Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 30, 1929, Image 4

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INPANT SERIOUSLY llilURED IN^V re McClunev h= ct,no AUTO WKtUk A series of Evangelistic iervicea began at the HaiWwitk Bapt|-t hurch on last Sunday morning. Rev. '' Mr ‘' “TjJ- F. JlcCluney. the paster, U preach- ing at the sen-ices which will con tinue through this week. Two services a»“• being held each day. A noon service at one o'clock which is conducted especially for the employees at the Sanitarium and the evening service. The public invited to the UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, CA-, MAY 30. 1929 Alabama, received last Thursday when wrecked on the pirta road near this city. Little Violet DuPreo suffered a .ractured skull and her condition was J gi/ave, although she has improved and will recover it i» understood. The other occupants of the car re ceived only minor injuries, but brui.*- es and shock made <it necessary to main in the hospital several days. The party was enroute fri Charleston, S. C. t to their home •ornery. The accident o ecu red nst Thursday afternoon J | Black Springs church. NASH 400 Ltail* the II Vrfrf in .Motor Car I 'aloe ?▼ HOME ON JEFFERSON STREET BEING MOVED FOR NEW HOME The Malpuss home recently pur- I chased by Mr. Ralph Simmer-on is 11>. ing moved on the lower part of the | corner lot and will face Montgom- to the! ery street. Mr. Simmerson will Evrry build a new home on the corner at .houu,“" ' nr| y da,e - ..... thru their premises are cleaned, of all trash, that their prettiest flow-1 FREE WfLL OFFERING ASKED era are blooming, and that their BY BAND lawns are mowed. Milledgeville of the Com- nd there will be ;o the city to i. The clean-up inaugurated in s ago by the should he at should lund see that it i: WELCOME EX-CADETS It is with much plea?ure that Mil- ledgev lie and especially those of us who attended G. M. C. welcome back to C ild school the men and women who were once students there and madi Miledgevile their home for ct The G. M. C. Band will take a free will ofering at their concert Thurs day evening. Ushers at the door will receive contributions. Maj. stated that this fund tuichasing music and the band. \Y cl CO uRtha. rue tin i friends am! a-- members of that great ho.-t of me a and women who have gone from the halls of the college to do their hit in the world. We trust they will take full advantage of our hospitality which we give freely and abundantly. May their stay here bring hack many memories of the days in Millcdgeville, memories read ing. 'r.ting. and 'rithmetic and not forget the hickory stick. There have K en many stirring scene enacted on the old capitol 1 of them when the RALPH SIMMERSON AT BUICK MEETING IN ATLANTA Mr. Ralph Simmerson. Buick Deal er. spent Tuesday in Atlanta attend ing the first showing of the new Marquette at the Atlanta sales room Mr. Might will return Friday with • ne of the new cars. MV- Simmerson stated that the Marquette was the big hit of the yrar in Atlanta and that the new car would be displayed here Satur day. hi! rrt-i n hunting Wj tol. Thor those who Monday a reveling lr the hvae been even recalled either hr s that ig the ■i* thnt that spent here next week will be pleasant for all those who nt- and we feel sure that every fri whether alumnus of the col- rr not will lend themselves to entertainment and pleasure of ■t the spirit be. “Welcome G. M. luimii, thrice welcome, you are want you to have enter into the joys of and let every hand be ady EPWORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS The folowing officers have been elected Uy the Epworth League, the young People's organization of the Methodist church: President. Miss Dorothy Parks; Vice-President, M&» Martha Bass; 2nd Vice-President, Margaret Grimes; Secretary, Miss Christine Holloway: Treasurer, Alton Barnes; 1st Dep. Supt., Miss Mary Karr: 2nd Dept., Supt.. Miss Elizabeth Paschal: 3rd Dept.. Supt- Miss Clara Hol loway; 4th Dpt., Supt.. Mi-s Evelyn Wilson; Era Agent, Floyd Wynn. DEATH OF HAROLD ROBINSON Harold Robinson, seven tee n-ycar- old son of Mr. Bethea Robinson, died at the home of hi- father, mar Carr’s Station, in Hancock county Satur day morning. He had been in ill health for some months, but his death tame quickly after only .a day’s se vere illness. The funeral sen-ices were held Sunday afternoon, but the burial had to be delayed until the following day t of i ul wind ’ ATTEND G. M. C. COMMENCE MENT The Commencement of the Geor gia Military College should appeal to the people of Millcdgeville and Baldwin, and all