Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 10, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA.. JANUARY 10, 1020 PAPER SHOWS’28 EVENTFUL YEAR Review of Union Recorder for 1928 Brings Hack Many Inter esting as Well r.s Sad Event: to Mind. Politics Plentiful Johnaic Broadnax named Coach G. M. C. Exchange Bank celebrati :6th JUNE veeps county property vral housand dollars, ry narrowly escapes dealt Chevrolet Mote to get its 1929 s' ly before it deal ing organization ual spring i auto Largt eck i : Savannah. Company in order es program direct- r und factory sell- i again sponsoring aeries of nation- ts, the first of history the Unin back lind. Many zens died during the month.-, end storm - brought much damage •hich York. Porks Thu; ya nariul H.'-pitol. divided an: . s. C \V. rewords diplomas—Dr. 1 krorlnc - :p:.t I'-■.veil odd.e- -vs graduates, executives. !ity Gas Tax tested by dealers and Hi.hop ' the SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO Lewis Hays MACON, GA. ACCOUNT GRAND OPERA Tickets on sule January 6 to 12, 1929, inclusive; final limit January 14, 192!*. Ask Ticket Agent for fares, sche dules and other travel information. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY "The Right Way” i Rice and A. Ola Rice Suits file. Poli'. Toh mary of 1928 follow? against Ga R. It. ntorcadc visits city. Bonner suffers stroke. Jarrett dies, ter of Masons visits city, cide to erect fenc: I C. Athletic field a? i H-sadir i Grant. the three crew;-, each cr onucl of five factory of whom are special- Willi me phase of merchandising, the crews will bs R. H. i’-iton Rice icc-prerident in charge of No. 1362. In the Superior Court of •L Klingler, general sales Baldwin County, January Term, M. D. Douglas and D. E. 1929 Petition for equitable relief, assistant genral sales man- TO WILLIAM HOWARD RICE, DE FENDANT neraries of the three crews y ou arc . them to every key city in an(1 appc . ar .iy so that none of the 25,- Superb ; hereby cc ir at the n Court of learning Chevi progra from the Hnhlw onds nomination re for President. plnn=; new buildings. Benson Bakery* destroyed by fire. G. S. C. W. Journalism Class edits edition of Union Recorder. Union Record*— starts Treasure Trove Hunt. Auto kills Nurse near Sanitarium. Fir-** Tobacco beds planted. FEBRUARY Ben Bass. Tax Collector, dies sud denly. Power Company gives White Way. Col. Roach named Colonel of ( nor’s Staff. JULY AI Smith .and Joe Robinson ii< ated a*. Houston by Democrats. Fourth quiet Cues plentiful. Baldwin Blues go to camp. Digest shows Tax increase. City plan municipal gas statioi Superior Court in brief session. A. L. Gaither and B. P. Myrick meeting scheduled for Dcnv.., ruary 29. In euch place the pro- M . T. C- Trophy. gnarns will be identical. In each city I H the meeting will be concluded umanded t xt term of the . ..aid county, to who compost the factory 1(t . hc | d on thl . Mcond Ml)nday scllinp orpnnizntiona will J anuary 1929, alld make your an the above named and sta case, as required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable J. B. Park, goal the sab during 1929 of 1,250,- Judge of the Superior Court, this 5 “ AA lh<> l aTge8t annual quota j day of December 1928. J. C. COOPER, Clerk of Superio-* Court. •stablbhed by tnc world’ st builder of automobiles. Thir.y-five cities arc to be inciud- three itineraries, the last’ Mary Hays To Mary Hays, defendant: Petition for divorce Baldwin Super ior Court January Term, 1929. Lewis Hays hiving filed his peti tion for divorce against you, in this court, returnable to this term and it appearing tnat you do not reside in this Sta . You, Mary Hay- are hereby notified to be and appear at the January term next, of said court to be held on the Second Mon day in January 1929, to answer said Witness the Honorable Jamey B. Park, Judge Superior Court. This December twentieth, 1928. J. C. COOPER, Clerk. Elizabeth Jones Jackson Vs. Nuthaniel Jackson To Nathaniel Jackson, defendant Petition for divorce Ealdwin Super ior Court January Term, 1929. Elizabeth Jones Jackson having filed her petition for divorce against you in this court, returnable to said term, and it appearing that you do not reside in this State: Y'ou Nathan iel Jackson are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of this court to be held on the Second Mon- day in January 1929, to answer said suit. Witness the Honorable James B. Park, Judge Superior