Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 01, 1928, Image 1

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«,>„ ME£P \C1X ta jf» Miflcdgeville, G»., NotcrW 1, 1928 Consolidated tn 1872 Number *1 SWEEPING VICTORY SEEN FOR DEMOCRATS PARTY LEADERS NO CONNECTION ! big vote expected at BIG RALLY AT JUDGE SIBLEY HAKE FINAL PLEA SAYSW.M’ADOO polls next Tuesday; SIMPSON HALL MAKES ADDRESS Bi. Tigner, County Chairman and Denies All Connection With Ross Col. Sibley, District Chairman McAdoo’s Tour of State for Address Letters to Voter? Hoover Ticket it Became of Connty Known Todav ask CONSIDERATION of issuEsj St= mc,^- Site Attempts of Opposition to Mislead Voters. Bring out Real Issues in Campaign to The Public Over Two Thousand Registered VfYTI*RQ |IL'Al/ Voters in County and Great I * wllilMJ lsLullt Majority Expected to Vote in Election McAdoo, former 'ressury under the With interest at fever heat in the Presidential campaign following the bids of both parties for the vote in this county on Tuesduy and Wednes day night, the largest vote ever poll ed in a presidential cumpaign is ex pected to be cast on next Tuesday, November 6th. .k. „„„ - . , , , _ ... Judge W. H. Stembridge. Ordinary r. E A. Ti*n«r, Chairman of the | »« «• -ohedok-d Repubhcan . baa htod , ons (or , be etec . ikmoemdc ont.nix.tion in Baldwin , R *>‘> «'C»,art iou* to:m,jiht ; tion- Bmmgm and clcrk , havi „ k . county and Col. Erwin Sibley head, * * ar, cose rien o r * ! been appointed for the eight precincts „f the Tenht District brine a final c - M f d “°' *‘*<* d today that the ^ th( . c Th . cit wi „ .,,,,e.l to the Voter, of the county in | former Eecretary knew nothing of I open at seven and close at six and all Wilson Adminii nection whatever with the appear- ance of his brother. Ross McAdoo, in making anti-Smith speeches in Geor gia this week, it became known here today from authorative sources, on of the scheduled Republican I ^ a ' • ...... the speaking engagement of his i addressed"to" tile public brothl ' r * nd positively denied haviuE any connection with his tour in Geor- half of the National ticket. The letters Witt/the'approach of the National! ««• It luld •«>* previoujy rumored Election I trust that our people will **« «P«<* ">”de under the eivr'their ccmskltratlon tu the fund.- d '«'“°” « Mr. W. G MeAduu. mental aisues and lay aside the petty Mr. W. G. McAdoo is not opposing- things which have been pressed into the Democratic nominee it way stated this present campaign. county election places will open at nine and close at three as provided by law. The campaign in the last few weeks has increased in interest and an active Republican organization has gotton under way, here-to-fore un known in thi« county. Both parties Let not the scurrilous and prejudi- al gain prominent place in your ninds, for such iy of low leadership ,nd misleading. We people in Geor- :ia and the people all over the South ove the Democratic party—and our [>ve is sincere—for it has been the bulwark of our protection and de- Ynse during the years when our com- non government has been under the untrol of a party most cruel and in considerate to Southrcn people and Southern interests. Our party has chosen as its stsnd- rd-bearer in this National Campaign —a great Democrat—His life his- U,r/ and public career have held him*, to dose touch to the peoplt. There is indisputable evidence of the liberties and the rights—of all s burning passion in his breast for men like that of Patrick Henry—and his heart is attune to the pulse beat of the musses, as was Thomas Jeffer? and although he is taking no active j made a bid for the votes on Tuesday part in the campaign he has previous- J and Wednesday of this week, rallie- ly declared his intentions of voting being held at the Court House, the Democratic ticket. He will re- Both sides hove predicted victor? main silent as fur s ‘ Geo. Carswell, Joe Pottle aod Enthusiastic Crowd Heart Atlanta C1IITII 1TT 1 /!]/ Erwin Sibley to Addreu Voters Attorney Outline Principle* of Jlfll 1H A1 1 AIR of H » rdwic, ‘ »» d South Bald- Campaign. Flay. Corruption win at Great Rally Praisei Al Smith Ross McAdoo. Brother of W. C., Friday night at seven o’clock a POTTLE INTRODUCES SPEAKER Assails Smith Tammany at i Democratic rally will be held at Hard- 1 Court He die Tonight at The speakers will he Hon. G«,. I AlH-Snloon League WonM Torn Republican Railey The Republican party made its initial and finul bid for the Baldwin county vote tonight in the county Court House when Mr. Rosa McAdoo, brother of W. G. McAdoo, addressed the voters on behalf of the Hoover- Curtis ticket. Mr. McAdoo was presented to the audience by Mr. J. R. Norment, for mer head of the Hoard of Education, Mr. Norment in his opening address urged the voters to rally to the stand ard of Hoover and Curtiw Baldwin county people heard for the first time « plea made for the Republican party when Mr. McAdoo