Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 25, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA.. APRIL 25. I»2» HINTS FOR THE HOME S«Mont iias »f picture- 34 >• h u*f h** toygic window,, in all*. land of Wtedowa that -pen A land of (Rift meadow* and cool streams. Or f nr t path* and radiant water fall*. Here are forfittro cities, and old Hallo Witn huth-arched ceilings built of Mackeoed beam*, Wh« re Rembrandt* mystic inner onn- lirnt gleams fi ndanto and tenant* in possession as required by law. Deed* will be wade to the purchas er* by the undersigned. n J H. THIGPEN. Marohal of the City of Milledgeville, Georgia On •tuai shawl*. And iiti t are quay* whe colored nail* Pif« barge exotic « srgo. .hares: ivory and p* ms, banket* end idJV.en fancy he Old wine* i bale Through tit Who haa there magic wind* home. T , uae left-over vegetables such a* carrots, pea*, cauliflower, bean.-, or any several vegetables that blend well, put them through a sieve, add ing • beaten egg and 1 tablespoon flour to each cup of seasoned pulp. Prop ny spoonful* into hot fat. A nice substitute for meat. A Very Nice Supper Di*h Flake meat from a can of salmon and put layer of fi*h in buttered bakinp dish; add pepper, .salt and dots of butter, then a layer of chopp ed hard-boiled egp, another of fish, and jKiur cream sauce over all. Cover with crumb* and grated cheese and hake until light brown. CITATION GEORGIA Baldwin Coo'*y C< urt of Ordinary April Term 1929. Whereas C. I. Blizzard administra tor n pn?« nts to the court in his pe- ti11..r. duly filed and entered on rec ord. ;rat «e ha* fully administered K. L. Renfroe** estate. This is therefore t . cite all person* concerned, kindred arid c reditors, to show cause, if any they '•an. why said administrator *h< - 1 - not be discharged from his an,., -t.ration, and receive letters «.f -o',!--ion, on tho first Monday in May. 1929. W. H. STEMBKIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin County Ga. CITATION GFdiKGIA, Baldwin County: The appraiser* appointed upon .-ipt.iication of Mattie Ford, widow of Alfred Ford, asking for a twelve months support for herself and four minor chiloren. uut of the estate of Alfred Ford, having filed their re* ;urn. all persons concerned hereby an- cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next regular May Term of this court why said application -hould not he granted and the return f the appraisers made the judgment of the court. Thi- April 1st, 1929. W. H. STEMBRIIKJE. Ordinary. That they are successors to tne original inc rponUur* of the PUR CHASE * SALE COMPANY, a cor poration incorporated by this court on the lxth, day of March, 1909 and that they dt ire for themselves, their associates, uccessors and assign* n cf ntir.uation of .-aid corporation un- dtr the said name and style of PUR CHASE & SALE COMPANY. 2. That the corporation was original ly chartered for the term of twenty years and that the same has been in constant and continuous operation as its i «rpo its : har« holders. Petitioner* pro pose to carry on a general supply business, to deni in groceries of every description, hay, corn, feed stuffs, guano, and farming implements, in cluding horses, muies, wagons, bug gies carriages and vehicles of every description, buying and selling for cash or credit, all such articles and things as are usually embraced it general supply business, and as used in and about farms, etc., all such articles and things, stock etc., as may be profitably handied and sold in connection there with. acting a* general or special agents, for other persons or com panies in selling or handling any articles, vehicle* or things or class of article.-, vehicle* or things, includ- FUvorou. French Dressing -Plain French dressing seasoned vith anchovy paste i. very appetiz- ng -fired with iced shredded let- uce ami eggs stuffed with anchovies. *m- 1 tablespoon of paste for each f dressing. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA Baldwin County. To the Superior Court of said county, anu hon-Tabie James B. Park. Judge of iu.id court, at charob- Tbe petition •••? A. W. Watkins and G. A. Watkins i.f said State and county respectfully shows. lion and that by inadvertence hrough ignorance the'reof the of the expiration of the charti. — March thr JStfc. 1929, pa.wd with- ; «n>l appropriate to the ctnerml (jiit :t renewal of the charter am! i supply huriner.. or usually or cou th, r, upon at a called meeting of the venicntly connected therewith, and stockholders of said corporation on;'-" make contracts to act as such thr tilth day of March 1929 a reso-1 agtnts and to exel lotion war. parsed by a majority of P""er» and to dr. all usual, neces- thr -tod* Id.rs of the corporation; and proper arts, which pertain iirecting uat the said charter be re- ■» " r n “> w t°nn.cted «' th «•» vived as provided by law, a copy of j general supply business, which resolution is hereto attached J Petitioners also propose to carry and marked EXHIBIT A and made "n the real estate and loan business, u part hereof. to buy. sell and rent real estate and personalty, and to loan money on same and do a general real estate and Petitioners bring this proceedings' bojtaw , in a „ its branchc!f „ for a revival of said charter at and act „„ wn . r>1 or spccial llK ,. ru for for the term of twenty years witn j oth , r pmcm5 and c . 0 „,p, nie „, in fau >.. the privilege of renewal at the cxpl-j , c! | in( , or ri .