Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 10, 1929, Image 1

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federal Union Established in 1829 Southern Recorder " 181tf Milledgeville, Ga., January 10, 1929 Consolidated in 1871 Number 21 VOULIM XCIX Rumor Says Milledgeville- DR. ALLEN ADDS G.S.C. GIRLS Gray Road to Be Paved NEW BUILDING TO HEAR OPERA COURT CONVENES ONNEXTMONDAY G»a Docket Will Conjume Fint Week. Criminal Carer to Be Tried Will Depend on Grand Jury Superior Court will convene next Monday at ten o’clock. Jurors and witnesses have been summoned, and everything is in readiness for thz approaching session. judge Jas. B. Park will preside. and a4 soon us the court and grand jury are organized will deliver his '•barge. The first week will be taken up with the civil docket, which contains a large number of cases. The crim inal docket will be called the second week, and the number of cases to be tried will depend upon the work of the grand jury. There arc three pris oners in the Jail charged with murder. Solicitor Joe Duke will be in at tendance the opening day, and dur ing the first week will assist the rrnnd jury in their work. Unofficial Report. Coming Hcrc jH ^ fm WoaieB| Special Train to Carry Yonnj Tuwday Say High, y Depart- j uJ Opened Thir 1 Women t. Macon Saturday Week. All Improvements for Acute Psychosis ment Extends Contract for Macon Rond Paving Evening. Citizens to Ac company Them Sheriff Election Called For Friday, February the First Three Candidates Announce to Fill) MCW f IVlf fl HR Vacant by Death of Sheriff S. L. U ' /LUD Terry. Judge Stembridge Makes Call for Election STOCKHOLDERS M.&F.BANKMET Organized for New Year By Elec tion of Officers. Splendid Record Made Daring Years of Operation The annual meeting the stockhold ers of the Merchants & Farmers Bank was held Wednesday aftcr- Ths Merchants & Farmers Bank was the second bank organized in Mil ledgeville, and has u capital stock of 580,000 and a surplus of $80,000. Ttc present Directors are’J. T. Allen, ii. I). Allen, M. H. Allen, J. F. Bell, J. L Beeson, L. N. Callaway, John T. Day, L. C. Hall. Dr. H. D. Allen, Jr., Judge John T. Allen is President, L. C. llall, Vice-President and Cashier; John T. Day, Vice-President and Assistant Cashier; Cason Black, bookkeeper and Collector. During the years since it was or ganized the bank has ranked high among the financial institution in this section. It has been conservatively managed and directed, and has had a steady growth in the confidence of thj people. The business done the past year showed an increase. According to an authentic rumor that reached this city Tuesday the S ate Highway Department extended the contract to the constructing com pany now paving the Gray to Macon r.d to include the section of the cupj , md from Gray to Milledgeville, the urk to begin as soon as the section >w under construction is completed. The Highway Department has made no official announcement of the contract that was closed Monday, but the report comes from reliable sources and is of sufficient authenicy to be accepted. While the official of another construction company gave out the information, he denied the right to use his name in connect ion with the story, stating his com pany was making an effort to get the Milledgeville to Louisville tract that would be let at an early date. The Highway Department plans to pave from Macon to Augusta via Louisville at an early date and it is reasonably certain that the deal from Milledgeville to Gray has been closed, while the Highway Department has given out no statement. hospital THE OLDEST BANK NAMES OFFICIALS Stockholders of The Milledgeville Banking Contpanv Organize for New Year. Mr. M. S. Bell President The i tnnua? meeting of the stock- holders of th.- Milledgeville Banking Company was held Wednesday after- noon of last week and elected offic- * ,f * for the new year. .’tiller S. Boll wu chosen President '’ I E. E. Bell, ceil J. E. Kidd. Vice. I’’ Weals, with the follotvinc biter •E. E. Bn,.. E. EL Bell, M. S F E - Efine, I). W. Brown, B. t. F ‘“ley end J. E. Kidd. Immediately after the adjournment ef .he meeting- of the stockholder, the ’-•rtrtors went into session and elect- "1 the following officers: Cashiel r S* Hell; Assistant Cashier, R. Beil: Bookkeeper, E. J rstor; Clerk and Collector, Com- J htubbs; Assistant to the President, I lrmi.tr ; V “* WiUie Reims: Assistant Book- hreptr, MU E. Mathew,. The report mode to the noci. ’bowed tha- the year 1928 had ’ most successful, and that the eWTtlnga of the bank had cxceed- .,*? 