of the exercises should be attended by lai I>r. A. M. Pierce, who Mr. Robinson is survived by j father and three sisters. Mrs. A Ivan iinaid, of LaGrnngo, and Misti rothy and Christine Robinson and number of other relatives, lie exercises wns « member of the Baptist church e crowds. ond WHB recognized as a manly and ill f r»h Christian hoy. one of the m»t elo- '— “ „ . , ilnrlv preacher, in the R‘V. «. A. Maxell. pu-tor of nr present., the thomo ho .lie-.the Dovoroaux Methodist church, forcefully and coaviacmyly, inched a. the Methodist church m d« the closest attention of his ‘this city Sunday morning. The sub- i ject of his discourse 'elocution contest Monday] p c r5 ‘ :niil Tou ' h of g will be participated in by of the cadets. They are y | sen ted his thei the best speaker the id should grec The Baccalaureate address will i»i •Nvered Tuesday morning by Dr. S Sanford. Dr! Sanford is one o • leadix a speaker «*f unu-unl ability. He -ivv« and understands the problems fit confront the young people of •day and it can be safely predicted ijit his address will be well worth The Georgia Military College i? h school of the people of this com munity. and they should show their iterest by attending the commt interestingly, and f illustrations show- that human life touched by Di- Power. became useful and a benediction to the world. REV J. F. YARBROUGH ATTENDS WESLEYAN BOARD MEETING Rev. F. Yarbrough. Methodist. ; Minister, attended n meeting of the[r^ Board of Trustee- of Wesleyan Col lege in Macon. Thursday and Fri day of this week. Rev. Yarbrough ha? been a number of the Board sev eral year.- and is vitally interested in *.he colleges affairs. MARSHAL’S SALE City of Milledgeville, Ge< GEORGIA. Baldwin County: Will be sold before the court house door in Baldwin County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the fir.-t Tuesday in July, 1929, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de-cribed lots! or parcels of land, lying and being j in the City oi Milledgeville, said j State and County, to satisfy certain executions issued by the Clerk andJ Treasurer of the City of Milledge ville against the lands hereinafter described, bearing teste in the name, of the Mayor of said city, as provid- 1 ■d by the Act of the General As semble of Georgia, relating to the of street improvement bonds 1 city, approved August 21st., for past due installments and ■t on certain Milledgeville Street Improvement Bond-: To-wit— First Tract: That tract or parcel j of land belonging to Mrs. Warren Edwards situate on the South side of McIntosh Street between and adjoin ing the lands of Jeanes 4 Robinson and North Wayne Street. Said land is designated as Lot No. 4 on the plan and plat of work done on Street Improvement Zone No. 25 in said city, front. 100 feet on said Street improvement Zone and runs back South 91 feet. Said land was levied upon to satisfy an execution for $RR.!5, with interest and costs, issu ed against the above described land upon default in the payment of the installment and interest due on the 14th day of April, 1929, on Street Improvement Bond No. 379, for the t of improving and paving Street; Improvement Sectiqn No. 25. There! o been plnced in my hands a fi fa. issued by the same authority; urn of $124.31, issued upon defuult in the payment of the in- itaIIment and interest due on Street Improvement Zone No. 5. on Pond No. 306. Second tract: That tr?ct or parcel •f land belonging to A. W. Tisdale ituate on the En-t side of Wilkin- on Street between and adjoining the ands of Mrs. J. R. Hines and the lands of J. F. Bell, Sr.. Said Innd be- ; ng designated as Lot No. 7 on the nlan and plat of work d >ne on Street Improvement Zone No. 12 in the City of Milledgeville. The lands fronts 56 feet on the street improve ment zone and runs back East 70 feet. Said was levied upon to satis fy an execution for S8R.66, with interest and costs, issued against the above described land ns the property of A. W. Tisdale, upon default in the payment of the installment and inter est due on April 14th. 1929, on Street Improvement Bond No. 313. issued for the ccv»t of improving and paviti.T Street Improvement Section No. 12 in said city. Third tract: Thnt tract of land; belonging to W. J. and C. N. Cand-1 ler situate on the South side of Han cock Street between and adjoining the lands of W. H. Minor and El bert Street. Said lot is designated as Lot No. 4 on the plan and plat of work done on Street Improvement Zone No. 19 in said City, anil fronts 105 feet on the Street Improve^. I “Thei2ono and runs back South 210 feet. P rc *l Said land w STANDARD