Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 06, 1928, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVIL-LE, GA.. DECEMBER 6. 1924 HINTS FOR THE HOME BY NANCY HART Why not a re-decorated room for the children’* major Christmas Rift a roomfull of life and color and in terest that they will remember as long as they live? If there is dark, grown-up furni- utTe now in the room, treat it to a coat of paint or lacquer ir. oi..e fresh color; use inexpensive chintz drap eries in nursery patterns or a may dc.icn with intcTTslini' old-world scenes: Brins in pictures that tell a story-not cast off scenes from other rooms character. Such subjects as “The Holiday” or "Children of the Sea*’, “Sir Galahad,” “Fairy Tales, “With Grandma” are all favorites with the youngsters anti possess rue artistic worth, even :n inexpensive color reproductions which you can find at almost any art store—and >°u can frame them simply with pa*se partout. FORD ENGINE LUBRICATION EXCLUSIVELY FORD Menu Witho- Bean so Escalloped rice, t green pepper* imed carrots & peas apple & celeiy e I„t gingerbread Apricot sauce stimulating tirnik Salmon Croquetle. Scald 1 cup milk, add 2 tablespoons quick cooking tapioca, salt and cay enne to taste and cook 15 minutesJ Add 1 1-2 cups mashed canned sal-, mon, mix and cooL Shape into cro-! quettes, roll in crumbs, eggs and, crumbs anti fry in deep hot fut. Gar nish with sliced lemon and parsley Quick Nut Bread On? egg. 1-2 eup sugar. 1-2 tea- soon salt. 1-2 cup chopped nuts. 2 1-2 cups prepared cuke flour, 4 tea spoons bnking powder, 1 cup milk. Combine and sift dry ingredients and add nuts, then milk and well-beaten egg. Allow batter to stand for 20 minutes, then bake for one hour. Rids Hair of Pests I have a request for a remedy for this worst affliction that can come to school children and know the fol lowing to he .u certain cure: Ask any druggist to prepare a Molution of fish berries and whiskey or its equivalent in diluted alcohol spirits (not wood alcohol, remember) throughly saturate child's hair and head. One application will kill both insects and eggs, hut repeat several times to be sure all infested spots are reached. Comb with fine-tooth comb to remove all treae of pest. Sterilize hats and caps by immersing in gaso- When Shelling Nut* Remember nut meats can L? re moved from shells without bi cak ing if hot water is poured ove * the nuts and allowed to remain th ough the night. The engine lubrication system of the new Model A Ford car is .i combi nation of pump, splash and gravity feed which is an exclusive Ford de velopment. In design and in operation it is .i in pic and positive and repeated tests have shown it to he ideally suited to this somewhat revolutionary type of . four-cylinder, medium-speed, medium 'compression motor. The oil pump is located in the bot tom of ‘.he crank-case and is run off a gear on the camshaft. It is en closed in a fine mesh wire screen through which the oil filter* before it is pumped up into the valve cham ber. The ‘crcen is surrounded by a 1 shield so that the oil is pulled through it. rather than flowing in by gravity. The oil flows into the valve chamber in a continuous stream whenever the engine is running, but is in no sense a “forced” feed. It b rather the fall load of th** ,.ump being delivered in a smooth, flowing stream. The principal purpose of delivering the > i| ;»» the valve chamber i* to provide direct gravity feed lubrication to the bearings of the crankshaft. How- (vt r, it also supplies exceptional lubrication for the valves, giving bet ter and quiet.r action, and by gravity lo the front end camshaft bearing. Small pipe openings lead down from the valve chamber to the crank- .-liaft main bearings and oil flowing down theae by gravity provides an abundance of lubrication. The bot tom of the valve chamber is so ar ranged, through the use of small, in built dams to provide reservoirs of oil for each main bearing pipe open ing. As the engine rests in the chassis on a three-degree angle, sloping to the rear, the oil arriving in the valve chamber flows back, filling the first reservoir; then over the little dam. filling the second reservoir, and then over again to the third and last reser voir. From this point the overflow- oil is carried by an external pipe down to the front end of the oil pan the crankcase where it flows back er the pnn, filling the troughs through which the connecting rods lubricated and from which all other moving parts are sprayed by the plash system. From the pan the oil flows to the bottom of the case to be pumped back again. This rather unique system of en- ne lubrication is responsible in large measure for the