0.000 the previous most «sfu| year. The rei , u i ar annual eialJ; ° f 16 P " Wnt h ’ d ** to ’ alul B amount carried he surplus fund. The stockhold- tk C .T'” ,d ‘heir appreciate ^T^tk 0 , f ‘ h ' b »" k “ 'lain* TWO NEGROES ARRESTED HERE Bunco Game Stopped by MiBedfe ville Police Last Thursday Dublin Officers Come Here Warrants for Men The opening of building for women patients at Allen’s Tr.valid Home has been an nounced this week, the building oc- ,outh of Dr. Allen’s residence and being a three sto»*y structure. The building will be given entire ly to women patients, the announce ment stated. The new structure is the mos modern type of hospital building and is equipped for the treatment of the more acute psycho sis. Fifty private rooms, hydrothe rapy, sun parlors and rooms for diversional occupations are all in cluded in the building. The hydro therapy rooms are completely equip ped and contain the most detailed methods of treatment. Allen’s Invalid Home was estab- One thousand young Georgia Wo men with their faculty and friends of Milledgeville will pack into the mng- nificicnt city auditorium in Macon Saturday evening to hear the delight of music lovers, “Lucia do Lammet moor. Dr. J. L. Bec.-on has arranged for a special train to take the students to Macon Saturday afternoon and re turn Saturday night Milledgevile citizens have been invited to go whh them, being given advantage of a low round trip rate of $1.10. Dr. Beeson has also secured n block of opera scats and is plucing them sale to the citizens here also, opera seats are sold for 76c. tickets are c fice, Mr. L. S. Fowler. colorful opera will bo Following the call of an election to fill the unexpired term of Sheriff S. L. Terry by the Ordinary, Judge W. H. Stembridge, thro- candidates threw their bats into tie ring and politics from now until February 1st, the date set for the election, will be a principle topic. Boland II. Lawrence, W. T. Lundy and W. J. Hnynie have announce themselves as candidates for the fot year term left vacant by Sheriff Terry’s death. Sheriff Terry elected last fall for four years and would have taken the oath January 1st The election on the first day of j February will fill this four year term. Haynic, Chief of Millcdge- lisht-d in 1890 and hn» httd tt pro-1 given during the entire week Unit the gretuive growth. Dr. H. D. Alien, S,n Carlo Company i, playing in the founder, is now being assisted by Macon then the opera Saturday even- his two sons, Dr. Edwin Allen and Dr. H. D. Allen, Jr. Miss Floride Allen is also connected with the hos pital as dietician. The hospital now has 190 private rooms and is open to both male and female patients. i » *u x> _» ville police, has been connected with sale ut the Bursars -| ^ Milledgeville Police Department several years. Roland H. Lawrcnc is a successful farmer. His father was Chief of Millcdgevill© Police for many yeras. W. T. Lundy was c nectod with the Sheriffs office Prohibition enforcement officer s erul years ago and is now a Con stable. The three weeks remaining before the election will find the three men active. t. Two negroes, giving their names as Mariam Green and Evans Gibbs, were arrested last Thursday by Mil ledgeville police when they attempt ed a bunco game on Jim Jackson. Dublin police came here Saturday with warrants charging the men with similar offenses and took them in custody. Green canu? to Milledgeville during the Christmas holidays and formed an acquaintance with Jim Jackson, pretending to Jackson that he was in the market for a house. Thursday morning the two negroes were on Wayne street talking when Gibbs walked up and picked an envelope off the side walk filled with fake money and wnr saving stamps. They showed Jack-on their find and went down an alley and counted out the money. They told Jackson they would divide with him if he would give them two hundred dollars and they would all keep their mouths shut about their find. There was about nine hundred dollars in the envelope and Jackson in the trade was to re ceive three hundred for his two. Jackson became suspicious and to!d the police. The trade went on with the police watching. Just as it was about to be completed Chief Haynie and officer Broom walked up and ar rested them. The envelope contain ing the money was not found. Police of neighboring cities were notified of the arrest and it was be lieved they were members of a gang working the scheme in Augusta. The negrosc admitted their guilt and in the event the Dublin officials fa ; l to get evidence enough to con vict the negroes will be returned here. FIRE FRIDAY EVENING BALE OF COTTON Firemen were tailed early Friday evening to the Union Warehouse where a bale of cotton had enught fire. The door to the building was forced open and the cotton bale brought into the street and drenched with water. While making a big smoke, the fire did not become dang. NAMES OMITTED In publishing the names of the contributors to the fund to promote the cultivation of tobacco in Baldwin county, the names of Mr. E. E. Bell, who contributed $50.00, and the Jay Department Store, $26.00 a omitted. Mistakes will be made and we take pleasure in correcting