Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 27, 1928, Image 1

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titutt VOLlil XCIX happyxmasday OBSERVED HERE Young and Old Alike Join in Cele- Sration of Nadeity. Poor ia City Remeaabered. Treea Beaatiful With th« dawn cam.' a fine clear day and a peaceful and tranquil Christmas w.m ushered in last Tues day morning. Calm observance characterized Milledfeville’s observance of the Nativity. Rich and poor alike awoke lo a day of quiet rejoicing and Snn- ui Clam hod been busy during the night. Christmas trees in all parts of the city shed their presence and present ed ;| beautiful scene. The large cedar on the front yard at the Georgia State Sanitarium had been decorated with n hundred colored light?, giving evidence of the spirit that prevailed at the Institution. On the lawn of the homo of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen, the large holly tree with its thousand? of red berries, a score of colored lights and the green leaves made a colorful scene that spoke the real Christmas spirit. In the heart of th** bu-iness section was another lighted tree that tended to produce and radi ate the spirit of the Yuletide. Other trees were scattered throughout the ci‘y and through windows could be seen the lighted tree with little kid dies playing about them, the real spirit of the day. The poor in the city were not for gotten. Baskets of fruit -and food made glad the hearts of the destitute and the ministers tpread the spirit of Christmas in the most humble huts. The glad tidings of the Nativity were carried everywhere by the generous spirit of those who gave to the Empty Stocking Fund. •, At the dawn countless children "awoke from their slumbers to rush to see what Santa Claus had brought them. Soon the .air was filled with tooting horns, and the laughter of happy children. Later in the day they broke from homes in loud laugh ter to try their new toys or show them to neighbors. A small group filed to church Inter in the morning and heard again the glad tiding of great joy. Rev. F. H. Harding at the Episcopa church told of the birth and of the nessage. The Catholics of the city were at their church in meditation and rejoicing at the birth of the Christ-child. The down-town section was desert ed. Only a few cars were parked in the business section and only a small number of people were seen standing on the streets. In the afternoon many automobiles took to the high ways for .an afternoons outing. Fam- lie 3 were gathered together in re union* in many homes. And b> night fireside parties con gregated throughout the city. Tired but happy the kiddies were rushed to bed for Christmas was over and an other three hundred and sixty-five days must pass before Santa comes again. Federal Union Established in 182b southern Recorder ” 181V Milledgeville, Ga., December 27, 1928 Number 19 TWO NEGROES ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF STEAL!.'! RESIDENCE OF MR. T. S. JEANES DAMAGED BY FIRE Prompt and Effective Work By Fire men Save One of Hendiomeat Home* From Destruction Christina* Day The home of Mr. T. S. Jeanes, on Jefferson street, was threatened by fire late Tuesday (Chriytmas) after noon. The blaze when discovered was burning its way on the roof, and had gained considerable headway. The soqnding of the alarm quickly brought the firemen .and engine to the scene. Effective and weil planned work, soon had the fire under con trol, and extinguished. A large por tion of the roof was burned, and the interior of the residence and furnish ings were badly damaged by the water. The residence of Mr. Jeanes is one of the handsomest homes in the city, und io located in one of the most prominent residential sections. RECORDER AGAIN OFFICIAL ORGAN Paper Named Official Gazette for County for Next Two Years. Service to County Warrants Recognition Given In an order issued today the Uaion Recorder was named the official gan of the county for the next two years, all legal advertising to ap pear in the paper during this period. The order was signed by S. L. Terry, Sheriff, J. C. Cooper, Clerk and W. H. Stembridge, Ordinary, the county officers, who have the authority der law to designate the official gazette. The Union Recorder has had uninterrupted publication for ra than a -entury rad in recognition for this service and the splendid record of achievement the paper has realiz ed for the county’s interest, the paper was agnin named the official gazette, according to the officers making the appointment. The following is the order issued: December 26, 1928 GEORGIA, Baldwin County. The undersigned, S. L. Terry, Sheriff; W. H. Stembridge, Ordinary; and J. C. Cooper, Clerk; of the Su perior Court, of said State and Coun ty, do hereby designate and declare the Union Recorder, a newspaper published in said county, as the of ficial organ for the publication of Sheriff’s sales, Ordinary’s Citations and other advertising commonly termed and known “Official or