„. inp eatate ration thereof as may be allowed by do a „ thinKS that are appropriate au ‘ and usually connected with the real ** | es-tate and loan business, and to make They show that the capital stock contracts to act as such agents, and of the corporation is to continue to 0 exercie the usual powers, and to he Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars i <in all usual, necessary and proper (ali of which has been paid in) divi- acts, which pertain to. or may be con- ded into shares of One Hundred netted w th the real estate and loan ($100.00) Dollars each; however, justness. They desire further to dis- they ask the privilege of increasing count notes, and mortgages or other saiij capital stock from time to time, i evidences of debt, or purchase same not exceeding in the aggregate of j ontrgiht, and to take and give twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) j options on personalty and realty. Dollars. 5. The object cf the «■ orporation is the -ame as that originally granted , Petitioners desire the right to sue towit: pecuniary gain to itself and! and be sued, to plead and be im pleaded,' to have and u.-e a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws end regulations, and do all other thing? th*. may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said busi ness including the right to buy, hold and sell real estate, and personal property and to exerutc note*, and bonds as evidence of indebtedness in curred, or which may be incurred, in the conduct of the affair* of the corporation, and to secure the same by mortgage, security deeds or other form of liens, under existing laws. 7. They desire for the .mid corpora tion that it have all such other rights, powers, privileges, and im munities, as are incident to like in corporation*, or permissablc under tne laws of Georgia. 8. The principal office or place of business of the propot-ed corporation will be in the City of Milledgeville, State of Georgia, Baldwin county. Wherefore, petitioners pray for a revival of said charter as provided and allowed by law under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as are now or hereafter may be allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. This March the 30th, 1929. SIBLEY A SIBLEY, A tty*, for Petitioners. EXHIBIT A A RESOLUTION At u called meeting of the stock holders of the Purchase & Sale Com pany, held in accordance with the tion at the usual and regular piace charter and by-laws of said corpora- of meeting, at the place of business on McIntosh street in the city of Milledgeville of the said Purchase & Sale Company at two p. m. o'clock on the 30th. day of March 1929, the following resolution was '*.nnninious- ly adopted, a majority of the stock being represented at said meeting, towit: nti much as it haa been (in attention of the that the original ,h. rt „ tl'V I urehaae 4: Sal, ‘ granted „„ th, lgtb, dav , I * 1909 by th, Superior Court',,, county „ appears in retort ,, uto Book K. folios 9-13, an : . boinu for the term of tW(nt , the expiration of which oc, u ™ March the 18th, 1929 and I,, "j ' tence haa been overlooked '' jurt been called to the att. no ^ the x.ockholdera; and Whereas, a majority of the holders of naid corporation u , desire that the said charter U* revived at and for the term of t *>, years and that the burinw*, corporation continue as it hau l 1 Be it resolved that thi S'creu, of the corporation be directed to ploy counsel and revive .said ckl” with all the powers contained in ^ original incorporation and that « be taken immediately for this j, 1, A. \\. Watkins do certify tjiat am the secretary of the Pur^ .Sale Company and I hereby ttni that the foregoing is a true and ci! rect copy of the preamble and ** lution adopted by the stocky of the Purchase & Sale Com f , r .,, the above stated meeting and th the stockholders unanimously vot a revival of said charier and & n tinuation of said business. This March the 30th, 1929 A. W. WATKINS, Secretary GEORGIA Baldwin County. I. J. C. Cooper, clerk of t Superior Court of said county certify that the foregoing is * tr and correct copy of tne petition A. W. and G. A. Watkins for rrrh of the churter of the PURCHASE SALE COMPANY, as the -amf , pears on file in tk office. Witness my han and oif* signature and seal oi said , -urt ti 30th, day of March 1929. J. C. COOPER Clerk of Baldwin Superior Coa 1-2 Bread Pudding Plu. !'-»• your usual recipe for plain hn-ad pudding, but add to the scald ed milk -I squares of melted bitter | chocolat and to the bread mixture 1-2 run chopped pet on*. Serve with i whipped cream. Refurbishing Shabby Wood. >• ratche* can be removed fr'<m ■ ; Run by mixing equal pul* of j olive oil and vinegar and applying i with a soft rag. Shake mixture well I before u.dng and rub briskly. I Spring Showing of Cenetd This week, throughout America, the public is view- Employer: "How would you td- re*s the Chaplain of the Fleet?” His Typist: "Your warship, I sup-1 iog the newest models of General Motors products. Check and mail the coupon below. It will bring THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fare* for short trips. .SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM MARSHAL'S SALE City of Milledgeville. Georgia. GEORGIA. Baldwin County. Will be fold before tb<* court house door in Baldwin county. Geor gia, within the legal hours of sale, on the fir.