urged a disregard of party lines and j of hearing as forceful speakers i that the vote of the people here be ! ever got upon a platform, given to Mr. Hoover. They will probably be greeted by the campaign is for their candidate, and party lead- . Mr ’ M ' Ad,>0 " tr0 "* 1 * <™„demncd | tor *» «“* “Unutatto uudteUCI. fnnl minfiilnnf nf win miner Ob. I OUimunj Can-well, Col. Jos. E. Pottle and Col Erwin Sibley. Mr. Carswell is recognized as one of the most forceful orators and speakers in the State. He knows Churches to Repubhcnns Sibley Declares. Declines Invitation ties in the State and has been greeted by large and enthusiastic audiences. Col. Erwin Sibley has spoken in a number of counties in the Tenth Dis trict, and his arguments for the Democratic nominee** havfc proven! convincing. With these three outstanding Democrats as speakers the people of Hardwick will have the opportunity concerned and is neither directly or j ers feel confident of winning. Ob-‘ ,,n,n,un > nn ■*> e * as a separate • ^ fl MA rsur— - “ ~ > “iG. S. C. GIRLS TO VOTE TUESDAY hoy. here u„d , the county will remain in the Drc, , “7" ” d i"-r pail offered ; frien, ‘ 3 colum " “ nd A1 Smith “ nd th ” demijo'hn offered’hy "the Demo" nttlc 1 The brothers it is well-known by cloi Mr. W. G. McAdoo here that he and | party ticket given his brother have often differed on I vote! political questions. Tho the Republican party is seek ing in every :onceivab!e way to de fame him—t* discredit him—to lead the people to believe that Al Smith is an undesirable citizen—yet despite all of this, the truth is stealing into tht minds of the American public that he is the greatest champion of good—honest and fair government in America today. The reason of this attempt to de- him and to discredit him GROCERY FIRM END 23RD YEAR A. J. Carr Co., Hat Grown in Great Strides During Twenty-three Years of Business here. First Head Still Active MR. 0.0. BANKS DIED TUESDAY party. Mr. McAdoo was bom in Millcdge-. villc and referred to this fact in his opening remarks to the voters hero Reviewing the record of Mr. Hoover, the New Yorker praised the j achievements and success of the Re-1 publican candidate and rtated be did not believe there was a business man j Well-known Citizen Pusses After \ £_2* hou “ " h " “ ould . Al A Day’s Illness. Funeral Will The A. J. Carr Grocery Company is concluding its twenty-third year in business having grown from a small store to its present quarters of four store rooms and a branch in Eatonton Georgia in the brief span of Be Held Friday Afternoon The funeral services of Mr. O. O. Banks will be held at the residence in this city Friday afternon at three o'clock. - Mr. Banks died'At his home in this city Tuesday afternoon, October 30th, about four o’clock. Mr. Banks wns stricken with a hemorrhage of the brain some time Th,. firm was organized bv Mr. A. | d uring Mnndoy night, and was found J. Carr, who is still active in the, >■> an unconscious condition Tuca- liusinc*. nnd ha, had a steady and d “>’ morning, when he was called by substantial growth in less than n 1 a member of the family. Physicians quarter of a century. Mr. Carr is were summoned, and It was realized ■implc—Al Smith" ia the greatest recognized as nn, of Milledgcvillc’s ; that hi. condition was »>°* most substantial Cosiness men and 1 lingered until the above h ur, i*> ranked with ths leaders in ihe j passed away, social, civic nnd religious life of the 1 Mr. Banks was seventy-one years community. He started his grocery j of age, and has been a resident of career wi‘h the W. T. Conn Co.,' this city about thirty years, coming grocers, and later organized his own j hree from Jasper county, where he business. He is active today as the 1 *nd grown to mnnhood. During his head of the concern and has aisociat- residence here he has been engaged eJ with him two of his ons, Mr. in various enterprises, and has made Arthur Carr. Jr., and Mr. Conn Carr, a good citizen. He was well-known manager of the Eatonton branch that ‘hroughout Baldwin and surrounding was opened about two years ago. counties. He was one of the members The Carr store now occunios the o{ first board of Directors of the largest floor space of any business Exchange Bank, in the city. The business is housed Mr. Banky is survived by Mrs. in five store rooms, the main build- Bnnks, and seven children, Mrs. A. ing being a three story structure. W. Watkins, of this city; Mrs. O. E. The page advertisenymt in this Herndon, of San Antonio, Texas; I Smith to conduct their husinesy preference to Mr. Hoover. The ypeech was heard by a crow that pratically filled the court rooi Several hundred people packed in- how to catch and hold hi.y hearers. I ^ ^ Baldwin CO unty Court House Col. I’ottle has during the present Tueaday evening despite the cold campaign spoken in a number of eour.. th.t had fallen through- out the day and heard Judge John Sibley of Atlanta outline the iswes