legal advertising” for a period of years, beginning January, 1st, 1929. This December 26, 1928. J. C. COOPER, Clerk W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary S. L. TERRY, Sheriff NINETEEN HUNDRED AND Before another uaue of this paper another year will havs passed. There is a certain element of tragedy in AhiMpassing of a year. It reminds ua that time ia fleeting. Yet 1§W was a year rich in ac complishments and adventures and a large store of the world's blessings have come to ua Many things havajlteppene^. Hus year, the wonderful and epoch making flight of the This was a year of pmm and ~ many qglv marvelous accomplishments of science, medicine, social welfare and other varied fields of endeavor. We look into 19^ and wonder what the marvels might be that will be recorded in the next 366 days. We confidently look forward to a year when mankind will make great strides. Week after week during the past year we have chronicled your achievements and recorded your triumphs, rejoiced in your suc cesses and sorrowe^ in your bereavements. We start 198# and the best wish we can make is that we will hear such news of you that it will be a delight to pass it on to others through these columns. We aro proud of our record but we are conscious of our fail ures ami wo again renew our efforts to give Milledgeville the best paper in the slate. We appreciate your patronage and co-operation. The good will und friendship that ha# been accorded us is our most valued asset and we sincerely thunk you for your support and patronage during the past year. We trust we can continue to merit this friend ship and good-will. A Happy New Ye CONVICTS MAKE GET-AWAY FROM STATE FARM LAST WEEK : Prisoners Escape Whan Confederate Hold. Up Guard at Tebercolosis j Hospital. Search Beinjr Made XMAS SERVICES ATTRACT MANY Yale Propimi Given in Nearly Every Howe of Worship. Special Mask Featured. Xmas Spirit Prevails HARDWICK MAN DIES IN WRECK A. S. Kemp. Employe of State Sanitarium Killed Friday Near Wadley In Automobile Accident FUNERAL AND BURIAL OF GEO. G. REID WEDNESDAY ..I S.i i T.bmt Cleman L.. Bull. *il for Carrying off Goods From The R. W. Hatcher Hardware Co. Otis Tanner and Cleman Lee Butts re in fhe county jail where they ■’ere placed after being arrested on [the charge of larceny from the house. These negroes are charged with t rustically stealing from the store the R. W. Hatcher Hardware Co. [They would go to the store from time me, atid when the clerks were they would carry off various Its. Suspicious pointed to them evidence enough to warrant their rt was secured Wednesday by the policemen. Forty boxes of shells which they •*d disponed of were found, also aev- ■*1 lock*. The police are trying to find other articles, which have been "’ed from the store. COTTON GIN REPORT ’fe had been ginned in Baldwin y prior to December 13th, 1928, bale* of cotton against 4,945 for the corresponding time of Thi# is 2,173 hales less. Mr. George Garland Reid died at I his residence in Atlanta Monday, af ter an illness extnding through sev eral days. Mrs. Reid had been called to At lanta the past week, and was with him when he passed away. The remains were brought to this city from Atlanta Monday for the funeral »ervic**s and interment. The funeral services were held at the family residence Wednesday af ternoon, Rev. Geo. B. Thompson, pas tor of the Presbyterian church, offi ciating. The impressive Elks cere- money, lead by' Capt. J. H. Ennis Ex alted Ruler of the Milledgeville Lodge was used in placing the remains in their last resting place. Mr. Reid had for the past ueveral years made his home in Atlanta, and his family living in this city. He had a number of friends here, who knew him as a clever, genial and social He is survived by Mrs. Reid, who before her marriage was Miss Beulah Hincu, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. Hines; two daughters, Mrs. Coleman Moughon, of Haddock, and Miss Geraldine Reid, of this city; three sons Garland, Wur- ren and Will Reid, of Atlanta. Hundreds of persons turned out in fine clear weather Sunday for Christ mas cantatas, and musicals given in the Milledgeville churches. With that Milledgeville swung into the final celebration of the birth of the Christ- child. Congregations in every church In the city heard Christmas sermons, listened to Christmas music and joined in Christmas jongs in religious observance of the Yuletide. At the Methodi-t church the choir, with Mrs. M. M. Parks at the piano yang "The Coming of Christ.’’ The choir was composed of Mrs. R. E. Long, Mrs. Ed Darrow, Mrs. W. A. Massey, Miss Elizabeth Grant, Miss Dorothy Banks, Messrs L. H. An drews, C. J. Conn, Ed Darrow and T. T. Hardman. The rendition of this beautiful anthem was enjoyed ty the congregation. The Baptist church had a special program at the Sunday School hour. The scene of the Christ-child in the manager with its mother Mary and the wise men standing uround was enacted during the singing of Christ mas carrols by a special choir. The children of the school brought fruit and gift* for the poor. Superintend ent D. M. Rogers had charge of the service. In the evening the Presbyterian church presented a pagent and canta ta telling the Christmas story in music and song. The Rev. George B. Thompson, pastor of the church, had the program in charge and delivered a special Christmas menage. The services celebrating the Feast of the Nativity were held at the Epis copal nr.d Catholic church on Christ mas day. A special Mass was helJ at the Catholic church at midnight Christina# eve. State farm officials in co-opera tion with county officer* all over the state today continued their search for Jack Lynch and Aubrey Smth, pris oners who were freed from the state farm Wednesday night when an un identified man held up a guard with pistol and made him liberate the the pair. The liberator is believed to have •een Leland Harvey of Macon, who scaped last week from the Henry county gang, where he was nerving a five-year term. All three arc from Macon and nre known to have been ‘.he beat of friends They escaped from Milledgeville by automobile. BUSINESS BRISK CHRISTMAS EVE COLLEGES OPEN AGAIN NEXT WEEK G. *. C. CommoKM ^oaary Zmi. G. S. C. W. m Tkird. Ctarty Sckeok Rome n l*i The college girls and boy- will re turn next week. The Georgia Military College open* January 2nd. The Georgia State College for Women resumes January 3rd. The Boarding Cadeta will reach the city Tuesday afternoon, and the bar racks will be ready for their coming, supper being served. The G. S. C. W. students will come in on the Beauty Special Wednesday afternoon and wor! will be commenc ed early Thursday morning. The spring term of both, institu tions promire lo be moat successful. The schools throughout th** county will open January 2nd. A. S. Kemp, of Hardwick, and employee of the Georgia State Sani tarium, was killed in an automobile accident early Friday afternoon, about three miles from Wadley. Mr. Kemp had been to Lyons, and was on his return trip home, and while going at u high rate of speed passed a truck. He lost control of the car, which left the highway striking a stump, the impact throw ing Mr. Kemp who was in the alone, some distance breaking his neck. The men, who weft in the truck went to the assignee of Mr. Kemp, but found him dead. The remains were brought to his home in Hard- The funeral services were held at J. A. Moore’# Funeral Home Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. F. McCluney officiating, in the presence of a large number if friends. The Hard wick Lodge of the Junior Order of American Mechanic#, of which Mr. Kemp was a member, attended the funeral and burial. Mr. Kemp has been an employee of the State Sanitarium for about fifteen years, coming from South Georgia. At the recent election he was elected Justice of the Peace of the 321st District. He is survived by his wife, one son George, and a daughter. Mis# Louise. Streets Packed By Happy Throngs Unli! Late Honr Daring Chri*t- rrs5 Etc. Merchants Enjoy Dig Cosiness Record crowds thronged Milledge- ville’s business section last Saturday and during Christmas eve bringing business figures for the closing year beyond that of previous year? cording to many merchants in city. The street* were packed early in the day which came clear and crisp. Happy faces predominated in the mad rush through the stores ns the last shopping effort was made. It was a business-like bunch that crowded the streets. The loafing that is general ly evident on street corners wo* sent and it seemed that in the ma jority the crowd came here with a definite purpose. The merchants were of the opin ion that many had postponed their shopping until the final day, all ef forts urging early shopping being futile. The crowd# packed the streets un til late in the night and the general good-fellowship nnd ordiliness of the crowd made the Chraitmns shopping period one of the most profitable in the history of the city. SON OF MRS. L J. ROZAR HAS NARROW ESCAPE MRS. W. I. HARPER DIED FRIDAY AFTERNOON On* of Baldwin CoBBty’a W#1I-Kbi Women Passed Away Aftsr . Lon* Life LEE JORDAN BACK FROM ATLANTA TRIP CONVICT ROAD LABOR WILL STOP JANUARY 1ST As anr. unced several weeks ago, the County Commissioners will not, after the first of January work roads of the county with convict la bor. The Commissioners have made arrangements for the transfer of the 26 convicts within the next few days. Christmas day tne men in the stockade were given an extra dinner of barbecue and accessories, fruit-, candies, etc., and the day made as pleasant for them as possible. On the first of January Mr. J. L. Edwards of the State Highway De partment, will take charge of the roads as County Superintendent L. N. Jordan, Chevrolet dealer, re- turned last week from Atlanta where he saw the New Chevrolet on display in the show there that has heel* in progress ueveral days. Mr. Jordan «taied ones of the new cars would be in his show rooms on next