Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 29, 1928, Image 1

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mcm ederal Union Established in 1829 Milledgeville, Ga. f November 29, 1928 Consolidated in 18'12 Football Game Features j New Dormitory Recently Thanksgiving Celebration Completed at G. S. C. W. Cadets Meet Ancient Rival on Davenport Memorial Field Thursday Afternoon at Three O’clock GORDON STRONG FOE Gala Holiday Crowd Expected to Witness Annnal Prep Classic. Gordon One of Best Teams Teams in Association A tingling of the football atmos phere war. in the nir this evening, the Ue of the annua] Prep classic on lli tvenport Memorial field. Two prep teams an; on edge and Milledgeville ready to witness the football game tomorrow afternoon when G. M. C. and Gordon, ancient rivals, clash what is expected to attract one of the most gala holiday crowds in many When this story gets to the rend ing public a Thanksgiving dinner will have been digested, or nearly so, and PAVED HIGHWAY TO GRAY URGED Committee of Citizens Request Highway Commissioners to Continue Pavemtnt to This City A delegation of citizens of Mil- lcdgeville composed of Messrs D. M. Roger?’, Geo. 11. Tunnel], L. H. Andrews and I)r. H. G. Webber went to Atlanta Saturday and appeared b.fore the Georgia Highway ; Com mission and urged, that the paying of the Macon highway be continued from Gray to this city. The commit tee was given the impression by the Commission that they would give careful consideration the continua tion of the paving, -und looked with favor upon it. The Commissioner.- of Baldwin county have recently built a dirt Annual Home-coming at G. S. C. W. This Week Iw. ROBERTS DIED WEDNESDAY Statical* Coming Bock to Ahna Mater for Another Day on Campos Going Over College Days. Hundreds Expected BANQUETS, TEAS FEATURE Vesper Services Thursday Begin Celebration. Special Chapel Exercises Friday. New Cap!. Jack Bober... i. dead. Bnildiogs laspected Another confederate Veteran. A lame number of graduate. and ,u:ed eifthty-HX years. I»» 1 ; former students of G. S. C. W. ar- after rendering faithful ted ^ w „,, nPHd . y „ight and Confederate Veteran and Lon. Time City Officer Has Passed Away. Funeral Thursday Afternoon NEW DORMITORY AT G. S. C. W. N:w Dormitory recently completed on the campus of thi College for Women. The building is modem eonodato three hundred students. A Tea Room and Gy;i the ’ring side’ will be filled with htt- flee highnnj^Yo’wTthin~four mileu oftb* basement floor — Photographed hjr Eberhart’a Studio, man forms waiting for the referrees the j onc5 count y line, but suspend-1 _________ ' Tneim whistle that will start the hospitili- td work on ,« coun t „f the lack of TADUrD r|T|71?W flTV TO flVF ties that set this American public fund , f rora the Highway Depart-1 g UlYiULIY VII lcjLllY LI 1 1 IV Ul Y L yelling madly. This same Thanks- ment „ giving Day should create interest. The highway from Milledgeville to Macon is one of the most important in the State, and the Highway Com-j mission Should pav«-it from Gray to M w whHfie | d Ha , s u( |den DeEl! Citizenry lo Gather V. Churches toj «*ry position he held, Capt. Roberts died at the City | Hospital Wednesday, morning, Nov. 28th, where he was carried from his home a few day* before. He had |been in feeble and declining health for a number of months, but pneu monia was the immediate cause of his death. Capt. Roberts was well-known in cry detail and will a<5- ^(illedKcvillc .and Baldwin county, at Occupy j, c served on the City Police force for about twenty years and was known as u faithful and fearless officer, showing no favorithmi in the dis charge of his duty. John Williams Roberts was bom in Two prep teams of nearly equal cali ber are to grapple for the supremacy of the two schools. It mokes very little difference who has won or lost in the games ployed to date, or who might be doped by th? experts as the favorite, u good game is ahvnys a DIES IN FLORIDA THANKSTH’SDAY rS^ wm Milledgeville. ire had PUPILS AT GJC. HAVE HOLIDAY at Home in Lakeland Sunday Night. Funeral Service, Wednc-J.j in Thu City The funeral unices of Mr. Murioit W. Whitfield were held at St. Stephens Episcopal church Wednes- norning ir. the presence and vaordon these games on Th *>ny for many years. Thv/ nave oecomc an annual event and both schools, _ — - - tire always anxious for the others Cadets to Go Home for Few Pays, large number of relatives and frienau, scalp. Sessoiu Will Be Resumed 1 Rev. F.,H. Harding officialing. The They always have the color that Mamina burial was in the cit> cemetery it takes to make the game popular ,nd there is always that interest that traeSo a big c-awO. Special seating arrangements huv nesday afternoon until mad-? to accomodate the crowd. Additional bleachers have been ar ranged and the school officials have made ?