--t Tuesday in May, 1929, nt public outcry, to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ ed lot* or parcels of land, lying and being in the city of Milledgeville, said State and county, to satisfy cer tain executions issued by the Clerk and Treasurer of the city of MU- ledgcville against the lands herein after described, bearing teste in the name of the Mayor of said city, as provided by the Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, relating to the issuance of street improvement bonds in said city, approved August 21ct, 1925. for past due installment* and interest on certain Milledgeville Street Improvement Bonds: FIRST PARCEL: That tract or ptreel of land belonging to Rev. C J. Jones situate on the West side of North Wayne street, between and adjoining the lands of J. H. G. Wil liams. Jr., land is designated as Lo‘ No. 7 on the plan of the work don« on Street Improvement Section Nr 9, front* 53 feet on Street Improve ment Zone or Section No. 9 in th' city of Milledgeville, and runs bad West 120 feet. Said land was levie. upon to satisfy an execution to. $76.17, with interest nad costs, issue against the above described land r. the property of C. J. Jones upon d fault in the payment of the instn! ment .and interest due on the 15t! day of February, 1929, on MIHedgr ville Street Improvement BorJ N> 200, for the co*t of improvin'; biv pr.ving Street Improvement Jt- No. 9. Notice of the levy of the nhu execution* has been given to the de- this Spring Showing into your own home. CHE'.' RO LET—— last year the public bought more than !.000,000 Chevrolet*. This enabled Chevrolet and General Motors to effect one of the mosr remarkable feats in industrial history: almost overnight, Chevrolet vu changed from a (-cylinder car to a Six ta if* prut raajr <t the par. The new Chevrolet Six is rrw in every respect: smoother, more powerful, and luxurious bodies by Fisher. 7 models—<525 to $725 OAKLAND General Motors' policy of continuous improvement is nowhere more notice- able than in the n:w models of the Oakland All- Amcrican Si.:, Th.' distinctive style and advanced engineering principles which Oakland represents have m Je it a center oi unusual public interest at automobile shows. All-American in name, the new Oakland ia All-American in its qualities of I'pecd, snap, power and stamina. Fish-r makes the bodies. 8 models—$1145 to $1375 (§r PONTIAC—Since General Motors introduced the Pontiac Six three years ago. its sales have practi cally doubled each year. Now General Moron ffets, in the nnv Pontiac, a "Big six,” at the same base price. It has big-car power, big-car performance and big-car luxury in the Bodies by Fisher. It is appealing par ticularly to families which arc "stepping up" in car Ownership. 7 models—$745 to $895 VIKING There was demand foran8-cylinder car of General Motors quality in the medium price field. General Motors chose Oldsmobile to design and build the nevr car, and three years were spent in its development .tr.d test. The result was rev elled last month in the Viking, the latest member of the General Motors family. Viking has the world-famous S0-dcgrec Y-typc engine and Fisher's newest crea tions in bodies. 3 models—$1595 BUICK—This famous member of the General Motors family, year after year, has given increasing value. Over 2,000,000 Buicks have been built and sold and of this total 1,500,000 arc still serving their owners. The »rsj« Silver Anniversary Buick, with masterpiece Bodies by Fisher, comes in three wheel base lengths. All are powered by the Buick Valve-in- Head engine, which is vibrationlcss beyond bdie£ 19 models—$1195 to $2145 LaSALLF. When General Motor: introduced LaSalle, two years ago, it vet a style which was widely copied both in America ard Europe. The ntw models are as distinguished as the first. Built by Cadillac LaSalle enjoys the same mechanical excellence: 90- degree V-type engine of 8 cylinders; transmission that permits gear shifting without noise or flashing at any speed. The bodies, by Fisher and Fleetwood, su.:z a caoicc cf colors to express individuality. 14 models—$2295 to $4900 OLDSMOBILE—General Ycrors took this long-established car and remade it to provide a fine car at low price Last year the value of Oldsmobile was so marked that the public bought over 50 per cent more than the year before. The mm- Oldsmobile models, with Bodies by Fisher, offer still funher im provements — and the prices have been reduced! Oldsmobile also has new Special and Dc Luxe models, with extra features, at slightiy higher pricei. 7 models—$875 to $1035 COUPON GENERAL MOTORS (Dept. A), Detroit. Michigan Please rend me, without obligation, your illustrated Spr Show ing cn th. new models of the produce I have checked, together with your new booklet of interest to car buyers—"The Open Mind." Z CHEVROLET O PONTIAC □ OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND □ VIKING □BUICK D LaSALLE □ CADILLAC C Fr^gidairt AuUmeHk Ri/ngrruler □ DeLo-Ught LUttrk Potter amd Light PUctt L 5 U eu Syuom CADILLAC Whm more can be laid of Cadillac? For twenty-five years the world's standard of comparison in the fine car field. The choice of kings, president! and leaders of business and society in every ccurtry. To the unparalleled j crtormancc of CadilLr's 9C-degtec V-typc 8-cylinder engine has been added the silent transmission and many new advances in design. Your choice of colors in bodies by Fisher and Fleer* ood. 25 models—$3295 to $7000