Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 30, 1929, Image 5

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g fZ. P1 UNION RECORDER, M1LLEDGEVILLE, CA,, MAY SO, 10S0 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Phelps spent week-end in Greensboro. Mr F. C. Penuel made a business Macon Saturday. j, r ; , n d Mr. W. S. Bowen spent Dr. O. F. M< r^n illness of several days. Newell Bass of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting friends in the city. Mrs. I, N. Bock who hus been ill, is slowly regaining her strength. Ebcrhart has been[ Mr. J. T. Andrews spent Monday ih.'"ga->t of Miss Mary Alfriend of and Tuesday in Atlanta on business. Macon. Miss Laure Farr who hes been Mr-. Geo. "cst and children of teaching at Statesboro is at home \ i -4 arc visiting Mrs. West’s for the holidays. | , irert ., Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mays, i Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Edwards and v;- T. C. Bloodworth, who is at- Miss Gwendolyn Eduards spent Fri- • n jintr Mercer, spent the week-end day in Macon. with hnn’.efolk*. Mr. R. T. Baisden, City Clerk ar.d Mr. .ir.d Mrs. J. T. Terry sp;r.t. Treasurer, has been ill for several <und»y in Macon. ! days past. \I,_ L. Coates has returned i Mrs. Wallace Butts, Jr., of Madi- {rom a virit to relatives in Macon. | son, is visiting friends and relatives j Mr. Vnden Parks spent last Thurs-iin the city, day with his mother, Mrs. M. M.| Miss Sarah Blanks has returned Park.. | home from Statesboro where she ha* Mr ;'nd Mrs. W. L. Ritchie and'been teaching. . n. fie rce Case, spent Sunday w r ith * Mrs. W. H. Stembridge spent Commerce. Mr*. Roscoc Holly, of Augusta, wa, th« week-end guest of Dr. and Mr.-. J- C. Statham. Mb. S. D. , Sttembridge and dauchters spent the week-end visit-; ine relatives at Conyers. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Camp spent «-vmI days of tht past week with ifr-. Hattie Garrard. Mr. Jack Day of Atlanta spent the eral days of the past week, visit ing relatives in Macon. Col. and Mrs. C. B. McCullar are attending the meeting of the State Bar Association in Atlanta. Oscar Bloodworth, Jr., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blanks during commencement. Mr. L. C. Hal! and Mr. Miller R. | Bell are attending the State Bankers: Convention in Atlanta this week. | k-end at home with his parent®,L Mbs Naomi Vinson, who has been 1 .,• ■1 Mrs. John T. Day. | the guest of Miss Alice McCraw ho® 1 Mr-. S. S. Vincent is regaining her: returned to her home in Macon. j ; tr.njrth at the city hospital, after Mrs. J. L. Reeron was called to undergoing an operation for appen-1 Winston, Gn., to atttnd the funeral diritis. . j of her aunt, Mrs. William Burnett.; Mi- ''•rinne Milton, who is nt-| Col. Erwin Sibley left Wednesday* tending school in Atlanta, will be a (afternoon for Atlanta to attend the ivr.'.nu vinent visitor at the home i meeting of the State Bar Association, j ft her grandmother, Mrs. C. P.j Mrs. S. L. Terry has returned Hon. and Mrs. John T. Brantley,j from an extended visit to her son,' ■ Blarkshear, were the guests of, daughter and niece in North Caro -j Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Swint cn last \ lina. Thursday and Friday. j Mrs. Roy Bittner and Miss Cath- : - Fioride Allen .ar.d Kate trine Little of Newark. N. J., are Tr.M ••• and Mrs. Edwin Allen and [ visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.: . daughter Betty, spent the pnstjlf. W. Little. r ,U:d in Atlanta. C.-swford. Mr-. Marion Grote and children, of Zrfiulon, N. C.. are visiting Mrs. ts, Mr. and Mrs. B. F- Ebcriarb M. Rath Hudson of Newnan, ' a tudent at the Wesleyar. r r -r a'ory, has ltf*en the guest of Mrs. Roy Nelson thlr Mr-_ T. H. Rentz and children have returned from Macon whore they br<- !>een visiting relatives the pa®t Coach Rent/, spent the Week- End with them. Mi. William Spencer Rockwell, of A anta. moton-d down and spent :r.f wrek-end with his mother, Mrs. O’Driscoll Rockwell and his si*- trr. Mi-- Margaret Schley Rockwell. Blanch Baugh, of this county, ‘•d at the Agricultural col- Granite Hill the past week. Edwards, Mrs. Olive Giles, •' 1 N'cwton and Miss Myrtle -Mended the graduating exer- A. Massey was hostess to ' mg club Friday afternoon, flowers arti tically aiTanged '« • d in the decorations, and n time wa« enjoyed. Dainty r ' 1 ”■« nts were served by the ^rd Mrs. E. A. Tigner and Mr. f Andrews spent Saturday and •; rda y in Mcrriwether county at the 1' f’i(T home place, visiting