excellent per formance of th? motor at a wide l* of speeds and under all clima- onditions. When the Model A was in it* experimental stages l of the road test work was done id-ummer, yet there never was a of engine overheating. submit to n cold shower bath. This automatically, we presume, solves the problem of overcrowding. Quantities of soap have been dis covered in Moscow bearing portrait* of the Czar, and the Russians are greatly shocked. What we wonder at is how they came to notice it. Rumor has it that Lindbergh is about to marry. We always felt he SHERIFFS SALE Will be sold before the court house door between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Jan uary 1929 the following described property towit: One Lincoln Sedan automobile, Model No. 8 Motor No. 2928, Georgia tag No. 57649, the same being sold by virtue of, and to satisfy, an execution issued' from Baldwin County Court in favor of Rusell Manufacturing Company vs. B. G. Glass Motor Company levied on as the property of the B. G. Glass | Motor Company and in the possession ’ of .-aid defendant. Terms of sale I ca-h. Thin December the .‘Ird, 1928. J. T. TERRY, Deputy Sheriff! Baldwin County Georgia. | GEORGIA, Baldwin County I To Whvtn It May Concern: Reaa Roy having filed application> for permanent letters of administra-l tion upon the estate of Tobe Raines,, | deceased; this is to therefore to noti fy the next of kin and creditors of ®id Tobe Raines that said applica tion will be heard before me at the regular January Term, 1929, of the Court of Ordinary of said County. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 3rd, day of December, 1928. W. 11. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. LAND SALE New Remedy for Ink Stain To remove ink spots from linen r cotton cloth, rub the spots cut tomato and rinse well. Adhei Tape the Painle If softened with benzine j ive tape n;av be easily and pain- sasly removed from the skin. GEORGIA*, Baldwin County. Under and by virtue of an execu tion issued from the City Court of Louisville, Ga., in favor of the Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., again?! J A. Stiles, I have levied up on .and will sell at public outcry be fore the court house door in Baldwin county, Ga., within the hours of Sheriff's sales, to the best and high est bidder, for cash, on the first Tuesday in January 1929, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate .and being in the 319ih, DisL G. M. Buldwin County Ga., and bounded on the North by the Mil- ledgeville & Monticello Public Road and land?* of Mrs. Annie E. Hum phries and Jno. T. Allen; on the East by lands of J. F. Miller and Alec Banks; on the South by lands of Mrs. Muttie Wood, W. A. Webb, and Hor ace Napier; and on the West by lands of Mrs. Annie E. Humphries and Jack Webb; containing 245 acres, more or less, as diown by plat of J. H. Gladin, August 16th, 1921, a copy of which is attached to the abstract in file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C. Said property levied on as property of the defendant in fi. fa., J. A. Stiles, and being in possession at the time of said levy of said J. A Stile*. The defendant in fi. fa., J. A Stiles, and tenant in possession duly notified in writing, of said levy. J. T. TERRY, Deputy Sheriff Baldwin County Ga. LAND SALE GEORGIA, Buldwin County. Under and by virtue of the power contanied in a mortgage, executed by Rhody Ford Mason to the Milledge- ville Bunking Company on the 10th duy of September 1921, and by said Company transferred to Mrs. C. T. Caraker, which mortgage was given to secure an indebtedness of $325.00, there will be sold before the court house door, on the first Tuesday in January 1929, between the legal hours of sheriff’s Miles, to the high est bidder, for cash, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Mill edge vi lie, of State and County and being in the Southeastern sec tion of said City, .and known as a part of the Joe Brown estate, bound ed as follows: on the South by Lot No. 2 of same tract; on the East by Lot No. 3; on the North by Joe Brown estate; and on the West by SoutH Warren street, and is known as Lot No. 1 of same tract, und said lot fronting on Warren street a dis tance of 52 1-2 feet to Lot No. 3, and it being a part of the land con veyed to Purchase & Sale Company by Joe Brown on the 4th, day of February, 1910, and recorded in the clerk's* office of Baldwin Superior Court in deed book No. 2, page 212; and it being the same lot deeded by the Purchase &. Sale Co., to Hal Ford on the 8th, day of May, 1911, and deed recorded in book No. 2, page 534. The lot herein conveyed being the *ame on which Rhoda Ma son. formerly Rhoda Ford, now re sides and resided for the past 11 years. Hal Ford died 24th, day of May, 1913, leaving as his sole surviving ktir, his wife Rhoda Ford, who .