Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 13, 1928, Image 1

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edited BV JOURNALISM CLASS G. S. C. W. mutt FIRST SECTION SIXTEEN PAGES ou t hVr,,H^r ,uM,,h? ' 1 iD iVil' Miltdgerille, C.., December 13, 1928 Number 17 gasfranchise GRANTED BY CITY Lines to Come Here From Muon. Work to Begin in Three Months and to Be Completed in Thirteen Months A nrentJ5i»e year franchise has been granted the Natur.il Gas Com pany of Birmingham to lay pipes for natural gas in Milledgeville. This work is to begin in three months and will be completed within thirteen months. The pipe lines are to extend from he natural oil fields of Louisiana, through Alabama, Georgia, and into Tennessee. The pipes to Milledgeville will come through Birmingham, Nashville, Atlanta, and Macon. Should franch- ires be secured sufficient to warrant building the line into Augusta the, work will he continued there from Milledgeville. The brick yards, state sanitarium, day plants, and other industries of the town will benefit from the use of natural gas, and the city council is to be commended for taking this progressive step. CHRISTMAS CANTATA .TO BE PRESENTED Mis. Jenkins Will Direct Presentation of "The Wonderou. Story" High School Student, to Take Part A beautiful Christman cantata, “The Wondrous Story,” will be pre sented at the Methodist church or Sunday evening at 7:30, by the Pea body high school students under the direction of Miss Maggie Jenkii and assisted by the G. S. C. W. « chestra supervised by Miss Christine Cottner. Miss Jenkin.s has spent many week? perfecting the beautiful choruses and the entir ehigh school has co-operated with her. This will be a very suit able beginning for the Christmas rea son and the people of Milledgeville are cordially invited to attend. WORK AT WATER PLANT COMPLETE Changes and Improvements Made at Big Cost to City. Floods in Aagnst Cause Damage and Entire System Renovated Milledgevillc’s water works arc in first class condition according to P. E. Williams who has given the fol- owing information concerning rec ent improvement. The levee has been raised thirty- seven inches above the high water mark at a cost of $400. A drain has been arranged to get rid of the water that formerly accumulated from the hills surrounding the water works. This cost $75. The embankment ar'iond the raw water basin has been repaired, strengthened, and raised and n new drain arranged to prevent fut-re slides. The cost of this was $3( 0. The clear water barin was re paired and leaks stopped at a cost of $25. New signal line has been run from stand pipe to the pump house, this costing $115. A new 75 H. P. heavy duty pump, with capacity of 900 gallons per minute, and a new 15 H. P. low lift pump with a ca pacity of 900 gallons per minute have been installed, the two costing $2,050. Fittings for these pumps and their installation amounted to more than $750. A new $615 chlorinator has been purchased. The total cost of these improvements already made since the August floods is $4,330. The water works are now in first clasa condition, four pumps being ready at all times. The pumps were tested Thursday afternoon, all of them being in use at one time for 15 minutes. The total capacity avail able in an err »-jr<»n**y in about 3,000 gallons per min ite, this being more than can be used by all the fire de partments in this district in operation Tht sewer line from the State Farm h under construction, the line ^"m the T. B. Camp has been com- " and tha. from the women’s about half finished. The re mainder hr 7 been agreed upon and 1 rveyod nd will be completed as g* Mssible. king of kings coming ‘King of Kings" will be shown in '■ auditorium at G. S. C. W., Fri- y night, December 14, at 8:00 loch, sponsored by the G. S C. imnae. This picture is the great- 1 *v*r made showing the life of ‘fist. The price of admission is 1 cents for adults and 25 cents for ildren. >ND!Tio N OF sheriff S. L. TERRY During Lh e p 88 ^ several days there! ■ been no marked change in the gJUon of Sherifrsrfcr-Terry. Ib t *«p rt from him Wednesday wa_ it b was not retting well and com! !i on continues critical. L C. HALL TO HEAD KIWANIS Banker Nominated as Head of Local Club. Strong Board of Directors to Serve for Next Year At the regular weekly meeting of the Kiwanis club Friday evening at 7:15 o’clock, the nominating com mittee made their report with the following selections: L. C. Hall, president: F. H. Harding, vice-presi dent; William T. Wynn, district trustee; D M. Rogers, treasurer. The members of the board of directors are Francis Daniels, Erwin H. Bohm, W. H. Arnall, George S. Roach, Edwin H. Scott, J. A. Home, and L. N. Jordan. The election will be held on Friday, December 14. One of the best programs of the year was enjoyed by the large group present. Miss Christine Cottner, teacher of violin at G.