SIX Delivered, Fully Equipped Coupes SPECIAL SIX Delivered, Fully Equipped ADVANCED SIX Delivered, Fully Equipped $900:22 $1370-22 $1920-22 Lower,Delivered, Completely Equipped Rices N ASH engineers have created a group of three striking Coupes. For business, the small family, or as a second car the Standard Six Coupe is easily the choice of the 91,000 field. It is powered by a Nash-designed, high-compression, 7-bearing motor. A particular asset of this Coupe is its riding ease achieved by alloy steel springs individually designed to its exact size and weight, plus Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers. An outstanding feature of the Special and Advanced Six Coupes (both oj which have big tumble seats in the rear deck) is the Twin-Ignition motor. These larger models also have the famous Bijur centralized chassis lubri cation. and hydraulic shock absorb ers (Lovejoy and Houdaille). All "400” models are fully factory equipped with front and rear bumpers, hydraulic shock absorbers, spare tire lock and tire cover. In your delivered price there's not a dollar added to the factory price for these features. Compare fully equipped, delivered prices on other cars and see how much is added to their factory prices to cover these same features. Delivered, Fully Equipped, Price Range on 25 Nath “400" Model*, $990.00 to $2310.00 Hines-Cailaway Auto Co. default in the payment of the install ment and interest due on April 14th, 1929, on Street Improvement Bond No. 333 for the cost of improving and paving Street Improvement Zone No. 19 !n said city. Fourth Tract: That tract or par cel of land belonging to L. N. Calla way i-ituate on the South side of Green Street between and adjoining the lands of M. S. Bell and Wilkin son Street. Said land is designated as Lot No. 5 on the plan and plat of the work done on Street Improve ment Zone No. 15 in said city. Said land fronts 210 feel on the Street Improvement Zone ahd runs back, 70 feet. Said land was levied upon j to satisfy and execution for $176.07, vith i levied upon to satisfy an execution for $143.21, with inter est and cost-, issued against the above described land as the property of W. J. and C. N. Chandler, upon against, the above described land as the property of L. N. Callaway, upon default in the payment of the in stallment and interert due on April 14th, 1929, on Street Improvement! Bond No. 320, for the cost of im proving and paving Street Improve ment Section No. 15. All of the above mentioned fi fas. were issued by R. T. Baisden, Sr., Clerk and Treasurer of the City of Milledgeville. Notice of the levy of the above executions has been given to the de fendants and tenants in possession a: required by law. Deeds will be made to the purchasers by the under signed Marshal. This May 29th, 1929. J. H. THIGPEN, Manual of the City of M|lledgcvi|le, Georgia. Make Ice Cream QUICKLY WITH AN Alaska Freezer THEY FREEZE IN FOUR MINUTES Equipped with Aerating Spoon dasher which agitates from center to circumference—making delicious velvety cream; also has removable gear release making possible fruit creams and ices without macerating the fruit. Don’t buy a freezer until you see the ALASKA. R. W.Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail -os SALE—Si, pl.c. Mr. E. A. Nesmith, Farm Agent of Randolph county, spent several hours of Monday in the city. He^ met a number of his friends, who| gave him the glad hand. YOU WOCO-PEP, IT MAKES THEM STEP is now at the same prica all re your oil chanrcd i Jcr4x'i aad got the beat. it I- N. I FOR RENT—Two large room*, I kitchen and breakfast room. 1 493. Chandler Bros. FRIDAY m SATURDAY SPECIALS Good Flour, 24 lb 89c Good Boiling Meat, lb .. 13c Good Cup Coffee, lb 27 l-2c Sugar. 4 lb. 25c 17 lbs $1.00 Sugar, 25 lb. Sack $1.40 Puritan Sliced Bacon, lb 33c Best Creamry Butter, lb 54c Fresh Mullet, per lb. 15c Fresh Trout, per lb a 15c “KASH AND KARRY” Chandler Bros. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxx; To the 2,418,938 GRADUATES OF 1929 And especially to those of you who live in this community— our warmest congratulations. And r..ay all the years to come be as happy as this hour of recognition for all your labors. And may you, even as the multitude of graduates before you. receive a lovely gift in honor of your commencement—-a gift that will keep alive the memories of this happy day. The fact that tve sell them is incidental. If the privilege of providing your gift is bestowed upon us, we shall be all the happier. If not, our congratulations are no less sincere. Williams & Ritchie, JEWELERS Milledgeville, Georgia —