the omission of these names. CADETS OPEN B.B. SCHEDULE Defeat Sanders ville Athletic Qab. on Sooth Georgia Trip This Week-end. Play Douglas Aggies Next Tuesday Night Opening the season with a victory over the Sandersville Athletic Club Monday night, the G. M. C. cadet basketball team under Coach Brbe Florence have started the march that will lead to the G. I. A. A. champion ship. similar performances continu ing. The cadets showed a real aggresivc club in trouncing the Sandersville Five, recent conquerrrs of the fa mous Vienna Wonder Five. A good crowd filed into the arena shortly be fore the hostilities began, despite the cold, and they were furnished a real basketball game, the final ing 20 to 18. The team will leave Friday for Montezuma t omeet Maj. Queener’i Cage Artist and on Saturday will do battle with the Vienna Five. The South Georg.a tour this year will be rather brief in comparison to past year Next Tuesday the Douglas Aggie* will be the guests of the cadets at the local athletic gym. Hostilities be gin at eight fifteen and the building will be comfortably heated. The athletic officials are giving away j box of candy at each gam? to stimu late interest. Coach Florence and his indooi team have started on the journey that will end in March in Macon at the G. I- A. A. tournament. Monroe, Lanier, Riverside, Savannah Gordon will all be m:*t here. Coach Rentz, head of all uthK,tics at the col- lege stated the team showed splendid prospect.; and h? believed Miliedge- ville would uphold her reputation a: :he best sports town in the State for J strongest and n size by attending the games. Miliedge- j this section, ville always bacKs her teams, Coach 1 The officials Rentz stated, and with prospects for | creased busines a championship very bright I believe. year we will play to record crowds each | night. FELTON RICE Critics proclaim the San Carlo Company, which played Macon last year, greater than ever before and great throngs are packing the Macon auditorium for the shows. Each night a caravan of music lovers from Milledgeville are traveling to Mi.con for the performances. The train will leave here at 6:30 M.. and return immediately after the opera. EXCHANGEBANK NAMES OFFICERS A Report to Stockholders Shows Business Increase During Year. Dividend Paid; Large Amount Carried to Smphis Th? stockholders of the Exchange Bank met Wednesday afternoon, January 9th. The report made by President, Mr. Otto M. r’onn, proved most gratifying b' th? s’ockholders' ns it showed that the burines^ done during the year 1928 war. the largest in the history of the bank: that an annual dividend of 12 per cent had b<*en paid on its capital of $100,- O00.00, and that a substantial sum hud been carried to its profit nc- The following Director*-, were elected: Dr. H. D. Allen. Dr. E. W. Allen. II. G. Banks. Hnrry G. Bone, Chn* .1. Conn, Otto M. Conn, A. C. McKinley, W. L. Ritchie, Julian R. Stanley and Dixion Williams. At a meeting of the Director* held immediately afterwards the follow ing officer i were nam?d: Otto M. Conn—President; Dr. II. D. Allen—Vice-President and Chair man Board of Directors; H. G. Bank! Cashier; H. H. Herndon, Bookkeeper and Teller; Miss Fleta Batemnn. ELECTS OFFICERS Newspaper Man Named President of Lions at Friday Meetini Mniudpal Play Croud to to Be First Undertaloni At the first session of the- newly organized Lions Club lagt Friday evening at the Baldwin Hotel, Jerc Moore, Managing Editor of the Un ion Recorder, was named the first President of the club with a full slate of officers to carry on the work of the recently organized civic club. Receiving their charter before the Cht istmos holidays, th? club delayed further action until the holiday sea son had come to an end and the flu epidemic had begun a decline. The session Friday was given entirely to the business of election and mapping out a slate for the new y-jar’s work. The club in a letter addressed to the Kiwanis club assure their brother organization of their co-operation and earnest effort to bring about a greeter civic pride and progressive development of Milledgeville. The officers named arc: Jerc Moore, President. George S. Carpenter, Chairman of Board. L. Curry, Vice-President and Chairman of Finance Committee Programs. Lieut. V. L. Nash, Secretary and Treasurer. Maj. George Florence, Lion Tamer. E. B. Jackson, Director of Activi- Director of Th? Exchange Bank was organized about twenty-five years ago, and its growth and .advancement has been steady, it now having a capital stock of $100,000.00, and surplus and profits of $100,000.00, giving it the recognition of being one of th" ost progressive banks S. D. STEMBRIDGE WILL ATTEND LAYMEN’S MEETING Mr. Sidney D. Stembridge has re ceived a notice from Dr. Cox, Lay Leader of the North Georgia Confer ence, that a meeting of the lay lead ers and Presiding Elders of the various