Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 23, 1929, Image 1

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'Si for fcNct **on of mpstj, [vollme xcix Jasmxsrts*^ * im»* Milled, exile, G>., May 13. \»M Consolidated ia 1*7* Number 40 lome-coming Ex-students BALDWIN ROAD G. M. C. Important Event PAVING STARTED G. S. S. NURSES GRADUATE 23RD. Jrrangtments Being .lade to Make [l 4 Gret Occasion for Visitors Alumni to Organize | eUR " HONORED expected r-niing of the ex-stud- i-, (; -orgia Military College and 4th is growing in (ll .th in Milledgeville nnd ut the State. tier \ , m . t ;. «.f the local ex-studenta 1,1 ■ • • . court house Tuesday n .| .t .. ro was a full discussion i,take the home-coming a A program of entertain- perfected. All cx- «! : ! he registered as quick- , , i after their arrival in , tv Dr. M. F. Stembridge. of r,.,, • committee, will be at Baldwin Hotel, to assign the i ir homes. He is anx- v people of Milledgeville : r ! . :I county, who will pro- , !n for the visitor* Monday r,t. let him know at once. U rvi,’ the ex-students will at- ,i the elocution contest in the t Impel: at one o’clock a ban >: v. : hr held on the campus, med :■ !y afterward*, the ex-stud . v i assemble in the chape! tre this will be talks, music, and fiTB'ation of an Alumni Associr.- u perfected. V. ; "!*» o’clock the competitive v.:!! !e witnessed after which will he taken for an auto. FATHER MORROW 10 YEARS HERE Rev. T. J- Morrow Concludes Ten Years As Priest of Catholic Church in This Cily Highway Department Begins Lay- Eight to Receive Diplomas Fron ing Base on Route to Macon Training School Dr. Flynn to Haddock-Gray Onen Make Address CRAY-MACON ROAD FINISHED BRANTLY DELIVERS DIPLOMAS University of Georgia Dean Addresses Students G.S.C.W. SANITARIUM HAS PAID EMPLOYEES Dr. Stephens Discusses Educational Problems in State at Chapel Exercises Today DOCTORS ACADEMY SPONSORS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN GA. Reverend T. J. Morrow, Priest of the Sacred Heart Catholic church, concluded ten years of service to the Middle Georgia Missions on lait Sunday, und forty-three years in the ministry. Father Morrow n.s ne is affection ately known by ad sects and creed-, came here from Atlanta after having spent fifteen years in Georgia. He had served as Chaplain of the Fed eral Prison and had been ir. charge of several Georgia Missions. His Mis-ion here has covered 8>- 000 square miles and he has served his people faithfully. He has en deared himself to the people and the entire city joins in felicitations to the aged minister. His work here hah been felt throughout the city and although his health has been declining for several years he hns carried on most remarkably. - Father Morrow enters upon anoth er vear of work here with the best A long section of the Baldwin county highway leading to Macon was plowed up this week for the lay ing of the chert and gravel base in preparation to the paving of this fiction of the Macon-Millcdgeville state highway section. The Gity-Macon section of the food was finished and opened to traffic this week and the Gray-Had deck section wm announced oper for a few weeks, before being clo- cd for the top surfacing work to b< wishes of all people. Highway superintendent Edwards has finished the grud'ng work of the Baldwin section and the highway de partment will go through with the base nnd foundation work. The supplies are being shipped to the State Farm depot and will be hauled from that point. The entire summer will be necessary to finish the foundation work, the supervisor of the road stated and although we are pushing the work to a rapid finish, little hope for three dry months is entertained. The plows have gone several miles west of the State Farm and the first loads-of the base will lVe poured this Eight nurses will receive their diplomas this evening (Thursday) when the graduating exercises of tho Georgia State Sanitarium Nurses Training School will be held in the Assembly Hull at the hospital at eight-thirty. i Dr. R. C. Swint, Superintendent, | will preside at the exercises and pre- :v. nl Dr. J. Ormc Flynn, pastor of the Ponca di* Lton Avenue Presbyterian church of Atlanta, who will make the principal addre.