Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 25, 1928, Image 1

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r I X M S' S I- 1 f i 4 IJ" vtMEtR XCiX federal Union Established in 1829 ■Southern Recorder " 1819 MilMgexile, Ga., October 25,1S28 Number 10 CARL VINSON ON SPEAKING TOUR Visiting Town* in Tenth District loi Democratic Tkhet. Speaks in Gordon Next Friday Night SHERIFF TERRY TO RETURN HOME NEXT SUNDAY 'opuiar Baldwin Of I Step and Will I Sunday. Aftei Abu Sheriff S. L. Terr)* will return home next Sunday, huving been di* missed from the Piedmont Sanitarium in Atlanta, where he has been several weeks, his foot having been Fridav night Congressman Carl; amputated. ... conclude the fi»t of Mrc. E. R- Hines, who 1, a Iso hospital, tends the news to htis office that the Sheriff has taken his first step and we rejoice with Mrs. Hines fudge John Sibley Speaks Here Tuesd’y Baldwin Democratic Chib Spoasors Speaking at Court House Issues of residential Campaign tu Be Discaased by Atlaata Attorney NO FED EDUCATOR WILL BE HERE NEXT SUNDAY At eight o’clock Tuesday I orators of the State. Judge Sibley . will conclude the first * ries of speeches through the Tenth restrict in behalf of the Democratic ticket The speech Friday will be made at Gordon and party leaders in the neighboring are planning a great rally. Congressman Vinson opened the campaign in Sandersville last Friday afternoon when he spoke to an en thusiastic audience in Sandersville. Monday he spoke in Lincolnton where he was greeted by one of the most enthusiastic crowds of the week. Two speeches were on program Tuesday, a speech in Harlem Tuesday morning and Deering Tuesday night Wednesday the Congressman spoke in Wadley. The Congressman reviewed the history of the Wilson administration, pictured the Republican corruption end outlined to his listeners the in famous Dyer bill. Congressman Vinson, a member of the investigating committee of the lower house into the Oil scandals, pic tures the Republican pilage most vidividly and impressed the people throughout the district with the im portance of voting the straight Demo cratic ticket. do hundreds of friends of the popu lar officer in all sections of the coun ty, in his recovery and that he will be in the city again. Sheriff Terry has served the coun ty for a long number of years and his popularity was never more pro nounced when it was learned of the Sheriff’s operation a few weeks ago and that there wav concern for his recovery. evening, Baldwin county Democrats will pack the court house to hear Judge John A. Sibley, prominent At lanta attorney, discuss th iessues of the Presidential Campaign, and to participate in the first political rally of the coming election. The meeting next Tuesday is being sponsored by the Baldwin County Democratic Club and the people of Baldwin and adjoinging counties have been invited to hear Judge Sibley’s address. Judge Sibley is a native of Bald win county and has quickly become of the outstanding lawyers and has bene active in the campaign in Fulton county and his knowledge of the issues in the Presidential cam paign make him ably fitted to dis cuss them fairly and impartially. He is an eloquent speaker and the people of the county have a real opportunity to hear one of Georgia’s most promin ent men speak. The rally will open promptly st eight o’clock. The men and women of the county are requested by the locsl club to hear Judge Sibley. Added chairs will make seating acco modations plentiful. COL POTTLE MAKES SPEECHES FOR DEMOCRATIC PARTY MilMgeville Orator Reviews History of Parties, Flays Repabiicaa Corrmptioa Beforo Big Crowds Col. Joe Pottle returned to Mil- ledgeville yesterday after a stumping tour in which he spoke in Thompson on Saturday and in Sylvester on Mon day in behalf of the Democratic party. The Milledgeville attorney, one of Georgia’s best known orators, was greeted at both places with large enthusiastic audiences who teard him flay the Republican corrui lion and review the history of the tw d parties. He urged Democrats to reriain loyal to their party now that the lines of battle had been drawn and the metal of the party is under test. He told them of the friendship of Tammaney to the South, and pictur ed the Democratic party as the party of the Southern white man. The crowds who herad him interrupted frequently as the speaker reached those peaks of oratory characteristic It is understood, Mr. Pottle will make another speaking tour before November I*In. IMPROVEMENTS AT WATER PLANT A Levee Above High Witei Mark Has Been Erected. The Ciiy Getting Pure Water MERCER PRES. HERE SUNDAY Prominent Baptist Wil Speak a! Baptist Charch Next Saaday Morning. PaUic Invited ta Hear Noted Edacatar Dr. Spright Dowell, President of Mercer University will speak at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and an invitation has been extended the public by Rev. H. D. Warnock