in the campaign and urge the elec tion of Governor Alfred E. Smith and Senator Joe Robinson. An enthusiastic demonstiation was given Judge Sibley when he walked to the speakers stand in company with Dr. E. A. Tigner, County Chairman. Col. Erwin Sibley, 10th District Chairman, and Col. Pottle, prominent attorney. Tne cheering continued when Dr. Tigner aroac and in u stirring appeal for party loyalty nnd support presented Col. Pottle to the audience. Col. Pottle briefly reviewed the history of the Republican party nnd styled them as tho enemy of the South. He declared a Hoovercrat was a misnoma and a hybrid, but were Republicans in every sense of the word. He told of the Dyer bill nnd in a stirring story lilustrnted the infamous law for which the Repub lican party s ood. “The real issues in the campagin are not prohibition, not Tammaney, not Catholicism but the Racial Integrity of the South, as far as we are concerned” Mr. Pottle stated as he concluded his speech and presented Judge Sibley to the nudi- threat to continued Republican rule and Republican control. *» seems as if it is providential— if not providential—to be sure it is refreshing and re-assuring, that when public confidence in our governmen tal affairs is at such a low ebb, that a character like Alfred E. Smith should appear on our National Politi cal jeene of action. For if there e»er was a creditable **>«n ik American pol»».‘-a Alfred E. He is a credit to his family— He is a credit to his home and com munity— He is a credit to his church— t credit to his Stati He 1 a credit to the Democratic week’s of the Union Recorder Messrs Gaither and Olin Banks, Mrs. W. E. Ireland, Misses Dorothy and Ruth Banks of this city. A broth er, Mr. O. O. Banks, of Monticello, Party, and they all love him and hon- depicts the growth of the Carr store him, and if the people of the ov *r the twenty-three years. United States will elect him to the Presidency, he will be a credit to SPOOKS AND HOBGOBLINS America—For under the administra- PARADED LAST NIGHT ti°n of such a man—u feeling of — confidence in government will be re- Last night was Hallowe’en and the stored and a good era—such as our ! night for the parade of spooks, country hasn’t enjoved in a long time i gho.-ts, hobgoblins and all that is evil. Plans are being made to receive will drawn—and you can be assured I Kiddies staged their parade wrap- the election returns next Tuesday that Al Smith would go down on the 1 ped in sheets and other spookey , ‘ l ”f the renowned American Presi- \ dress. BUCKEYE CO. BUYS01LM1LL MilledfeviSle Products Company Sold to Bif Cotton Oil Concern. Mill Will Not Be Operated Any This Year Reports of the sale of the Milledge- j rather than determining wh* *» of the ville Products Company, Cotton Oil candidates is the more popuu. among Manufacturers in this city, to the the young ladies at the college. Buckeye SCotton Oil Co., a Muksidiary I of the largest manufacturers CONGRESSMAN VINSON AND Acthre Campaign Beinp Eaged fo Candidates on Campus. Registra- tration Attracts Attention. Rallys Friday The young women students of the Georgia State College for Women •will vote on next Tuesday in the Presidential efaction, arrangement j having been made for the young ladies to vote a ticket similar to th* ones used at the county poles for th* purpose of learning how to vote. The two major parties have strong supporters and Friday night a rally will be hold in the college auditorium. Representatives for Mr. Hoover anil Mr. Smith will make campaign speeches and stage a parade for their The polls will open with managers clerks, etc., just us a real election and will be conducted under strict rules. The election is being held to in- **truct the young women in voting ELECTION RETURNS WILL PROBABLY BE RECEIVED in the country, was confirmed here this week. The sale included the physical n'ant of the Products Company near the Georgia depot, with the complete holdings of the company here. The sale also include* 1 the cotton gin of the company near the oil mill. It Is understood the plant will not be operated this year while the talc of cotton seed meal and hulls will be continued. The announcement stat ed that the plant would be operated next year provided there was suffici ent cotton seed procurable in this territory to warrent the plant being put in operation. The weekly pay roll of Milledgo- ville will be materially increased if the plant is operated, Mr. C. E. Smith, the present manager, showed, about fifty people being employed opera* Ion of the plant. COL. SIBLEY SPEAK The crowd rose to their feet and continiously cheered the speaker as he stepped to the stand. The native Baldwin county boy had returned home, this time to adviso his friends and fellow-citizens in regard to the great issues before them and he was uiven an enthusiastic reception, peledging their faith in his ability to direct them and showing ttieir en thusiasm in hfo