Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 23, 1928, Image 1

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man MMHER XCiX Federal Union Established in 1829 southern Heco.*der 1819 Milledgeville, Ga., August 23. 1928 f R. PRESIDENT AND RED CROSS OFFERS CITY AID President C. A. Wickerahnm Hu Train of Tank Cara Filled With Rater for Milledgeville IffiR'Si’APER STORY ALARMS Red Irons Offers Assistant To Destitute Milledgeville Relief Force Ready X mcrous offers for old weir made Milledgeville followinjr press . ies that depicted the city nad nsnty covered with water, many useless and a water famine likely ,ft,r the floods hnd risen into the ration of the city and State ium. The press stories ex- (1 the situation and caused un due i!;irm over the state. Among the most conspicuous and . offers that came to the city wa > that of President Charles A. Wirker'ham of the Atlanta & West Ipoiuf and Georgia Railroads’. who offer .. send n train of tank cars fillfii with fresh water to the relief of the State Sanitarium and city. Mr. Arch McKinley, head of the Railroad it this city, expressed thanks to the Present and told him that the stories apj> arinir in the papers were ex- Urcerated and that three was a suffi- ?nt reserve supply of water in the :y and at the Sanitarium to meet e emergency. The City Council jo wired Mr. WickcrNham their ap- wiution for his kind offer. Mr. D. M. Rogers, Chairman of the id Cross, here received a wire from t National Headquarters statrng it they were ready to send relief A food supplies here if the situa- ■m was acute. The headquarters, FORMER CHIEF COUNTY SCHOOLS TAKES OWN LIFE OPEN SEPT. 12TH adv.. <*d that I nit- aid. 1 need •1'ihn F. Yarhrough, made ! t'- ifnces of the generous from r.is pulpit Sunday and Ithnnkc .i *h«* r; ilroad official and Red pro- ■!ii’icly for their thoughtful- The : |Mr. W . J. T. Burke Kills Self With 38 Winchester Rifle Saturday Morning. Ill Health Cause. Funeral Sunday Former Police Chief .T. T. Burke, with the aid of a is Winchester rifle took his own lif. early Satur day morning, ill health being at tributed as the reason by relatives of the dead man. Chief Burke had returned to his home early in the week from the Georgia State Sanitarium, where h? had been confined du* to ill health for several months. He had been re leased on a furlough and semed in good health, all indications of a men tal derangement having disappeared. He hnd been to the city early Satur day and had had breakfast at his lunch room that is operated by his partner in the business, Mr. Harper Tucker. Returning home about nine o’clock ie went to his room, seated himself n front of the mirror and fired shot through his head, placing the muzzle of the rifle against his fore- •head. Tho bullet went through his head coming out at the base of his head. Mrs. Burke was in an other part of the houMe at the .ime and hearing the shot rushed to his ro and found him in a pool of blood the floor. Funeral sendees were held Sun day morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. J. F. Yarbrough conducting the serv Interment took place in Eatonton, the former home of the ex-chief. Mr. Burke came here about ten years ago and sened as chief-of- police of the city. He was later con nected with the Sheriffs office as a ‘special phohibition enforcement of ficer. Ho has been part owner of the Manhattan Cafe and Lunch Room fbr several years and was active in this business until a few months ago, when ill health mad? it necessary that he giv? up his work. He is survived by his widow and two children. Miss Lucille Burke, who makes her home in Atlanta, and Ed mund Burke who lives with hir mot Chief Burke had a number friends in the city and county. New Teachers Elected and Super intendent Bivins Completing Plans for Opening TEACHERS MEET SEPT. 10TH Teaching Personelle Finest In Several Years Is Belief of Education Board HORNE HOUSETO BEMADEAHOTEL Mrs. J. W. Ivey Will Conduct A Hostelry on The Hill In Building Formerly Used By G. S. C. W. Will Open Sept. 1st. The Hori be Superintendent P. N. Bivins an nounced this week that all teachers for the county schools had been se lected and plans were pratically com plete for the opening of the school# in the county September 12th. A teachers meeting has been call ed for September 10th and 11th. when the year’s work will be outlined and all details