to hear the noted Baptist Educator. Dr. Dowell came to Mercer this year from Auburn, Alabama, where he was connected with the polytech nic school there. Ke is one of the most prominent members of the Southern Baptist church and Is forceful and eloquent i^eaker. ] stand for religious education has caught the attention of people all over the country. The usual services will be held al the Baptist church in the evening. Rev. H. D. Wamock, the pastor ducting the services. Contract Let For Hospital at G. S. S. Contracts Let By State Sanitaria (nr Modern Building. To Boor The Nome of Late Dr. L M. Jones. Al Officers Re-Elected at Meeting Last Week Chui Dr. H. W. Cox, President of Emory University and one of the loading lay members of the Southern Mchto- dist church, will speak at the Mehto- di»t church in this city next Sunday morning at 11:30 o’clock service. Dr. Cox is recognized as an elo quent forceful and entertaining speaker, and is always heard hy large audiences whereever he may speak. Rev. Mr. Yarbrough in announcing that Dr. Cox would be here, express ed the greatest pleasure in being able to secure his consent to come to Mil ledgeville and fill his pulpit. Dr. Cox is greatly interested in the young people of Georgia and it is hoped that he will be able while in the city to visit both colleges and address the student bodiea CADET S FACE NORMAN FRIDAY Class of South Georgia Hero for Gridiron Classic. Strongest G. I. A. A. Goe T rd*tfe. Game Sol for 3:30 Contracts were awarded ti«t Thursday at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State Sanitarium foT the erection of the Psychopathic and general hospital, the new build ing to be constructed by Wager ft Co., of Atlanta, at a cost of 1286,- 835. The building will be known as the L. M. Jones Hospital Building, bear ing the name of the late Superinten dent of the Institution who served than twenty years af the head of Georgia’s greatest charity The Board is maknig plana for the erection of the building progress and future of the Institu tion. The new hospital building will per mit the gathering under one r-of of recent and acute cases for closer ob servance and better attention. The physiciaily ill will be housed in this building. The Board held the annual election of officers at the Sanitarium during the sessions which lasted Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The Superintendent and physicians .at the Sanitarium had been named for period of two years and other offic- _ era were named at the session the opinion that it should bear ! week. The following were the offic- CITY RECORDER’S COURT TRIED NUMBER OF CASES Monday Afternoon Setaioi ■y one for Judge Carpenter The Monday afternoon session of the Rocorder’s Court was largely at tended by a large number of the colored population. There were twelve or fifteen cai on the docket facing Judge Carpen* when he called his court to order. The largest number of them were drunk and dsiorder. The most serious charge ’ acsirst A Ur? West, who resides on North Liberty street Sunday mom- «he was arrested by the police for ^hooting at Flornece Jackson with a ni?*ol. The onlv result of the shot however, wa-. that she badly frighten 'd the Jackson woman. Judge Carp- ttener gave her a fin« of {25.00 or 00 days, and placed her under a bond to the county court for $200.00, for unlawfully shooting at another. Willie Lewis and his wife had a row and he run her away from home with a shotgun. Lewis was fined $25.00 or 60 days on the streets. of the late Superintendent. Dr. Jones,’ an eminent physician, de voted the greater part of his life to service at the Sanitarium. Work will begin within ten days after the contracts are signed, and will be pushed rapidly to completion. The site for the new building has been selected and necessary changes in the present plan made for imme diate work. The building will face east and will be north of the female convalescent building. It will be similar in design and architecture to the other buildings on the sanitarium property. Modern in every detail the Board of Trustees felt they had filled a much needed necessity in the CADETS TAKE DEFEAT LAST SATURDAY IN AUGUSTA named J. J. Wootten, Pharmacist; Mrs. Mae M. Jones, R. N., Superintendent of Nurses; Otto M. Conn, Treasurer; Homer Bivins, Steward; T. H. De- Saussure, Engineer; W. S. Jett, Jr., Assistant Engineer; F. C. Penuel, Farm Steward; H. S. Jones; Secre tary; Arthur Farrel, Storekeeper; W. W. Stem bridge, Sanitation Officer; Rev. F. II. Harding, Chaplian (named according to rotating system) Leone Frederiekson, Dietitian; Mrs. George Echols, Dietitian; Miss Cecil Humphrey, Social Worker. Dr. Swint was instructed to em ploy a Pathologist to succeed Dr. E. B. Sayc, resigned. LIEUTENANT NASH HAS AUTO" STOLEN LAST THURSDAY ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOLS GOOD HaptwvB isd Salem Shaw 100 par ceat Atteadaaca Retard Duriaf Past