Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 15, 1928, Image 1

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HOSIERY MEL IS DISCUSSED Large Plant of The East Hunting l ocation. Plus Submitted and Discussed By Interested Citizens Mr. R- H. Wdotten, who is at the head of the Chamber of Com merce, called several of Milledge- vjfefs citizens together Monday morning, at the office -»f Mr. J. E. Kidd, to meet Mr. Robert Edmond, Industrial Representative of the Georgia Power Co., .and Mr. S. Bach elor, of F. S. Bachelor & Co., Inc., Real Estate and Industrial Financing Firm Mr. Wootten then submitted let ters ho had received, which set forth the fact that a large hosiery concern of the East was hunting a location in the South for a large plant to be valued at $3,750,000 dollars, with an annual payroll of $150,000, and the conditins upon wfcich this plant naming the amount of local capital could he secured for Milledgeville, which would have to be invested. Dr. J. E. Kidd, who is deeply inter ested in aiding in securing the loca tion of manufacturing plants in the city, gave the visitors the informa tion fo what it was desired to do to interest the people here in the move ment. und stated that there were sev eral desirable sites available, and told of the advantages offered by the city. Messrs. Bachelor and Edmond discussed the matter freely and open ly as to how the local stock might be financed, and promised every assist ance in carrying out plans which were formulated. There will be other information to submit to the public at an early date, which should arouse interest and en thusiasm in the city. There is one thing our people should realize, and that is an oppor tunity is knocking at our door, and that the location of a manufactur ing plant here of the proportions proposed would mean a great increase in the value of taxable property, *a large payroll, and an addition of many citizens. That the only oppor tunity the city now has to take a forward step is to secure manufactur ing enterprises. There is one fact certain and that is th* manufacturing concerns of the East and North are turning towards the South, and that a new* era is dav ning for this section. If one plart could be secured it can be safely counted that others would fol low. PEOPLE WANT BROTHER JOHN YARBROUGH BACK Metbodis Voicing the sentiment of the peo ple of Milledgeville of every denomi nation, hundreds of people shouted “I” in approval to the question if the Methodist Bishop should send Rev. John F. Yarbrough back here as pas tor for another year. Brother John, as he is affectionate ly known by every person in the city- regardless of religious creed, had just concluded a most remarkable speech one that had caught the attention of every person in the vast throng that hud gathered to dedicate the Legion memorial, when Co. Erwin Sibley stated that he hoped the conference, to convene this week, would return him, and putting the question to the people they spoke the sentiment of the entire town. Mr. Yarbrough has served here two years and his human understand ing and sincere chirstian spirit has made him the friends of hundreds. There have been few men in this community who have been so general ly loved and admired as Mr. Yar brough. FRIDAY EVENING “Walk This Way” Starring E-canty Chorous and Local Talent to Be Big Hit. Snappiest Comedy Yet THIS’ THAT AND THE OTHER Under the above Caption Mrs. Nelle Womack Hines will contribute a special feature column for the Union-Recorder. The first of these feature stories will appear in the paper in the issue of November 22nd. This announcement will be received with a great deal of pleas ure by our readers who will look for ward with pleasant anticipation to the next issue of the paper. The friends of Mr. W. H. Mont gomery are glad to learn that he is steadily recovet’ng after an illness of several days. Mr. W. H. is one of Baldwin county’s progressive farmers and substantial citizens. .LEGION ENTERTAINED AT SUPPER MONDAY EVENING linion Hoil to Legion on Armu > Day. Ex-Dough Boya Spend Evening Going Over Days of War lb*. Richard Binion gave the mem- t*'* of the Morris-Little Post of the American