Dr. '-r- r- father and ‘Isters. Mr. Tig- of the oldet citizens of . Walter Mir ** of this spent el; with his parents ”'■ -Mr. Minor will graduate nt the " " University on next Tuesday his M. D. degree. He will ,r " n a Mobile Alabama hospital B. H. Hutchings has return er home in Utica. N. Y.. af- J v »sit of several weeks to Mrs. M.r raw. Mrs. Hutching.; " nt Staunton, Vs., enroute : 1 ■* visit her daughter. Miss ,th V Hutchings. ; Charles Spencer Rockwell Rockwell with their two lit- j-,.. C harles Jr., and Ralph n ; nd Rockwell, spent a few Mr-. Wm O'Driscoll .Rock- Margaret Rockwell this to red up from Sa- They *»»>nah. “"radeir Ccnoral B. C. Ward of !v„ ! l ’ r:| division of the Georgia 1^“* federate Veterans, Will .,]* turday for Macon, where he "■'nt other veterans for tho re- n « Charlotte, N. C. He will be °"‘ y veteran to attend the re- fr om this county. His friends Mr. and Mrs. John White of Tam pa, Fin., will he the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blanks during the “Home Coming.” Mrs. G. M. Kendrick has suffici ently recovered to be removed to the home of her sister. Mrs. J. A. McCollum at Jeffersonvill Miss Mamie Scott, " training for a nurse, at Sanitarium in Macon is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott. Mr. J. L. Stapleton, of Colquitt, was in the city Tuesday on his way home from Augusta, where he is at tending the Medical College. Mr. Stapleton was a Professor nt G. M. Misses*"~A"gne«» and Ruth BarnesJ who hn\e been teaching in the chools in Forest City, N. C., return ed home Sunday. Mr. G. E. Barnes and Cadet Stetson Barnes and Miss Mnrtha Barnes motored to Atlanta] to meet them. Mrs. Geo. L. Echols entertained; at bridge Wednesday after honor of Mrs. Emmett W. Hines, of Baltimore and Mrs. James Clark. The home wn- Beautifully decorated, i and the occasion was a pleasant one. Refreshments were served. SIMPSON-SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Simplon an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Anne Ceiia, to Mr. Lyn wood Lucious Smith, the date of the marriage to be announced later MRS. FORREST WYSONG ENTER- TAINS Mrs. Forrest Wysong entertained her bridge club Wednesday after noon at which Mrs. Wysong honor guest. Delicious refreshments were .served .after the game finished. MRS. STATHAM COMPLIMENTS VISITORS Mr?. J. C. Statham entertained most delightful on last Saturday af ternoon in honor of ner guest for the week-end, Mrs. Roscoe Holly, of Augusta. Sweet peas and other garden flow ers were attractively used through out the home. Bridge was played and at the conclusion of the games, an iced course was served. ATTRACTIVE VISITOR ENTER TAINED Miss Helen Greene, as the guest of her sister. Mis.- EIoj-c Green, has been delightfully entertained during the past week at a number of infor mal affaiv given by former teach ers and classmates of G. S. C. W. Miss Greene received her A .B. in the class of 1928 . She will return to Atlanta for the second quarter of her master’s degree .at Emory Uni versity after visiting her sister here. Her previous scholastic record there has been very high and during the past week she was notified by Dr. Wager that she had been awarded one of the summer school scholar- COMPANY A FEATED AT BAN QUET Capt. Jack Brown entertained the members of his company at n barbe-, cue this evening, Wednesday. The members of the company and the sponsor; gathered around the, banquet table and were served a de-j licious barbecue dinner with all ac-, ccprorK*. Speeches were made and company yells with songs featured, the evening. ATTENTION SPANISH WAR VETS. All Spanish-American Veterans in' Baldwin county adjacent count, 1 !e* J are requested to meet me at the court house Milledgevilln 10:30 on Saturday, June 1st. P. N. MACON, Commander, j Joe Wheeler Camp No. 9. j COMPANY A SPONSORS ENTER TAIN COMPANY The .