- S. C. W., gave four beautiful violin numbers. Miss Cottner’s ability and skill as a viol inist are well known and the Kiwan- ians were fortunate to have such a talented musician on their program. Mbs Ruth Stone, teacher of educa tion and expression at the college, gave two delightful readings. Miss Stone njver fails to entertain and hc-r contributions are an asset to any program. Frank E. Bone, the popular retir ing president, has had a most suc cessful year. Masonic Lodge Once Visited By Marquis de Lafayette Rcpreuitatives of The Joumliun Clou Visit Historic Build in f sod Viewed With Interest Interior of Lodge Room G. M. C. CLOSES FOR XMAI HOLIDAYS Clo.nl STUDENT JOURNALISTS STUDY BUILDING MiHedgerille Masons Meet in 100 Year Old Building. Erected on Lottery Plan When This City Was The Capital "There’s the chair where Le- Fayette sat when he visited our lodge," said Mr. McMullen, secretary of Benevolent Lodge No. 3, F. & A M. Milledgeville, when he acted as guide to show three members of our Journalism class through the Ma sonic building. And immediately all three of us in turn had to sit in the chair. Such a thrill it was for us! The Masons of Milledgeville own the building on the north-eastern comer at the intersection of Hancoca and Wayne streets. Exactly one hun dred years ago this month, it was voted to undertake to raise by Louisi ana lottery, sufficient money to build a Masonic hall in Milledgeville and on the twenty-fifth of June, 1832, the cornerstone way laid with elabo rate ceremonies. In 1834 the build ing was completed and ready for oc cupancy. At the present time the ground floor of this building is used by the Exchange Bank and the Union Recorder printing office. The entrance, used by the Ma sons to go to their rooms on the sec ond and third floors, is on Hancock street between the bank and the printing office. When we entered at that doorway and began to climb the narrow ypiral stair case, one of our group exclaimed, "This looks exactly like the stairway in ‘Seventh Heaven". To one not familiar with that pic ture just Imagine a staircase which could be placed inside a tank only ten feet in diameter and high wnough to contain seventy-one steps. All around the seventy-one steps there is a graceful mahogany railing which adds beauty as well an a nec- cessary support. When we reached the first landing we went into a large recreation room kept for the pleasure of the mem bers of the lodge. The floor in this room, as in other rooms in the build ing, is made of hand dreBsed boards six inches wide. It is the very floor which was laid u hundred years ugo and it is Rood for another century, at least The walls of the building are two feet thick and, if you lean over the wide window sill, you can see that the bricks are laid alternately length wise' and endwise. On the other side of the building from the recreution room is the ban quet hall. No one could ever mis take the identity of this room be cause of the two long tables which extend the full length of it. “In here I have attended many banquets," said a member of the lodge who was with us. "Just a year or two ago we had a delicious turkey supper which cost us less than fifty cents a plate. The thing about it is, nobody is in it to make money and the meals are served at cost. And that is one of the main reasons why some orders have succeeded and oth ers have not," he added. One hun dred and fifty people can be served in the hall. Our guide tiien proceeded to lend us to the next floor. On the right at the head of the stairs there is a door in which there is a "peck hole” about the size of a fifty cent piece, metal .nayonic emblem is the door knocker. This unusual door opens into a large rectangular room. Mr. Mc Mullen called this the Blue lodge. In the center of the room there is a large wooden altar on which we saw an old, worn Bible, with cover* throo- fourths of an inch thick. The Bible was lifted and the top of the altar was raised. In it there were num hers of rolls of paper which resembl ed miniature diplomas. But thesp were tied with pieces of black crepe and Mr. McMullen explained that they were the records of their dead. Sojne of the papers were yellow with age and some wc knew had not been in there for a very long (Continued on Rt(e 8) LIONS RECEIVE CHARTER DEC. 17 Civic Club Organized Here Spon sored by Macon Lions. Plans Made for Big Party Upon Charter Presentation The Lions Club of Macon is spon soring the organization of the Lions Club of Milledgeville, twenty-five representative citizens of this city having signed the petition for charter at the time we go to press. ^ Frank P. Meadows, a member of the Macon Lion? Club and state chairman of the Extension Commit tee-, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Milledgeville completing the or ganization. Temporary officers have been elected in the persons of Jere N. Moore ns president and DeWitt Rogers as Secretary. Arrangements arc going forward for a meeting of the Milledgeville Lions and their wives and sweethearts on Monday night, December 17, at which time the charter will be pre sented to the new club. The wires have been keept hot today in an ef fort to arrange for a special program unique in the annals of Lionism, but at at this time confirmation cannoi be given of the plans. Among the charter members whose names are