completed. “The W. Ivey has rer will after the make it a ho thirty-dAi *e on the hill i.» to • a hotel. Mrs. .1. j this proprety, and rist of September. This house has ■hen opened will be Consolidated in 1872 G.S.C.W. OPENS SEPTEMBER 19 The Dormitories Will Be Ready for Students on 18th. Large Attendance in History of College Expected The Georgia State College for will open for full • Miss hostelry by Mrs. Ivey modemly equipped. Mrs. Ivey i< experienced, having conducted a hotel in this city for several years past. She will run the new hotel at the highset standard. The Home house is located on the South-west corner of Wes: Hancock and Clark streets, opposite the old Executive Mansion square. Since erection several years ago it 1 been used us a dormitory and infir mary of the G. S. C. W., its locat making it desirable for tni* purp< The erection of the Parks Memo Hospital, and a new dormr.ory at S. C. W., placed the college where _ . . .it was not nece# ary f< “ Lou,se Bloodworth, , hi , property. s Selma Sherrer, Pri- 1 ■ral ye. the teachei personelle thi- have hnd in s Superintender The follow named: Cooperville School:—Mrs. Lucy r Walker, Principal: Mis# Louise Par ker, Assistant; Miss Edna McMullen Assistant: Mil Sept.. 10th. The dormitories will he opened, and special trains will bring the student body to the college on the 18th. The number of students will ex ceed that of any year of the college. an applications have exceeded former The faculty of the college has been greatly increased in numbers. During the summer months the in terior of the college and dormitor> buildings have been gone over wit! the paint brush, and all necessary ha v the buildings in perfect c rulitini THREE G. M. C. TRUSTEES WILL BE ELECTED TUESDAY F. Stembridf. H. August 17th, 1028. A- Wickersham, |Gcn, ral Manager, i. Ha ilroad, I w ish • mary. Midway School:—B. J. Wells, Principal: Mrs. B. J. Wells. Assist ant; Mrs. Cora Holt, Assistant; Mi* Inez Murphy, Assistant: Miss Lois Smith, Primary. Unftrn Point Schoolj:—Holland Strother. Principal; Mrs. Holland Strother, Assistant; Miss Virgini Bonner, Assistant; Mrs. Richard Smith. Primary. Meriwether School:—Miss Lanetti O’Neal, Principal; Miss Mattie Lou Ivey. Assistant. Scottaboro:—Miss Bessie Richard* Baldwin Primary:—Mrs. Robert A.Wield. Black Springs:—Mrs. J. II. Under wood. llopeTVell:—Mrs. W. F. Davis. Salem:—Miss Evelyn Humphries Union Hill:—Mrs. W. H. Small wood. G. M. C. Supply:—The Board of Education left the selection of these teachers to the Trustees of the Geor gia Military College, and these teach ers will not he carried on the pay roll of the county any longer. YOUNG MAN ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS SELF TUESDAY > Discharge* While Draffi. Ground i^nd Seriou«ly iure. Paul McConnell piously Paul McConnell, 18, hurt Tuesday morning when the shot gun which he ww dragging along the ground accidentally dis charged and tore into the lower part of his body. McConnell was in the field near his home at Merriwether when the accident happened. He wos hurried to this city and placed in. the City Hospital where he is recovering. Three members of the Baird of Trustees of the Georgia Military Col lege will he named nt an election to be held next Tuesday, Augur: 25th. The trustees whose successor.*' are to be named are Col. Marion Allen, Mr. Otto M. Conn and Dr. M. F. Stmbridge, who are standing for re. election fro a term of six yens, and will be named without opposition. The polls, at the City Hall, will open at seven o’clock A. M., and close at six P. M. The managers will he named by the City Council. The registration books for this election closed August 8th, with mie ; vapidly hundred and eighteen voters having qualified. Number I HEAVY LOSSAS" WATERS RECEDE AFTER FLOODS Crops In Pitiful Plight. Highways Being Repaired. Water Works At Normal WATER AT PEAK THURSDAY Railroads Re-establish Schedules After Heavy Losses. Heaviest Damage In Many Years After two days of isolation and a continued delay in railroad and high way traffic, Baldwin county began to tike stock of her loss and to repair and roads and readjust nf- vorst storm in a quarter of a century. The Oconee river and Fishing creek reached their heighth about noon Thursday and slowly began to re turn to their hanks in the afternoon. The high waters hnd gone on their worst rampage in many years nad hnd gone far out of their courses ami it was late Monday before the water hnd gone back to their regular way, but .