Legion a great treat Mon day evening whon he entertained the entire membership at a dinner at the Rildwin Hotel, celebrating the end ing of the wrold war. The dining room was decorated in th' * 1 * * * flags and colors of our country an d a turkey dinner was served. The p z-llough Boys spent a most enjoy- ahl e evening. Speeches were plenti- f "! and patriotic songs filled the air. Storigg 0 f th e war were gone over °nd once .again the soldiers went ° V L r . th, “ days of 1917 and 1918. Those who enjoy good music, hearty laughter, and pretty girls will not want to miss the clever musical comedy “Walk This Way” to be presented Friday evening at 8:30 in the G. M. C. auditorium under the auspices of the American Legion. The cast in strictly local and the play is one of the snapple** musical comedies yet given. The section of the show takes place in a fashion shop in New York City, where Mary is a model. She is in love with Jimmie, who is seeking his fortune so that they may be mar ried. Billie, the florwalker, is in love with Peggy, the green little country girl, but his financial condi tion is preventing their marriage. All of the shop girls are in love with Mr. Goyne. the French proprie tor of the shop, but he has eyes only for Mary. His thirteenth proposal nearly proven fatal to her, for her love afairs have been so tangled by Gotrox, that she believes Jimmie no longer loves her. But like all good shows should do, it all comes out right in the end. There is never a dull moment in the show, for when Jiggs and Mag gies are not having their wide-split ting troubles, we are laughing at Mrs. Injam and Mrs. Hightower, the comedy shoppers, who come to look, but not to buy, or at Rosie and Mable. such goc I sales girls that they almost sold something. Tickets on sale at Fraley’s Phar macy. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt Invited to Visit G. S. C. W. Governor Elect of New York in Georgia. Dr. and Mn. Tigner Visit Him Sunday. Many Urging Hit Visit to Georgia's Old Capitol Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Govcr-| Democrats and reporters of nor Elect of New York, is at Warm | New York dtys loading newspapers. Spring, Ca„ wh,rt> ho was accorded! Dr ' J ' U Bceron * P^aident of G. u warm and enthusiastic reception. I)r. and Mrs. E. A. Tigner spent Sunday at Warm Springs, and visited Mr. Roosevelt while there, and great ly enjoyed their visit, with this noted Democrat. Dr. Tigner was at home among the people of Warm Spring, as it iw his native hea th. He talks most en thusiastically of his last visit, as he met several of New Yorks leading S. C. W., has written Mr. Roosevelt extending him a cordial invitation to visit G. S. C. W., during his stay Georgia, Mr. Roosevelt has expressed a desire to acqua : nt himself with Georgia history, and there more historic place in Georgia than Milledgeville. Dr. Tigner has ulso written the Reporters of the New York papers sn invitation to come to Milledgevill? during their stay in Georgia. MR. Z. D. HARRISON VISITS CITY OF HIS EARLY LIFE Pr.min.nt Gnnrfian Who Laft H.r. Sixty Years Ago Spends Tuesday in City, Accompanied by Daughter G. S. C ALUMNAE PLAN REUNION OM Graduates Coming Back Thanksgiving. Local Club to Be Hostess. Drive Now on Plans art* going forward for the G. S. C.W. Home Coming of the Alumnae on Thanksgiving Day when the local chapter of the organization will be hostesd. A special issne of the Colonnade next week will tell of the special program being planned. The local chapter is anxious to have every ex-G. S. C. girl a mem- iter of the Baldwin county chapter. The names of the present chapter arc lis’.ed below and those whose names are not included will please send it to Miss Ruth Stone, Milledgeville. Ga. BALDWIN COUNTY ALUMNAE Georgia Stale College for Women Adams, Luiclc; Adams, Mattie Lou; Allen, Dawson, Jr., Mrs.; Allen, Ed win, Mrs.; Allen, Isabel; Allen Sara; Andrews, L. H. Mrs.; Alford, Roy Mrs.; Ashfield, Rosa May; Bazemore, Birdie; Bass, E. E. Mrs.; Baisden, Emma; Barnes, E. L. Jr.. Mrs.; Barnes, Agnes; Barr, Elizabeth; Bar- , Will Mra.: Beck, L. L. Mrs.; Bin- RED CROSS DRIVE IS IN PROGRESS Committee Buy Getting Member! for