mission. •Judge Sibley opened his address by reading a letter he had received shortly after he had declared him self for Governor Smith in a letter to the Atlanta Journal. The letter condemned Governor Smith, the Cath olic church, Tammaney Hall and told Judge Sibley he should vote for Hoover and that he hnd taken the wrong course. He. read the letter he said to show how strongly organized the Republican foe and how their passed through the Congressman Carl Vimnn and Col. Irwin Sibley addressed the voters of 1 Jefferson county Wednesday. Both j propaganda of them are preaching strong Demo-, r°“ntry. cratic doctrine forcefully and thje “Al Smith is the bset qualified man people of Jefferson heard two good i in America today," the speoker said, speeches. "I have been invited into the Republi- _______________ • can party but I decline their invita- will tell you the reasons MERCER AND EMORY ... , . PRESIDENTS IN CITY SUNDAY^ 1 4 r . n. poiwca, c«n- i virt ; ons or political stability. He was i for the League of Nations under Wil- ! son. a Democrat, and again**, them under Harding, a Republican. He has j not the conviction nor the sincerity to face the American people.” 1 Republican corrup- Milledgeville had as it** gue«ts Sun day two of the leading educators of Georgia and of the South. They were Dr. Spright Dowell, President of Mer cer University, and Dr. H. W. Cox, President of Emory University. den ‘ *• He ha» forged to the top of ' ladder under big difficulties— tut by the sheer force of his bravo ar *d hom-at character—his efforts and "• s ability he has won and he has Won by pure merit—a place in the confidence and esteem of his fellow country one that is so strong and 10 pronounced that the Democratic P“riy has made him their leader in *he interest of better government in °ur land. 0 Ur party has brilliant chances of ‘■'ccesg with such a stalwart Demo- IContiniMd <*" *•••)! The students of the Georgia State College for Women had their annual Hallowe’en party sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. AH the young ladies were dressed in sheets and games of all sorts were played. A. A. U. W. TO MEET MONDAY The American Association of Uni versity Women will meet on next Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. David Fergu on. Miss Ferguson and Miss Steele will be joint hostesses. <r ening over the telegraph. A nu her of merchants are co-operating the effort to get this information , T. Wynn, fell at the home of her son from over the nation. j last Wednesday evening, and disloca- The Union Recorder iy sponsoring; ted one of her hips. Mrs. Wynn was this movement with the Democratic In her room alone at the time, and Dr. Cox addri’zzod a lame confrre- Uon Tol(1 „ f thc kI „ ft bl . ibery a „d the «< the Mcthodi.it church at the [ „ amla , that hod xrown out of tho ; mominu icrvicc, and Ur. Dowell party (|aria>r the pa „ t , iabt y ,. a „ ] preached at the ,amc hour to a laritr cannot permi t lo allien my- MOTHER OF DR W I WYNN I c °"ir'*ir“ t 'on at the Buptut church. „ lf with a „ ang Hite that" He VICTIM OF ’ AN AmnFNT E ° th spe “ kcTs were HlMncd wilh VILlini Uf AW AtUUtH I | the closest attention, and their dis- Mrs. W. L. Wynn, mother of Dr. W. | courses were master pieces from thoughtful minds, pure in diction and uplifting in sentiment. committee and will complete all rangements to get the first returns Tuesday night The returns will either be flashed or called as they are received. P. T. A. MEET NEXT FRIDAY The regular monthly meeting of thc P. T. A. will be held on Friday nft*»r*oon Nov. 2"d. in the grade building. Hour 4:00 o’clock. way endeavoring to turn on an elec tric light Physicians were hastily summoned, and she waa later carried to the City Hospital, where she has been. She ia quite aged ana great coucern is felt about her condition by phys«ian and loved on»*. The united sympathy of our peo ple and the hope ‘h»t hi-' m^h^r would regain her health have been expressed to Dr. Wynn. The congregations were made up largely of young people, and an im pression wav left on their minds, which should be an inspiration to high and noble living. U. D. C. TO MEET NOV. tTH The November meeting of the Robert E. Lee Chapter of U. D. C will be held Thursday afternoon, Nov. 8th, with Mrs. L. M. Jones. AH numbers are invited to be present Judge Sibley used tho words of Senator Borah, Senator Rrookhart, and Senator Cummings, all Republi can* as witnesses against Mr. Hover. He laid at the door of Mr. Hoover rseponsibility /or a part of the mis conduct and declared hJpiself toa much of a Christian gentlemen to be come asocirited w|th them. Judge Sibley declared that real danger faced the South if they divid ed their party allegiance. He used' the Dyer bill to illustrate and force fully showed his audience of the nece?rity of standing as a United Democratic party to combat the Re publican tryany that would envelope (Continued on page rover;)