Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 02, 1929, Image 1

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♦ 'O VOLUME XCIX fedCTrbi&r'fcbHrimI in NM|t«ile, Ga., Majr 2, 1S2S Consolidated is 1171 Number 37 WEEK OF MUSIC STARTS [NEXT SUNDAY EVENING gtcred Service by Y. W. C. A. to Ijiher in Anna* *! Music Festival at Georgia State College Itwo oferas on program iMirtha Ernani to B* Given by Sophomore and Freshman Classes. Yh Ain.ual Music Week will be L.,,. I » neat Sunday afternoon Hi ' ..hen the Y. W. C. A. of State College for Women j .acred program in the col- ^iijitttrium, ami u series of pro- mniv .,,11 continue through Thurs- iy pjjjht w ith the opera Emani cor.- .. week's music. •p, t , t is being celebrated by m m's College under the of Mias Alice Lenore Tuck- ■ and the members of the music trolly of the college who are Mrs. |I, , r Allen, Miss Fannie Vir- McClure. Mrs. E. K. Hines, Mr . H> lea Maxwell Longino, Mrs. i ii.made Long, Miss Beatrice ...rugh. Miss Christine Cotner, |m . Maggie Jenkins, Miss Bess White, and Miss Helen Dasher. Violin, voice and piano pupils will pvf special recitals during the week ind the college orchestra will also haw a special program. Three opera* will be featured dur ing the week. Monday evening “The Egyptian Princes*," fully staged and o.stunted will be presented. A charge of twenty-five cents will be it this performance, which will . the only time admission will be . The other programs will be free. On Wednesday and Thursday even ing th? large chorouses of members i.f the Freshman and Sophomore Morma! tiasses with special soloists, Mr. Solon Drukenmiller, Mr. Ray mond N’ixon, Mrs. Longino and Mrs. Long will sing the popular operas, Harth-i and F.rnanl Mi-s Turker, the faculty members ind the college officials have extend- d a cordial welcome to the people M Iledgevflle to attend these pro- tram< and Mayor Pennington has ■“•ued approclamation declaring for hationsl Music week which is cele- irated and has asked the people of the city to attend the programs: The weeks program follows: Sunday—6:30 P. M. Y. W. Sendee. II mday—8:30 P. M. Operetta, Eiyptian Princess. Tueeday—11:00 o'clock and 2:30 Wedmwlay—11:00 A. M. Recital; I-"' 1 P. M. Opera “Martha,’’ Flotow. 8t80 P. M. Opera Tmani" Verdi. Whereas, many national or ganizations have set their seal of approval on National Mu*ie Week by adopting it, and Whereas, the music club of this city will sponsor this National Music Week and have arranged a series of programs that will do credit to any city in the Union. Therefore, I, M. E. Pennington, Mayor of the city of Milledgeville, uo heieby proclaim the week of May 5th to 10th, as Music Week for Milledgeville. I hope every citizen will lattend the special programs and lend themselves in co-operation to make the week the success it deserves. Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of May, 1929. M .E. PENNINGTON. Mayor R. T. BAISDEN, Clerk. Cyclone Hits County! Wednesday Morning SCHOOL CHILDREN TO THRONG CITY FRIDAY Porters Crick Yard in Path of Terrific Wind. Seven Negroes Injured. No Denths N0RTHEN SECTION AFFECTED First Hits at Memwetber and Sweeps Wide Path of Destruction ALUMNI MEET THURSDAY FOR FINAL DECISIONS . H. R. EMPLOYEE PRESENTED MEDAL BY PRESIDENT G. M. C. Alumni will meet Thurs day evening at eight o’clock at the Court House to make final decisions ... matters pertaining to the Home- Coming celebration June 3rd and 4th. President Wootten has asked all former students to be present at the meeting so that all details may finally be worked out. That hundreds of the former students will be in Milledgeville for the two day re-union has been made certain by the enthusiastic answers that have been received to the invi tations that have been sent out. Let _ have been received daily from old graduates expretrfng pleasure 'er the approaching event. Many class reunions are being planned during the Home-Coming. Local Alumni are writing the mem bers of their class so that full repre sentations will be had and their classes can get together again in the halls of the old college. Local interest has manifest its • If on all sides. Alumni and those t ho did not attend the college are e their support and assistance to the celebration which is expected be he biggest thing that has been ! tempted in Milledgeville. The meeting Thursday has been called by President Wootten so that further detnils”may be outlined and all committees can begin active work in completing details for the days. A full attendance is urged the Court House at eight o’clock B Ivey Honored After Fifty Year, of Service With The Georgia Railroad iV-Mik-nt C. A. Wickershnm of the ’-:a: ta :»r.d West Point and Georgia this week presented Mr. • B- Ivey, night watchman at the w nri* depot a medal in recogni- - 1 f fifty years of service to !r. Ivey Has been in Milledgeville y-fr.e years coming here as ‘V inspector after losing a leg train