The Nation! Greatest Relief Organization The Committee, headed by Chair man D. M. Rogers, is making a drive for Red Oros* member?hip at th? mme time Mrs. Heindcl Mobley is in charge of the residential section in the cit~. Baldwin coun.ys quota of the membership os four hundred. Fifty per cent of the membership fee of one dollar is kept at home for local charity. The Red Cross has never failed to respond when there is a call for re lief work. It carries aid and assist ance, and relelvos suffering and destress. The people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county will heed the call and join the Red Cross. The drive wil continue through this week. The first day drive netted seventy-five members. See that your name iB on the roll this week. Mr. Z. D. Harrison and daughter, Miss Emily Harrison, of Atlanta, were in the city Tuesday. Mr. Harrison is clerk of the Su preme Court of Georgia and is of Georgia's outstanding citizens, and a leading member of the Epis copal Diocese of the South. Mr. Harrison was at one tic resident of Milledgeville, coming here as u boy, with his father, who came here as a State oficial when Milledge ville was the Capital. He left here in 18G8 and went to Atlanta, and has filled the position of Cleark of the Supreme Court. Accompanied by Col. Irwin Sib ley, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison took an automobile ride through the city. Mr. Harrison found that many of the land marks that had stood in the city whon he was a boy here, had been re moved. In conversation with the writer he recalled old Washington Hall; the old McComb Hotel, the old Sanford building, many instances of his boyhood days were recalled dur ing his .*itay in the city. The writer was glad to meet him because he was one of the early friends of his futher. GOOD WOMAN HAS GONE TO REWARD Mrs. Lucy V. Williuui Paued Away Thursday Evening. Funeral Service; Held Saturday Maruiuf G. S .C. W. ALUMNAE TO MEET There will be a meeting of the ford. "ji'lriTf Btai™, "Richard Mrs.; Mdv*. county G. S. C W. Ahutn* Hone, Frank Mra; Bone, Jessie Mrs.; »t Purl., Hull, Bone, r.ussell Mrs.; Blanks, Sara; Join the Red Cross this week you will aid an organization to relief th-.- suffering of humanity. i, Lucy; Brooks, Mary; Bright, Lawrence Mrs.; Brown, Walter, Mrs.; Brannen, Elizabeth; Brannen, Elean or: Brown, Elizabeth Bivins, Mrs.; < ulloway, Leon, Mrs.; Carpenter, George, Mrs.; Chandler, W. J. Mrs.; Cline, Katie; Cline, Mary; Conn, Ot to, Mrs.; Conn, Charlie Mrs.; Cook, Callie; Cooper, J. C. MrH.; Cox, G. S.; Dr. Dunaway, Lucilc; Dunaway, Mar;.•»:..*; Davis, George Mrs.; Davis, :,r. F. Mrs.; Day, Constance; Day, Mrs. Harold; Echols, George Mrs.; Kllison, Inez; Ellison, Anna; Ellison, Florrie; Ennis, Oscar Mrs.; Ennis, Frances; Ferguson, Frances; Finney, T. J. Mrs.; Flemister, Malcolm Mrs.; Garrard, W. T. Jr., Mrs.; Gibson, Chas. Mrs.; Grant, Elizabeth; Hall, Emily; Hall, T. M. Mra; Hall, Alice; Harrison, W. D. Mrs.; Harper, Annie; Harper, Mabry; Harper, Moody; Harper, Eloise; Hawkins, Louise; Hawkins, Kathleen; Hays, Roy L. Mrs.; Herndon, Mrs.; Hines, E. R. Mrs.; Hines, Will Mrs.; Holsenbeck, (Continued on back page) eight Monday November 19th, at 3:30 P. M. MRS. E. CULVER KIDD COL ROACH TO HAVE CHARGE OF METHODIST SERVICES SUNDAY Work of Layman and Thair Relati •hip to Church Will Be Discuss* Rev. | John F. Yarbrough, pastor of the Methodist church, will he ab sent from the city next Sunday morn ing, and he has asked Col George S. Roach, president of G. M. C., and who was recently appointed local lay leader of the church to take charge of the services Sunday Morning. Col. Roach is arranging an interest ing program, providing for the dis cussion of the activity of the lay men, and their relation to the church and pastor. It is probable that several talks will be made by representatives of the various departments, and the en tire work of the church emphasized. There will be no services at the church Sunday evening. RETURN OF REV. J. F. YARBROUGH REQUESTED Resolution* by Board of Stewards and Hundreds of Milledg. Citizens Say So Th? wiwi for the return of Rev. John F. Yarbrough, as pastor of the Methodist