Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, September 13, 1928, Image 2

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7T* UNION RECORDER. M1LLEDGEVILLE, GA. t SEPTEMBER 13. 1821 About your Health Thing. YouShooUjKiotf As to be anticipated there are only a very few of our democratic women who have joined themselves to a dis satisfied group on the question of temperance. Just as I suspected in the beginning from the information that I am daily receiving, our intellig ent democratic women in possession fo the facts as to the real issues are exercising a sane and rational view of this campaign and a vast majority of them are not letting excitement becloud their good judgment. These laides, many of whom are W. C. T. U.’s, are temperance liVers rather — than temperance talkers and they, Oxygen is absolutely essential to like myself, are proud of the success humun life. Let the supply of oxy- of the Christian temperance move- K ,. n be diminished and the health mont and of all denominations and of suffers accordingly. There is no all organizations that have contribut- danger of an over-supply of oxygen Lett Wa Fo. t. Our goal was to create a icntiment of Christian temper ance in Georgia which has been ren- , lized and every factor that has con- ; tributed to its success is to be con- . gratulated; and especially we W. C. ; T. I’.'s for the large part we have j played in making temperance a sue- j cess in our Stnte. I mean. Christian t temperance as distinguished from ii briety. And that it has been a sn cess and that we are justified boasting of its accomplishment, thinking person ran question. Soi i the J ■ aboi i is stimulant—tonic. Pure ;us is a destroyer, and u • not met with, save in the labora- • tory. It is a supporter of combus tion—a steel watch-spring will burn in it, as a pine splinter will burn in the air. Oxygen burns up impuri ties in the blood, reaching them through our lungs. Oxygen in proper dilution with nitrogen makes up the air we breathe. Our “bounden duty* is to get plenty of pure air—we are in little danger twenty years ag«. in the age of sa- of getting an overdose, loons, intemperance was not only not If you are in the habit of lying in unusual but it was a recognized bed until nine o’clock these mornings .uncial condition and to be expected, i. you are not getting the health-giving e. it was not contemplated by any supply of oxygen that you must have lady to shop on Saturdays on account if you would be vigorous. The haoit of anticipated inebriety on our of lying in bed until long after sun- strecis. At that time a drunkard rise, is pernicious in the extreme, attracted little attention on our pub- That debauch dinr.re htat you de- !ic streets. Public sentiment accept- 1 voured at six o'clock the evening he ed i*. Today, ladies need entertain fore , and which you should not have no anxiety on account of Saturday taken a', all. gave up at least fifty shopping as drunkenness is out-of- per cent of deadening impurities. You joint with public sentiment—that felt dull, apathetic, and appetiteless, sentiment which is the exponent of n when you crawled out of bed at nine majority of us citizens and which is in the mornir.g; you were simply c*ent;al t(> enlorcement of any law poisoned, and—did it yourself; if a and which is the bone and sinew of physician tried to poison you, you’d our Government “of and by and for want to thrash him if not more. You the people.” prefer to commit your own Muicidc! We Georgia citizens, young and Nitrogen deadens. You consume «dd, are against drunkenness, hence an over-dose of nitrogenous foods we are supporting our sheriffs and i;.