-s of the occasion. Judge John T. B*antlcy, Chair man of the Board of Trustees will deliver the diplomas to the gradu- ates, and Dr. Stone, of Augusta, al- • n a member of the board will deliver the class pin*. After the graduating exercises, a dance will be held in the e.ssmbly room. Mrs. H. S. Jones, Superintendent of Nurses has announced the gradu ates a, follows: Misses Helen Elton both Blackwell, Mary Hazel Key. ! Gladys McCorkle, Samantha Ren j froc, Frankie Oese Resscau, Orcla Smith, Elva Louise Veal. Susie Mae I Wade. the e old colonial home, of Ferguson, where there •iformal reception. In i reception will he held C. campus. he another meeting o? i-students held at the next Monday night at at which time all corn- make their final re- TWENTY-THREE GRADUATES AT PEABODY HIGH SCHOOL J [ Ne tde to Be Held Fridr.y | , Fssrri.es Thursday j l Week G. M. C. Session to Close With Interesting Commencement CrM. C. GRADES TO PRESENT PLAY „ MVM . Annual Tern Will Be Brought to A Close Jane 4;h. Home-Coir : ng of Ex-students The Peabody High School Junior The"sonTor^taTi, DEAN SANFORD ON PROGRAM •nmposed of Misses Dorothy Mont- | rnmerv. Alma Sima, Ruth Wilson, | The fiftieth annual cbmmenci- | EX-STUPENTS G. M. C. TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT n.l Arrangements to Be Made for T'rr Reunion to Be Held June 3rd and 4th Mi ft. II. Wootten, President of - l«cal alumni of G. M. C., has •1M a meeting of all of the ex- ’id<Tt. of the college for next Mon- iv tight, at 8:30 o’clock. ■'•■meeting it is expected that • ngements will he perfeci- the great home-coming of c ■ • idents on June 3rd and 4th. r. TV tm announces that from r . re will be a " v iUr of the ex-students at Geraldine Reid. Harriett Campbell, Hilda Ansley, Elizabeth Skinner, Jewell Ivey, Florence Gheesling. Eunice Chandler. May Moore. Sarah Hitchcock, Rfcbie Hitchcock, Hazel Bivins, Clara Holloway, Alice Jack son. I)osie Robert*. Dorothy Harri son, Ruby McMillan. Hilda Renfroe, Melissa Pettigrew, Caroline Enni? and Caroline Humphrey. The class day exercises will he held Thursday, May 28th. These exercises will consist of reading the class history, prophecy, valedictory tongs, etc., and will be full of irter- cut. The Ml pi; t be « college should lend his - --operation in making this o the history of Milledge- locnl ex-student should b c urt house next Monday 8:30 o’clock. rr iuating exercises the evening of Jum ne the address will II. F. Harding, will JOHN MONTGOMERY COM PLETES FLYING SCHOOL nd Be Thii ,f the Georgia Military Col lege will be marked by a most inter esting program. On Wednesday evening May 29th. There will be an entertainment by the children of the grades. Thursday evening. May 31st, Tin Annual Band Concert will take place at 8:30 o’clock. Friday, May 31st, the Senior Play will be rendered. Sunday, June 2nd. the Bnccnlnur-’- f.te Sermon wlil be preached by Dr A. M. Pierce. In the afternoon at five o’clock there will It n Drew Parade aw' Band Concert. Monday, June 3rd, th n re will be a Declamation Content at ten o’clock r t one o’clock a bnnqrnt for the ox- tudents: In the afternoon r •"'•et- ing of the cx-student c will be held in the chapel, and an Alumni Associi - n formed: Competitive Drills will be held; at PrOO o’clock 5" th.. evening the Jun- Fcnds Delayed by Shortage of State Funds Received Last Week and All Employees Paid HOSPITAL WORK CONTINUES Money necessary to pay employees of the State Sanitarium was received week by Mr. Homer Bivins and all checks have been issued for the May payroll. • Despite the fact that the payroll was five days late, the delay was ‘ unavoidable and beyond the control j of the officers at the Institution. I Erronenous reports went out that Milledgeville merchants were impati ent nnd demanding payment of ac counts due them by the Institution employres. The merchants hew.* understood the matter and co-ope rated in every way with the Sani tarium authorities. Work on the hospital at the Sani tarium continues and rapid progress is being made. State funds have not been available but the Sanitarium Trustees have arranged to have the work financed. Erc-ction of the L. M. Jones building was began early in the year and although bad weath er has hampered progress, the build ing work is going forward rapidly. It is being built of concrete, tile and steel and will be veneered with brick. The new building occupies a central location on the hospital grounds. The payment of the employees w.i, days Into, the 12th of each An addrets upon graduuti* study in the South was made Wednesday morning by Doctor Roswell Powell Stephens, dean of the graduate school of the University of Georgia, in the auditorium of the Milledge ville Georgia State College for Wo men, before an assembled audience of faculty and students. The speak er was the guest of the college for the day and of the local branch of the Doctors’ Aacndemy. Members of the Academy occupied ■ :tr or the platform. Doctor Daniels as president of the Academy presided. Doctor J. L. Beeson thanked the speaker for his presence and mo«- Doctor Beeson has recently been elected president of the Aca demy for the ensuing year. Mrs. Hel**n Longino sang the Last Ro«o of Sumer by request. At the close of the address Georgiu Land was sung by Mr.