church for another year is universal throughout the city. At a meeting of the Board of Stew ards of the Methodist church Thurs day evening of last week a resolution was passed authorizing the Secretary to write to Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding Elder of the Oxford Dis trict, that it was the desire of the members of the Board that Mr. Yar brough be returned as pastor for another year. The large throng gathered Memorial Dedicatory services of the Morris-Littlu Post voted enthusiastic ally for the folowing resolutions: Whereas, Rev. John Yarbrough, .affectionately known to ull of every creed a.id faith—proti and catholic and jew nnd gentile, alike,—as "brother John,” in his ap propriate address and remurks dedi cating the American Legion War Me morial here on the Georgia Military College campus, hos again emphasiz ed to us his brotherly love and uni versal friendship and has made itj again apparent that hit* continued presence is essent ' to the welfare and growth of the spiritual life of our city and community; and, Whereas, it has become known that the Conference of his Denomination will meet at an early date and assign ments for churches will be made and we of all denominatinos desire that the authorities of his church have for consideration the attitude of every one of Baldwin county toward him: BE IT RESOLVED that, we the people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county, and our friends, in mass meet ing assembled do petition the METH ODIST CHURCH AUTHORITIES, to Mrs. Lucy Vinson Williams, widow of the late Mr. W. P. Williams, peace fully und quietly posed away early Thursday evening, November 8th. Mrs. Williams had reached the ripe old age of eighty-four years, and her long life was one of usefulness and nervicc in every relationship. She was a member of one of Geor gia's pioneer families, her parents being Mr. Ebcnwr Vinson, and Mrs. Martha Dickson Vinson. She was born in Hancock county September 19th, 1844, and came to Baldwin county with her parents when she was ten yeras of age. Her girlhood days were spent in a home noted for its Southern hospitality, and where the nobler and higher sentiments of womanhood were taught and lived. These ideals became u pa-t of her life, and developed in a murked de gree. In early womanhood she married Mr. W. P. Williams, who had just a few years before returned from the war in which he hnd served in the Confederate army bravely and hero ically. They commenced life togeth er in the dayo when fortitude, sacri fice and undaunted spiri*.« were de manded. She was a helpful and sympathetic wife, and made her home one of love and devotion to her chil dren. Mr. Williams preecedcd her to the grave several years ago. She exemplified the virtues of kindness, sympathy and helpfulness, which made hre life a Messing to all who came under its influence. Mrs. Williams was u member of the Methodist church, and her faith in the Christian religion never falter ed. She is survived by one son, Mr. Dixon Williams of this city and one daughter, Mrs. Fannie Given, of Mi ami, Fla., Mrs. Given was unable to attend the funeral nnd burial of her mother, on account of illness. She is also .survived by several grand-chil dren, and Mr. E. S. Vinson, of this city is the only living brother. The good that she has done will live after her to bless her memory. The funeral services were held at- the Methodist church Saturday morn ing by Rev. John F. Yarbrough in the j presence of a number of relatives and friends. The remain.* were buri ed on the family square in the city cemetery, the pull-bearers being Messrs. Otto M. Conn, Carl Vinson, E. R. Hines, J. E. Kidd, W. L. Ritchie and R. B. Moore. CADETS DEFEAT MADISON AGGIES IN HOLIDAY GAME Impressive Exercises Mark Fedication of Legion Memorial r. their thanks for the de- As the last note of America faded into the distance and the hundreds of Milledgeville people who had gath ered at the G. M. C. Athletic field to witness the dedication of the me- mortal to the dc.d of tho late world w.-tr by tho Amoricon Lesion, food out th tgate, of the beautiful me- mortal arch, sadneM end joy alike were written on their feces, but i fire nf patriotism burning in every breast and agreat.