Week. Eathasiastic latere st Shawa With the average attendance in all the schools of the county very good for the first month’s attendance, Superintendent Bivins and the coun ty teaehres .are unifying their ef forts to make the year the.most pro fitable in the history of the schools. Enthusiastic interest has been manifested in all schools this year and parent, teacher and pupil co-operating closely to make the year profitable. Superintedent Bivins and the teachers have stressed regular at tendance and unified harmony been giewn in every district. Class room instruction has been emphasised by the superintendent of schools and he is keeping in do** touch with the work. The average per cent attendance in the various schools for the week end ing October 20th, U -as follows: Salem, 100; Hopewell, 100; Meri wether, 98; Scottsboro, 94; Midway, 93; Cooperville, 91; Baldwin Pri mary, 90; Union Point, 89; Black Springs, 87; Union Hill, 80. Average for county 92.2 per hmond Academy Team S Inatoan Point. Against Red i Black Elaven, and Prevent Cadet ar Found in Ditch Near Gray. Boys Escaped from Training School Suspected by Army Officer _ _c:ng heir most dsrgerous G. L A. A foe of the season when the Norman Institute eleven invades Davenport Field next Friday after- , the G. M. C. cadets began priming for a come back after the defeat of last Saturday in Augusta. Scouts who have witnessed the Norman team in action declare them to be the hardest driving, moot ag gressive eleven in prep circles. They have a fleet footed tackfield that fling pa*es for any distance and circle ends In a fashion that makes it appear exceedingly- dangreous for the cadets. At any rate the fans of Milledgeville will see one of the most elusive teams that wil! come to Mil ledgeville this season in action against the cadets Friday afternoon. Johnny Broadnax believes his team has Ieamde a lot of football since last Saturday and that they will be a different team Friday. With odds against them, the Coach plans to shoot the works and have every man on the varsity in the game Friday. Canupp, Rich and Prince injuriea of last week are expected to be in rftape for the game Friday. Pup Phillips former Tech star will referee the game, with Freeman and Ban doing the assisting. REMODELING WORK BEGUN AT BALDWIN HOTEL Dtotag Boom sad Cafe to le Opened at Early Date •« Mai* af Balldaag Remodeling work was begun this week on the Jtoldjrin Hotel* and will bo poshed rapidly W ; completion eras an announcement mafte by the man agement of the hotel today. The two rooms on the main floor facing Wayne street will be con verted into a large dining room and cafe and will be equipped to accomo date an increased number of patrons over the present rooms. Private dining room is also included in the remodeling plan. This special room being equipped to accommodate par ties and special guests. The cafe • department, which will be separated •— — from the main dining room, will be KIWANIS TO HAVE KARNIVA! "P«n at >n hour. FRIDAY NIGHT I The lobby of the hotel is being -adies to Be Guost of Club •' Special Occasion. Night of Fua Expected .‘o Be The Best Yet gone over and the rooms in the building will be remodeled. The hotel management expects to have the work completed within a few weeks. Kiwanians of Milledgeville are FOOTBALL GAMES AND CIRCUS looking forward to the Kamival tJ iKES MANY OUT OF CITY fcheduled for next Friday evening in j the Gymnasium at G. M. C., when the Hig’-ways From City Fir.H Milladgo- wives of Kiwanis will be special . V ,U« People Enrooto to Macon, gucstH for the occasion. j Augusta and Atlanta The committee in charge of the j ’.program have worked out elaborate 1 Two football gamew and ! plans for the entertainment. Fortun circus attracted large crowds of people away Thr Na.h Sedan of Lieutenant V. TeiUni” boothlfThootinB galleries, from this city lot Saturday after- Suffering their first defeat of the L. Nash waa atolen from infront fijh d , ond ’ oSh , r mcnn , enter- noon, n rcifulnr caravan of aeason la.t Saturday in Augu-ta. the jd» residence on Clarke artcet last tainmcnt be .uged during the bile, yoiny to Macon nnd Auyusta. eveniny. Side ahowa and apeciai part of the even- The City Council is striving to give the city protection from impure wa- ler * The plant now has two chlori- n atOTB and two pumps. A new levee has been built above the high water R1a rk, which will it t*« the plant from an overflow. An - - . , . . -H- the State Heaith Depart- | ** *? ” rt --hows that the water when it G. M. C. cadets retuiaed to Milledge- Thursday evening and was later I vilfe without albi and began prepar- . 