Saturday. Mr. Jordan is enthusiastic over the new car and has invited the people of this section to come to his garage and have the new motor car demon strated. JUDGE PARKS DISSOLVES CHARTER, SWEARS IN JUDGE W. H. STEMBRIDGE Judge Jas. B. Park was in the city Monday for a short while, and held a special session of court, hearing and granting an application to dis solve the charter of the Central of Georgia Gjano Co. Judge Park also gave the oath of office to Judge W. H. Stembridge. a* ordinary of Bald win county, and to Judge Butler, ordinary of Wilkinson county. Mrs. Mary Harper, widow of th- late Mr. W. I. Harper, died at her home at Meriwether Friday after noon, after a short illness. The funeral services were held at the residence Saturday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Farr officiating. The re mains were buried on the family #quarc in this city by the side of Mr. Harper, /who passed away aeveiial years ago. Mm Harper before her marriage was Miss Mary Hollinshead, a sister of the late Mr. Geo. W. Hollinshead. Her life of seventy-nine years was rpent in the neighborhood in which she died. She was a member of the Bethel Methodist church, and was known as a Christian woman, whose life was made up of kind min.stration to her love ones, and sympathy and helpfulness to neighbors and friend* Mrs. Harper is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W. T. Bloodworth, of Midway; Mrs. G. L. Small, of Jones county and Mrs. Claude Wil son, of Jacksonville, Fla.; and four sons, J. Ben Harper, W. E. Harper, O. M. Harper, Robert Harper, all of Baldwin county, and Mr. Geo. Harp er, of Valdosta. ORDINARY MARRIES NINE COUPLES CHRISTMAS Judge W. H. Stembridge joined together in the bond-:’of matrimony nine couples Chris.mas d.ty and Christmas-eve. Two of these couples .rare white while the rest were color ed. Judge Stembridge stated that this had been an unusually good sea son for wedding# and the number ex ceeded that of the past several Christmas. Mr. M. W. Rozar while on his way to this city to visit his mother, Mrs. L. J. Rozar from his home in Chica go h: il a thrilling experience, and in which he came near being burned to death when an aeroplane ia which he was making the trip fel ai.d wan destroyed by fire. Mr. Rozar left Chicago in u Chic»- go-Atlnnta pasrenger mail plan*. With him were two other pas?>en|®r» and two pilots. The plane stopped ja Chattanooga Saturday night, and Sunday morning shortly after lead ing that place fell caught fire and burned up. Mr. Rozar wa# the sole survivor. He relates the following story of the accident. Blaming a cold motor and a lack of altitude for the airplane crash /ft -Chattanooga Sunday, in which- fojir men met death, M. W! Rozar, of Ma con and Chicago, the lone survivor, told his version of the tragedy Sunday night while the train takigg him to Macon waited at an Atlanta station. Dcucribing the accident, Mr. Rozar told of what appeared to be a perfect take-off from the Chattanooga field. The motor began sputtering and skip ping at an altitude of hardly more than 160 or 200 feet and thi plane went into a side-slip from which the pilot never was able to right it, ac cording to Mr. Rozar. Before the crash he said he saw the seriousness of their situation and gave up all hope of ccming out of it alive. “When the plane struck the eurttfc” Mr. Rozar said, “my leg# were pinned beneath something heavy, and it was with considerable difficulty that I ex tricated myself. As soon an my feet were free, I bolted through the exit. 1 don’t know whether th© door was opened when the plane struck or I opened it myself. “When I found I was safe, I be come conscious that the other men were #till in the cabin. I could hear their agonired screams and groans. 1 started to go back in after them, but the gasoline tank exploded then, and someone grabbed hold of me. I saw the whole wreck suddenly become en veloped in flames.” Mr. Rozar said the ship caught fire as weii as he could remember, before it struck the ground, but wa* buro- | ing only at the front, and flame# did I not spread over the fuselage until the gas tank burst. Mr. Rozar, who Is Chicago repre sentative for a Georgia cotton manu facturing concern, is a native of Bon Air, Gc., but now considers Macon his home. While, to »!1 appearances, he is not hurt, he said his legs were lightly scratched and brui'ed. All his lug gage, he raid was lost, except a bunch of keys which had been in one of His grips and which he salvaged from the ruins. Mr. Rozar -said, in spite of Sunday's experience, it would not de'er him from flying in the future. A RECEIVES $80.00 PRIZE Miss Trapnell, who is operator at the Central of Georgia Railroad de- ! pot i»» this city received a check for : J30.C0 yesterday from the Cotton I Manufacturer Association. Some time ! ago the Association offered prizes of $500.00, and ten fifty dollar prises for the best suggestions of how to use more cotton. Mfa Trapnell was awarded one of the $50.00 Brizes.