Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 07, 1929, Image 1

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♦ CtlTVWJtl VOU.-MXCK Haynie is CHOSEN SHERIFF Jfceivcs Four Hundred and jj-.flve Votes. Defeating His Nearest Orpin: By Good Margin j Hayim* w J elected Sheriff Wdwin'nuMy lo succeed the s I.. Terry in ’he election held av. February 1st. rre three candidates in the Haynie. Boland L. Law- \\. T. Lundy. For several ■k* prior ;o the- election they con- d a quiet but active campaign. . total vote* polled was 1.065. Mr. vnie receiving 155: Mr. Lawrence Mr. Hny- f ,,ver hi? nearest op- Federal Uniaa Established fa 1828 Southern Recorder " 1819 Milkdienlc, G»., February 7,1929 Consolidated in 1872 Number 25 M 172. •155 OTAL Tb< 105th prt Mr. Haynie. * follow- 281 successful candi- . has served as Chief-of-I’olice of rdjfeviMe for the past several ■J. and has e stablished himself ir confidence of the people who ; come to know hm. The urgu- i*. was effectively used by his nd.« .hat he had made a faithful tf-of-Poiice, and that lie would * Baldwin county a good Sheriff. C. M. C. CADETS LENTEN SEASON BEGINS NEXT WEDNESDAY Aih Wednesdav i Sun da March Next Wednesday, F -bruary 13th, will begin the Lenten season cele brated in many churches a? a period of worship and prayer prior to Easter. The Catholic and Episcopal churches will have Ash Wednesday sendees. Easter will come this year on the last Sunday in March. Regular ser vices will be conducted in these two churches until Easter. TO CONSIDER LOCAL INVITE Meeting of Officials Saturday to Accept of Reject MiUedgeville Invitation for G. i. A. A. Tournament President R. K. White, of Norman Institute. L. K. Tanner of Lanier and H. J. Stageman of the University of Georgia, a committee of the Geor gia Intercollegiate Athletic Associa tion, will meet, in Macon Saturday to act on the invitation extended by Conch Rentz for the association to hold their tournament here. Coach Rentz sent the invitation to the board after the Kiwanis, Cham ber of Commerce and business had pledged their support in the dortaking. He offered entertainment to the teams, but did not make any promise to bear the railroad expo to transport the teams here. Coach Rentz believes' the invita tion wall be accepted and the three the G.M.C. SQUAD TO DRILL FOR CUP Cadets to Drill Lanier Pick Squad for Junior Chamber of Commerce Cup in Macon Saturday Night Between he halves of the G. M. C. Lanier basketball game in Macon Saturday night, a picked squad from the local school will drill against the crack squad of Lanier for a silver cup offered by the Junior Chamber of Commerce jf Macon. The cadet squad has been picked from Company P and will be under the command of Corporal Eugene 15 rani Liei Nas will pany the team. The crack cade equad is one of the best the school has put out, Lieut. Nash belie and he is confident they will return with the cup offe The threi meet held last year in Macon. The company, squad and individual drills being won. The drill this year is r special feature of the game betweer the two schools. Earlier in the year, Lanier won the Individual drill which was staged by the Rotary Club at a meeting in Jan uary. CITY COUNCIL HOLD SESSION Beys Two Dump Trucks; Orders Timber on Moran Spring Place Sold. Pills Vacancy on Police Force The City Council at the regular monthly meeting Monday night forc- of business that came up for consid eration. The Council voted to contribute $100.00 per annum to "the Red Cross Community Chest to be used for charity. A Chevrolet and a Ford Hump truck were purchased. These truck? to be used in hnuli.ig mnd and dirt for the streets of the city. The mules will be despensed with. The Ci.y Clerk was authorized to advertise for bids for the timber of sixty-six acre?, on the Moran Spring place in the North-eastern part of the county. These matters were taken up. after the resignation of J. W. Haynie a- Chiof-of-Police hud been accepted, and vacancies on the force filled. L. N. JORDAN TO BUILD j A PAAn Ilf AU AIT BEAUTIFUL HOME IN MARCH A UUUV nUlUAN Jordan. Old Ho. LEGION TO HAVE VALENTINE PARTY FEBRUARY 12 WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN DIED MONDAY NIGHT ember, at Kid Pasty Nei Tuesday Night at The Legion Hall Night Point Lead i tig Crowd • Friday J The com - *Ttime and pi I their meet! Th- (i. M. The . r .alf endt< Ba-ket 3al! Five lost Dr. Elant F. Dempsey, Presiding lC * Fri,1 “y ni ^ !r to the Lanier j Elder of the Oxford District, paid an •I before i official visit to the Methodist church- Millodgevillc