available as we go to press are M. L. Curry, Jas. A. Ivey, E. »• Jackson, Goorce S. Carpenter, Jere N. Moore, D. C. Rogers, H. S. Gie«s, J. W. Overstreet, W S. Edwards, Jr., C. E Smith. T, L. Simpson, Thos. H. Rents, V. L. Nash, J. E. Broadnax. C. E. Florence, L. N. Calloway, J. T. Andrews. Eddie Walls, John W. Hutchinson and A. I. Butta. The committee to arrange for the charter night celebration afe M L. Cury, L. N. CaUoway and T. L. Siinp- Asais'ing them will be a indies’ GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE HIRED LABOR WILL BE CLOSES ON DECEMBER 22 USED ON COUNTY ROADS The County Commissioners hav decided to change the method of working the roads of the county dur ing 1929, and will do their work of road repairs and construction hired labor rather than uith victs. The Commissioners feel that the abundance of labor now seeking employment justifies them in making the change. The use of convict labor is be coming more and more unsatisfac tory. A large number of convicts are physically incapacitated for la bor, but under /the law must bo| taken by the counties and support ed without any labor return. In certain seasons of the year very lit tle work can be done on the roads, and though no work is being done the convicts have to be maintained in practical idleness. This expense will be saved where hired labor is used. The Commisioncrs believe that the change in road working methods will result in a considerable Hiving to the tax payers. The Coramisioners have elected Mr. J. L. Edwards as County Engineer and Superintendent of roads. Mr. R. W. Almond hus been elected to oversee the work of the road force and have charge of the County prop erty used in road construction. Mr. Edwards has been here several month*; as supervisor of this divis ion of the State Highway Depart ment and has managed the construc tion of the Macon Highway. He is a competent engineer and will have complete charge of all road work. Everyone has been asking why all the- girls on the campus of G. S. C. W. seem to be in yuch a state sup pressed excitement. Every girl looks as if she thinks something delightful is going to happen to her. Why, there ere just ten more days before the girls go home! December twenty-second i*i the day set for the "Beauty Special" to leave taking the girls to their homes:. Of the 1150 students enrolled nt the college only twenty-seven live out side of Georgia. North Carolina sends us three girls; South Carolina, six; Florida, twelve, and Mississippi, Ten days is such a short time and there is so much to do before Christ inas. This accounts for htc rush which we se$ everywhere. In spite of all the ‘shop early’ and ‘mail early’ signs, wc have let Christmas i-lip up on us. Nevertheless, there is lots of fun shopping with the Christmas crowd, and tieing up interesting packages at the last minute. 1 he coming of th? now year wi'I bring new work, for January second is the time set for the girls to return. Much fun and happiness will be crowded into the holidays. G. M. C. closes formally Frida; morning, Dec. 21, and the student return home for the holidays fou days ahead of Santa Claus, it wn announced early Monday morning. This nrnrks the end of a very sue ccssful fall, and the students wil return ready to finish the semester, with renewed spirits. The college will reopen for work January 3, 1929. KIWANIS REPORT SHOWS ACTION Clob Complete* Splendid Record o Servcie to Coon tv and Ci+v. Aid to Formers Among Most Constructive Works The Kiwanis club of Milledgcvil* ha» proved the truth of its motto "We Build.” This fact was brought out in an interview with Rev. F. H. Harding, secretary of the club, when he outlined Cue work sponsored during the year that will end with the elec tion of new officers Friday night Accordir- Rev. Harding, the Ki wanis put-pone is two fold; to bring the business mer. into social contact with one another, and to sponsor civic upbuilding. That this purpose has been accomplished here is shown by the many projects for the good of the community which the Kiwanians have sponsored Among the out standing are the appropriation for the erection of*tho memorial fence a tG. M. C., the appropriation for the Georgia Training School Band the sponsoring of safetv Minr-otion by calling *»tttho city offft als to danger spots in the city where stop signs should be placed, and to the danger of trucks driving without lights, and the formation of the A. A. A. Club. Kiwanians have also been interest ed in the agricultural welfare of ‘he county They have put over a cessful Farmers Institute, donated $75.00 for a cotton demonstrnt'oR, and were instrumentn'. in r uling a meeting of the farmers nnd raising money for the Hilary of a tobacc. pert to introduce the growing of to bacco in Baldwin county. This prom- is-M o be one of the greatest ns***t: to the community Mr. Harding stated that the club had worked on a plan for a charity organization, also for a prison relief society to aid those who are released from the prisons and need nwistance for a new fctart in life. MASS MEETING W1LLBE HELD Dr. Tkompsofl Makes Report at Kiwaais