« effect is certain. You take away police officers in the enforcement of the nitrogen excess with oxyeen. do- FRIGIDAIRE AGENT HERE SEES | leftopen LARGE SALE INCREASE 1 E. G. Biechler, president and gen- ; v i~“ *« k »****«ur, an eral manager of Frigidaire Corpora- sar >' i* to fill up the tian. has written R. W. Hacther 1 w * t,,r c,n “* th * Anr Hardware Co., local deale , stating that September production of Frigi daire compressors, based upon orders actuall> at hand, will treble that of the same month last year, and October will ►how practically the same rate of increase. August pro duction was more *han double that of the same month in 1927, accord ing to Mr. Biechler’s communication. "Following an unprecedented de mand during the first half of the ar, sales were given added impetus August 25 by announcement of w household models, more quiet, ire beautiful, and non-mcchanical appearance,” Mr. Biechler’s let- ?oid. “With normal business, al- idy showing great gains over previ ous years, stimulated by the new product, records of former years for Fall and Winter business appear certain to he far surpassed. Many •elegrams have ben received from field representatives increasing previ ous orders and urging immediate „ shipments. Never before has a pro- _ „ „ . „ S '"‘: >«• >»« duet of Krifridnire Corporation re- ™. c »<">/"*>« Comtnuuaon, , . . i- . ,i Atlanta, Ga. ceived such immediate public cn-i r dorsement ” Gentlemen: . , 1 1 herewith submit my report for According to E. G. B.echler, the j„| y and August, 1928. general outlook for the corporation j Friends still continue to remember IS extremely bright. | us and either brink or send literature “What shall we do with the elec-; o the camps, which is appreciated, trie refrigerator? is a question | Through the hot months of July tout invariably arises when the fam- j and August the work has gone stendi- ily prepares to closo up the house for j ]y forward, with occasional interrup- couple of weeks around vacation I tions caused by excessive rains but me or for any extended absence | seventy-four Religious services have orn the home. been held on the Farm, twenty-three Simply shut off the current, if it ] of which were held with condemned is a Frigidaire, empty the ice trays, j men in the Death Cells. As a visable remove all perishable foods from the result of this work twenty-hree men <helves, leave the doors open and de- : »nd women have accepted Christ and part, says Hatcher Hardware Co., joined the Religious Asociation and local dealer. The doors should be j T< ' r that the interior will be sweet and clean when it is put into service again. Upon returning, all that is neces- - - — — trays with rater, close the doors and switch; ihe regular Sabbath work the Chap lain has two classes for Bible study, which meet in mid-week, one at the Female Camp and one at the Tuber culosis Camp. These classes, which meet on Tuesday and Wednesday af- the current. In a few hours there ternoons are now studying the Gos- will be ice in the trays and the in- j P e * according to John, teric- will be ay cold as ever, says j Many have come and gone from Mr. Hatcher. I the farm during these two months, the absence from hor.i not going to be for more than » few days, it is usually better to leave the Frigidaire in operation. Not much current will be consumed if the doors remain closed, all foods left in it will be kept in perfect condition and there will be no delay in getting cubes and having perfect refrig eration, when the family returns," he said. “In fact one of the greatest ad vantages of an automatic refriger ator in the kitchen i» that the fam ily can remain away from home for -eral days and still find every thing on the shelves in perfect con dition when it comes back. CHAPLAINS REPORT ind several have died—six of whom werf* electrocuted, two white and four colored men. Respectfully submitted, E. C. ATKINS, Chaplain READ THIS ONE l« »•« k.T. b.. 0 wait . •r > D^g. s^„ |U „, 1 »■* i. i, ,k., * ,W * «»• •«i«r u k.^ki., .. t —±*-i~ii, '7 “"•■t '■hh-r. nk for . ' *** *'l"i»t ». that U Goa. Rida whila you gag pi... ’ l~ N. JORDAN FOR RENT—Apartta.at „ fur . . •d roam.. Phona 186-L. " IF I WAS TO TELL YOU thara Woco P.p a.er, ar .a about tho doing, of tbi goo would not bolioro it, t lb— *vnth if I hod not trio it I would rot bolioro it mj.rlf. wol taho mg word for it trg it aa, thro gou will do tha ..me bind o talking gouraolf. L. N. JORDAN Diatribnlor FOR RENT—Do.ir.bl. apartment. Furoi.bod or od, 204 Libertg Stre 322 ' J ' 9-13-28 ****** '“•■■•bod and thra. FOR RENT-Tw. room. lod lurnukad or unfurnished. Pl„ 452-L O. L. Tann.r. S»t«| Money by Purdiuio, Cheap luaraace It