wreck. For the last eight r ' • has been watchman at the *'• i • >- was also presented with a -•'i-'te <.f service showing the he* that he ha-; worked l, l living a record of his iffici- a H faithful Service to the road. r " ni,-dal is of gold and bears a ■ ••i-cription bearing witness ' - v’s faith and fidelity. Vlv AL SERVICES AT OXFORD KMORiAl. CHRISTIAN CHURCH VETERANS ENTERTAINED BY KIWANIS FRIDAY Judge Ward and N. J. Walker Tell .f War Days Before Civic Body at Last Weeks Meeting service* will start at Ox- >rial Christian church Sunday night, and 1 ; ru ‘- hrough the week, being • - 30 o’clock in the evening. ' <rv iceg will be conducted by '; 1 t, Rev. L. A. Cunningham, firing will be led by Mr. ^" r - °f McRae. ■lie will receive a cordial these services. The Kiwanis Club honored r bers of Camp George Doles, United Confederate Veterans at their meet ing last Friday night, when they heard stories of the War Days told by Judge B. C. Wurd, Vice-C mander of the Camp and N. J. Walk er, of the Old Soldiers Home in At lanta. Judge Ward told many interesting stones of the part his regiment play ed in the war. He related the story of how he left school and went into the ranks as a mere lad. His work was with the cavalry anu in their covering the retreat of the Confed erates. before Sherman’s mighty hord many herioc deeds and thrilling stories were told. Judge Ward told of his regiment escorting President Jefferson Davis into Charlotte. He stated that the President was not dressed in a wo mans guard, but wore a heavy shawl around his shoulders that probably wa- mbtaken for a womans. Mr. Walker told his story and la ted personal history. D A V. TO MEET FRIDAY The Huff-Vin?on Chapter of Dis abled Veterans will meet on next Friday evening at eight o’clock at the American Legion Hall. All members urged to 1* present. Relief was rushed into the rural .actions of the north-eastern part of the county this morning when news reached this city that n cyclone had p through this section destroy- property and leaving seven in jured persons in its wake. All of the injured are negroes and two of them re not expected to live. The storm hit the county shortly after mid-night and tha funnel yImped winds swept a wide path twisting treds and . teivJng into splinters homes and other houses that were in its path. The greatest damage was done at Poter’s Brick Yard where there was a thick settle ment of smail houses that were occu pied by employees of the Brick com pany. Four houses were torn into splinters, there was not a piece left standing, not even the brick of the pillars and chimney, and furniture hurled miles and torn into thousands of pieces. Two of these houses were unoccupied. George Butt* who lived with his family in one of them had his home completely demolished. Butts and his wife were seriously injured and their thre e children were lound in a critical condition when Dr. Sam An derson head of the relief group who t nito the storm stricken urea this morning reached the scene. Two of the children are not expected to live. Ed Cosby, who occupied the fourth house escaped with minor in juries although his home was de molished. The storm ran, into the county near Mcrriwether about nine miles from this city and traveled in a east erly direction. Barns, out nouses, and traps were destroyed without loss of life in this section. Jumping several miles the destruc tive wind funnel hit ngnin nern Jor dan’s Crossing still nearer Milledge ville, twisting trees into shreads, but sparing human life. The wind seem- ,,j to swerve at this juncture and go ’into the Brick yard section passing Milledgeville up and sweeping the country clean as it traveled. Gras- in the fields was not spared and a path clean of all life was left as the terrific wind traveled. The storm demolished the barn of. George Knowles on the Sparta road and then seemed to leave the county, doing very little damage in -he otn- • sections. Terrific rains accompanied the winds ond the Oconee river was above flood stage this afternoon. The rams flooded in the city that was spared of wind damage. Mr. 7. C. Porter head of the Brick Con.pany estimated the loss to his plant at $15,000. REVIVAL CLOSED WEDNESDAY NUE -— Series of Religions Services Con ducted by Rev. J. F. Yarbrough Come to Close The ten day revival that has been in progress at the Mothodir.t church closed Wednesday night, when. Rev. J. F. Yarbrough delivered his final sermon of the evangelistic series. The services have been three times daily, a morning sermon, noon day ! men’s meeting and un evening ser- ; vice. Mr. Yarbrough has preached j ut each service and Rev. W. H. Bor- | ing of Lincolcton has led the song Many additions have been made to the churcnes of the city and the influence of the meetings have been wide spread. Rev. Yarbrough. who is -ecognized as one of the ablest evangelists of his church, has spoken to large audiences each evening and his serfgons have