<pecial effort to have seats for use who attend. Coach Johnny Broadnrx has work ed his team over time for the game eek. Loosing tie major games season, the ga ne Thursday is the hope of redemption, and the ex- Georgia star has gi.’en his team a hard write of work-outs and pratices . . • * j ». „„i . .... . precedent that has exiyted at the col- to bring them into a winning organi- 1 .... zation for the final game of the MtHrfuy Moruiug X'eurer. W: Dr. M. F Stem Colleg.’ bridge, Messrs Comer Stubbs. T. H or ^fhalikHgiving holiday Wed- Clark, J. H. 'Holloway, Marion Allen. afternoon until Monday morn- E. C Kidd, H. S. Woottcn and R. H. »» r Reynolds.. Major Godfrey (Merman, A number of the boarding Cadets and officers of the G, M. C. Band, left Wednesday evening for their acted as an honorary escort, homes, hut many of them remained The death of Mr. Whitfield occurr- paitor of th? Methodist church, will in the city to witness the G. M. C- c d j n Lakeland, Fla., some time Sun-' preach a special Thanksgiving ser- Gordon football game Thursday nf- day night, as he was found dead in j mon. At this service a specinl offer- ternoon. i his room early Monday morning, and i ing will be taken to be dis'ributed The children of the grades wer • the sud news reached this city a short j among the poor. Give Thank: ft>r Bastings. Grrora! Holiday Declared. Fooiba’d ni 3 With low hanging cloud« threaten- nr to mnke Thanksgiving damp for J'Tlrdvsville. the holiday atmosphere ivevails. and tomorrow. Thursday, find th>* citizenry in a general very body out taking advantage of he day of rent •riwices will begin the day ml Thanksgiving ityle. The 'Veahytsrian, Methodist and Baptist churchca will have u Union Thanks- giving service at the Baptist church ot 10 :.*10. Rev. John Yarbrough, of course, happy, with the pro ue« of not having to return to thei studies several days. President Roach is following Tnursday will close the football season in Milledgeville. Just how successful the season ha? been mnkey little difference. Twelve mor»* months will come and go before another gutnc will be played and the fans will gru p the opportunity. Tii? game begins at three o’clock op Davenport Memorial field. tim? Inter by a telegram from Mr. J. • O. Bloodworth received by his brother, Mr. C H. Whitfield, to whom it came , as a great shock, ns he had only a few i hours befoie received a letter from lege a number of years relative to him written Saturday, making the Friday, after Thanks- • The remains reached Milledgeville giving day a holiday. \ on t j,e afternoon Georgia Railroad A large number of the Cadet? train Tuesday, and were carried to battalior went to Mecon Friday t" the Moore Funeral Home, where they witness *h«* Lar.ier-G. M. C. football j remained until the funeral hour, gnm?. The Cndets headed by th> band staged a parade through po«- Services at St Stephens Episcopal church will bpgin at 11:00 o’clock, ltev. F. H. Harding, the Rector e ducting the services. The Catholic church will h «oecinl services during the day. Re’ he enlisted in the calvury, and went Thursday at noon, a Thanksgiving the front, lie mad. a brave and 1 dj nner will be served in the colleg-’ e soldier, fearing no danger he j dinintr halls, went where duty called. At the close Thursday afternoon, students anil of the war he was a member of y^tor,, will attend the football game Phillips Legion. ' at G. M. C. in early munhood he married Mrs. Thursday evening ut 8:30, the Catherine Cummings, and at the clcae j tb |„j num ber of the lyeeum course of the war he opened a general raor w j|| |, c , (riven when Beilharfi Play cantilc business in Linton, which he. Compuny will present, “The Whole conducted for more than twenty-five Town’s Talking.” This company years. By his marriage to Mrs. Cum- ma d c u hit here last year when they niing he is survived by the following 1 presented “The Family* Uj^tairs." childrm: Mrs. C. L. Moran, of thi? Friday morning, Uk*. chapel oxer- city r Mrs. P. F. Duggan, of Atlanta; I hM , awil| be Biven over entirely the Mrs. E. A. Jernigan, of Mayfield; /d6jnninp t n appropriate program Mm Harley Pierce of Chicago; Mrs. ^ bcinft panned by Mis,? Gussie H. Howard Cumming, of Ocalla, Fla., T abb , president of the Alumnae As- Mr. J. I. Roberta, of Hancock Coun- soc j at j on< A number uf grandchildren and ' durin|( thl . , loy , Friday. j the visitors will be expected