. Young is much better after an illness of several day*. Mra F. D. Badger had as visitors during the past week, her sisters, Mrs. M. E. Wyatt, of Machen, Mrs. Edward Lee Darling, Jr., of Black- shear, and Mrs. Thos. J. Ricketts and children of Griffin. Mrs. O. B. Young and Miss Eunice Young, of Haddock, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young. Mr. Horace Osborne visited friends at Elberton Sunday. Mr. Russel Odom and baby are visiting her mother, Mrs. Dorsey Blount. SERVICES AT HOPEWELL CHURCH Rev. J. L. Hall, pastor of the Monticello Methodist church, has b^en here this week, assisting Rev. J. H. Farr, in *-eviva! serviced at -Hopewell church. Mr. Hall i# one of the prom inent ministers of the North Geor gia Conference, and he preaches forceful and convincing* •sermons. The attendance at the services has been interffered with somewhat by the weather conditions, but Mr. Hall has had attentive congregations. FOR RENT—My houra o> the corner of Clerk and Montgomery Streets. J. L. Lundy. KEEP SMILING Chiropractic Health Sorvice H. E. STANFORD. D. C. Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Off. Phone 14—Res. 156 Neurocelometer—Out Thurssdey Afterrnoons Consultation Costs You Nothing LANE FAMILY HOLD REUNION A delightful family reunion was held Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. M. B. Lane in the North western portion of the county. It was the occasion of the gathering of Mrs. Lane's children and grandchil dren, and was a most pleasant event. A bountiful apd old fashioned dinner was spread. Those attending the reunion were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan and chil dren, of Hapeville; Mrs. C. H. Moore and children, of Gordon: Mrs. A. L. Haddock and children, of Haddock; Mr. R. L. I.ane and family of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Watson and lit tle daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lane and children, of Baldwin coun ty. FOR RENT—My ho Mrs. A. L. Ellis* Phoi > 236-J. FOR RENT—Largo apartmaut with ] all modern conviancos. Garden garage, block aad half from G. S. C. W. Mrs. L. J. Zachary. APARTtJEHJ FOR RENT One five room apartment H lower f Start the Day Right WITH A CUP OF BELL’S BEST ROAST COFFEE. STOOD THE TEST FOR OVER 20 YEARS—$1.15 FOR A 2 LB. CAN Our Delacatessen Will supply your luncheon and Supper desires. Roquefort Cheese, Roqnefort Spread, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Pinmento Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Kay, Baked Ham, Boiled Ham, Bologna Sausages, Sliced Dried Beef—Lettuce, Celery and Tomatoes. SPECIAL SATURDAY Go ^ inB 15C. LB. BELL GROCERY CO. 263—PHONES—498 | Call Out the Guard J The Most Sensational : Used Car Sale Of the Year I have several cars on the floor that are on sale at almost give-away prices. They are all mechanically perfect, being 0. K'd. by our expert mechanics, Nat and Bob. Look them over and begin riding now and pay for them while yon ride. The early bird catches the worm and the wise man will ride off in one of these cars before the weeks over. One 1927 Buick Coupe with Rumble Seat —$875.00— One 1928 Chrysler “62” Roadster Rumble Seat .... —$875.00— One 1924 Buick Touring, new tires—New Duco paint —$400.00— One new 1928 Dodge Bros. Standard Six Sedan at a considerable saving. Driven less than 1500 miles. eae nf the boat Uratinni a the dty, 4»2 W. Hancock Short mo 7*4. Ralph Simmerson Buick Dealer