been classed as mas ter pieces. Mr. Yarbrough has brought his messages forcefully and stiessed the dangers of sin and the delay in aligning with the churches for the advancement of good in tha i munity. Mr. Yarbrough at the i day business men’s services held at the Colonial Theater each day had good audiences. A number have signified their in tention* to become members of the church, and will be received at some future date. UNIVERSITY WOMEN TO HEAR ERWIN SIBLEY B. Elected Col. Erwin Sibley will address the American Association of University Women when they hold their regular monthly meeting on next Monday afternoon ut the home of Mrs. L. J. Rnzar. Mrs. Rozar and Miss Lilia* My rick acting as joint hosle the club. Col Stbiey, leading member of the local bar, will use us his subject addressing the women. “World Poli tics.” The club has discussed state and national politics at the last erul meetings and the meeting this month will bring u discussion ol world affairs. At the meeting next Monday offic ers for the coming year will be elect ed and plans made for the entertain ment of the members of ihe Senior Class of G. S. C. W. on May 13th. ESSEX CHALLENGER TO BE THROUGH TESTS FRIDAY DISTINGUISHED VISITORS AT THE OLD MANSION A special Essex Challenger demon stration is to be conducted Friday af (moon according to an announce ment that has been made by Mr. T H. Ennis, and the new car will be put through tests for broke reliabil ity, pick-up and get-away. The test will be held at three o’clock Friday afternoon in front of the Hudson-Essex station. The car will be put through the pace* and the records checked by special repre sentative ditizens. Mr. Ennis has invited the public to witness thsce various tests which he is conduct ing to establish local record*. Gala Program to Open at Tea O’clock in College Auditorium Celebrating School Sing PICNIC AT COURT HOUSE Mrs. Hines Directing Red Letter Day for School Kiddies of Coun ty. All Schools Take Part Friday is School Day in Milledge ville. Eveity school boy aSid gdrl county will throng into the city early Friday morning to tuke part in the Annual School Sing of all Baldwin county schools, both city and it, that has been arrange** by Mrs. E. R. Hines. At Un p’clock the children will meet at the G. S. C. W. Auditorium to march into the building for the program in which all children of tho county will take part. Patriotic songs will feature the program; which will be sung by more than five hundred Baldwin school children. The college orchestra and the Pea body orchestra of seven litlte girl* will also give numbers on the pro gram. The features during the sing will be two special songs written by Mrs. Hines. “Georgia Land’ and Dear Old Baldwin. Superintendent Bivins will make the only speech on the program. Medals for essay contests will be pre sented by Mrs. J. L. Beeson of the D. A. R. and Mrs. R. B. Moore of the U. D. C. At the conclusion of the program at the colic • the children will go to the Court House square for a basket p*cnic. After the dinner they will be the guests of Mr. M. L. Curry at the Colonial Theatre for a special picture. The days program has been under the direction of Mrs. Hines and it •.-in* hfaen -named “The Red Letter Day" for Buldwin county. Dari Week REMAINS OF MRS. MARY RAM SEY BURIED HERE SUNDAY The remain, of Mrs. Mary Ramsey, widow of tho late Mr. Elbert Ram sey, were lyrouyht to this city Sun day morning ami interred on the Ramsey square in the city cemetery. Mr-. Ramsey is well remembered here by the older citisens of Mii- ledgeville, she having made her home in Midway, during her young woman- She went to Savannah a number of years ago, and had reached a ripe old age. ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING . PROHIBITION LAW the Horace Brooks, who liv Eastern part of Baldwin county, was arrested by Sheriff Haynta and officer Te-Ty Friday night, after his residence had been raided and a quantity of liquor and home row found. He has made bond for hia appearance at the May term of coun- ty court. Many distinguished visitors have been guest* at the Old Governor’* Mansion this week, now the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Beeson, President of the Georgia State College for Wo- Mias Bessie Butler of Madison and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Quinn West of Thomp son were guests during the early part of the week. They were dinner guests on last Saturday evening with Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen. For years Miss Butler was a mem ber of the Lady Board of Visitors at the college and «hc still feels a great interest in the college. Mr. Quinn West is a member of the Legislature from McDuffie coun ty and is interested in everything that pertains to the education of the young people of Georgia. Miss Mary A. Bacon, of Athens, former teacher of English at what was then O. N. L C. was an interest ing visitor, as was also Miss Jessie Snyder, who in former days had charge of. the Primary grades of the Pratice school. Other charming visitors were Miss Jessie Macon and Mrs. Margaret Davis Pate both of Brunswick, Ga. Miss Macon had not visited the col lege since 1901. She saw again all the old haunt?