-ponsors of Company A enter tained the members of the com pany at n pienic supp r at, Brooks Spring on last Saturday af ternoon. The company members and the young ladies went down to the springs on trucks where they en joyed swimming after which the sup per was served. The sponsors of the company are Misses Otclife Flemistdr Louise Jeans, Dorothy Pnrks, May Moore and Mrs. George Roach. Capt. Stanley Chandler entertain ed the members of Company D and the sponsors on last Saturday even ing at the Baldwin hotel dining Flowers of blue and white and crepe paper streamers of the com pany colors were used in decoration, adding to the impressiveness of the scene. At the conclusion of supper ts were given by the young men of the company. COMPANY B GIVEN BARBECUE Capt. Alton Barnes, of Company B. entertair-ed the members of his company and the sponsors at a barbe cue at the home of his uncle, Mr. Walter Stembridge, on Tuesday af ternoon. The company members and their spoiutod* met at the Stdmbitidge home nnd were seated at tables on the lawn. The company colors were attractively used in decorations. Many toasts were given at the con cision of the cue. WILL THOMPSON FEATS COM PANY C Capt. William Thompson was host the members of his company and the young lady sponsors on Monday ning at the home of Mrs. W. T. Little A delicious supper was served the cadets and the young ladies. The tion; I LL SAY WE HAVE BATTERY SERVICE This is our middlo sum who. yen need expert Mrriei. Call us. L. N. JORDAN NATURE’S GIFT To the well balanced Menu Seed time is past. The harvest is here—and what a harvest! Lucious Fruits and Green Vegetables—rich in the treasured, life giving elements so vital to physical vigor and strength. Come today and every day for a choice selection of hese tender tonic —laden foods! SEE OUR WINDOW SPECIALS Peerless Grape Juice Pts 25c Clicquot Pale Dry Ale, 3 for 50c (Ice Cold) Old Virginia Pickle (Mrs. Kidds) Qts 59c Beechnut Peanut Butter 16 oz 35c Gold Bar Santa Clara Prunes, 2 lb. Pkg 28c 24 lb. Good Self-Rising Flour 89c Good White Meat 13c BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE PRICE 263—PHONES—498 L. N. FOR SALE All My Household Draperies MRS. HATTIE GARRARD Phone 100 Just Received ANOTHER CAR OF THAT GOOD PURINA FEED PRICES LOWER THAN THEY HAVE BEEN IN MONTHS Cow Chow $3*00 Liying Mash $4.00 Hen Scratch Feed ......$3.00 Omolcne (90 per cent Grain $2.80 Spray ycur cows with Carpenter’s Fly Spray, and keep the flys away. The best fly spray put up in a can. Ask Henry Lawrence. We have a few Seed Peanuts and Amber Cane Seed left. L D. SMITH LITTLE MISS FLORENCE FEW GIVEN PRETTY PARTY Tuesday afternoon Misses Minnie and Elizabeth Grant entertained at a going away party for their neicc, Florence Few. who leaves this week to make her heme in Athens. Yellow and white was the color ?eheme car ried out in the decorations and re freshments. Aft«r playing games the guests were served cream and cake and each guest received a favor, also basket filled with candy. Those incited were: U Verne Roberts, Barbara Ann Conn, Lau- rotte Bone, Josephine Bone. Roeh- Shouse, Carolyn Banks. Ruth Banks, Carolyn nnd Amelia Horne, Davie Chandler, Anne Sallee. Mary Montgomery*. Martha Dumas, Philip Chandler, Lacey Bass. Floyd Fred erick, Jr. MRS. REEVES AND MRS. INGRAM ENTERTAIN A beautiful affair oi Friday was bridge party at which Mrs. W. H. Reeves’ and Mrs. J. C. Ingram were hostesses at the home of Mrs. Reeves. The home was beautiful decorat- in vari colored summer flowers. "i* h "im » food time .nd s After the f»me . delicious home. courao was served. THE NEW MARQUETTE Will Be On Display Saturday I wish to personally invite the automobile owners of Baldwin county to see this new product of Buick that will be on dis play in my show rooms Saturday. It will be a pleasure to have you call. Ralph Simmerson TWO GALLONS FOR ONE That is What you Get In Master Painter’s Base We Sell for $3.75 per gal. You add a gallon of Linseed Oil and get two gallons paint costing $2.28 per gallon. Cost per square first coat 54 cents —An economical durable paint at a moderate price— Let us show you bow* MASTERS PAINTER’S BASE can save you money. R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail M Don’t envy Commander Byrd You ran dude sultry davh and ■ weltering nights with out sailing nuay from your own comfortable home, if you have a Westinghoiixc Fan. Its cool, quiet, rippling breeze will give you joyous relief from nagging beat waves — and will carry fresh coolness to any part of your home or office. Let us provide you with one of these breeze-makers. We carry them in all sizes and at all prices. There’s the Home Fan, richly finished — with three speeds — and the various types of commercial fans that will m«t« working people comfortable, and keep their efficiency from falling when the mercury climbs. Whatever the type, any Wcstingbousc Fan is eco nomical to run and runs quietly—so quietly you notice only its cooling breeze. Come in and let us turn one your way. And you’ll want to take it home with you! GET A Wfesttngxxise FAN The 10-inch oscillating Home Fan in Black, U7JO. In Old 2,ary, CLIFTON ADAMS KLKCTXICAL and radio supplies.