'ound ditched near Gray. 8tunU ^ bc f ing for the gome this week. j Lieut. Nash had pnrked the car 5np$ program . The Richmond tram displayed a earlier in the evening in front of his ^ box | unc h will be served. superirr team and were easy victors home and later went out to drive it ... in the game. The cadets threaten- 'o his garage and found it gone. Two j RED CROSS DRIVE TO OPEN IlTH which they were traveling had their ed several times, but lacked the hoys escaped from the Boy* Training NEXT MONTH ! capacity nnd then final runch. Badly crippled they School the s Followin'.- the G. M. C. cadets on tl i-ir invasion of August,-, cadets and i fans alik re there when the game ! started. The students made the trip •ay posible end ’ A shower of rain fell early Tues- the future prJ morning, with tie wind blow- ; ing from the South. Later in the fought an uphill battle and were un able to stem the Richmond attack. Can"pp, Rich ai.d Robertson wen out of the game, leaving G. M. » evening and the army lays the theft to the boys. : They were captured and found badly cut about the face and ?houlders showing they had been inf« WA e '“ - into the stand pipe and reach- r " the consumer is fre eof all bacte ria. The city made it possible for the ••■'ring of sewerage lines at, the State Prison Farm to proceed without inter action and this work is now in P r °great Superintendent P. E. Williams is Meeting the duties that involve up- °n him carefully and giving his best °‘fort* to keep the water at the high- tf"dmrd. SERVICE STAR LEGION TO MEET Woodrow Wilson Chanter of Star Legion wall then to the North-west. The clouds were blown away, -and the tempera ture began to fall. By night the change was quite perceptable, and for comfortable sleeping during the night blankets were found necessary. Wednesday morning early found tha temperature near the frost line. Those who had postponed buying coal, were reminded forcefully of their neglect, and many of them called up the coal dealers, and placed an order. withou' their main bail carries and w’rcrk. The car wsa badly damag- one of the powers on the defense. 1 *d when it went into a ditch on one Coach Broadnax in commenting on of the sharp curves in the detour the game had no criticism to make 1 from Gray to Macon, and merely stated that Richmond had j The circus in Macon was anothei The Annual Roll Call of the Red j attraction largely attended. People Cress, scheduled to open next month. | from all sections of the county went is being nlanned by Chapter Heads , to Macon to see Bamum Bailey Rmg- * Ut ° h«r». Th j quota for the county has land Bros, the biggest show on earth. the be ter team. The game S turday was not a G. L A. A. contest and stills leaves G. M. C. with a clear record in the as sociation. beet «.£ »t 400 and It is hoped th.' The highway, leading to Macon -ere mark will bc paused the first few day. crowded with traffic early in the day of tha drive. and •* thr d«y progressed the stream Mr,. Heindel Mobley . ha. been lncreo«d ; It la named chairman of th, roll call ‘hat there were thirty automobile, to CAPT. J. W. ROBERTS ILL | among the ladies of the city and a *° f,om tlua city M#con ,Ut Smt " — committee from the Kiwanis Club 1 ur «®y- ^ ^ Capt. J. W. Roberts has been quite I will work among the business men. The Tech Notre Dame game » this city the past | Miss Koffman field representative, larta was another attraction that | has made a recent visit to the city j interested the people here. Several . i cars made the trip to the Gate City. MUSIC CLUB TO MEET NEXT SATURDAY The Senior Music Club will meet next Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. H. Harding at 3:30. An his home sevreal days. Capt. Roberts on account of his ex-; and assisted old age, has been in declining I time past, but ha? 1 ! been able to be out, until a few days j The farmerB ^ Held | ago, when he was compelled to go to j an ^ profitable meeting at the home ^ Rose Tea Room In this ciiy, several THE ROSE TEA ROOM CHANGES HANDS pleasant Mitn Bell Freeman, who opened the :-Mdey nftvrnoon, October interesting program has been a t the home of Mrs. Chas. L. I ranged and all members are urged to bc present Th? remains of N. B. Fuller reach ed Milledgeville Wednesday morning 1 . ... - from SanDiego, Cal., a..d were met' by Mr. Jos A. Moore, and carried to his Urdertakers Home. . ,, Mr Fulle- ft 1 «t S.n Diego Inst | bed. I of M-- F - V«ol Sntnrdny. They month, .go, w --old to Miu Alieo TT , : n the c pcinfp,inr-itn were t erred an excellent barbecue Brid*rt-Il t *vLo femes to this city from "f [*°'»Tha," -Vtr : , *• ° ! J-n g 1 Dickon pi. dinner with .com- -otv ierc Me-. Bridwiel hm, hnd United State, >■“ »*■**-"• I soldier and *rved M.lledgevUb by ^ Vm j. Tbe dlnn „ .., T , ri , brc in con-lnrting cafe., and Mrs. Beck. and^a^ ! police officer a long number of years. waJ , thoroughly enjoyed. The No-! the will serve well prepared meals * - ffhe will appreciate the T-v f 1 1 6 1 ' burial wilT'be at J -* c ‘ 1* well-known throughout Bladwin vember meeting Of the Club will be r’l hours, aari’’ Friday afternoon. ! =nd Ha-tork count!-.- ' hold with Mr. Terrance Treanor. | -renarr *1 cf the public.