Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 11, 1928, Image 7

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDCEVILLE. GA. , OCTOBER II. 1928 ial IL== Thos Wells of Macon, spent ;; day with Mrs. Roy Nelson. Mr. J- •ess trip . Henderson made j . Macon Monday. E»r- ^ R. Youmans spent the past in Augusta. K. T. Alfriend and Miss Mary Mfriind spent Monday in the city. ,nd Mrs. E. L. Barnes, Jr., of Mr. i Fflpvtn visited friends in the city Sunday- jj r T r0 x Bankston, of Covington, * nl a few hours of Monday in the city, and paid us a pleasant visit. pr. and Mrs. J. C. Statham wit- nessed the Goorgia-Mercer game in Athens last Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. U. S. Bowen are unending several days in Athens, Siting Mrs. Bowen’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bivins visited their son, Elsworth, at Emory Uni versity last Sunday. Mrs. H. D. Allen and Miss Sarah Allen are spending this week in At lanta visiting Misa Jessie Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Moughon spent the week-end with Mrs. George Reid. . • • Mrs. Bell Stewart Wootten, Grays, is visiting her son, Mr. H. S. Dr. E. A. Tigner and Mr. J. T. Andrews spent Saturday and Sun day in Merriwether county. Mrs. L. S. Cheatham, of Savannah, has been visiting her sister, Mra Robert Lawson. Mrs. S. A. Caldwell, of Savannah, ‘isited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rob- •rt Lawson, the past week. p -. Alice Hunter, Mrs. Hunter nnd Mr. ai. i Mrs. Douglas Gilstrap made trip to Atlanta the Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holloway visited Macon Wednesday. The friends of Miss Mira Barnes are glud to learn that she has recover ed from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Linton Lane of Ma con, Ga., announce the birth of son October 8th to be named Richard Bonner. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stacks of At lanta, spent Sunday with Mus Nell Sims. Mrs. C. A. Brooks was the week end guest of Miss Susie Bass. Mrs. William McGowern and lit tle daughter, of Chaicago, Ill., have been the guest of Mrs. John W. Mob ley, Jr. Mrs. Everett Flournoy, of Macon, spent several days of this week with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Warnock Mrs. H. D. Allen, Mrs. Chas. L. Moore and Miss Sarah Allen are visiting Miss Jessie Allen in Atlanta. Rev. Geo B. Thompson, pastor if the Presbyterian church, has bean confined at his home by illness tl|e p ast several days. His conoitioti shows improvement Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Britt and two children, Josephine and Margie Ruth, spent the week-end Griffin. < Mrs. Robert McMillan, of EatontoA was a visitor to the city the past week. Miss Orien Welch, who is in train ing for a nurse in Augusta, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Welch. Mrs. W. L. Wynn of Lizella, is, visiting her son, Dr. W. T. Wynn. Mrs. F. W. Hendrickson and Mrs. W. F. Clannen spent Tuesday in Eatonton with Mrs. Robert McMillan, Jr. Mr. J. J. McArthur of Gordon, spent several days of this week visit- THE R. E. LEE CHAPTER MET TUESDAY The R. E. Lee Chapter of the U. C. held a moet interesting meet ing Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. A. Massey. The meeting was called to order by Mr>j. R. B. Moore, President, and the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. E. R. Lawrence, acting Secretary, read the minutes of previ ous meeting. The Chapter joined in singing "Dixie” with Mrs M. Bland at the piano. The Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. P. N. Bivins, and showed a good financial condition. Mrs. G. A. Lawrence, Chairman of program Committee, arranged a study of the Cavalry of the Confed- ercy. Mrs. R. W. Hatcher read a splen did historical sketch, Mrs. M. H. Bland read a poem, and Mrs. Edith Miller Gibson rendered two beauti ful vocal solos with Mrs. Bland at the piano. Mrs. M. H. Bland and Mm A. F. Latimer were elected delegates the annual convention of the State U. D. C., which convenes in Atlanta October 23rd. Mrs. J. L. Beeson attend the convention as Chairman of the Essay Contest of the Georgia Division and Mrs. R. B. Moore President of the local chapter. Miss Bertie Stcmbridge and Mrs. C. P. Crawford were named as alternates to the delegates. Mr. C. P. Crawford