-r love for their country and a moot profound respect for those who not so nwny years ago wore the kaki. The sene was tmpreaaive as Lot. Erwin Sibley stepped to the frontof the rostrum, erected in the field for the speakers stand, and announced the band would open tho service, with tho Star Spangled Banner. The vac throng rose to their feet uad wi.h bared hcad.-i heard ;•>!»•« th,t * beautiful of all patriot by Maj. Ostorman and his G. M. C. band. Rev. H. D. Warnock invoked the aid of the Almighty upon the gathering and the exercises that Mil ledgeville and especially the mem bers of the American Legion and their Auxilliary had waited for had begun. Armistice Day, ten years ago the most horrible conflict of all time had ended, and those men who had serv ed in that conflict had gathered to gether again, this time to pay their respect and to dedicate to the love and memory of those men who did not come back, but sleep on Flanders Field. Col. Sibley thanked the people for their share in the erection of the Me morial nnd expressed his great pleas ure in -being honored* by presiding at this the most remarkable occasion in the history of the Morris-Little played Post. Rev. John Jarbrouyh waa pr?- * the speaker sented to the audience for the occasion. Rev. Yarbrough in an eloquenf address glorified the American dough boy and the people who served so wonderful in the late war. His ad-' dress was a reminiscent of the war daym He told many of his personal experiences and praised the gr^eat loader of America, Woodrow Wilson. He paid a just and fitting tribute to the mother’s of th c men but most of all to the flower of young manhood that experienced that terrible con flict. His references to G. M. C. the school that furnished more offic ers for the army than any school in America in comparison to size and to whom the memorial was to nerve as most fitting. Closing Rev. Yarbrough said dedicate this memorial to the who today sleep in Flanders Field, will live in we dedicate it to the mothers of '.hose j ville people, dedicate it to the those who were a part of that conflict, we dedi cate it to the future youth of Geor gia. May they see in it a great les son. Let the guiding spirit that led those men to great deeds of heroism that Democracy might live, find place in the youth of Georgia that they may carry on for so great a cause. The Legion Memorial, a handsome tile wall and beautiful stucco gate, rises as a triumph of noble effort and hard work and is a lasting memorial to the men who gave their all for a cause worth while. The Legion should feel proud and that the people of this town are proud of them and admire it and appreciate it was manifested in the large number that Wi-1 help dedicate it. oen The exerciaes the i re impressive and nory of Mitledge- Coach Wallace Butts, led a fighting bunch of Aggies down from Madinon Armistice Day and gave the G. M. C. Cadets a good run for their scores in the holiday classic before the big gest crowd of the season. G. M. C. easily piled up a score of 37 points holding the visitors score less, keeping the Butts men on the defensive pratically the entire game. The Aggies made more first downs than the Cadets, but when the ball j went down in the red and black terri tory they were unable to advance. Wync, star Cadet half, furnished the big thrill of the game when he intercepted a pass standing on his own goal line and raced the entire length of the field for a touch down. The holiday crowd that witnessed the game saw many spectacular runs and were furnished a real good game despite the one sided score. return to us our “brother John.” BE IT RESOVED that the dele gates to the Conference carry this Resolution with them. UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED Sun day afternoon 3:00 p. m. I, Erwin Sibley, chairman of the DEDICATORY EXERCISES of the War Memorial, do certify that the foregoing resolution was orally intro duced by a Presbyterian, seconded by every denomination proyent and un animously parsed by Jew and Gentile, Protestant and Catholic alike all vot ing alike "aye” seven hundred strong. This November 11, 1928.