‘till high in their banks. The land where the waters had risen were left with debris and trash that hid been brought up by the high ork lie members* of the Farmers Club their families gathered at their annual picnic today (Thursday) nt the home of Judge B. H. Dunaway, time was spent most pleasantly •r the shade of the trees on the BRICK YARD NOT DAMAGED light WARRENT ACCUSES MRS. HE.TH OF MURDER ROADS Assault Made on Brother Following express on behalf of the • dgeville our appreciation ry magnnimou,.' offer to j - of water for the relief ( ;ind for the State Institu- j d in and near us. Both BRIDGES GREAT the -ubn ?d foi oral , •ur reserve water supply ’•nry disablement of the "th plants are today In ii further danger is prob- i. Your offer came cn- "lici’ed and we deeply ap- We are glad to know had our municipality in E. PENNINGTON. Mayor. Thelma Y. Heath was re- mder bond Wednesday nftcr- ith asaliH with in- hor brother, James noon Wednesday nf- ♦hey had ha po ‘ion abo obile. *les of the Woi iris Circle with Mrs. C. 2, in the Sunday School Mrs. O. B. Twilly. • 3. with Mrs. Laura '• 4. with Mrs. D. F. 5, with Mrs. J. T. Day. H ' ; WASHOUTS FROM FLOOD •t Underwood’s on Town • igc*s over Potato creek in errn section of county LIST revised mmissioners have been w?ek revising the jury aclusion of their work w erand and traverse, he January term of Yotnnons hid carried the car to tb home of Mrs. B. F. Humphrey, hi- moUier-in-law, when Mrs. Honlh i'' company with Mr. Heath and' Mr. J. M. Bln in went to take the car. When Mr. Yo>. mans refused to give up the •ar Mm Heath drew a pistol and ‘napped it twice at Youmans, both virtridge-- failing to explode, accord- to Youmans. Mrs. Humphrey swore out the war- rents chnrging Mrs. Henth with the rder assault. Highways In All Sections of County Suffer Durin. The Recent Floors and High Water The roids and bridges of Baldwin county w-.-re hi.rd hit by the recent floods and high water. As far as the Union Record *r has lawn. Judge and Mrs. Dunaway served a barbecue dinner, with all accessories, fhich made a feast that was enjoyed. After dinner a business meeting of the clul» w.is held, and business mat ters discussed. Col. J. I). Howard, in is visiting in the city, made talk, expressing the pleasure lie It in being hack in old Bnldwin, id -m.-eting again with his friend.-. a!k>. ide bj •tain, besides alter bridges' HON. T. SPEAK W. HARDWICK WILL IN SANDERSVILLE SATURDAY washouts, the following is a summary of the damage done: The iron bridg? over Fifching creek on the lower Macon road was washed away. There was a wariiout on the causeway at Fishing creek be tween this city and the Sanitarium. The causeway at the Oconee river bridge was damaged. The fill on the river roid at Camp creek was The i bridge i the Scottsbcn oad bridge Ion. Thos. \V. Hardwick will speuk Sandersville Saturday at eleven o'clock. He will discuss the issues of the present National Campaign. Hardwick iv recognized is one of the most forceful speakers in the State, and he will he heard by a large crowd of Washington and surround ing county folks The fill «t Blacl washed awiy. A bridge over Turkey creek near Mr. A»fc Benford’s washed away. A bridge over Fishing creek on Macon road washed away. Fill over Town creek at O’Quinn's mill badly damaged. The Miner bridge over Town creel* washed away. PRESIDENT OF PAYNE INSTITUTE TALKS TO THE COLORED PEOPLE Despite the high waters of last week, the kilns and brick yards of the Milledgeville Brick Works mained above the highwater mark ind none of the property of company was damaged other than that he the excessive rains. The late Mr. J. W. McMillan, founder of the company u«*d gn foresight for th' future in constri live th • plant nod tri*» fact tha‘ t [ kilns and yard which ire very n« 1 the river remained above the high j water mark and not flooded displays I wonderful skill. - Mr K .G. McMillan. President of 1 *he C >mpany, t i ed that the watc*- 1 civered ‘he line leading to the : riant hut the office and other prop. ! erty were not damaged Work could • have been carried on a< usual bul early Friday to repair bridges and ro. ds so that traffic could be re sumed. The Fishing creek fill was cutting Milledgeville from the State Sanitarium was the