—even down to the infirmary where she had messels. She told stories in which all school girls revel. Since her graduation Miss Macon has won degrees from other institutions of learning and in now an honored teacher in the Bruswick High School. Mrs. Pate is the well known his torian of South Georgia, her first edition of the history of Brunswick haif been exhausted and a nyw edition will soon appear. It was in her his tory that the Regent and State Con ference of D. A. R. found farther information about their patron saint Nancy Hart. Nancy’s husband, Bcn- jamine is buried in ooe of the •quares in Brunswick. Mrs. Charles, of Greenville, S. C., who graduated here twenty-four years ago, came back to visit her col lege day* home. She was impressed with the many changes which have come with the years. Miss Virginia Garner, of Wesleyan, Macon, who so endeared herself to the class In Journalsim was also a welcome guest in the Mansion. OLD RIVALS MEET ON DIAMOND FOR FOUR GAMES AID FOR THE STORM SUFFERERS NOW ASKED G. M. C. and Gordo >d two Week and Na Need. G. M. C. and Gordon Institute open .. four gam*- ?eries in Barnesvillc Friday of this week that will be ended next Tuscday in Milled*tvlile, the ancient rival splaying two games in their own back yards. Friday and Saturday In Bames- ;ill e the two teams sfart the scries and come to Milledgeville the first ro days of the week for the finish Since there has been a G. M. C and a Gordon Institute these Institu tions have met annually on diamond. The series have always had their interest and fans this year ai different and are ready for the games here next week. Coach Rentz plans to use Lily in the first games in each city. The series will be the best games of the season. AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP * TO JOHNS HOPKINS Miss Eloise Green, associate pro fessor of health at the Georgia State College for Women, Has been award ed a scholarship to Johns Hopkins University for the the year 1929-30 Miss Greene is an alumna of G. S C. W. and Peabody college with the B. S. and M. A. degrees. She will continue her work in the department of hygiene at Johns Hopkins. This ris a signal honor to Miss Greene and to Dr. J. L. Beeson, an alumnus of Johns Hopkins who recommended her for the place, ns well as tl Georgia State College for Women Mr. D. M. Rogers, chairman of the local Red Cgoss organisation, has received an appeal for aid for tho storm sufferer* in South Georgia. He determined that he would not make a personal canvas, but give the people of this city an opportunity to muke voluntary contributions. A number of our citizens have resopnd- cd. The storm that swept through South Georgia last Thursday carried death and destruction in its path, and delief is absolutely necessary, and the people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county are appealed to by the local Red Cross to render assistance at once by handing their contributions to Mr. D. M. Rogers or Mr. -L. C. Hall. Those who have responded to the call to date are: The Sunbeam So ciety of the Baptist church, R. M. Rogers, E. E. Bell, 0. H. Whitfield, Mrs. Newcomer, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Massey, J- E. Grenade, D. M. Rog ers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Miss Jennie Jewell, Mrs. J. L. Beeson, J. E. Chandler, Miss Mary Burns, Miss Alice Napier. Misses Carrie and Em Carrington, L. C. Hall, .Mis* A. J. Schell, J. C. Grant. DR. WILL JONES IN MACON HOSPITAL Dr. Will. Jones, of New Orleans, who was on a visit to his mother, Mrs. L. M. Jones, was carried to Miicon hospital Monday for an ap- ndicitis operation. Dr. Jones suffered an attack early Monday naming and was immediately rush ed to the hospital. Dr. Jones’ condition is not serious and he has rallied from the opera tion. He will return here in about two week* to regain his strength be fore going back to New Orleans. REMAINS OF MRS. M. H. CLARKE TO BE BURIED HERE .The remains of Mrs. Willie La timer Clarkie, widow of the late Dr. H. M. Clarke, will be brought to Mil ledgeville for burial this (Thursday) afternoon at four o’clock. Mrs. Clarke died Wednesday in Atlanta, after a week’s illnes«. Mr?. Clarke made her home in and near this city for a long number of years, and is well remembered here. Dr. Clarke was a popular dentist i.” this city for a number of year?. For several years past she ha* made her home in Atlanta, Uut returned here frequently for a visit. W. M S. TO MEE^ MONDAY The r fOman’s M«ssicr.sry Society of the Methodist chu/v will me»t next Monday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The members are requested to remember this meeting and attend.