Meeting oa Priaoa Relief OrgaaizatieB Cfencas Outline Orgaaizatioa Rev. Geo B. Thompson, chairman of the committee appointed by the Kiwanis club to make investigations for the organization of a prison re lief association, mode a final report for the committee at the regular meeting of the club on Friday even ing. He stated that plans had been perfected for a citizens mass meeting to be held at an early date; after which the organization will be ready to function. Dr. Thompson stated that the' pur- pone of the organization is .o assist prisoners as they arc released from state farm and other penal in stitutions of the state. Ho further indicated that the organization would have nothing to do with pardons, pa roles, trials or sentences. Its main object will be to -isnifit in securing mployment and it will also offer spiritual advice where it is desired. ELKS TO HAVE HOMECOMING All Old Members Are to Be Wel comed. Large Number Expected. Appiopriate Ex ercises. Turkey Dinner committee of Mcsdames George Carp enter, V. L. Nash, E. B. Jackson, M. L. Curry and Jere Moore. The nominating committee who will name the first slate of officers for the new club consists of Geo. Carpenter, E. B. Jackson, John W. Hutchinson, T. H. Rentz and Joe Andrews. District Governor Jos. W. Popper, former International Director Thos. H. Halliburton, President Mark Ethridge, all of the Macon Lions Club together with other members of that club and their ladies will attend the charter night and members of the Dr.Min, Sparta, Aliens and Augusa Lions Clubs are expected. The Milledgeville Lodge of Elks are planning to have a home coming gathering next Wednesday, Decem ber, 19, at 8:00 o’clock P. M. It is expected that this will be ont of the greatest occasion;* ever en joyed by the local Elks, as every living Elk who has been a member of the Milledgeville lodge is invited and expected to be present. A program of appropriate exercises is being arranged and the district deputy und grand exalted ruler will be present. At the conclusion of the exercises, sumptuous turkey dinner will be serv- FRANK BONE STRICKEN IN NORTH CAROLINA News reached Milledgeville Mon day that Mr. Frank E. Bone was stricken with influenza while on a business trip to Asheville, N. C., for the Oconee Clay Products. Mrs. Bone rushed to his bedside. The latest news from him today indi cates that his condition is much im proved; and he will probably return home in a few day*. The Directors of the Milledgeville Banking Company held a meeting Thursday, December, and received the statement from the bank, and de clared the usual 8 per cent semi-an nual dividend, making a total of 16 per cent for a year. The earnings of the year were the largest in the history of the bank. The directors expressed themselves as pleased with the businen of the year. HENRY LANE DIES ILL SHORT TIME Young Firmer Died At dty Hos pital Monday Morning. Funeral Srvicee Conducted Tueaday. Mr. Henry Lane, one of Baldwin county’s well-known young raeq, died at the City Hospital Monday morning, December 10th, after a short ilines& The funeral services were held ax Moore’u Haaui'i tore* v monnog at eleia^o’ctock, Rev. J. H. Farr officiating- Mr. Lane was the youngeet son of Mrs. M. B. Lane nnd the late Mx. Henry Lane. He was engaged in 'arming and dairying and u few week* ngo accepted the management of the dairy of Mr. H. G. Banks. He was pleasant and sympathetic in his nature, und had hosts of friends and his untimely death is deeply regretted. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Essie S* vene, two small children; his mother, Mrs. M. B. Lane, und four sisters, Mrs. Alonza Haddock of Haddock, Mrs. (J. S. Cowan of Hapeville, Mrs. Charles Moore of Gordon, and Mrs. Robert Watson of Baldwin county: and onu brother, Mr. R. L. Lane of Macon. WELL-KNOWN BARBER IS BADLY BURNED Ch„. B. Smith Fall, A.lnp WkiU Smoking A Cigarett* nnd Sets Bedding Afire Charles B. Smith, a well-known barber of this city, was painfully and seriously burned early Wednesday morning, when it is rupposed his bed caught fir© from a cigarette he was smoking when he fell asleep. Mr. Smith boards at the McCull ough house, and about four o’clock in the morning other occupants of the house were aroused from their slum bers by smoke, and tracing the source they found the bed covering and bed burning, and Mr. Smith in an uncon scious condition. The blaze wa» quickly extinguished and Mr. Smith was found to be badly burned about the hands, arms shoulder- and face. Medical aid was summoned, and his sufernig allcriated unless * impli cations yet in Mr. Smith will t -cover from his bi ‘ns. BALDWIN OUNTY’S COTTON CROP CUT ACCORDING TO RE PORT FROM WASHINGTON The Department of Commerce at Washington on date Decembr 8, 1928 says: "There were 2,719 bales of cot ton ginned in Baldwin county, from the crop of 1928 prior to December 1, 1928 as compared with 4,906 bales* ginned to Decembar 1, 1927." Thia shows 2,187 balcy less than were ginned last year. FARMERS CLUB WILL MEET SATURDAY The regular monthly meeting of the Farmers Club will be held Sat urday with Mr. Adrian Horne.