and Baldwin coun- thc' Saturday and Sunday, and held the first quarterly conferences. Saturday morning the officials of the churches of th- MiUedgeville circuit assembled at the parson age in this city and, after a sermon by Dr. Dempsey, a dinner was serv ed. The quarterly conference was held in the early afternoon. Dr. Dempsey preached at the Mil- ledgcville Methodist church Sunday morning, to a large congregation, and held the conference in the early afternoon. The Midway conference was held in the evening immediately following the delivery of a discourse by Dr. Dempsey. Dr. Dempsey expressed himself well pleased with the progress of th< churches throughout his district, and urged the officials to rally-to their churches, and make this year best the district has ever had. with the teams -s picked for the utc shot saved the nd G. M. C., was ir rivals of many 1 thrilling game of & JL C. has tried for the scalp of uuer team on the court for } s?a«ins, but all of the games J3-t this way, one point away 5 “ 1 ‘ Poised land. The game 2y 3 l !'P>cal Lanier-G. M. C. es foun<l tiu ‘ cadets wanting by ery ynalll margin. Tte cade *® 'n botl t ^ T bcy had the Lai with the e developed fans pj, ' money. nty of ives. Coach » fast ugres- >se they give •itement for ADETSPLAY GORDON FRIDAY Back Five to Battle Gor- ^itnte Team cn Ccuri , Ert Fn 'i»y Night. Meet SIDE WALK OPENED ON GREEN STREET Work on the necessary grading and cutting on the side walk adjoing the G. S. C. Park, was being completed and walk Laai-r ,r - Macon Saturday Florence G. M. C. bas- • entertain the Gordon ‘•tl court Friday night , 7. i , l ‘P classic before Savannah come here, •cam rated the best in the would be ready for use within u f« days. When plans were made known of converting “Government Squ in b a recreational park for the stud ents of the Georgia State College for Women, the city agreed to make a ide walk on thin street at the request of the college. The land to bo used as the park has been graded in many places and walk ways laid out. The Log Hut given by the class of 1920 wll be erected during the spring months it is under- SINGING AT COOPERVILLE BAP TIST CHURCH SATURDAY NIGHT The ladies of the American Legion are to be hosts to the members of the Morris-Little Post of the American Legion on noxt Tuesday evening at a Valentine party at the Legion Hall. The entertainment Tuesday prom ises to be one of the most brilliant social features of the spring. The Lcgionnircs have been asked to dnss as kiddies for the affair and a prize is being offered for the best costume. The Valentine idea will be carried out in decorations and favors for the party. Dancing and bridge will be the principal entertainment, games appropriate to the sea be carried out. Buri Family Bu*i*| Ground Mr. Lee Jordan will b.gin the con struction of hi* new home on the old Evans lot the first of next month, adding to MiUedgeville resi dence section another modern and pretentious residence. The new home will occupy the site of the old Evans home on a high point just off Jefferson street. The site is one of the commanding spots in Millcdgevill.-. The hill gives a view over the surrounding country and the old grove uround the old home udds still to the beauty of the spot. Mr. Jordan will erect n brick homi- modern in every detail that promises to be one of the most beautiful homes in the city. He expects to complete in about three months. The old Evans home has been moved just south of the site for the new home and has been converted in to a modern apartment house. while The Kiwanis club will be visited on n?xt Friday evening by Lieut Gover nor Tracey of Augusta, and the mem bers are plannnig to give him a cor dial reception. He will be accom panied to the city by a prominent Kiwanian who will make an address, discussing the ideals and plan? of Kiwanians, a talented singer will al so be with him. It is expected that the meeting Friday evening will be one o? the most inspiring the club has ever held. The men of the Presbyterian church will he entertained on Thurs day evening at a supper. The church year is nearing an end and plans for closing the work will be discussed. A big attendance of the men is ex pected at this meeting. The season for hunttng doves, snipe and fox came to a close Thurs day, the last day of January. Bald win county sportsmen have had fine .1.001 th.