to visit and impact new buildings on the cam- I pus. Friday afternoon, the Alumnae As- great grandchildren also survive him. Mrs. Roberts died several years ago, and later he married Mrs. Snllie Smith, whom he leaves a widow. Capt. Roberts was a man of strong determination and will power, and his life was one of unusual activity. His constitution yielded gradually to old age, and it has been within only the past few months that he became feeble. Besides engaging in the mercan- Thursday morning. The Thanksgiv ing season has for many yoars been observed as home-coming time and it is expected that this ye.ar’s program will he more interesting than any of its predecessors. Members of the Alumnae Association, students, and the Y. W. C. A. are combining their efforts to entertain the visitors. Wednesday night, a majority of the visitros are expected to arrive. Thursday morning, a special Thnnk»giving Morning Watch service will be held in the auditorium. This service is being planned by the Alum nae committee of Y. W. C. A. of which Dorcas Ricker is diairman. .J. Morrow has announc?d. as has! tile business ut Linton, and his con- e>ways been the pratice in this! nection with the police of Milledge- church. ( Vilk, he was at one time a warden ’ r h" annual i-rep foo’.ball cla«sic 1 at the State Farm, and road overteer ••’ ill be played on Davenport Me- in Hancock county. He had a stro*”' i Whitfield was the young-! mortal Field at three o’clock when and dominating conviction of fail f Col. Robert Whitfield and Gordon Institute and G. M. C. meet fulness to every duty that was « BALDWIN COTTON CROP SMALLEST IN HISTORY Government Report Show. Failure of Crcp by Fiftw Per Cent of Ln.t Year. Production tion? of the business streets Their j Mrs Effie Harris Whitfield. His i or. the gridiron. : trusted to him. boldierlv bearing and conduct madc fathl . r was n gifted lawyer and lead- The *>arly morning hours will fire 1 ! The funeral services will be held a pleasing impression upon the hun- j nR member of the Milledgeville bar| many hunt**rs in th-? f«eld. T 1 *" br? ! - J 0 t the Baptist church Thuifday aftcr- dreds who saw it. j n number of years*, representing his nefs man w * l h £un .and dog takcx the' noon at 2:30 o’clock, Rev. H. I». War- the House and Senate. His holiday to this advantage. | nock officiating LYCEUM NUMBER AT G. S. C. W. ! mother was the daught?r of Judge Hundreds of .he fair sex from «!» THURSDAY NIGHT t Hit The students of the G. S. C. W. will end a “prefectly happy" day Thursday by gathering in the audi torium at night to witness “The Whole Town's Talking,” which will be presented as one of the Lyceum numbers. This comedy has attracted wide spread attention where ever it has been presented. The cast is made up-of the most talented actre- ses nnd actor?, and a most vivid portrayal i? promised. It is expected that u large num ber of towns people will be present. Prof. 0. A. Thaxton, who has the ,, . ! management of the lyeeum numbers <TO P _would exceed the ^ dircrtio „ ,, „ urt th . t -The Whole Town - , TnklinR” will mnke » ie desiring any him. Baldwin's cotton crop fell far be low .ill estimates and way the smal lest in the history of the county Gov- err.ra*’nt reports in a statement issu ed his wek which included all ginn ing rtcord? through November 14th. The crop this year netted noly 2,- • r >38 bales in comparison to 4,852 hairs for 1927, pratically a fifty per °t .eduction over the figures of last year. Thi- crop failure was attributed to thv heavy rains during the planting •and fruiting season, by authorities. De?pu,. the weather conditions that wi r “ ^moralizing to the crop it was believed the crop would exceed the ' nt fi Kurc.«. The acreage plant- was the daughter of Judge Hundreds ol .he rair sc ; Chas Harris, of Mncon .and a grand- ? ec’.ions of the state are scheduled | | dauL’ ter of Judge Iverson L. Harris. ' » arrive in Milledgeville this even 1 He was born in this city about 38 f‘>r the nr.nua! home coming a! | years ago. He received his educa- *hc Georg::* State Coll”gc for Womer i j tion in the Georgia Military Col- • Special programs will feature the ~us»c.l lege, end while a cadet in that inati-i *>y« activities on the cxnmi-. D in , Aecid.r : tution he organized and was leader; que’^i and rhrr. rernons will be eon 1 of the first band the college ever, turned th - nn the weeb-end. had. He was a free-hearted, jovial, I P uW 'c schools in ths eount- rocial boy, and everybody knew and ” ' *' e c’os-d the remainder of th- liked him. In manhood he retained | ^oek, the school children taking par this nature, and a mor? popular ,fl national holiday, young- man ever made hi, home In i ,t: >yor M. E. Pennington has issuer this city. He was industrious and j « proclamation calling for the observ active in badness here, until the i a "ce of the dey and Milledgcvill. world war, when he became a soldier! P"»P ! ' ■» answering the exit. Vlsi in the United .States Army aad went expected to pack the towp to France. After th- war he return-] sfur.nff the day. ed to Milledgeville and engaged rill entertain the visitor* with a tea in the new college^ tea room from 4:00 to 0:00 o’^loclc'' Fri Icy nigh', the Junior class and visiting member> of the Sophpmoiv clarr. of ’28, will hold their annual bm.quet. Misr. Dorothy Jay, president of the Junior criasa will preride. The ha-quel will be held nt the Baldwin Hotel. :':.turday afternoon, '.he visitors will be guests of honor a*, teas in the dormitories, and hikes given by the i student'. i Saturday evening, the picture. The Skyscraper” starring William Joyd, will be given. Mary of the visitors will remain BOTH ARMS OF YOUNG MAN BROKEN IN FAIL ■•d thl, year was pratically the i g^t h it, and any *•” 1 u °f 11*27. | information can se with hi?) brother, Mr. C. H. JU^^CF. OF PEACE AND Whitfield, until three years ago, CONSTABLES TO BE CHOSEN | when he went to Lakeland where he managed u>e Whitfield Distributing; Co. He won '.he esteem and e**tab- tat in Only Russell Major, of Savannah, who was here 'pending tome time visiting his aunt, Mrs. Wallace But*s, was the rictim of a painful accident Satur- Isy abou- noon. He with Mr. Butts and others were ngaged i.i cutting trees at the home I >f Misses Mary and Katie Clin?. Ma-! or had tawed off the limb of a tree.; vhich in falling had caught. He went >ut on another limb to free it, and ! tarting brek to the trunk he slipped ind fell a distance of fifteen feet. 1 loth arms were broken at '-he wrist. [ He was carried to the office of Dr. T. M. Hal!,jvho set the broken bones and then carried to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Butts. CAS li-hed himself in the confidence of ; th* people of that city. | * Mr. Whitfield is survived by two ™ REr b OYS ESCAPED FROM | COUNTY SCHOOLS HAVING brothpr? Co] Robert Whitfield, of RFFORMITORY hour boys craped from the Train- Sunday night, and socur- "K th? Fcrd car of Mr. C. E. Kidd ntinued on their way. The Ford | found ;r Washington county, ' r; ^ j been left The ichook^VBaldwin county th. Unite**Staten Army and Mr. dosed Wednesday afternoon for the Chis. II. Whitfield of this ci'y, and Thankfgiving holidayr, and will not onc riatcr, Mr?. Welles Meriam, of rcaum; uptil Monday morning of W afhington. D. C. next week. Marion Whitfield will long be re- Thoic of the tr.xcherx "ho do net m( , mb( , red her „ by th( , fricnds 0 f his r-e do in the c ty or county will go ; t oth r h-mca to spend the hoiidsys. boyhood ond young manhood. An election for Justic-* of the Peace and Constables will be held in the districts throughout the county Saturday, December 1st d ! «trict. and that is the 321st. wher n There wil be a contest in only onc A. S. K-?mp and B. L. Layfield are rnnr.lng for Justice of the Peace. In tho 32-Oth, the city di'trict, the rrcsent incumbent*, Judge B. C. Ward, Justice of the Peace nnd W. T. Lundy will be elected without opposition. BAZAAR WILL BE HELD MONDAY COMPANY IS GRANTED FRANCHISE Ef'ort Brian M.d. by Chamber of Commerc. lo Socaro Location Headquarters Here J The Southern Gas Cooporation has been granted a franchise in Mil- Ic-'gcville. This is one of the large ;t gas con- . ~* r.s in the country, and is extend- g 'ta pipes through out the coun- "7, the State of Georgia being in- < ludcd. It furnishts heat for manu- c uring plants ir.3titut r ens and p.riv-tc r,':»dcnce«, much cheaprr than ran he dene by coal. Th? Chamber of Commerce, head- -d fiy Mr. R. H. Wootten, Presiden., I? enri-avorlng to get the Company 'n Irca'.o headquarters in this c 8 ty. Thu people of Milledgeville should lend every aas'stance to the Cham ber of Commerce in accomplishing its object. ie members of the eirelcs of the Woman’s Missionary Society will; hold a Bazaar in the building occupi-1 c-d by Benson's Bakery Monday. All kind of fancy articles suitable for Christmas gift?, candies, sandwiches, cakes, etc., will be sold. Coffee and oyn^re will be terved. The ratron- 1 age of the public i.«s desired. The Third District ol Georgia ”-'.e A rociation fo Graduate Nur- 3 t-ill meet at the Macon Hospital i?r::,i Home SatunJay December t, at C 00 P. M., An intrrssting rrcrrn res i;rn arranged for the - 'i!r^ and the r-urres in the county re I xrcried to attend.