*-. Hines, the composer, and Mrs. Longino and Miss Hallie Smith, with Miss Jenkins ns accomp anist. Doctor Stephens in brief said: "During the past few years there has been an industrial and education al awakening in the South. Today all the colleges in Georgia, Without any special effort, hove more stud ents than they nr** equipped to handle properly. Such a situation is general throughout the South. A generation has arisen that is demand ing that its own shall give it the same advantages offered by the in iitutions in other states. With the exception of Willi* month being the usual <V< for say-: • , « . „ urctf be-! md M:,r - V ' l olU 'l - 11 i little was i rr.ent. This delay has 'X Im- Hi Jcnks Circes College Audi torinm Wednesday Evening, May 29th The children of the grades of the G eorgia Military College will in their primal entertainment on Wednesday ov’ ning of next week present H’ .Te iks Circus. A large number of the children will take part in this entertainment, end it will be filled with interesting feature- from opening to close. The children have been trained by the teachers and each of them will play heir part well. The people of Milledgeville always rrcet the children with large audi- -ncos, and on next Wednesday c ng it can he expected that the cto auditorium will be filled ti rapacity. The following is the program Opening number—Concert hy M. C. First Grade Band. 2. Rally and Si ot the circus. ?. Introduction by proprfetoi "1SH0P MIKELL STRESSES NEED OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION I Carolines were established. These — — 'three institutions which opened to Episcopal Bishop in Sermon Sunday L-tudent? within the ten year period to Largo Congregation Urges ^ 1795-1805 probably determined the Teaching of Bible and Religion {prevailing type of our American in stitutions. Other state institutions followed. Really there was very little gradu ate work done in the United States up to the passage of the Morrill Act in 1862 and the founding of John (Continued on back page) The Right Revcrened H. J. Mikell. Episcopal Bidiop of the Atlanta Diocese, spoke to a large congrega tion at St. Stephens church Sunday morning, stressing the need of reli gious education. Bishop Mikell came here on his an nual visit to the local parish to ad minister the rights of confirmation to n class of five. In his surmon that proceeded the confirmation - i er- viees, he through the life of Christ, from birth to death, drew lessons of life. NANCY HART CHAPTER HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING of Am for 111: .Te Week of Mr. Montgomery, «nn F. Montgomery, »t Thursday from 1 Flying School in Atlanta and ,-cd hi- licrn.-e as a Pilot R E LAMAR IN CITY—DR. CHAS | H HERTY COMING TO RE-UNION K. Lamar of Philadelphia} 11 •• city today. He is the • of the late Mr. and 1 ’ ;: itl N. Lamar, and is a nn- ’ ’I city. I.utnar is new District Pass- ’•t of the Seaboard Air- • d with headquarters in " in the city, called at the Mr. R. H. Wootten, who -t the time, and left him • thet Dr. Chas. H. Herty. •ing to come to the G. M. •.mii.n in June. This announce- be received with great by the people of the city. trip to Dr. Stembridge desires for know any ex-student of ’ C.. who will be at the re-un- June 3rd and 4th, to report ? m ' e to him at once. Thig is I y necessary so that all of ~ > be provided with homes. Mr. Montgomery made Tallahassee, Fla., Sunday where he will fly pasengera during this week. He has not definitely decided the nrvic" that he will enter, but is now cr mected with n air passenger r. Montgome ol about or.e made n splendid entered the ago and ha.- •d as a pilot. REV . J. F. YARBROUGH TO PPEACH AT DEVEREAUX Rev. J. F. Yarbrough will preach the commencement sermon of t e Dei'ereaux school Sunday. ^ Mi*. Yarbrough is well known -o the people of Devercaux. having eondueU'd revival •erviees there the ‘part summer. He will be gretted with a Urge audience. Rev. W. A- Maxwell, pmtor of the Devereaux McthocHst ^'h^'h, will fill the pulpit of the Milledge ville Method‘ot church at the Sun- , frequent visitor to the city. Sam’s welcome Pageant.) Clou ntic r.nd Aerial pu Animals. •rn Dkriil*—Harmon itunt'r. Promenade nnd nr e cx-students will be held. Tuesday, June Uth. Graduniing | N’ntii "ITr \ Exercises end Bneentaureate Addi-w | »■ „ “ ll.vDr S. V. Snnford; Competitive. .. the HitVI, pr . Hii s( p M , . ! 