districts of the Conference, will meet at the Hotel Grady on Jan uary 19th, and 20th, for a Confer ence. Mr. Stembridge has be?n an Associate Lay Leader of Oxford District for several years, and has become identified with all gathering of laymen o^ the North Georgia Con ference. He expects to attend the meeting in Atlanta. ATLANTA NAVAL MEET Mr. Felton Rio© and Mr. W. H. Holloway left Sunday afternoon for Atlanta on business. Mr. Rice is member of a Naval Examining Board which convened at 9:00 A. M., Mon day in the Post Office Building for the purpose of examining prospective officers for the U. S. Naval Medical Corps and to conduct Annual Physi cal Examinations of all Naval and Marine officers connected with the Recruiting activities in Georgia and Florida. The Board will he in ten sion until i-bout the 22nd of January. Mr. Holloway left Atlanta Monday af ternoon for Baltimore, Maryland, on business. r* COUNCIL PASSES TAX ORDINANCE Wholesale Tax on Gasoline increas ed. Pool Rooms Get Heavy Tax. Big Tax on Fire Crackers. High way Express Comes in for Tax The Cty Council in its first session of the New Year passed the Tax Ordinances governing business i city, several coming in for increases under the new figures set by the Council. Wholesale gasoline opera! their tax increased to $250.00. This included all wholesale dealers ship ping to this city in either ca drums. Pool rooms had a S 1,0' 0.00 put on each table, making the .-ontinuance or the future opera tion of public pool rooms pratically an impossibility. , Retail fireworks dealers were given a material increase for the rights to sell fireworks in Milledgeville the future. A license of $500.00 be ing churged to sell these goods. The Highway Express that has heretofore been operating without tax will in the future have SI60.00 to come into the city with their trucks. A sum of $40.00 was appropriat ed by the city for the associated charities. The city granted the request of the Georgiu State College for Women for a side walk along their property A* a meeting jf the stockholders on Green Street. Thc*y denied how-1 of the First National held 5 n the ever the petition for encroachment I offices of the hank Tuesday aftcr- on Franklin Street by the college,! noon all officers and directors were stating their inv *mion to improve I re-elected for the New Year, this street and make a direct right-: The following Directors were of-way to the Central Railroad. named: Chief W. J. Haynie w. Riven E. N. Ennis, Joe E. I’otlte, Richard thirty day leave of absence. I Binitn, J. A. Horne, J. C. Cooper, George Carpenter, Roye Work. -* ‘ Dr. M. F. Stembridge, Directi Conventions. Conch Johnnie Brodanax, Director of Membership Committee. The club has pledged itself to car ry forward as their first undertak ing the erection of a municipal pluy ground for the youth of the city. They will interest themselves in de- eloping the young girls and boys of the city as their major objective. A membership drive has been start ed and the club of twenty members is expected to grow, doubling this A series of articles issued by Lions International toward developing the civic pride and progress of Millodge- ville will be published each week in the Union Recorder and the Milledge- ville Times. FIRSTNAT10NAL NAMES OFFICERS Ail Officeit ami Directors Re- Elected it Seiiioa Tuesday Afternoon. Good Year Ended by Youngest Bank COLONIAL TO HAVE TWO BIG PICTURES NEXT WEEK The Red I and .Tun W. Hutchinson. The reports submitted showed the hank h..d done iplcndid business and that the regu lar 12 per cent dividends Had been paid, wi.h a nice sum going to the surplus. Week* Bill st Movie The director* at u session following the election named the following officers: E. N. Ennis, President; J. E. Pottle. Vice-President; Jon W. Hutchinson, Cashier; Miss Ruth Sims. The Red Dance, Monday and Tues-’ ^ am , George Moore, day and Variity, Thuraday and Fri- nooklteep , r day will feature the week’s program at the Colonial Theatre next week, Manager Curry announces. The pictures an the latest para mount features and have just been released. Dolores Dc Rio will be the star .of the picture the early part of the week and Charles, Buddy Rogers will be the lead in tbe show the lat ter part of the weak. Manager Curry stated that the pie- turea for the coming weeks will be the best in the history af the Colonial and many big features will be an nounced each week. The bonk organized eighteen years ago and has shown a substantial growth, being Milledgeville’s young est bank. It has been on? cf the strong factors in aiding the agricul tural development of the county. Messrs Frank Bone, J. R. Norment and W. S. Jett were named delegates to the annual council of the Episco pal church to meet in Macon this month, representing St. Stephens church. Messrs E. H. Bohni, Jure Moore and Lieut Nash were named alternates.