Like Sayinf Time by Stoppeg The Clock C. H. ANDREWS & SON “Notbiig But fauuraace” League. In addition to COTTON! CHAS. G. HOUSTON COTTON FACTOR . AUGUSTA. CA. WISDOM1 Are You Going to Use Either? COMMON SENSE' The old method of each person selling their own cotton, by getting local buyers to make a bid, and then just taking the “Highest ™”:" ^ogmxed a. bad bu.in.... For :hv simple reason the Highest Bid ’ may be many dollars under the market value. How many people can grade cotton? There arc 26 different grades and the money difference between them is great The pres ent age demands specialists and having been in this business all of my life fesides having a complete organization I can assure you each hale sent to me will be handled in such a manner you will get it s FULL VALUE—and not just the “highest bid.’’ Liberal advances at any time. $1.00 covers the expense of selling each bale and if you hold your cotton, only 50c per bale per month is charged, which covers everything. , the It i the .tut of prohibiting intemperance. And many of u»» best citizens who twenty years ago were skeptical of hte temperance move ment end < ue«tioninir it. have be come it- arden* supporters, so that even the wjros of those who made their mopijr out of salolons. and their children; are now temperance work ers. And their present attitude is not questioned or criticised on ac count of their position then. Now these intelligent and cool- headed democrats know that our Georgia prohibition law is much stric-er than the National Volstead net and that our State “hone dry law” is still of force in Georgia. They also know that the success of temper ance in Georgia has been due to our selves af Georgians rather than as American citizens and independent of the admittedly farcical ndminis’ra- tion of the Volstead act of the pnst eieH years by the republican distiller and notorious whiskey-owner. An drew .1. Mellon. Fo reprehensible >a • been this republican rtt ! :* J - * - V --I the Vol ead law , ubjican, has lately published in the newspa pers an offer of $25,000.00 to any one that can suggest a remedy for the situation. And these intelligent temperance supporters know that the success of Georgia temperance hit* been in spite of the republican Mel lon prohibition administration. And they know that the credit is primarily due to the Georgia mother-* and oth ers supporters of temperance—and to our Georgia sheriffs and ( police officers in its enforcomi not to national hirelings or paid talk ers. These conscientious der appreciate the discernment h Christian temperance and teetotaliiim and they know that fanaticism latter is fraught with danger hands of the bold and fearless youth of today who are the fatur* public sentiment on which the continued success of Chri) temn-ranee necessarily mu* resi These level-headed W. C. T. citizens and others know that it i • democratic party m Georiria that established our State prohibit! n law. They also know tha- the^bolting effort of the few dissatis- »eM not affect our already v-dry law” hut. like my- fied State self. thc> realize the fortunate as injurying and hurting the cause of Christian tempernace and its organizations. Therefore, these sensible voters refusing to he misled from our demo cratic strong-hold and they are wisely STANDING BY OUR PARTY. Sincerely. ERWIN SIBLEY, Chairman Tenth District The Democrats of Baldwin county •re going to line up for a great vic tory in the November election. ed from both air and water—for is one-third oxygen, derived both air and and harness lungs with bedrovers nine or mnder you feci lazy and incapable. Get up early—and ilrink freely of water, get back ; ‘pep’’. DR. DEMPSEY WRITES TO CHURCHMEN OF DISTRICT Oxford. Ga. September 1, 1928 •ar Officials and Members: Thus far our Oxford District i d is one that moves us - o felings of gratitude to Our Father ! n Heave All interests have been advanced holesome way. Cow, the Fourth Quarter has be gun. Let us make this,—ou: juarter for 1927-8, the best of all. Let us !