Court. Thi* December twentieth, 192R. J. C. COOPER, Clerk. Feb-! ps rxxxxzmxx; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrc Cadet Controversy watrr plan Council started. Jury clears Fountain flogging charges. of three ho lowed by AUGUST quot. Ample time has been provid- n named G. S. C. PrcHi- cd for ll ‘ , “ lcrs to Ulkc “P their indl- viduul programs with factory offici- » day;. There is to be a afternoon program fol-i ; elaborate evening ban-1 cutting Arch McKinley dilators, ously hurt Mr . Annie McCombs dies. Bivins, Moran nnd Ncw|oi in Primary—Terry, Conn, bridge und Cooper re-elected. Agricultural Institute held here. Building contract for colored build ing i:t Sanitarium goes to DuPree & Baldwin Hotel to be remodeled. His Olive Mcntlows badly burnt-it. A. I. Butts and L. D. Smith enter • for Tax Collector. MARCH G. S. C. W. given grade A rating in American Association of Teach er* College rating. 1 To] In way buys store. Mrs. J. W. A moss dies. P. E. Williams named Water Superintendent. L. D. Smith elected Tax Collector. Mncivic Club organized by Masons. G. M. C. Rifle team wins Nntionul honors. J. B. Ma!pns.t dies suddenly. G. M. C. wins Corps Trophy in rifle matches. Rev. T. J. Morrow goes to New York on. leave. T. H. F.iulkner dies suddenly. Mias Myra Barnes wins Union Re corder Treasure Trove Hunt. J. L. Be< dent Jim Angles figure j crape. Mrs. E. C. Atkin Smith in speech here. Marion Allen, Otto Conn and Dr. Stumbridge re-elected G. M. C. Trustees for six years. 2nd storm sweeps county bridges and roads washed away. Drs. Binion, Scott and Mobley bine. B. R. Flemister dies. Califf, prison guard knifed First bale cotton received. J. T. Burke takes own life. R. R. Presidents and Red Cros fer aid to county after floods. Qualified voters show 20 per increase. SEPTEMBER G. M. M. C. Opens. G. S. C. W. begins fall term. 75.000 pounds tobacco grown in county—highest prices 29cts lb. Ciuncil and Dr. Anderson have water plant disagree. Gov. Hardman re-elected Governor, carries Baldwin. Dr. Anderson calls mass meeting. "Wings” Wl South. Doctors select Hospital site. Carl Vinson notified of nomina- Morc than a carload of scenery, props, stage properties nnd special lighting equipment are necessary forj the presentation in each city. The re also required of a special- 1 ly trained show crew to direct the work behind the stage so that in front .if the footlights' the dealer or- pressive und instructive stage show ganizntion may witness the most im- ever sponsored by any company in the industry. All of the crews will be together Friday when the first meeting opens in New York, and their routes will bring them togthcr again for the Detroit nnd Chicago meetings. Aside from there instances, however, the three parties will fork out into ly divrgent sections. RENT—This water, light* aad phone. See M. M. Brantley, North Jeffei Phone 173. FIRST SHOWING Spring Dresses Just in by Express. The Styles are new and the Materials are new. They are charming to look at. Drop in and see them Florid, Gardens. Farmers Club offer prize to school children for best essay on Baldwin county produces. G. S. School Convention held here. APRIL Co*. Geo. S. Roach named Presi dent of G. M. C. Poultry rale nets $810.23 for 2.- 877 lbs. poultry. Magnolia : l>ror "l 1 i H. S. Wootten Chamber of Com- erce Secretary. L. C. Rail elected Kiwunis Prcri- picture here first in dent. Henry Lane, young farmer, dies. Work at Water Plant completed. Elks have Home-Coming. Liens Club organized here. Tree of light erected on Exchange Bank Poor remembered at Christmas | with empty s ocking fund. Students leave city for holidays. Big Christmas for State Insane. Negro killed by friend, j Church services feature Christm Creek programs. se catches firt- Xmas Militant Democratic Organization Day. OCTOBER Baldwin Fair opens. Brantley Mills, old negro dies. ;opped lack of lrt foi Auto thin lerating here, steal j Dt «ar of B. C. Glass nod Jin Granade. Legion open club room in Horne Building. ! Mere Joe Duk? gives cup for best speak-j church. Rcpublii county. W. C. T. U. hold young peoples • Baptist hold two weeks revival. , Easter day beautiful Officers capture large quantity of j Al Smi'.h. whiskey. W. T. Garrard dies suddenly. School sing Red Le'ter day. Water Basin repaired. Warren Grice makes Memorial ad- Bishop Mikell church. Post Office receipts break record. MAY Gna* music festival given at G. S. C. W