-. ?irds Mr. John S. Scogin. one of Baldwin ; county's well-known citizens und J farmers, died at. the home of his I daughter, Mrs. Alien Stiles in Louis- j ville, Ga., Monday night. February 4th. Mr. Scogin went to Louisville a j few month? ago to visit hi? daughter. ; and his health, which was in the de cline at the time, gradually failed. A weeks ngo, it was realized that he had been stricken with his las illness apd he grew weaker until the end. The remains were brought to this city Tuesday.-and carried to the Jos. A. Moore Funeral Home, where the funeral services were held Wed nesday aftrenoon by Rev. J. H. Furr, pas 4 or of the Milldcgcville circuit. The remains were carried to the old Scogin burial ground near Meri- wehtor, and laid by those of Mrs. Scogins and several generations of ancestors. John S. Scogin was about seventy- two years of age, and was a scion of one of Baldwin county's oldest fami lies. The farm upon which he was horn, reared and spent his life was in a tract of land granted to one of his ancestors, who was a revolutionary soldier. His father, for whom he was named entered the Confederate army as a surgeon .and was afterwards pro- moted to a Major. His name is in scribed on a tablet in Chickamauga Park, among those of other heroes of the sixties, Mr. Scogin in early manhood mar ried Miss Eula Webb, a daughter of the late Mr. Milton Webb, and to them were born four daughters, two of whom are dead, the surviving ones being Mrs. Allen Stiles, of Louisville, and Mrs. Willard F. Williamson, of this county. Mr. Scogin was cordial and plcns- ant in his nature, and he was popu lar with all who knew him. He had his convictions and the fortitude to | stand by them. His hospitality and | geneality were widely known through I out the countv. H« w-s n BuVtsnt'nl farmer, a kind and considerate hus band end father, and a good neighbor ! and friend. He was a regular attend- : the INSPECTION OF BLUESMARCH13 Lieut. G. S. Mickle to Look Over MiUedgeville Company At Annual Inspection. Company Making Plans GONE TO REWARD Mrs. Chet R. Harper Passed Away Sunday, After a Long and Use ful Life. Funeral Monday al Methodist Charck Mrs. Chas R. Harper died at her ome in Midway Sunday, February 3rd. Lieut. G. S. Mickle, Infantry, has been assigned to make the annual spection of the Ruldwin Blues March 15th, an announcement < made this week. The Blues have begun preparations for the annual drill that will deter mine their rating in the National Guard of the state. Cnpt. Ennis began to make preparatii the annual “look over” calling extra drill during this month. The entire drill mnnuel will be gone over and 1 the different phases of training will be reviewed for the officers inspec tion. As has been the custom the in spection will be held on the streets of the cily and the public will be in vitee to witness it- Maj. Matthew?, batta lion Commander, Col. Pope, Rcgiriental Commander and other high officers in the Guard will ac company the officer here. Capt. Ennis and Lieutenants Har- grove and Jackson are giving the men an extensive training program in pre paration for the drills next month. The company has always received high rating by the inspecting officers and the determination to keep this same position is evident from the enthusiasm the men have shown in making ready. F.N7BR00ME1S CHIEF OF POLICE J. H. Tfaigpin Made City Marshal and Carlos Edwards Elected Night w e*dunan The C*ty Council at its mcctin Monday n J ght accented the resigns tion of Mr. W. J. Haynie, ns Chiel of-Pol’ce. C ; ty Marshal Frank N. Broom wa S elected Cb:?f; J. IT. Thigpen, wh The passing of Mrs. Harper takes away one of our community's oldest and best loved women, and brings to u close a life that hud been well and usefully spent. Mrs. nnrper had been in declining health for some time, on account of her extreme old age, and her death while not unexpected brought great sorrow to her loved ones and friends. The funeral services worn held at the Methodist church ifonduy morn ing, Rev. J. F. Yarbrough officiat ing, and the remains were interred in the city cemetery by the aide of Mr. Harper, who had proceeded her to the grave. Mrs. Harper was Miss Aimm Eliza both Tatum, a daughter of Mr. Dud ley II. Tatum and Mrs. Frances Kirhj Greene Tatum, and was born in Bald win county Jane 1st, 1843. In her girl-hood duys she attended the Bup List College at Madison. On Janu.ar> 16th, 1866, she was married to Chas R. Harper, Rev. George W. brough, father of Rev.. J. F. Ynr hrough, officiating. Mr. .and Mrs. Harper commenced life together at a time when fortitude and salf-sacriffce were required a? their home-land was passing through the days of reconstruction, after the war between the States, and in