has consented to act as Historian for the Chapter. During the social half hour Mrs. Mas sey served delicious refreshments. MRS. JOHN MOBLEY COMPL1- MENTS VISITOR Mrs. John Mobley was hostess on last Saturday afternoon at three tables of bridge in honor of her guest Mrs. William McGowern of Chicago, 11L Large vases of fall flowers tastily arranged in the living where the games were played, licious refreshments the conclusion of the games. To support prisoners in jail 4-100 per cent or 4 mills. To pay salaries and fees of county officers 122-100 per cent or 1.22 mills. For supplies for county officers 28-1000 per cent or 28 mills. To build nnd repair public roads 4-10 per cent or 4 milla . . To rebuild and repair public serve a J bridges across Fishing Creek, Town • Creek, and Camr. Creek, recently de- MRS. HEINDEL MOBLEY HOSTESS!»nd dhm» B cd by flood 1--' ON MONDAY Mrs. Hindel Mobley entertained most delightfully at bridge on Mon day afternoon complimenting Mrs. William McGowern, the guest of Mm John Mobley. At the conclusion of the games de licious refreshments were served. 10c Days Saturday and Monday i CkudUr'i Variety Store. So# 01 ad a ad window. ’later is here or at least you w I a little kindling, we have it. CHANDLER BROS. MR. A. J. CARR IS A VISITOR TO EATONTON (Eatonton Messenger) Mr. A. J. Carr, of MilledgcviUc, tg>ent a day in Eatonton this week, and was the guest of his son, Mr. Conn Carr. Mr. Carr is one of those men who lend type to the communities in which they live, he has contributed many years of service to the civic, com mercial, social and religious upbuild ing of Milledgeville. He wears his years lightly. He is not careless or wasteful in the use of words, and i; B "hu'..,u K hte;; G ; smith. i ly, with a kindness that is engaging. Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Cox, of Mil- len, spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. John Riley. PEDEN-HENDR1CK Past 1 -end. Mrs. p. Crawford is spending thi- L in Augusta and Sanders- ville in the interest of the Ladies’ Auxilliary of the Augusta Presbytery. Mr Pic-ken.- Turner has retomd j ^ Metbod8it church, to her home in Augusta, after a visit • to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. | Johnson. rs. Wiley Wasden and little | daughter, Alice Carr, are spending •weral weeks with Mrs. Wasdens* Barents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carr. Mrs. W. S. Mobley has returned to | her home in Thompson after a visit •veral weeks to her daughter, I Mrs. F. C. Penuel. Mr? Maggie Foote, of Decatur, is jest of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. and Mrs. Maggie Cook this and Mrs. J. M. Williams and nd Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Smith, of I Monroe, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. |Mjyfi.-ld Sunday. Mr*. Mnughon is spending several ■ f this week with her mother, eorge Reid. Many intreesting will be given in her honor. Annie Lee Coxwell nnd Har- iwell have gone to West Palm | 8 ‘nh. Fla., to be with their father, T. R. Coxwell, who recently went ' r “ to engage in building houses. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Harrington, r - T. Harrington, Mrs. Hugh arrii i-on a nd Mrs. Frank Johnson * n - ■' ntlay at Alto, with Mr. Hugh , L. D. Smith has gone to Co- ; . C., to visit her brother, Simpson, who was in rail- k in September, and suffer- broken arm. He ta now ‘ ‘11 with pneumonia. I and Mrs. E. B. Syae have gone f^tlanta where they will make their j?*- Dr. Saye will go directly to adelphj 8 when* he will study aev- Jr We *k* before becoming asaoeiat- J^’-h the Davia-Fisher Sanitarium. P r ‘ Bert A moss of Hancock Coun- n >n the hospital in this city Past several days suffering _ » an infected am. His! r^Proviiy, He gives the impression of is charitable in view, but quietly steadfast in his convictions. He is inriatley a modest man, and we doubt if he will approve of these printed ! words in his praise, but sometimes Miss Annie Mary Poden and Rev. one wants to bestow a flower in life Claud Hendrick were united in mar- where it -harmonizes with the sour- riage Monday .afternoon at the home roundings. of the bride’s parents, in Sparta. Rev. [ The wholesale grocery business J. F. Yarbrough officiating. i known as the A. J. Carr Co., of