8 - The session that will be brongnt! Band. lo n close hns been n mo.t successful # Side Shows. '.ne. nnd -the Commencement season j 10. Ensemble.^ »'°ntinti f c^It^n, bv '-lit ED ATH0N KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS BY BASEBALL ••ting meetii-g of the ! Nancy Hart Chapter of the D. A. R. iwr^ held at the Mansion Tuesday i afternon, wiht Mrs. J. L. BeeM>n und Mr*. K. W. Hatcher a; hostesses. ; The interior of the Mansion wan beautiful in its decimal i« is of^ egated flowers. M At the business meeting reports dr W T WYNN IN DEMAND AS SPEAKER ! 1 (KciMi Painful Injury tu An e hr Being Struck by Ball Knocked in Grand Stand The breaking down of religious j teaching has been th? greatest men ace to tho welfare of our nation, the Bishop stated. Th« separation of church and state was wise and we fr.lt no eveil influence during th' first decade of our nation’s hlsto but today when there is no-religion j taught in the home, and * no state maintanied or public school pn teach religion, the only teaching' 1 receives i the few minuten i day School. The disregard for law and the increase in juvinile'rrimcs is attributed to this laxity in religious education and fenchfnr. ^ Bishop Mikell stressed. - Hir, sermon wa= a master piece in words and delivered with'an eloqu ence that gripped the attention of hh= , listeners. I« Vic-'-Regent. Mr Bishop Mikell left early in the nf-|2nd Vice-Regent, M Atlanta where f«H: Recording Secretary, Mr,. J. cor _ 1 L. Bec-cn: rorre>pcnJing Secretary, enn xeacn i 1 the chad “f of the officer, -. i n Sui. ■ i Mr-. Y. H. Ynrb li-es srbri.ugh nnd J. I. Gnrrurfi, who represented hapter at the National Conven- gave intertnjninlf—And in- th*e accounts of tbe r proceed- offi^ys-o* ulted Es follows: Regent, Mrs. Y. H.’ Yarbrough; , rMjarrard; C. P- Craw- Haddock School* Dr. W. T. Wynn, "f the G. S. C. W„ faculty, is in demand as a speaker at commencement exercises thih year. On May 27th Dr. Wynn will de- liver the address at the eradnntmg exercises of the Entoutoa High Scheol and of the school at Haddock i May 27th. Dr. Wynn has made a close study nf the probities "f education and is the author of an K "flish K™mmar, which has demanded attention in tlye educational world. pleasant speaker, and dis- yillc Method‘ct church at tt' Sna He U “ plfl ’?" ct h , m jght chose Legion will meet with Mrs. David ^ h ilfcu.n" Bg!Sr ' *'• Mr. Ed Athon Was painfully in- ju-M Monday afternoon, while a •.pectator at the game of baseball be tween G. M. C. and Georgia Fresh men. A foul ball Was knocked into the grand stand, hit the concrete, and rebounding struck Mr. Athon just above the eye. He was knock ed unconscious, and medical aid was necessary. "His eye was given Ircat- The eye was not seriously ibjured. but Mr. Athon was compelled to r - main at his home a day or two. ■moon to return c had the Degree of L. L. D. cor ferred upon him by Oglethorpe Uni verrity at their graduating exercise: Sunday evening. ✓ FARMERS CLUB MET SATURDAY The Farmers Club met ‘Saturday the home of fir. i. R. Torrance, Judge B. H. Dunaway, presiding. At the conclusion of the business meet- ig, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance, assi-ted / their daughters, terved n moat mpting harbecue dinner, which wa- Jcr* N. Moore went to Cornelia [Mr. Jon .Hutchinson; Treasurer Mrs. Jos E. Pottle; Chaplain. Mrs. S. A. Cook; Historian. Miss Leila Lamar; Auditor, Mi s Malta Thom- MERCHANTS TO CLOSE THURS DAY AFTERNOONS AFTER JUNE 13TH SERVICE STAR LEGION TO MEET Woodrow Wilson. Service Sta region will meet with Mrs. Ds Fergurson , Tuesday afternoon fiVe o'clock. merchants of the city have •d an agreement to close theTr A heavy rain fell in this aeetion ] places of business Thursday aftei- Monuay evening, corUnuln, well in- j noon of each week, commencing to the night The crops were help- June 13th. • ,,l by the rain. Then fallowed quite This enstom hxs been followcdin fell in the temperature, and It was MllledgovJUc for the past oevekal n-cssonably coo] Tuesday night and I years, and hn> proven satisfaetory Wednesday .norning. to the merchants, clerks and pnblic.