which Mr. Harper had taken his part as a Confederate soldier. They lived for u loag number of yoars in the northwestern sectior jj j of the county near Meriwether, where f nr l Mr. Harper successfully farmed, and ' their home was one of happiness and hospitality. Several years ngo they purchased a residence in Midway, nnd Mr. Harper died there about two * ago. light f'chn to p >( . . “ Strongest 1 ^ ‘ 0,1 . ^ as ,uu *- Coach “ ^ nt his BarnesviUe team undefeated season and ’with their back* to the , r ^ ed to about a re- fU doD ® ma kor< program. --JP :a r ^ r '^ ay p5vo Mil- A hinging will bo held at the Coop- ■fllin, h Cl , , S .. a ," f ’ th ‘ r hect 'c and erville Bapust church Saturday night. »a There will be a number of good sing ers present. Rev. Leslie L. Williams will preach Sunday raroning at 11:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited. during the sec on, but partridges are not as plentiful ns usual. The federal sen-on cn duck? a!?o closed Thursday. The state sea- on on o’poBSnms closed Friday, Feb ruary 1st. Persons hunting the game men tioned after the s ate's season c!o»- ing dates will be prosecuted under the state law, the commissioner rays, while hunting those birds or animal? on which the state season remain? open but on which the federal season is closed will not bo protected against federal prosecution. that Mcthodi?t church. • hnl. Mrs. Harper joined the Methodist church at Bethel soon after her mar riage, and deeply interested in its welfare, being a regular attendant upon its services. After coming to Midway to live, twenty-five years ago, her membership was transferred to the MiUedgeville Methodist church, and towards it she manifested the same devotion and love which had characterized her life at Bethel church. It was only when she be came physically disabled that she missed a service. In every relation ship she exemplified the ideal* and virtues of a Christian life, being sus tained by an unerring faith in God. which sustained nnd uphold her at all times. Mrs. Harper was a devoted wife and mother, a kind und considerate neighbor and friend, and her heart went out in sympathy and aid to those in distress. Mrs. Harper was the mother of five children, the oldest of whom John B., died in Macon several years ago. Those living are Mrs. Geo. W. Griner. C. Tatum Harper, Misses Annie and Mabry Harper, all of MiUedgeville. She is also survived by the following grandchildren: P. H. Griner, Houston. Texas; C. B. Griner, Jacksonville. Fla.; Capt. George W. Griner. U. S. Army, Fort Moultrie, S. C.; H. H. Griner, Wcwoka, Oklahoma; C. Ed win Harper, Clemson, S. C.; Mrs. F. N. Coleman, Charlotte, N. C.; Mrs. R. F. Ennslin, Mnc«»n, Ga. “A mother in Israel has fallen on sic GEORGIA DAY W|» L BE OBSERVED FRIDAY Mrs. E. R. Hinps, president of thoi off Federated C l ubs, has .arranged exercises for the ob-erv»nce of Geor gia Day Friday. A program w ; ll be rendered at each of the schools of ‘he- county by member* of the various clubs making up the Federation. id go ed for those • the the end. »M., W0OTirn f " r a ' »«*• “» .7 c “ ieta *o return game with U. D. C. MEETS TUESDAY The R. E. Lee Chapte? of the U. D. C. will meet next Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. H. D. Allen, at four o’clock. All members are urged to be present. MERCER GLEE CLUB COMING MONDAY NIGHT The Mercer Glee Club will give an entertainment at the G. S. C. W. auditorium Monday night, February 11th. The c’nb is a high class musical aggregation and give a splendid enter tainment. They do not come as one the Lyceum number. It will be open to the people of the city/ The machinery for the Electrix Ms*d Bakery is being received and will be installed within the next few days. The int"rior of the s 4 ore to be oc- ru"ied by the Bakery has been pat in order, and show cases for the dis playing of the breads, cakes, etc., ar ranged. It !s planned to have everything in readiness for opening on the 15tb. An announcement of those to be in charge wiU be made next week. The Board of Education at their meeting Tuesday passed a resolution instructing the Executive •ommittec of the Board to call on Governor Hardman for payment of the school funds past due. The commit'ee was also authorized to request Representative Marion Al len and Senator Hyman to lend their assistance and co-operation in secur ing the payment. The payment of the teachers for their January salaries w.is made, but Superintendent Bivins states that money will have to be received from the State before another payment can be made.