which The bride is n member of one of'Mr. Carr is the head, has been in .Spartaks most promiticnt families, j existence quite a long time, and un- and is a graduate of tfic Georgia; dor sound management it has grown State College for Women. | unt‘1 it is a rival of wholesale con- Rev. Mr. Hendrick is a prominent i ‘ trns in the large cities. A few years member of the North Georgia Con-; ago n branch of the firm was estab- pastor of' Hsh*d in Eatonton, with Mr. Conn Carr as manager, and it, like the par- •, has grown healthily. Mr. Carr comes to Eatonton frequently connection with the business, and our people are always glad to see him here. FARM WANTED—Want to hear from owner having good Georgia farm for sale. If bargain, tend price and description. F. B. G., Box 495, Olnejr, III. O. E. Ivey, MISS FRANCES HINES COMPLI MENTS BRIDG AND BRIDGE- ELECT Miss Frances Hines way hostes* on Wednseday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Coleman Moughon, a recent bride, and Miss Sarah Allen a bride of next month. Vases of cosmos in a large varie ty of colors were used in the deco rations. Attractive place cards mark- FjQR SALE _ Nice wWt . for ed the places at the five tables where the guests were seated. Bridge wus played prior to refreshments that The invited guests included: Mrs. Coleman Moughon, Mrs. Moughon, mother of Mr. Moughon, Mrs. G. G. Reid, Mrs. Moughon’s mother, Mrs. A. A. Vaughan of Spartcnburg, aunt of Mrs. Moughon, Mrs. Chas. Conn, Mrs. Sam Whatley, Mrs. Otto Conn, Mrs. W. D. Morri son, Mrs. R. J. McElrath, Mrs. Han sel Hall, Mrs. L. N. Callaway, Mrs. Marion Allen, Mm Dawson Allen. Mrs. Edwin Allen, Mrs. C. L. Moore, Mrs. Heindel Mobley, Mrs. Jothn 36 years old. He may even be few years older, but his spirit ambition and serious purpose. He may be working now at that he has in him the seeds of i his goal. Are you that young ma gards, seekers after casy-money, sharpers or "smooth talken interest us. Clean-cut, t ambitious men do interest u deal. For such young mei can be—and we will pay them wh they arc learning. Write “Insurance” care of t Union Recorder, Milledgeville, Ga. Adv. TAX LEVY The following tax levy is made by the Commissioners of Roads nnd Revenue.^ of Baldwin County for the year 1928. Upon motion, the following order levying tuxes for County purposes for the yenr 1928, was passed: WHEREAS, the total amount of property returned for taxution in Baldwin County for the year 1928 is $4,807,260.00. It is therefore considered, ordered and adjudged that there bp levied upon all the property returned for taxation levy in said County and up-1 on all property in said county sub- ject to taxation u tax of sixteen mills upon each dollar of the value there of, that is to aay, a tax of one and six tenths per cent, which levy is made for county purposes ofr the year 1928 and is in addition to the school taxes hereafter levied. The abo tax is levied for the following purposes and in the fol lowing amounts: To pay jurors, tax of 6-100 per cent or 6 mills. To support paupers 1-10 per cent or 1 mill. 10 per cent or 1 mill. To build and repair other public bridges 4-10 per cent or 4 mills. To repair court house, jail and other public buildings tax of 2-10 per cent or 2 mills. To pay expense of health depart ment, a tax of 16-100 per cent or 1.6 mills. And the tax collector of said coun ty is hereby ordered to assess and collect for the use of said county of Baldwin for the above purposes for the year 1928, a tax of one and six- tenths per cent, that is to say, a tax of sixteen mills upon each dollar of property subject to taxation in said county. It is further ordered that the tax collector of mid county assess and collect a tax of 1-2 par cent, that is to say, of five mills upon each dol lar of property subject to taxation in said county for the support of pub lic schools of said county for the year 1928. It is further ordered that there be levied and collected upon all of the property returned for tt-xation in the following school Districts of ■aid county as a local school tax for school purposes in said Districts for the year 1928, the following taxes: For Midway School District 1 milL For Cooperville School District, 1 mill. This order signed in open coart, this 19th day of September, 1928. COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES OF BALWIN COUNTY GEORGIA. NEW ARRIVALS Datn, New Crop Pitted Detei, Wakat Staffed 4S< per ■. Fift New Syne Mi duel Shore l’» Mess. Fat ted Fiae 25c nek FOR THAT URED FEEUNG—LACTO DEXTRIN WILL WAKE YOU OP 3 Lbi. Meniai Glory Bacee $1.19 Good White Meet ISch. BeR’i Special Coffee 3ic a. Her cole, Whole Wheat Floor SOe ph|. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH EVERY DAY BELL GROCERY CO. 263—PHONES—498 New Fall Millinery $5 $7.50 $10 The Millinery mode hu narrowed down to three important leaden, Felt, Soleil, Velvet. From theie three there is no devia tion for dap time wear—hut there is infinet variety in their styles, colon and ornaments especially this fronp presented nt Merchants & Farmers Bank MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBER 1ST, 1928 AS CALLED FOR BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS JNO. T. ALLEN. Pre*id*nt. L. C. HALL, Cask!* Date of Bank’s Charter March 1698. Date Began Business March 1898. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $336,677.54 ( Banking House and Lot 9,000.00 Mobley, Mrs. W. B. McKinnon, Misses | p urn | turc and Fixtures - 6,046.39 Sarah Allen. Alice Hall, Milley, Mar-| other ReaI Estatc owncd 38,861.68 garet nnd Elizabeth Napier, Flor- c as j, j n Vault . Cole and Nell Edwards. MESDAMES HALL ENTERTAIN FOR MRS. MOUGHON Mrs. T. H. Hall and Mrs. Hansel Hall entertained most delightful on Tuesday afternoon at a Trouseau shower for Mrs. Coleman Moughon, a recent bride. Potted plants and vases of fall flowers were attractively arranged in the back hall where the tables were placed around which the guests seated. Bridge was played be fore refreshments were served. A large peach basket holding^ the, ~ gifts was brought in and presented to Mrs. Moughon. amounts due from ap proved Reserve Agents 36,369.03 Checks for Clearing and Due from other Bank# 7,690.02 Cash Items .— 370.00 Overdrafts (if any) ... 18.83 Collection in Transit ...... 486.20 TOTAL $434,619.69 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 80,000.00 Surplus Fund 80,000.00 Undivided Profits .. 10,562.64 Reserve Funds 21,622.52 Dividends Unpaid 25.00. Cashiers Checks 464.2.". j fro Clearing and Demand Deposits 241,768.30 1 from other Banks _ Time Certificates of De- , Overdraft! (if any) .... posits 57.00‘ Advance on Cotton and other Commodities —.~. Cash Items -. EXCHANGE BANK MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS OCTOBER 1ST, 1928 AS CALLED FOR BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS OTTO M. CONN, President H. G. BANKS. Cashier Dele of Bank’s Ckarter 1903, 1908, 1919, 1924. Date Began Business Jane 1903 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $620,166.95 Furniture and Fixtures — 6,613.11 Other Real Estate owned 17,387.43 Cash in Vault and amounts due from ap proved Reserve Items .... 68,820.75 Other Resources 2,863.36 7.50 67,508.35 LIABILITIES Capital Stock - $100,000.00 Surplus Fund 75,000.00 Undivided Profits 29,024.82 Reserve Funds 4,698.11 Cashiers Checks 1,650.46 Demand Deposits 586,154.50 TOTAL $434,619.69 TOTAL $796,527.89 TOTAL . ..$796,527.89 c.ttoa will hriaf, •>• It »t Ch~dl.» FDS SSKT—Tw. GEORGIA Baldwin County. Personally appeared before the underligned, an officer authorized to administer oaths in said county L. C. Hall ’j ho, on oath, says that he is the Cashier of the Merchants A Farmers bank, apd that the above and foregoing Report* of the condition of said bank is true and correct L. C. HALL, Cashier. Sworn to an J subscribed before me, this 10th day of October, 1928. JOHN C. BLACK, Not Pub. Co. Ga. We, the undersigned directors of said bank, do certify that we have carefully read mid report, and that the same U true and correct, according to the best of our information, knowledge and belief, and the nbeve Mgna- j tore of the Cashier of said bank is the true and fenuiae g|f Bh of that officer. do, of GLORGIA Baldwin County. Pcrsoiuilly appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths in said county Otto M. Conn, who. on oath, says that he is the President of the Exchange bank, and that the above and foregoing report of the condition of mid bank is true and correct. OTTO M. CONN, President Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of October, 1928. H. H. HENDON, N. P. B. Co. G*.