(tor wards married Robert Mason. Ther* was no administration upon th«. M t.* C o( He. Ford and no debt. absolute title to said lot of land is Vested in |the said / Rhoda Mason' formerly Rhoda Ford. Said sale is had for the purpose of paying said debt, together with interest and other costs of this pro cedure. The undersigned will make a good and legal title to the purchaser. This December 3rd, 1928. MRS. C. T. CARAKER By ALLEN & POTTLE Her Attorneys-At-Law. ‘ingle THINKINC OUT LOUD! JPe Economic*! Trmn»frt*t1»m !/ CHEVROLET 1)00 girls in Irelund have joined ; odcsty crusade and promise not car short skirts. We may pre- par • ourwelves now for a new influx of Irishmen to these shores. Fred Elmenberger of Berlin taiked r 120 hours in succession, sleeping only eight hours in between, and wasn’t even hoarse at the finish. This seems remarkable to those who have never heard nn American Sena- An Iowan has chucked up his busi ness in disgust because he has been robbed 6 times since 1914. Chica goans have it all over him in endur- T^Iace your order <MoW QThe Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History - a fix in the price range of the fourJ For Create not. on Leather Great® stain?; on leather m-ay be lance! removed by applying benzine or tur- pentine. Wash spots afterward with Every tramp seeking uhelte: a leather finish or with the well-J poorhouse at Chelmsford, Em beaten white of an egg. Keeping Left-Over Paint Cover the top of your paint with melted paraffin and it will keep soft indefinitely. Whc Add a teaspoonful vinegar to fat when deep-frying to keep food from absorbing too much grea?*e when cooking. * About Winter Flannel* If flannels are pressed with a slightly warm iron on the wrong side when quite dry they will not iritate the most sensitive skin. Make* A Quick Fire When a fire is. slow in coming up. crinkle a little sugar on it and it will help to hurry the hot flame. Delegates to the Carnegie Institute convention at Pittsburgh envisions house?' built entirely of coal. If it*, the kind of coal some of us have been gettnig, we may be sure these houses won't burn down. Einstein, discoverer of the Rcla- of Space and Time, says he is e eve of making a new an- 'Uncement that will shock the world one who can understand could be shocked! OPTOMETRY Since the announcement of The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History, tens of thou* sands of people have placed their orders for this sensa- tional new car! Never before has any new Chevrolet ever won such tremendous public acceptance in so short a time! The new Chevrolet six-evlinder valve-in-hcad motor is an en gineering masterpiece. Not only does it develop 32% more power than any previous Chev rolet motor . . . not only does it offer sensationally increased speed and faster acceleration— but it provides this amazing performance with such out standing economy that it de livers an average of better than 20 miles to t he gallon of gasoline! This spectacular performance and economy have been achieved as a result of the great est group of engine advance ments that Chevrolet has ever announced—typified by a new header crankshaft... new car buretor, with venturi chokcand automatic accelerating pump . , . new camshaft . . . auto matic rocker arm lubrication ... gasoline pump and filter ... semi-automatic spark con trol . . . and hot spot manifold. The marvelous new bodies by Fisher are designed for distinc tive beauty and style as well as exceptional comfort and safety. Come in and learn the full and significant story of this greatest of all Chevrolcts! The COACH $£ Advance Showings The Outstanding Chetrolct of Chevrolet History will be dis- played in a series of advance showings in the cities listed below: Washington, Dec. 1-4, Mayflower Hotel... Chicago, Dec. 1-6, Pure Oil Bldg., Wackcr Dr. and Wabash Ave. ... Loa Angeles, Dec. 1-6, Ambassador Hotel Auditorium ... ban Francisco, Dec. 8-13, Civic Auditorium, Larkin Hall... Cincinnati, Dec. 8-14, Hotel Simon.. .St. Louis, Dec. 8-14, Arcadia Ballroom, 3515 Olive St... . Atlanta. Dec. 18-22, Auditorium — Armory . . . Dallas, Dec. 18-22, Adolphua Hotel, Junior Ballroom ... Portland, Ore., Dec. 18-22, Public Auditorium. 595 The ROADSTER . . . *525 PHAETON . * . . ’525 The COUPE. ’595 The SEDAN . . 4 • . . ’675 The Sport CAUKIOLET . . . ’695 The Convertible LANDAU ’725 SEDAN DELIVERY s 595 LIGHT DELIVERY CHASSIS 5 400 114 TON CHASSIS ! 545 M4TON CHASSIS 5 650 All price* f. o. b. Flint, Mich. L. N. JORDAN, Dealer quality at low cost