*tart at once on those unfin- shed tasks, so thut, when our North Georgia Conference m-et- > >er 14th. we may have tee >orsihle report fiom every charge. S. S. Supts., Lay Leaders, Kpworth League Presidents and Woman's Mis ; !or.ary Socle .y Presidents,—be sur to have nil reports written, giving exact and full figures for the year’s work; Trustees, have written p**rts <>n deeds. Church property etc. Stewards’, at once see and final payments on pastoral support This Tag is Your Assurance of Honest Used Car Values ^ 1°° ,r * l** *hc market for a used car — come in and learn how completely we protect your purchase when you buy a used car from us! have been checked OJK. o by our expert mechanics. We believe that no fairer system of used c merchandising has i * * ’ the* j list. Mif very embe olent v Committees and pastors, spare no e loot 100 per cent on Claims. Work, polite persistence, cherry faith, and much prayer will bring a good stuccess. Please, whether you attend or fast and pray the day before your Fourth Quarterly Conference. Luke 18:1. Your Presiding Elder. ELAM F. DEMPSEY. Master Lonie Youngblood is r< ering from an operation for tongilitis. Mrs. Mary L. Radger, and Misses Ruth and Cynthia Badger spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Annie Bad ger at G. S. S. Master Robert Youngblood spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brannan at Gordon. Miss Ruth Beck of Mt. Pleasant, spent awhile Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jo«* Beck. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Man«ch and children of Macon, spent Wednesday w’ith Mr. and Mrs C. E. Youngblood. Mrs. F. D. Badger and little i Frederick. Jr., attended Sunday School at Oak Grove Sunday aftr- noon and visited Mrs. George Ed wards. «-* been worked out — lur II assures ine customer honest value as well as a dependable, satisfactory car. id inspect our stock of u are sure to find the —c that will please you exceptionally easy. ■ A Few of our exceptional Used Car Values “with an OK that counts” FORD ONE TON TRUCK FOR SALE One that has been kicked around a little, but is still in the ring, and will suit some one who wants a lot of hauling ck|»p. Look this one over, and judge for yourself, i. being offered at $100.00. Pay as it works plan. DODGE SEDAN FOR SALE 1926 Thoroughly overhauled that is in a-one shape, all wool and a yard wide, being offered at the rediculons price of $450.00 on the ride as you pay plan. 1926 CHEVROLET TOURING read bargain, one that has been oroughly overhauled, excellent •nt job. tires good, that is well •rth what w e are asking and then me, being offered at $275.00. Pay you ride plan. DODGE COUPE FOR SALE One that you will have to *ee to appreciate. Thi. automobile is not only ready, but right. A pick-up at $400.00. Pay .. yOH ria . plan. A BIG REDUCTION ON TIRES AND TUBES 3oo as w ekave it and a cos . line, Firestone is the tap in quality. 1 L. N. JORDAN 1926 FORD TOURING FOR SALE One that has bean need by a lady, ■•vor had « hard trip that has s long life of good service left, that we are offering at $178.00. Pay as you ride plan. 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE This is one car that you will have to ride in to appreciate, as it has never been abused or had a hard trip. The price we ask is far below Jt’s actual value. Being offered at $415.00. Pay aa yeu ride plan. 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE Ona that you .will have to see te believe. Tbis is one that we are k*u«iug our red a K. tag ou, which 1925 FORD TOURING FOR SALL One that is not much for looks, rattles but runs. This is just the car to run around the farm and to the mill and back without much invest ment, good rubber, being offered at $100.00. Pay aa you ride plan. 1927 CHEVROLET TOURING FOR SALE If you are hard to please, here is ' your ticket, one that you will not pick up every day. Has practically the same eervice that a new automo bile has, excellent rubber, mechanical ly perfect, being offered at $300.00. **•7 as you rida plan. 1927 IMPERIAL LANDAU FOR SALE One that looks and rues just like • *»*w automobile. This is cue that you could fool your wife with. Don’t take my word, but look it over. Be- *n» offered at $480.00. Pay as you ride pi... Look for the Red Tag “With an OK That Counts” i