first of the roads to receive attention and late Friday evening the first automobile went over the temporary bridge. The Oconee fill that was badly washed was mide passable. Other bridges and roads received attention as possible. The crop situation van a puzzle to the Farm agent and agriculturists here. It was difficult to make an estimate to the loss hut it was certain it would reach several thousand dol lars. A heavy loss was also estimated of hogs and cattle pasturing in the meudow lands along the river. The total loss to property, crops and highways would exceed one hun dred thousand dollarw it has been estimated. G. M COLLEGE OPENS SEPT. 12 President Roach Busy Making Preparations for The Opening of Cadet College Rev. Ray I. Tomlin, Pr. Payne Institute, at Augusta, spoke the heavy and excessive mins pre nt the C. M. E. church in this city vented thi>». Monday night, and told the colored j people of that denomina ion about I ROY ALFORD. JR. MADE GAME their college, and the work it wisj WARDEN diing for them. He said that thi ol. Geo S. Roach. I ired the services ol I equipped faculty . object of the college was to give them a christiar. education and pre pare them for us-ful lives. He re ferred to the fact hat there were seven of his hearers, who had at tended the college, and that they had made good student'. Talk*- were made by several white citizens who «nt. with him : col- Mr. Roy S. Alford. Jr., has been appointed gam .* warden of Baldwin county, by State Game Conimission- cr Twisty. He succeeds Mr. Frank Malpasr, ind will commence h?« duties the first of September. Th * President b ored male quartet, who sang songs, all of them had good Payne college was es:ablishcd by has been added the Southern Methodist church for Milledgeville the education of the*rolored people of the Methodist church, and has at its head and in the faculty white teachers. One of the sanitary markets that h become a part of the chain stnr? the business in » We/' era meats being handled by the new mark et. It is very neat and attractive. Th? market is under the management of Mr. Bragg an experienced cutter. 20 Per Cent Increase in Number Qualified Voters This Year Males Show 120 Increase and Women Gain Over Two Hun dred in Onalified List for The Comine Election With » total of 2017 voter, quali fied for the (renera! election in November, an increase i. ■approximately 20 per cent over the ing list of two years ago in the general election of 1926. During the past year, a heated local election probably be attributed as the caus? of the marked increase shown. In the contest of the Legis lative race in the fall of 1923, a large number of names were thrown out* by the executive committee and dur. ; the ; ■ those wbo were deemed disqualified have prepared them-j the men have shown only II percent selves ‘in time for the election. The i increase. Board of Registrars completed their The largest increase is shown in the work in May and n complete list has 321st District. One hundred and been mad- up from the registrars re- twenty-three more voters being quali- port for the coming primary. | fied than there was two years A marked fact In the increase that ■: -' own reveolg the fact that therv is a larger number o/ qualified women voter* by 45 per cent while The total negro vote in the county numben.' 125. The largest perc?nt- ngc being qualified in the 319th Dis trict. Col. Roach and Major Rentz wen- interrupted in their canvas for board ing cadets by the excessive rains, but applications are being received daily, and the indications are that there will be a large number of boys in the barracks. Col. Rnp.ch ha.»' been in his office the past week, looking after all de tail work in preparation for the opening. A number of new desks have been purchased. They will he received and placed before the college opens. The barracks have beeo repaired, and put in first class condition, and some changes made in the class rooms in the college building. The McDougald Co., have moved their asphalt plant to Sandersville. and temporarily suspended paving in this city. Mr. L. H. Andrews, mem ber of the Board of Aldermen, states to the Union Recorder hat paving will be resumed here later, and that there will lie seven more additional blocks zoned, and contract let for paving. Dr J. L. Beeson, President of G. W., has been spemMny several of thi? week in AihtVa.